Friday, August 27, 2010

BSNYC Friday Fund Quits!

(Catching up on emails.)

Firstly, in the spirit of all that is "epic," I am pleased to announce that I will fuse next week's Labor Day weekend with the coming workweek, thereby creating an "epic"-length holiday weekend for myself that will begin, well, now. Rest assured that I plan to use this "epic" weekend productively by spending time with family, sending hundreds of Dominos pizzas to the offices of Transportation Alternatives, and washing my fleet of 1,000 bicycles. (Insert your suggestive "polishing my Big Dummy" pun of choice here.) All of this is a complicated way of saying that I will not be here next week, but that I will return on Tuesday, September 7th with regular updates.

In the meantime, even though I will be on end-of-summer vacation, during my absence I will still be providing wisecracks and shallow insights concerning the Vuelta a España for the Universal Sports web presence, and I will notify you by means of my Twitter account when these are posted. Also, as a special service to my readers, I will be writing these posts in English, so Spanish proficiency is not a prerequisite for enjoyment.

Moving on, you may recall that on Tuesday I mentioned a film project called "To Live and Ride in LA," which features people riding through busy intersections on fixed-gear bicycles. Well, a reader informs me that manufacturer of heavy, un-truable, and not particularly aerodynamic wheels Aerospoke is actually the film's official "wheel sponsor:"

(Above photo was likely borrowed from "Tarck Bikes with Douchebags.")

This seems like an extremely poor business decision for Aerospoke, if only because encouraging their customer base to ride brakeless through intersections seems like an excellent way of eliminating it. While Aerospoke may have been taken by surprise back in 2007 when their wheels became popular fashion accessories, my guess is that they've now become accustomed to success, and success breeds complacency. I'm sure they now think the lavish parties and frothy Jacuzzis and endless bottles of Boone's Farm Flavored Apple Wine Product will never end. In fact, judging from the above photo, they've even been able to convince "fixie" riders to use two Aerospokes (Aerospii?) instead of the traditional one, which probably doubled their sales overnight. But I'm here to warn them that they're only a few traffic disasters away from returning to the dark days of the late 1990s when they were selling their wheels though the Nashbar catalog at deep, deep discounts, like a desperate drug addict standing on the corner and trying to sell his own pants.

Meanwhile, speaking of wheel trends, people also continue to emblazon their Deep Vs with messages, and here's one I recently saw in Williamsburg:

According to a popular online translator, the German portion of the message means "Life is Hard." (The English portion is self-explanatory.) However, it's hard to imagine what sort of difficulties the typical "fixie" owner in Williamsburg could possibly face. Cracked iPhone screen? Stolen Brooks? Roommate eating his cereal again? Still, despite my skepticism I nevertheless try to be compassionate, and I hope that in the end he manages to overcome his adversity and find true happiness. (In other words, I hope his parents start sending more money and he's not forced to move to Portland.)

And now, I'm pleased to present you with an end-of-summer quiz. As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer. If you're right you'll know, and if you're wrong you'll see Time Attack Racer, for an ardent cyclist.

Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and be sure to wring those last few drops of sweat from the rest of the summer. I'll look forward to seeing you again on September 7th.


2) Alejandro Valverde says he has learned to live without:

3) Team RadioShack's leader for the Vuelta will be:

--Levi Leipheimer
--Andreas Klöden
--Jani Brajkovic
--Nobody, because they were not invited

(She's folding, like the Cervelo Test Team)

4) Cervelo Test Team will fold at the end of the year, and instead Cervelo will become the official bicycle sponsor for:

6) "Let's all waste money!" Rolf Prima is making a $700 14-spoke fixed-gear commuting wheelset called the "P-Town."


(All You Haters Floss My Crotch)

7) "Move over, fixed-gears!" The next hot drivetrain is nothing at all.


***Special Future of Trendy Tattooing-Themed Bonus Question***

Knuckle tattoos are like sooo 2010. In 2011 it's going to be all about:


luciferyellow said...

schluff, schluff to the podium

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

boo yah

I am the sore engine said...

The purpose of good design is not to make my crotch hurt.

Stupid Name said...

It has been a very good week snobby.

