(Non-diary creamer: for those allergic to ongoing records of someone's thoughts and experiences.)
As I continue westward on my BRA tour in an ongoing quest for literary do-meh-nation and the fulfillment of my Meh-nifest Destiny, I prepare to depart Austin this morning and head to San Francisco, hence another early and hastily-"curated" post. In San Francisco, it will be my pleasure to appear at the Sports Basement (my second-favorite retail basement after the "Cheese Basement") at 6:30pm this evening. Prior to this, you can also meet me at Ritual Roasters on Valencia at 4:00pm for a ride from there to the BRA. I very much hope to see you there later today.
In the meantime, while I look forward to arriving in the Land of the Epic Burrito, I will also leave Austin with a heavy heart. My heart is laden not with cheese from the many enchiladas I've eaten during my short stay here ("Heroic Enchiladas" are "Epic Burritos 2.0"); rather, it is heavy with grief, for I very much enjoyed the company of the people I've met as well as my time here. First, there was the very hot (at least to me) "urban ride," during which I perspired profusely:

(Nice shorts, doofus.)
In fact, I was sweating so heroically that my fellow riders needed to employ fenders:
Fashioned from a pair of knobby 29er tires, this is perhaps the most ingenious set of "wheelbrows" I have ever seen, and the only pair capable of withstanding my caustic perspiration:
There was also a Surly Big Dummy, which meant the ride just barely met its smugness quota:
As well as some gratuitous shirtlessness, which meant the ride just barely met its exposed torso quota:
Later, I had the pleasure of seeing my book's coverway displayed prominently in Mellow Johnny's bicycular shoppe:
While I waited for people to arrive, I rummaged around in the basement, where the mechanics were fitting Team RadioShack Trek Madones with Gruber Assists. I also spotted the aging shop owner's old Eddy Merckx time trial bike, which he last raced back in 1968:
Also in the basement was this eerily luminescent shrine to the Great Trek Bicycle Making Company:
It sounds like this, and as I stood before it I soon found myself bleeding inexplicably from the nose and ears.
But old TT bikes and Madone-oliths aren't the only things they keep in the basement at Mellow Johnny's. It turns out they keep retired professional rider Kevin Livingston down there too:
But old TT bikes and Madone-oliths aren't the only things they keep in the basement at Mellow Johnny's. It turns out they keep retired professional rider Kevin Livingston down there too:
Once topside, I emerged to find a crowd of beaming Austinites assembled to see my PowerPoint presentation:
By the way, I do think I'm warranted in calling this assembly a "crowd," as opposed to, say, a "small gathering" or a "klatch." To me, a "crowd" is any group of people large enough to trample you in the event of an emergency, such as a fire or the escape of Kevin Livingston. I'm sure that if, during my PowerPoint presentation, someone had screamed, "He's loose!," I would be typing this with shoe prints on my forehead. So I'm calling this a "crowd" and I'm sticking with it.
After the PowerPoint presentation I ruined some books by scribbling in them, and then we held a "costume pageant." Here's a photo an attendee was kind enough to "Tweet" of me judging the winner:
I suspect he did not actually have to dress up and instead simply came as he was, but I awarded him first prize nevertheless.
By the way, while you may not want to actually read my book, I would point out that it does make for ideal pretentious front rack "portaging" material:

Anyway, during the festivities, some rapscallions took the opportunity to sticker my bicycle, both here:

By the way, while you may not want to actually read my book, I would point out that it does make for ideal pretentious front rack "portaging" material:
Anyway, during the festivities, some rapscallions took the opportunity to sticker my bicycle, both here:
Thank you very much to everybody who came, and to Mellow Johnny's for being great hosts. Hope to see you in San Francisco later today.
It's too early...
oh yeah
Peddle hard, Snob. Peddle hard.
Easy Top 10. Did some refried beans keep you up all night?
Bikesnob. I am only going to say this once, and I've never been more serious. When you get to Portland, for your epic burrito experience, La Bonita on Alberta st. Plus it's the area where the fixies swarm and migrate.
Damn it!
woo woo
woo wooo
what, no chicken suit and ironic orange julius bike?
