Actually, the bike lanes don't belong to any of them. That's because they belong to "TEXSGOLD," and TEXSGOLD is entitled to pre-empt you because he (or she) drives a Bentley:
Sure, it's annoying, and when my frigid ride along Manhattan's busy 6th Avenue was impeded yesterday by this vanity-plated ultra-luxury automobile the first thing I felt was indignation--especially since the driver seems to have made a point of stopping in the bike lane instead of pulling up to the empty curb. But then I stopped to think about it, and I realized that I was actually being quite arrogant. I mean, who did I think I was anyway? Sure it's a bike lane, but all I'm riding is a lousy Scattante. Meanwhile, TEXSGOLD is driving a car that costs more than my home. I can't possibly imagine the pressures of a person who works to sustain such a lavish lifestyle. In fact, when you think about it, TEXSGOLD is actually performing a public service. Many of us couldn't possibly afford such an exquisite car, but thanks to TEXSGOLD's hard work at least we have the chance to admire one up close and maybe even run right smack into its rear bumper. Maybe our heads will even burst right through the rear windshield and we'll be afforded a glimpse of that hand-stitched leather upholstery. Whether you're behind the wheel of a fine vehicle like a Bentley, or you're splayed out on the trunk with your feet still stuck to the pedals and your groin humping that seductive winged "B," your appreciation for its finery and your gratitude for its existence is the same.
So please, take our bike lanes, TEXSGOLD, and use them as your exclusive VIP loading and unloading area. In fact, take the entire city--you deserve it. I'd have actually thanked TEXSGOLD for reminding me of how the city and the world works and where I stand in it, but the car was actually empty, since TEXSGOLD was most likely lunching in the nearby McDonald's:
Sure, Manhattan is mostly just an urban theme park for the ultra-wealthy, but the McDonald's do deliver, and the delivery people ride some serious bikes.
Speaking of knowing where you stand, I was dipping my ladle in the smugness fount that is Streetsblog yesterday when I noticed a post about the following Daily News article:
As you can see, the word "pedaled" (or "pedalled" if you're from the gratuitous letter country) is misspelled, and indeed it's almost always misspelled by both the Daily News and the New York Post. I always used to just put it down to the fact that they were idiots, but at this point I'm reasonably sure they do it on purpose, like how George H.W. Bush used to call Saddam Hussein "Sodom." By writing "peddled," they subconsciously remind readers of peddlers, which in turn evokes those old pushcarts on Orchard Street, which were removed by the city because the merchants complained they were bad for business, just like the merchants are complaining now that the bike lanes are bad for business, and the upshot is nobody will mind when all these "peddlers" and their bike lanes are gone so that there's nothing between their store and TEXSGOLD except a few feet of sidewalk, which I'm sure they'll manage to get rid of too by the time the 22nd century rolls around.
Speaking of knowing where you stand, I was dipping my ladle in the smugness fount that is Streetsblog yesterday when I noticed a post about the following Daily News article:

Until then, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz. As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer. If you're right you'll know, and if you're wrong you'll see what media insiders call a "photo op."
Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and make way for TEXSGOLD.
1) Mark Cavendish hopes that Riccardo Riccò, who has been hospitalized after what appears to be a botched blood doping attempt:

4) Fill in the blanks: "When I heard that he was delivering ___ by _______, it was a short stop to me falling in love."

7) This formation is called a:

2) Following his Clenbuterol positive, Alberto Contador has resolved to quit:

4) Fill in the blanks: "When I heard that he was delivering ___ by _______, it was a short stop to me falling in love."