Keep it up.

ant1 said...

snobby - " through busy intersections of fixed-gear bicycles"

ant1 said...

100% on the quiz, plus extra credit for finding the typo.

ant1 said...

the german part should have been "fragen Sie mich nicht für sheisse"

ringcycles said...

Gosh this ticino doesn't sprint well.

Astroluc (Find me on Tumblr and Instagram @Astroluc) said...

"the P-Town"? are they serious!? Have they ever BEEN to P-Town (Provincetown)??

mikeweb said...


samh said...

A whole week w/o you, Snob? Alas how will I ever spend my time between 10:00 am and 10:12 am if I can't read your blog?

Shaun said...

About the GlideCycle... Oh for fuck's sake!

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

At least I got the fixed cog question right and I don't even have one.
I'm with Shaun on the crotch glide. That is ridiculous. I look perfectly normal on my recumbent after seeing that thing.
Have a nice epic weekend snob.

mikeweb said...


That's what I was thinking. The GlideCycle is good for the 'bent riders in that they now have something they can point and laugh at.

Ardentist said...

Just cycle ardently!

g said...

Thought this one waould have made it onto the quiz in some way...

Lance Speaks

Disgruntl Ed. said...

If the boy with the cat tattoo didn't survive, how can he come back? According to legend only Jesus and the cat itself come back.

Why fourteen spokes? I am saving up for a thirteen spoke wheel.

hillbilly said...

Have a good vacation snob

Anonymous said...

I'm polishing my beefy bottom bracket right now!

Anonymous said...

"I look perfectly normal on my recumbent after seeing that thing."

No you look less stupid than him, but not much less.

Anonymous said...

$749 with the ENO Eccentric hub, not $700...b/c I assume you are going to go SS with your commuder

Anonymous said...


shmaltz herring said...

Screw gefilte fish. Give me shmaltz herring!

ervgopwr said...

Have a good end of summer-way snob.


ringcycles said...

Shouldn't the GlideCycle be called the CycleDorkSling? Motto: "why let a bully give you a wedgie, when you can engineer one yourself."

Happy vacay RTMS.

Hipster Doofus said...

Love the PR blurb from Aerospoke. Curse the hours I've wasted "truing my spokes" when I could have been riding! Ah, screw it, I'm going for a "well-deserved PBR break."

Nogocyclist said...

Snob, you really should not leave us hanging for a whole week.

You should allow some of your regular commenters to be guest bloggers.

I am sure someone on here would volunteer.

ant1 said...

i'll volunteer bgw. maybe a couple post about some back in the day stories, or rear of the dachshund stories.

Anonymous said...

top 30!
i cycled so ardently between her ears
i cycled so ardently between her ears.

Anonymous said...

The regular commenters should not try to fill the Snob's shoes. Why? Because they are losers. That includes you Nogo. Actually, all regular commenters aren't losers like Ant1, some of you are Assclowns. You may wonder why I say this anonymously. I do so because I don't have an online identity or a blog, but I do have a life and enough dignity to realize nobody cares about me. Well, back to eating pussy.

ant1 said...

anon 1:49 - why am i not an assclown too? and why do you say no one cares about you. i'm sure jesus loves you.

Esteemed Commenter DaddoOne said...

...on your glidecycle

Anonymous said...

Disgruntl Ed. really? 13?
i knew you bastards were lurking in here. step out from behind the row of hanging wheelsets. expose yourselves and your evil machinations. how was the bbq down at the CFR last night? bastards.

Jesus said...

no, actually.

wishiwasmerckx said...

Snob, if you want to take NOGO up on his commenter/guestblogger offer, my cats were up to some amusing hijinks this morning, and I am having some issues with the plumber.

Just give the word, and I will be glad to share the details.

IBS said...


ringcycles said...

I am ecstatic that anon 1:49 has lowered himself to save me from a lowly life of ass-clownery. And to think he interrupted an afternoon of cunnilingus to do so. Yet, I am perplexed. If I get "a life" and enough "dignity" for such realizations, will no one care about me too? Seems contradictory. Meh

Sling sorta Swingle said...

GlideCycle is a vast improvement over the Draisine.
Laufmaschine becomes Laughs Machine.