Hi Mom!!
Bikes. Bras. Burritos.
The blogular trifecta.
AYHPMK (...Palp My Klatsch)
Top 10!
great time last night at the Austin BRA.
Those 29 er tires look brand new. So instead of buying 29.00 fenders, he has used a razor knife on 140.00 tires to make a meaningful design statement. Texans are even more wasteful than I could have thought.
I love the holy shrine to Trek in the basement, what a great way to sell bikes.
top 10?
I got the book yesterday. Fine work, excellent curaton.
early baby
I was thinking the same thing. I hope at least he only carved up one perfectly fine tire to create both 'halves' of the fenders.
Using 2 tires would just be too much conspicuous consumption. Like driving your Escalade 2 blocks from your house to pick up a Happy Meal at the McD's drive through, idling while you wait for the food, with the AC full blast and all the windows wide open. Plus it would be pretty stupid.
that was a fantastic post!
You are not so wormy and scrawny in person.
I braved only the main floor of Mellow Johnny's for the BRA, which is good because mere photos of the basement made me break out in hives of hate. HATE MELLOW JOHNNY'S; GAH. The Snob was great, though!
God damn do you people even read the post before commenting?
is the cute little barista chick still there? I miss her.
Re: urinary stage fright.
Akin to "stadium dick" - when you are
surrounded at the latrine, you really
NEED to go, but the pump won't prime.
frightening indeed. nice early post.
I want an autographed copy, but you aren't coming to a city near me...suggestions?
hey bsnyc,
i thought you'd want to know that the ny daily news has your book listed as one of 50 recommended items to purchase for dads on father's day. now that's big time!:)
After defecting to Telekom, Kevin should be happy to be alive. Look at what happened to MP after the "no gifts" fiasco. I hear that Jan almost got kicked out of the tour for not peeing in a cup after that stage in 2001. Then the officials reviewed the tape, saw the look and let a whimpering, drooling Ullrich slink back to his bus where he cried himself to sleep.
Ask Floyd if you should test those eyes. He's waiting to die.
strangely dan brown-esque
Did you choose to keep #1 bike-city Minneapolis off your BRA tour due to our lack of epic/heroic tex-mex foodstuffs?
While I empathize, I could sure use some of yer graffiti on my copy of the book. Pretty sure we could track down some gallant hot-dish in the area.
Snob - congrats on slaying it in Austin last night. I am pleased to have barely made it into the photo of the tens of people gathered there.
A broad cross section of the population assembled at Mellow Johnny's. Epic moustachers, bike messengers, fat guys like me, and the old lady who told Snob that he was just "so funny" all showed up. After careful curation, I discerned that the common attribute of Snobfans in ATX is that they are all sweaty.
Omnia malefici etc. Here's to my new knuck tats, BIEK SONB.
P.S. I was the one on the bicycle
wait, what? how am i 3 hours late and still top 20ish?
Roses are red,
Violets are blue.
Can't pee in a cup
With Lance staring at you.
Actually, I thought the LAF poster in the loo was Mellow Johnny's way of reminding mechanics to wash hands before returning to work.
BSNYC -- if you're going to San Francisco, be sure to curate some flowers in your hair. (Any flowers will do as long as their names are easily rhymed.)
that's not your book being ported, that is your book being used as a wheelbrow - cause, you know, its probably urine (even in Austin)
Valencia to Bryant? That sounds like a route perfectly suited for cliche and stereotype. The beauty of riding in SF is the 2000 vertical foot lunch.
I hope somebody takes you on a real ride.
On the internet, nobody knows you ride a Trek.
i can't seem to keep this BRA on...
Don't expose yer torso when Lance is looking!
I hope that cash register was singing. Lance needs cash fast, he has to pay off Tyler and Frankie before things go legal beagle.
WOW theres a lot of white people in Austin. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Hi Mr. Snob.
It is hard to get a word in edgewise around here, so I hope you see this. I just wanted to tell you that I think your book is beautiful, and I enjoyed reading every page!
Pause in the action:
My Salty Seattle persona was abducted by aliens and was brainwashed into becoming:
Salty and Sore
My blog, and comments to various other bloggers, will, therefore, be under Salty Seattle's pseudonym, Salty and Sore, moving forward.
