Ordinarily, I have to go to the dentist to read "Bicycling," and even then the issue is usually eight months out of date. (You can date an issue of "Bicycling" by finding the most expensive bicycle in it, measuring the "beefiness" of the bottom bracket in millimeters, and then dividing that figure by the number of rear cogs. In fact, sometimes this is the only way to tell the issues apart.) However, this time someone from "Bicycling" actually gave--gave--it to me, and not only was it "hot off the presses" (that's magazine publishing lingo for "new"), but I didn't even have to have my teeth drilled to get it.
This is because the June issue of "Bicycling" is the debut of the magazine's official redesign, and they want the bicycle cycling world to know it. Here's what the cover looks like:

Clearly "Bicycling" means business with this redesign.
But redesigning a magazine isn't just about increasing the cover's Fred Load-Bearing Capacity (FLBC). It also extends to the words and pictures on what publishing professionals call the "inside" of the magazine, and "Bicycling" have "dropped" an "edit" to show you what they've done. Basically, what I think they're trying to say is that the magazine is now less "Vanity Fair" for Freds, and more "Rouleur" for Freds.
In all seriousness, I do think "Bicycling" have done an excellent job with the redesign, and with each successive bathroom visit I'm enjoying the June issue more and more. However, this wasn't the reason I was excited to see it. No, I've been eagerly anticipating this issue because it's the one in which they announce the "Editors' Choice" winners, and since I was one of the testers I really wanted to see some Fred-tastic pictures of myself in crabon-testing action. (In case you care, which I'm sure you don't, my favorite bike in any category was the "Giant Defy Advanced 1," despite the fact that it's name is a full sentence long, and probably because it had 25mm tires whereas most of the other bikes had 23s.)
In all seriousness, I do think "Bicycling" have done an excellent job with the redesign, and with each successive bathroom visit I'm enjoying the June issue more and more. However, this wasn't the reason I was excited to see it. No, I've been eagerly anticipating this issue because it's the one in which they announce the "Editors' Choice" winners, and since I was one of the testers I really wanted to see some Fred-tastic pictures of myself in crabon-testing action. (In case you care, which I'm sure you don't, my favorite bike in any category was the "Giant Defy Advanced 1," despite the fact that it's name is a full sentence long, and probably because it had 25mm tires whereas most of the other bikes had 23s.)
Now, as you know, as an anonymous blogger whose identity is a closely-guarded secret, I take great pains to obfuscate any and all of my personal details. However, even I have my vanities, and when "Bicycling" told me that on one of the test rides we'd be photographed I resolved immediately to be "ready for my close-up," as Norma Desmond said in "Sunset Boulevard." This was because, as an awful bike racer, I knew that appearing in the world's largest cycling magazine by circulation could very well be my last-ever chance to experience anything even remotely resembling competitive glory.
Or, to put it another way, I wanted some "face time" in Fred-dom's periodical of record.
But there was one problem: "Bicycling" told me that on photo day I had to wear non-team kit. However, I didn't have any non-team kit, since all my cycling clothing is from my stint with Mapei when I played a vital role in their 1996 Paris-Roubaix podium sweep:

Anyway, the problem remained that I had no non-team cycling clothes. Generously, "Bicycling" offered to lend me an outfit from their closet, but I cringed at the thought of what Primal monstrosities might lurk in there, and there was no way I was going to be immortalized in dentist offices all over Canada's dickey in a "Tribal Fire" jersey.
Therefore, it became clear what I had to do. Say what you will about their overblown marketing copy, and their studiously "epic" videos, and their even more "epic" pricetags, but if you want to look good on a road bike you're not going to fail with the Rapha. Actually, that's not true. You can fail pretty spectacularly with the Rapha:

(His wardrobe is so "epic" it's making him queasy.)
Nevertheless, I was desperate, so just before departing for Austin I allowed my inner fop his head and obtained a complete Rapha ensemble: socks, shorts, jerseys, armwarmers, the whole schmear. And when photo day arrived, I removed each item from its special Rapha puch and put it on with the nervous excitement of a prom-bound teenager donning his first rental tuxedo. Then, I practiced my "epic" expressions in the bathroom mirror. (Hint: After much experimentation, I finally figured out the best way to attain a Rapha-esque wince is to let your mouth hang slightly open, think about your favorite food, and then concentrate on letting the saliva pool in the bottom half of your mouth without spilling it.) I have to say, the clothing was really nice. Like, surprisingly nice. Finally, it was time to mount my Focus Locus Hocus Pocus or whatever crabon bike I was "testing" that day and roll out with the "Bicycling" crew.
I should add that we were photographed constantly by this guy:
Whether it was eating our morning Cocoa Puffs, inflating our tires, stabbing at our "smarting phones," or even actually riding the bikes, nothing escaped his omniscient lens.
So as the road unfurled itself in front of me and I savored the perfect fit of my jersey and the taintal caress of my arguably overpriced but undeniably comfortable chamois, I just assumed it was a certainty that somewhere in "Bicycling" would appear a glossy photograph of me in full Fredly flight. Instead, imagine my surprise when the only picture of me was this:
Actually, I'm not even sure it's me, but there is the white Rapha arm band which signifies my membership in their "Army of Douche," and my head's also more or less level, which means I'm probably still focussing on not spilling my drool pool.
The Sanitov CB (cargo bicycle), is the product of a cultural meeting between traditional Chinese bicycle design and the functionalistic, Danish design approach. The Bicycle is of a traditional Chinese cargo-bicycle infused with the latest technological Know-how and Scandinavian minimalism.
The Sanitov CB is sophisticated built from the best materials we can find. The Design includes, matching full leather handles and saddle, high quality stainless steel and aluminum frames and rack, a world innovative GPS Tracker-system and a battery-driven engine. The built-in battery-driven engine facilitates the function when going over long distances or when transporting heavy goods; a supplement ensuring the convenience and usability of the bicycle in all situations.