CLTR 4SAL said...

How come the Glide Cycle guy isn't seen as a hip freakbiker?

I mean, he's got a gang on similar bikes and everything!

It's no fair, I tell ya!

Anonymous said...


recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

Comment section just gets better and better. Should really be a freakshow by next Wednesday!

Pontius Pilate said...



g said...

I would imagine it has to do with the quality of cunnilingus you were to provide. If no one cares about you and you can just stop mid-event to flame commenters, but not be intelligent or ballsy enough to notice there is a "Name" option when posting, you are probably not providing superior customer service.

That, and you're a douche.

g said...

That should read,
"You would also be a douche."

PawnShop said...

Have a meh extra-long weekend.
May you and yours experience no more than 57 instances of nonplussage.


Anonymous said...

Some friends in Santiago have a saying that goes (in Spanish): "Life is long and hard -- suck my life!" Not sure if it would fit on a wheel, though.

bikesgonewild said...


...i have legal court documents & a letter from my attorney providing proof that i was acquitted on all charges relating to that dachshund...

ant1 said...

bgw - lol.

Anonymous said...

100% on the quiz. Woot!

Cat tatoos?!? Oh boy, sign me up.

Cunnilingus?!? Oh boy, sign me up.

mikeweb said...

Ahem... er... well then, so anyway, I think a couple of guest posts from the esteemed bgw would be pretty cool. just sayin'...

mikeweb said...

Gotta say, today's comments section has been the best in a long while.

chad said...

I actually have some experience with the Glidecycle. I work in recreation therapy in a large health care system and glidecycle has been bringing us their products for trials and demos. It's really not so much a bike but a suspension for a person so that he or she can run with less impact, and I'm sure it can be useful in that fashion.

Having said that, riding a glidecycle is like having a porch swing try to kill you by wedgie. Also, I found it to be neither laterally stiff nor vertically compliant.

bikesgonewild said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mikeweb said...

anon 2:41,

I've heard a similar sentiment that goes something like:

"Whats's the good word?"

"Legs. Spread the good word."

Dr. Tongue said...

I will think of you, anon. 1:49, as I straddle the - ooh! - yab-hammock of my Glidecycle. Lucky for me I just got snob's book, which I'll try to stretch for a week. Hours of post-Glide sitzbath pleasure. Hurry back snob!

bikesgonewild said...

...i know bsnyc/rtms read this & was intrigued: reading his comment "Rest assured that I plan to use this "epic" weekend productively", i'm now under the impression that whereas 'ayhsmb' was once scrolled defiantly on the rims of fix gear afficionados, it's now about to take on a whole new "epic" proportion...

Anonymous said...

Isn't the Glide Cycle just a Draisienne? Who'd a thunk bicycles would evolve that far backwards?

I am the ass-clownery engine? said...


Ass clowns?

Ass clownery?
You so nor have a blog?
You do have a life?

Jesus does not love you, you do not have dignity, nobody cares about you, and that is not pussy you are eating.

I have short breaks at work which I use to read the comments, I therefore do not have a life.

Let the freak-show mayhem ass clownery begin.

Anonymous said...


Jefe said...

"Just Cycle Ardently" is my new motto. However, "Beyond the Red Zone," sounds like some form of cardiac arrest, and "Beyond Yourself," is like a personality disorder.
Frilly, you do know this is the Internet and that your requests for oral sex are seen by persons other than Alberto Contador?

leroy said...

O pity commenter Anon One Four Nine.

He tried cunnilingus on Ernest Borgnine.

It was short, but not sweet,

And in truth, was no treat.

Someone else please pen my poor poem's last line.

ringcycles said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

This post has been removed by the author.

Anonymous said...

O pity commenter Anon One Four Nine.

He tried cunnilingus on Ernest Borgnine.

It was short, but not sweet,

And in truth, was no treat.

For it twas a vag-inspired big ball of twine.

leroy said...

Anon 4:50 -- in the words of a prominent Kazakhstan journalist: very nice!

eeww said...

O pity commenter Anon One Four Nine.

He tried cunnilingus on Ernest Borgnine.

It was short, but not sweet,

And in truth, was no treat.