I apologize for vainly posting my blog here, but I wanted to clarify my rebranding efforts before proceeding.
Now to read Snobbie's post. And yesterday's, per said alien abduction.
Carry on.
love bike taggers!!!!!!!
the triathlete that didn't dress up last night
don't look now, but I think the pre-steriod Danny Bonaduce looking guy in the middle of the picture of beaming austinites was also eyeing your heroic enchilada. you have to watch them there texans. speaking of which did you share an MGD 64 with Lance while in town?
Thanks for the visit Snob! I made it for the book signing but had to leave before the costume contest. There were a gaggle of bike hipsters there that would have all tied for First over the guy who won. I don't think one of their Chrome bags were full.
Snob, I'm one of your biggest fans, and have already ordered and read your book. I wish you much success. I live in the Bay Area, and would TOTALLY LOVE to go see you this evening, but the one event that would keep me from doing so is also happening tonight. The Lakers-Celtics are playing game 7 tonight. GAME SEVEN. So, while I would love love love to meet you, I'll have to pass. Unless you want to blow off the event yourself and come over to my place to watch the game? GO LAKERS!
Sleeping too late makes me miss the podium. Dawogghe!
Epic: Madone-oliths
Your book is gold, and it makes a great Fathers Day gift. But then, so does a Madone.
Keep on riding, cowboy.
"Free Kevin Livingston"
I'm going to have bumper stickers and t-shirts made-up; Ã la the "Free Tibet" campaign.
Those Mellow Johnny urinals would be a great source of clean pee for Lance's drug tests, if they weren't in Ostentatious.
Enough book tour! When are we going to hear about the making of "SNOB: The Movie", are Rip torn and Elija Wood available? Will we be seeing CG-rendered fixies exploding? I hear Ang Lee is free..doin' nothin'...just sayin'.
At first I thought those knobby fenders were crafty and clever too. I surmised the tires themselves were actually fenders, with closer scrutiny I realized they're just a fucking veneer.
RTMS needs some sun on his legs. Whoa!
I'm a L.A. transplant new to the Bay Area unable to attend the BRA due to the Lakers game 7. Although you may be expecting an epic burrito here, my limited S.F. taqueria experience has been underwhelming. Unless you like your burritos jammed with rice and unsmushed beans, stick to the other ethnic foods. The farther south you go in Ca. the better the mexican food. You would be sure to find the burrito you seek in San Diego. But don't let that slow your roll in Frisco. I've lived in Cali my whole life and find downtown the closest thing to the east coast on the west coast. Welcome to the west coast. (Best coast)
Snobby, if I can get off my duff, and escape the gravitational pull of the smugness of my own little "Former #1 Bike City in America", then I'll see you in SF.
Meanwile, might I recommend Papalote for your burrtiocluar experienceway. Probably better than the Austintatious Mehnchiladas.
Snobby, I can't believe you're not coming to Boulder. Unlimited opportunities for ironic commentary plus the riding is great!
Further, it's pretty damn easy to get to Ritual from there. Which is good, because you shouldn't ride a bike for 30 minutes after consuming an epic burrito or you could drown.
...in smugness, of course.
Go to the BRA...Celtics are going to:
Grrrr. Shoulda checked my link. Anyway, it's a whole 3 blocks to go from pinto beans to coffee beans.
No doubt about it, my enchilada is truly epic.
innerlighter - bad link
Ant, ah! I got it figured out.
beans to beans route map
Great idea to take along a plain bike and get it stickered up at each stop.
CommieCanuck, if you think the urine is Austin is "clean", then you haven't spent much time here. Although the findings probably wouldn't point to any "performance enhancing" drugs.
much better!
"Those Mellow Johnny urinals would be a great source of clean pee for Lance's drug tests, if they weren't in Ostentatious.
Reading is fun.
I enjoyed checking out the preview of the book on the publisher's site, including the parts chart. I wonder what is the precise difference between a "deraillieur" (front) and a "deraillieuer" (rear)?