7) This formation is called a:
***Special Evolutionary Dead End-Themed Bonus Question***
Oh Lob, let me podium. I'll never get anywhere on Valentines if I don't podium...
doping is easy
podium at least!
Oh, I am so gonna get laid... thanks Snob! And Lob!
Dusted by busted nuts
CARCAKE!!! Thanks Snob!
Is Merckx > than Lob?
Top ten!
what was the expiration date on that bag?
Is it still called a carcake when it's on a semi?
Just missed top ten; the sprint took advantage of my discombobulation and left without me!
Wow, so many possible names for the bonus contraption;
The bondage-mobile
The polar bear bait trap
The Super Fred Sling.
Truly it boggles the mind.
That Bentley is owned by Rodger Loughlin - owner of the Ferrantino Fuel Oil Company - phone number 718-832-6700. You should give him a call...
Kelly Brook needs to take lessons from the tranny-girl look-alike on the cargo bike with kids posted earlier this week. Did no one tell her that riding a bike and keeping your legs together in lady-like fashion so as to not show the world your panties is absurd?
Perfect except for the bonus. I didn't know Texas had their own Olympics. I wonder what the Gold medal was for?
Have a grate weakend everyone! Happy peddling!
I believe the answer to question three is properly written "LEOPARD TREK," not "leopard." For shame; didn't you get the memo?
1st aced quiz!
The streetflyer thing should be a hit with the fleshhook crowd.
Great work as usual snob. Have a nice weekend.
Now off to dip my laddle.
100% on the quiz. I guessed on the Street Flyer thing (man, that looks painful).
Ya gotta love the ever quotable Mark Cavendish. I guessed on that one too but it was the only possible answer.
The streetflyer almost reminds me of Mr. Garrison's invention from South Park:
That's a stupid license plate
"the flesh hook crowd..." OML!
Now in my mind I can see a asshat owned bentley with a certain monster truck incarnated lobster god parked on it doing burnouts till it looks like a melted crayon.
He's got an interstate runnin' through his front yard.
You know he thinks he's got it so good.
I would seriously consider any bicycle endorsed by Mr Ncube.
Thats so badass I don't even know where to begin.
keywords: Portland, handbuilt bicycles, marketing, illiteracy
The power of the internet, we already know who owns TEXSGOLD.
ant 2nd!
Nice Bentley, can be bent nicely. Use your metal waterbottle; esp if left to freeze overnight. A fine accessory.
"Ncube managed to trap the animal's two front legs in the triangle of his bicycle's frame so that it could not move freely or reach him with its teeth."
And that, my friends, is an exact description how I manage to score so mush hipster pussy.
Just wanted to give a shout-out to my American cousin, Ice Cube.
"When I heard that he was delivering semen by flowerbox, it was a short stop to me falling in love."
"When I heard that he was delivering hot karls by tubesock, it was a short stop to me falling in love."
"Hey, the guy's delivering shit on a shingle, so we had to do it."
TEXSGOLD may be a fuel oil mogul.
Me? I'm movin' to Montana soon. Going to be a dental floss tycoon.
I'll be 'palping' a Strong Frame.
"This contraption is called a Veitnamese spin-fuck device."
TEXSGOLD in the flesh, and looking more than a little fleshy:
I believe that the correct answer for #7 is автомобиль торт. It is a Lada after all...
Is it over the top to pull out a key and run it along side the vehicle as you pedal or "peddle" by? If this occurred as every cycle went by to every car that parked in the cycle lane, one would think the word would get around as the blatant disregard would subside somewhat.
I think we should get all the Bentley drivers parked into a bike lane straped to the street flyer and sent into the middle of the Champs D'Élysée 5 o'clock traffic with no-one allowed to help undo the back hook.
To the Box Truck Baby!
Aced my first Quiz!
Can I get a Cocky?or
Am I TOO cockies for
The prize of winning!
Best Blog Ever, Yeah?
I wonder how long it will take for mr TEXSGOLF plate to find his car on BSNYC?
I like the guys in the background of the Kelly Brooks video. Ass clowning around. Probably will never have their own Texassgold
Rodger Loughlin is my kind of guy,in fact he is one of my guys.
I bet he got that dent by going down a mountain road at 70 mph backwards, and had an orthodontist get in the way.
Those titanium frames make bigger dents than the carbon fiber ones which just splinter.
When you have a car like that you can do whatever you want, you snow encrusted peasants.
Now I like pie just like everybody else, but mine get delivered by peddlers in Hummers.
whoa, major ire at humanity for;
a) POS bentley -nice design, circa never)
b) that thing -nice giant fenguard
c) $600+ for a saddle & seatpost
thanks snob for reminding me my quizzical failings are minor compared to many. cue torrential rain.
what is more perfect than a fuel oil company owner parking his bentley in a fucking bike lane? it's like a giant fist to the rectum of all tree hugging smug cyclist everywhere. i would say well done mr. Loughlin, if of course blocking bike lanes with cars wasn't a serious pet peeve of mine. In which case, i would just like to key his ridiculous car.
Now where do I drive my new porche, in the bike lane on on the sidewalk?
I bet that will confuse nyc finest.
#3 is not just LEOPARD TREK, Its LE-O-PARD TREK.
I would expect the Bentley has a badass bodyguard/chauffer. I'd be reluctant to key it. I have been known to hawk a loogie or two in my day, though.
I have the oil, quit messing with me or I will not sell you any. Then who will be sorry.