For the taint of EB ain't divine.

bikesgonewild said...

...eeww sez it all !!!...

Sigurd said...

Have a nice holiday, Snob. You've shown great form this week. On the subject of dads losing their dignity as a matter of course, you're right. But don't despair. Baby food stains, drool and unidentifiable crusty lumps on your clothes are the badges of your new role. Wear them with pride.


Anonymous said...

ha! i just polished my Big Dummy yesterday...

thegock said...


Anonymous said...

Jerry had a green Klein.

69th comment, hurrah!

Anonymous said...

Fellow BSNYC readers -- you may wish to check out "The Onion"'s take on Lance Armstrong.

leroy said...

Ewwwww -- yes!

What about:

"He needs a Zagat's for the oral inclined."

cyclotourist said...


ANON 1349

Anonymous said...

Anon 1:49
Are you sure noone cares about you? What about the persons pussy you were eating? Did they care that you stopped eating their pussy to bang out a msg on your moms ipad? Oh shit it was your moms ipad Oh shit it was your moms pussy. Does your mom know about the weird anonymous troll shit that you do while eating her pussy? Does she even know you stopped to read a blog? Well back at it little man. Make mammy happy

ken e. said... eternity passed... endless millennia, untold epochs.... more scattered puncuation and trite metaphors than possible to imagine.

where is carl sagan when you really need him? said it before, sayin' it now,



Anonymous said...

I count 16 spoke not 14.

stream of nothing said...

nightmare quiz :(

Anonymous said...

I know that 'douchebag' with the aero spokes, and whatsmore, I think I helped him get that bike built! His name is Kal, he's an awesome Malaysian dude, studying here in New Zealand. The cycling world is indeed very small...

Anonymous said...

bikesnob is gone? Oh no jesus! what to read now! Help!

Oh Yea, said...,17973/

Anonymous said...

Oh Jefe, a girl can dream, can't she?

LOVE KEN.E (back at ya!)

Greg LouGayness said...

The GlydeCycle is the funniest, gayest thing I have seen in a while. I want mine with Aerospokes and a Brooks ass sling.

Atlas Sharted said...

Ayn Rand Can Suck My Balls.

bikesgonewild said...

...i was always under the impression that 'the onion' was a lampoon, a humorous look at life...

...this "lance armstrong press conference" seems to be absolutely factual...

...come on, lance-ster, say it, dammit...get it off your chest...we'll all feel better...

wishiwasmerckx said...

Chief Lance apologist BGW, I thought my eyes were failing me when I read your post.

I have thought about this a considerable amount. The feds approach this as if they have unlimited resources, and regrettably, they do. Those resources are constituted of your tax dollars, and mine.

There are SIGNIFICANT statute of limitations (too remote in time) AND jurisdictional (on foreign soil) problems with this investigation.

The feds are intent on burnishing their own "Inspector Javert" credentials. To what end, really?

Those of us in the cycling community have our own views and our own suspicions, and are surely more knowledgeable, and more suspicious, than the public at large.

Suppose he did everything he is accused of, and more. What purpose is served by bringing him down? Has he not atoned for his "crimes?" Do not his good deeds balance out the cosmic equation?

I, for one, do not want to know and DO NOT CARE.

If I ran the world, the witch hunt would be shut down, and Lance would be free to pursue his good works on behalf of the cancer community (and his Michelob Ultra commercials) with impunity.

Anonymous said...

Hey, sorry I took so long to get here, the stock wheelset on my GlideCycle is the weak point on this awesome machine. I've got my eye on a new set with a real low spoke count that will unleash the speed and allow me to glide past all you narrow minded, conformists cyclists and onto the podium next time. That is, if I am in the race next time. You see, I am not one of those assclowns who regularly comments here. Sometimes I'll comment three times in one day and sometimes I won't comment for three days - very irregular. ce

PANTS said...

Riding a Glidecycle is just more Zen than a usual geared bike. You feel way more connected to the bike. Like you are one with the machine. Well at least your nuts feel more at one with it.

Anonymous said...


Nogocyclist said...