Of course, I am as Fredly as anybody, and the fact that I'm disappointed over this photo when it's right next to an entire page of my own writing perfectly underscores the Fred psychology--which, to fall back on a cliché, is to fail to see the forest for the trees. Why enjoy the ride when you can fuss over your power meter? Why enjoy amateur bike racing when you can pay a coach to help you take it more seriously? Why be satisfied with ten speeds when you can have eleven? And so forth.
Also, at one point, a urinal auto-flushed so hard as I stepped to it that it overflowed and someone else's urine sloshed all over my Rapha socks:
Now that's "epic."
Still, I'd rather be doused in urine while wearing Rapha then humiliate myself while wearing in a polar bear costume:

Still, I'd rather be doused in urine while wearing Rapha then humiliate myself while wearing in a polar bear costume:
I'm not sure if this "protest" does a greater disservice to cyclists or to the polar bears themselves, but either way it's one of the most horrifically cringe-inducing things I've ever seen. If these people really want to pretend to be polar bears while making a point they should go find a rapidly-melting iceberg and film their last days on it Timothy Treadwell-style. As it is, if you're wondering why the NYPD is picking on us so much recently, this is probably part of the reason.
Lastly, I have just received an exciting press release about the "Sanitov CB:"
The Sanitov CB (cargo bicycle), is the product of a cultural meeting between traditional Chinese bicycle design and the functionalistic, Danish design approach. The Bicycle is of a traditional Chinese cargo-bicycle infused with the latest technological Know-how and Scandinavian minimalism.
The Sanitov CB is sophisticated built from the best materials we can find. The Design includes, matching full leather handles and saddle, high quality stainless steel and aluminum frames and rack, a world innovative GPS Tracker-system and a battery-driven engine. The built-in battery-driven engine facilitates the function when going over long distances or when transporting heavy goods; a supplement ensuring the convenience and usability of the bicycle in all situations.
too easy. with a full stop and everything.
Der... dumb podium comment
Portage this.
Rounding out the top ten?
How is it possible to make a team without owning any cycling apparel? Did you train in cutoffs and a t-shirt? Did you immediately throw out all your non-team gear in a fit of exuberance at being accepted onto one of NYC's most middle-of-the-road squads?
Taintal caress.
faux polar bears dancing to disco inferno.
burn baby,
I don't just own that Mapei jersey; I own the whole kit. It routinely gives me my cycling "turnabout is fair play" moment, as when motorists see my fat ass in that Mapei monstrosity, they almost invariably travel off into a roadside ditch.
What the fuck is a fondo?
This comment is sophisticated built from the best words I can find.
What the fuck is a fondo?
Duh, obviously.
hey, hey Rapha boy! ( say it, like Ed Norton ).
I dunno, this post left me feeling a little frosty...
Your magazine dating formula could result in some issues apparently traveling backwards in time at the 10spd to 11spd boundary.
mmmm, Chinese danish.....
If you think dancing polar bears are an embarrassment to cycling in NYC just wait until 06/11/11...
Fondo my taint.
I actually like the "new" Bicycling magazine. There's less of the quickie web-page-in-print items and more writing.
But, it did take me a while to find TRMS's bit. Maybe they'll give him a bit more space, too?
I'll extend my subscription if they print the phrase: AYHSMB.
"Scandinavian minimalism" includes GPS system and battery-powered engine. Cool. Will the upgrade include a power cord for my iPad?
Funny post, Snob, by the way speaking of testing I'm random testing as well as part of my return from Morgantown (great bicycling cycling country had that been permitted.) That cropped urinal pic looked alarmingly familiar.
I'd love to know the stats on Bicycling (the mag's) various redesigns.
Test positive.
I always like what you do and stuff. Today was going great, but then you put up that P-bear crap. It is bad, just horrible.
Those polar bear impersonators (imbearonators?) seem to be under the impression that polar bears eat ice. I've met a few actual polar bears and they I can tell you they were more interested in eating me.
And not in a good way either you perverts.
"taintal caress"
How oh how can I work this into a conversation?
sanitov? sounds like a russian porta-potty on wheels.
Steve Tilford crashed this weekend and he says you haven't called to check on him. What gives?
Exactly Ant1 - imagine that contraption overflowing onto your pristine Rapha sock colourways.
Lob bless those well-meaning times up kids, but they antics certainly inspire an odd combination of embarrassment, depression and all- consuming rage. I'm not sure if I want to give them a hug or take a flame thrower to the whole bunch.
I don't know Snobbie,