TEXSGOLD is merely putting the principles of of Worthington's Law into action.
I wonder if Vito is a ranking monkey?
"When Ferrantino Fuel Corporation takes over your oil deliveries..."
Yeah, that doesn't sound mob-related at all. You don't key the car of a made man.
How much $$$ did Mr. Bentley/TEXSGOLD contribute to
to city politicians?
AYHSMB = All You Haters Suck My Bentley
Gold Snobby, TEXS GOLD!
TEXSGOLD says let them eat cake...carcake!
Doesn't anybody respect the Beverly Hillbillies any more?
Or, he is actually a Texan Radiologist, and not a fuel oil guy at all.
Less than $2-400k for an apartment? Brooklyn isn't as gentrified as I thought.
Хотите картофель с этим?
With the Street Flyer, one could actually give a flyng fuck.
Ahh, cars on a cycle lane... easy one this. If the car is occupied ask the person if they've broken down. When they say no, say, "Oh that's a shame, the tow truck will be here in a few minutes, cos why else would you park here?"
Or, actually call a tow truck out and let them argue.
If the car is unoccupied then it's fair game. There's a reason why D-locks are a) heavy, and b)easy to swing...
"With the Street Flyer, one could actually give a flyng fuck"
Ha! Marcel, bravo.
Awwwe, I was really hoping for kittens by segway.
You should feel honored to have been held up by a vehicle belonging to someone that important. Normally you'd have found a police car, a taxi or some local parked there, but today someone important felt that it was necessary to drive down there and remind you and you fellow cyclists of your place in society: somewhere below homeless people.
You should have taken his wing mirror home as a souvenir. It probably cost more than your bicycle alone, after all.
People, do you really want to pester around a mob guy? Easy on Texblob
Holy fuck.
Looks like you have a pretty good chance of banging your knees on the ground riding the street flyer.
-wait, someone is delivering ham by pennyfarthing now??
In a far too serious response, here in Seattle our yard service guys are generally new immigrants or illegals. They mow your grass and "trim" your trees. In reality, they go around and top trees, essentially ruining or killing the tree. A local woman started a site called Plant Amnesty, a good resource on NOT topping trees. I download her page and went to leave it on the butchered tree and the owner came out screaming and yelling that he could do to his stuff whatever he wanted to. True, but whoa. I think I was not the first to come knocking.
Don't mess with Texas, just call the tow truck.
I Love the American poon-tang. Kind of an Oscar Mayer balogna/cheese whizzie thingie goin on there. I LIKES IT!
Better pic of Rodger Dodger:
No offense bike slob but that car is a Chrysler. Look at the logo...
Figures that street glider was invented by Meh-ring. What a piece of crap!
anon 4:52
Chrysler with a "B." Must be one of those Monday morning models. Probably a collector's item.
I kind of liked the "human cat toy" answer.
Commentariat Madlibs FTW!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Snob -- Your favorite institution of Higher Learning is in The Onion:,19032/?utm_source=recentnews
Let's twist again! Like we did last millennia! Let's twist again! Twistin Time Is Here! BADA BADA BADA BADA BOP BOP!
As someone who has made a pretty decent living out of lawsuits involving accidents with motor vehicles I find looking at the picture of the Bentley pretty difficult and frustrating. It's a massive missed opportunity.
I can only assume that the hazzard lights were off but in this situation surely the temptation would have been there to confuse the dark, open void of the delivery truck with the dark substantial mass of the Bentley and plough straight in to the rear of the vehicle.
I should add that I have been known to perform stunts at amateur stage productions so I would have been able to pull of quite a spectacular show in moderate safety. I would have aimed to write off the bicycle flown over the car and landed semi-conscious writhing in pain in front of the Bentley.
I would have then phoned my attorney and started legal proceedings. Why, oh why didn't you?
Is it just me or does today's post remind anyone else of Alan Sherman's essay on obesity that concludes "Hail to thee fat man, you kept us out of war"?
Probably just me.
Don't ride fuelish.
anon 4:52
It's a Bentley
Bikesnobnyc -
Is there an email address to send you links?
Is it true that "Scatante" means a little piece of poop in Italian?
The mountain bikes parked in front McDonalds do not belong to the delivery staff. Those are messenger bikes. Not "lifestyle" messenger, but 10 am eating at McDonalds messengers.
If the guy from number 3 who kept the LAY-O-PARD at bay with his mountain bike had been riding the bonus-question contraption instead, he would indeed have been a "human cat toy".
Everything ties together. Om.
Hurt me, squirt me, but don't say no.
Def leppards pyromania is a pretty good album
SamH: No. Lob>Merckx.
Recumbentists, take it supine.
These folks are really into the worship of Lob. This is supposed to be a Christmas card photo?
Well, it was Gatlinburg in mid-July
And I just hit town and my palps was dry,
I thought I'd stop and have myself some plankton .
At an old lagoon on a street of mud,
There at a table, dealing stud,
Sat the dirty, mangy crustacean that named me "lob."
Hey Hey, only one wrong answer! But I had to cheat by reading all these comments furst.
looks like I get the Red Lantern once again...
That last picture looks like such an awkward contraption.
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