If we would all admit it, the world does not revolve around any sports figure. The truth of the matter, my life is more impacted by the guy who picks up my garbage twice a week, or the guy who keeps the sewers in my city working.

What the people we think of as "nobodies" contribute to society is exponentially more than anything Lance Armstrong has ever done on a bike. Because of Livestrong he has done more for the world than almost any other sports figure, but still in my life, I have benefited more from the guy who stocks the grocery store I shop at, or the guy who washes the dishes at my favorite restaurant.....

Being so concerned about athletes, if you actually look at the "Real Life" picture, is just plain stupid!

The little guy we never even thing about, means more to us than any athlete, actor, or any of the other people who are always in the news. As a nation, our priorities are just screwed up. Totally!

If the guys driving the garbage trucks are using drugs, this will impact your life more than if Armstong, Landis, or any athlete in any sport has.

That being said, I really wish they would not use drugs and play fair. It would improve sports immensely.

P.S. I was going to post this Anonymously, but I am not like Anon 1:49, I will claim what I write, even when my view may not be popular.

cyclotourist said...


Nogocyclist said...

Speaking of Anon 1:49, I wonder what his age is? What he wrote looked like something I would have written when I was 12....

Anyone else have a better guess?

Nogocyclist said...

TRAS HMAN: The person no one wants around. That is unless none have not been around in a month or two. Then he would be the most welcome man in the world to almost everyone.

cyclotourist said...

I don't know man... he name checked you and ant1. Probably a man crush.

cyclotourist said...


Nogocyclist said...

I did wonder about that. What specifically do I have in common with ant1 that I do not have in common with others?

I figured Anon 1:49 had something personally for or against ant1, and only mentioned me because my comment gave him/her an opening.

The problem with someone posting anonymously, we will never know. Anyone could now post a comment and imply it was them. For that matter, I could if I wanted to relive my preteen days for some reason.

anon 2:20 aka masshole OG said...

first time i've ever gotten 100%

i am the engine said...

Almost there

I am the engine said...


Anonymous said...

Come to Toronto BSNYC!

mikeweb said...


Yeah, suckazzz!!!

Oh, wait... dammit.

Anonymous said...

Geez, mikeweb, you still nursing a hangover from your birthday bash?

This weekend was an alt music festival in StL...lots of hipsters in homemade shants & chucks. And one woman in full-blown hula gear (?) Anyhoo, I discovered a new love--Jeff Tweedy. Awesome!

Anonymous said...

Neon colored Aerospoke does not include LMAO knuckle tattoo. They need to find a way to sell both! Perhaps matching colored neon ink for the tat? I know its not far off. Keep an eye out!

Das Leben Ist Schwer said...

Not a pretty picture:

yogisurf said...

Red lantern

Anonymous said...

@ant1: The german part should be "lernen Sie Deutsch bevor Sie posten" ;-)

I am a non- compromising angry engine said...


Think about this instead:
Then think about compromises.
Then think about compromises and the youth getting into cycling.


Miss Muff said...

That hussy Frilly can say what she wants, but I'M the one with peanut butter legs: smooth, creamy, and easy to spread.

wishiwasmerckx said...


I do not condone doping in cycling, then or now.

Lance is demonstrably a freak of nature -- a heart muscle bigger and stronger than almost anyone and a lactic acid threshold allowing him to continue on when most of us would be siezed up.

Cancer treatment also shed around 10 lbs. of muscle off his chest and neck built up over the years of triathalon swimming.

There are reasons he was a great champion whether he doped or not.

Clean up the sport? The lid was blown off the pervasive doping in pro cycling by Paul Kimmage when he published "A Rough Ride" in 1990, an entire decade ago. "Progress" has actually been quite slow.

Everybody cheats. Here in the Southwest, local Cat 2's with no greater aspirations used to travel to Mexico to buy EPO.

If you have ever been in a local gym or a HS football locker room, you know how pervasive performance enhancing drugs have become, and how easy to obtain.

My point is that bringing down Lance is unlikely to change ANYTHING. Query, what would happen if we redirected these resources towards the current generation of riders? Wouldn't better research funding, educational outreach and improved testing methods and protocols be more valuable to society than attempting to exact some sort of vengance upon Lance?