Some of those polar bear babes were kind of cute. Plus they like to frolic in fountains and give away ice cream.
Turns me on more than getting sloshed with urine in a public restroon while wearing dandy socks.
But to each their own (fetish)
@ Buffalo Bill: Well done on the 'imbearsonators'!
Snobby - I take offense at your non-team apparel issue. For some of us, our entire cycling couture consists of the $5 bin at the leigh valley velodrome swap meet. You get some great 2nd hand team stuff there.
BTW - it is this weekend. You'd sell a lot of books there.
All seriousness aside, I'm epically queasy.
It's a pity that the photoguy didn't capture your 'face of pain' when you got a strangers tinkle washing over your new Rapha socks - they would have almost certainly have used it in their marketing.
Snob - did you palp the Rapha manpris ?
Snob, should you test positive for Clenbuterol, you have a built-in excuse that the trace amount was absorbed through your Rapha socks during an unfortunate urinal malfunction at a Bicycling Magazine fred-fest.
Your amateur standing will be restored post-haste, and Mr. Fingerbang himself will cite your case during his proceedings before the CAS.
That Polar Bear Ride was just an excuse to take Ecstasy. I recognize those trippy dance moves anywhere.
Isn't Fred Ness in Scotland?
RABSAB. Ride a bike; save a bear.
I felt my bestiality within stirring when I watched that video....Like the Halloween my girlfriend dressed as a puppy. Polar babes.
I still recoil in horror at the day of Cosmo's hostile take over of Bicycling Magazine. So, they've been sold to Model Railroader then? Thinking back to the good old days when Bicycling was good is a little like when SNL was good. They weren't. Likely, back in the day, I was more fredly and less of a retrogrouch and fit the demographic. I should have saved a copy to test my hypothesis.
Dutch bicycles are not good, they are just big. When will the biking equivalent of the hummer come out?
Eleven is not better than ten.
Speaking of polar bears, we have not heard recently from commie canuck.
Is it possible that he has been exiled by the new government to Canada's comb-over known as the yukon?
Upgrade Now
No more excuses
I must obey the new Bicycling magazine.
I must buy more shit that I don't need, and an incredibly expensive replacement to the bike I currently have.
I must buy from bicycling advertisers.
Resistance is futile
'The Bicycle is of a traditional Chinese cargo-bicycle infused with the latest technological Know-how and Scandinavian minimalism."
Are you seeing many of these around town?
I miss Style Guy. Does anyone know what he's up to now?
Breaker Breaker I want one of those Sanitov CB's Good Buddy.
I'm starting to think that might be the REAL Kenny Banya.
HaHAHa somebody stop me I gotta million of 'em
ant 2nd!
I would purchase a copy of "Bicycling" magazine if they promised every month on the cover to help me get better in the sack.
But they don't. So I say screw'em and always go for Men's Health instead.
(Metrosexuality's Not Dead)
"Infused"? Like a tea bag?
How about Hipster Pickup Truck?
The next step for Bicycling is to redo their shitty website.
Fred is dead
All you haters portage my baby seals.
Dead baby seals.
I actually loved that Mapei racing jersey. As I recall, and correct me if I'm wrong but the Mapei squad rode these beautiful Colnago's with a similar geometric colorway. For awhile Mapei dominated European racing.
Bad Lawyer,
I just dug out an old copy of WINNING MAGAZINE, the July '95 issue with Lance on the cover winning the TOUR DUPONT and on page 11 there's a picture of Tony Rominger in that Mapei kit and that sweet, matching Colnago winning The Tour of Romandy.
On 9/11, I was walking across the Brooklyn Bridge.
I made sure to ride across yesterday and today.
Felt great.
I could moisten your socks with my wide stance, you know.
Meet me at La Guardia, mens restroom terminal D.
The whole danged country went over to the dark side this very same day, and this will probably soon by eliminated or profitiized-er, priveitized- but it was a nice try in the city that tries to be NYC. http://www.thestar.com/news/article/985048--bixi-launches-with-a-spin-in-the-rain?bn=1
Snob, I have a plan. Change the spell checker at Bicycling to accept "crabon" for every "carbon", and the new magazine copy will be absolutely Fredtastic! Go ahead, we've got your back. I'll let you know when the coast is clear, I'll signal you when Bill is enraptured with the Rapha catalog or the latest Rouleur.
Sanitov CB sounds like a god name for an functionalistic urinal.
tip of the borsolino to Marcel...
Scandinavian minimalism? What the hell is that? and why would it be better than, say, Chinese minimalism? or Korean minimalism? or Lilliputian minimalism?
Has anyone else noticed that these days magazines are always breathlessly extolling you to even grea feats with little to no effort? "Climb stronger, how to watch the tour (wtf?), then ride it"
I know you want to, but can't say it Bike Snob, so I will. The mag is junk.
Eventually everyone runs out of excuses, no?
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