Each appears to be different in its own way from the usual "derailleur", but who am I to judge one's special love for vowels?
Whoa, God is pissed
Valencia Street after Mexico wins a World Cup game? Should be interesting...
CC - jesus statues have always been a lightning rod for controversy.
Nothing about today being the most revered of holidays for bike geeks - Eddy Merckx's birthday?!?
You're slipping, snob.
WTF is up with a picture of Lance looking really intense, when you're trying to pee?! I'd have to flip that frame so Johnny faced the wall. And that urine-coloured sink ... ewww. I wonder what they sacrifice on the Altar of Trek? I'm thinking recumbents (aiieee!), unicycles and such.
BSNY/RTMS: Compact crankway?
You two SF riders who claim to be Snob fans but are skipping for a basketball game should either go to San Jose tomorrow or do what Homer does and listen to the game over your iPod while at Sports Basement.
Ah, yes. I missed your comment there. Thought you were referring to the urinals as ostentatious, which they aren't, they're just plain old urinals and covered in pee at that. Hardly ostentatious. On the other hand, when referring to Austin as being ostentatious, it is appropriate to use the correct spelling. Austintatious. It has the bonus effect of being both ostentatious and pretentious (not to mention a homophone or is that just a synonym??? Perhaps I need to read more.) Anyway, forgive me of my oversight. Time for a beer summit?
Yeah, but Jesus is stoked!
thanks for helmet, though would have liked a free book instead. first time to read your blog, hilarious shit brother. glad you enjoyed austin, no apoligies on bike tags. happy riding.
Sold! I'm moving.
uhm.. wait. How much was SF real estate again?
The parking lot at a Home Depot would have been a much better venue snob. There are sheds a plenty and lots of lawn chairs and,eh,more variety.
I am scared of that bike Boutique,even with the street cred.All it needs is a Mike Giant.
I've got a compact lawn locker type shed. It's got 26 inch wide doors but I have seen those new 29er doors around and am wondering if the extra width will give me more leverage for opening and closing as they claim. If so, as my shed isn't in a particularly windy spot, would that extra leverage be overkill? I have a 31inch inner arm length, I suppose that should be taken into account when fitting a shed. By the way I gave my shed a custom paint job, I'll post some photos soon. Fuck I love sheds! If everyone had a shed we could totally solve the worlds storage problems. Thanks for the great shed blog.
sorry, thought I was typing in the other tab I had open, Shed Head Blog.
There were twelve at the table. Bike Snob, Floyd the Betrayer and ten Mellow Johnny's employees. They were sitting together for the post BRA supper, when the guest of honour walked in, Lance Armstrong of urinal poster fame. After greeting everyone Lance went to the fridge and pulled out a bottle. That's funny, thought Bike Snob, you shouldn't chill red wine. Pouring everyone a glass Lance pronounced "This is my blood..."
oops: announced, not pronounced
Is that a photo of shirtless Matthew McConaughey?
The bike with the knobbly tyre fenders has so many levels of wrong - I just don't know where to start.
Funny, the last time I was down in the MJ's basement, that Trek Madone shrine sounded more like a swarm of vuvuzelas, or a Chris King rear hub, rather than the monolith on the moon...
Hey, I just realized... "Mellow Johnny's" = "MJ" ... not that there's anything WRONG with that...
hey yo - wish you were stopping in cincinnati. shalom!
The woman in the purple top (standing to the left of the red headed pervert...who is most likely snobbies brother) looks to have a nice set of "Shirt Yabbies"
"shirt yabbies," nice wordway!
nice chainline, bra
Queen of Mtns Oz!
Id like to be sacrficed on that Trek altar, by The Lance. Im not a virgin per se, but I recovered from a bad illness and havent rode my first mountain yet. ( mtn virgin)
I just hope its sex cult and not one of those satanic things...
cool, looks like a great time. and i need to watch 2001 a space odyssey again, that movie is rad.
Ok, BSNYC, I finally put the bar tape on my Colnago today. Thanks for shaming me into it.
Gerard Vroomen won't be pleased that you forgot
Torchy Peden, or that the 1904 Olympic gold in soccer went to Canada.
"westward meh" made me laugh
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