PawnShop said...

I'M the one with peanut butter legs:
smooth, creamy, and easy to spread...

...and gluing my tongue to the roof of my mouth?


Anonymous said...

Therein lies the problem with peanut butter. An incapacitated tongue is not conducive to a happy ending.

The Real Minimalist said...

A simple peanut butter sandwich makes a high quality energy "Bar." If wrapped properly can be easily eaten on the bike, and it is a whole lot cheaper than Clif Bars and all those other commercially prepared items.

Peanut butter is actually good for more than spreading on your legs.

Anonymous said...

All I've got is Vegemite. It's salty and yeasty... and been spread since 1922. ce

Azzclown said...

Last again? Damn! Must train more....

Anonymous Coward said...


Anonymous said...

RIP Laurent Fignon.

mikeweb said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
mikeweb said...

Indeed. Adieu, Le Professeur.

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

Nogocyclist- Nice, thoughtful post on the trash guy a while back. Well done.

Now back to my daily regiment of ass-clownery and foffing off.

bikesgonewild said...

...i didn't realize it was inevitable, at least so soon... revoir, ami...

g said...

RIP Laurent.

At least LeMond chose not to harp on LF's admission of PED use. Classy post by Greg, for a change (over at

bikesgonewild said... perusing the various articles about fignon’s sad passing at only 50, when i encountered the title of his book, "We Were Young and Carefree", tears just welled up in my eyes...

...un homme elegant, laurent fignon, un monsieur tres classe en effet...

Miss Muff said...

Salty and yeasty. Um, my panties are wet.

Anonymous said...


frenchie said...

Merci de m´avoir fait rever, l´artiste.

Salut, champion

cyclotourist said...



ken e. said...


bikesgonewild said...

...wednesday morming about the time bsnyc/rtms posts are normally expected...

...1st... dedicated to laurent fignon...

...sorry...i won't be denied...

mikeweb said...

Saw Mr. Snob yesterday afternoon and complimented him on his Ticino.

ant1 said...

fofonov FTW!

g said...

Sorry Ant1. You fofonoved too early
It happens to every guy and it's no a big deal. That's what my wife tells me, at least.

PCLA said...

Row, row, row your bike, gently up the stream (of traffic):

Anonymous said...

That rowbike actually looks kind of fun. It might even be more dignified than a recumbent, but that's not saying much ...

bikesgonewild said...

...ya gotta realize that ant1 is french...

...they have 1 rule about sex & cycling...

...that rule is, "there are no rules"...

Anonymous said...

Snob, check this out:

Anonymous said...

The rowbike claims to offer total body fitness, but I would suggest that anyone training for total body fitness would be best to intersperse their rowbike sessions with a few nautical miles on this:


Anonymous Coward said...

Fofonov, now sponsored by Rowbike

Anonymous said...

Fixies and fireworks, where's Bike Snob when you need him.

ant1 said...

bgw - there's actually a second rule, albeit much less well known: enjoy both in groups as much as possible. now that i think about it, rule 3: helmets optional.

bikesgonewild said...


...& thus was invented 'le bidet' cover for any numbers of sins, omissions &/or faux pas...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

GlideCycle -- the modern dandy horse!

Anonymous said...

While Aerospokes are a waste of money, the Rolf Prima's most definitely aren't. Handmade in USA with White Industries hubs (also handmade in USA). Patented tech. Super light, super stiff, super strong, super aero. Stay true forever. Jobst Brandt would worship these wheels on an altar. Have you ever ridden them? If you haven't, I hope you do. Unlike Aerospokes, they deliver tons of street performance for the money, and they look great to boot. Is a Patek Philippe watch a waste of money? Depends on whom you ask. But as with Rolf Prima, the super high level of craft, performance, and beauty is without question.

fixie bikes said...

portapotties and bikes, so hipster.

Sandesh Chandra said...

Snob, you really should not leave us hanging for a whole week. You should allow some of your regular commenters to be guest bloggers. I am sure someone on here would volunteer.

Twob Rake said...

RIP Laurent
I still am moved by his losing the tour by 8 seconds (and curse time trial bars too.) He refused to talk about that race for the rest of his life. Good man.