"What pressure are you running?" (Cyclocross)
[Scowl and avoid eye contact] (Road riding)
"Where did you buy your mankini?" (Triathlon)
Unfortunately for cyclocrossers, roadies, and triathletes, none of these greetings are available. Then again, cyclocrossers, roadies, and triathletes don't carry their keys on the outside like fixed-gear riders do. Instead, they simply leave them in their race bags, or they keep them in their jersey pockets, or they secret them in an orifice so as not to spoil the lines of their skinsuits. (This partially explains the scowling and avoiding eye contact.) Consequently, any message emblazoned on a keychain would remain unseen. In any case, besides sharing your feelings about rain and your gear ratio, you can also broadcast the following:

Just keep in mind that if you do buy one of these keychains and you want people to actually read the message on it, you should make sure it does not get lost among the vibrant print of your pants, the enormous logo on the waistband of your underpants, and the inviting shape and positioning of your posterior:
Actually, given the fact that fixed-gear riders almost always expose their underpants while riding, this company probably would have been better off selling customized elastic waistbands. That way, "hipsters" could coordinate their underwear with their gear ratios, which would not only be clever, but would also provide for ready-made excuses at alleycats. ("I'd ride faster, but my bigger gear is in the wash.") As it is, the model is wearing a pair of "Insane" underpants. I had never heard of Insane underpants, though I found their website using a popular search engine and they are active in cycling sponsorship:

("All You Haters Supplement My Income")
By the way, I'm not sure "Insane" is a great name for a brand of underpants. I can understand trying to be playfully seductive, but implying that what's going on in the wearer's crotchal region is downright "Insane" just seems off-putting. If you go home with someone whose genitals are "insane" you can probably expect to find dreadlocked pubic hair, an inordinate amount of piercings, and at least one STD. Getting to "third base" with someone who has an insane genitalway could be like sticking your hand into a sweatsock full of broken glass. These underpants are a warning, not an invitation. Then again, that may be some people's idea of "Physical Culture:"

Yes, more and more companies are making bicycle-specific casual pants, and here is the "origin story" of this hot retail segment:
UNTIL recently, any pants could be considered biking pants: all you had to do was roll up the cuffs or wrap some Velcro bands around your calves. But for people who commute by bicycle, those were not ideal solutions. Spending too long on a bike in regular trousers can wear out the seat of the pants. The rear pockets may rip from too many miles carrying a U-lock and the cuffs may get scarred with grease or shredded from encounters with the chain.
I have nothing against bicycle pants, though I do worry that their proliferation indicates that the lines of defense are retreating from the bike to the body. Why is the fact a U-lock can rip your pockets a reason to buy a new wardrobe? Why not just keep the lock in your bag or carry it on your bike? If you're having a problem with greasy and shredded cuffs, why not install a chainguard of some kind? If your pants are getting filthy from road spray, why not just use fenders? If the seat of your pants is wearing out, why use a saddle with a worn leather cover, or with rivets, or with embroidery?
Of course, the answer to all of these things is obvious--"vintage" racing saddles are cool, and U-lock brackets, chainguards, and fenders are not. It's much cooler apparently to migrate everything to your body by using special clothes and various holsters so people think you've come to read the meter until they notice the little logos which show that your work clothes have an extra zero on the price tag. The other thing to consider is that you only need to purchase one set of commuter accessories for your bike, but even the most dedicated schlub (and I consider myself a dedicated schlub) can't wear the same pants every single day. It's much more cost-effective to set up one commuting-specific bike than it is to purchase a week's worth of new commuting-specific clothing.
That said, as a schlub, I don't "curate" my cycling wardrobe; instead, I "throw it together," and as such I'm probably not qualified to comment on bicycling pants. If they work well and you like the way they look, by all means throw a pair of bicycling pants over your seamless and/or crotchless Insane underwear. You might find yourself so exuberantly comfortable that you totally slay a backwards wheelie, as you can see in this new video which has sent the entire fixed-gear freestyle world into a collective flat-brimmed tizzy:
Joel Weston from MACAFRAMA on Vimeo.
Apparently this is some kind of breakthrough, but to me something boring is no more interesting when it's performed in reverse. I know this to be true because I tried. As a test, I actually listened to that 30 Seconds to Mars song backwards, but it still sucked--though I did discover subliminal messages that alternately implored me to conform and to add the movie "Prefontaine" to my Netflix queue.
and third
top ten
early? top 10
701 Represent.
Damn so early today!
early top 10.
top teeennnnnnnnnn
Call it the rewind since it is just an average wheelie being played in reverse
When that guy goes by in his new "cycling" pants I want Frilly to be there to shout, "nice pie plate!"
So girls in France mime ass-f*cking their locks to get them open? I only assume that based on the position of the keychain - that, and who could be bothered to unscrew the carabiner every time.
Macaframa videos have a cool soundtrack at least
What pressure are you running?" (Cyclocross)
[Scowl and avoid eye contact] (Road riding)
"Where did you buy your mankini?" (Triathlon)
Gold, Snobby, gold.
Giro to DC!
I live along a parade route that hosts THE 4th of July parade. Every year since he was able to ride a bike, my nephew has participated. Each year he has rides a more elaborate bike--no, that's not quite right each year he rides more elaborately. One year he rode the mile and half from his house past mine in full wheelie, the next backwards, and so forth. I mention this because the Macaframa vid put me in mind of what I say to his Dad each year as he rides past-->that's a valuable skill.
Snob - did you fail to notice that the keychain model is also wearing an "epic" pair of Rapha/Zubaz collabo-pants?
Damn! Snob must not have set his clock back 2 weeks ago...
Top 100? Go buy some cycle pants dorks
Great one, I think you might be able to get some crossover (bad pun intended) by talking about gluing tubulars.
I think that if you do any sort of bike riding forward and then reverse the play of the video, it can become sweet.
How about running a DH video backwards. That would blow my mind! Reverse a Madison video. INSANE!
perhaps shoaling (shoehorning) could be added to 'scowl and avoid eye contact'
Anyone happen to notice that those drawers cost €35.00. There is your insane.
Time to go to the eye doctor -- for a second there, I thought the BSNYC just suggested I add a chainguard to my bike.
Is that 531c or 531st? (Audax)
I wish I definitively knew what was in those shrink-wrapped zebra print pants... I am simultaneously confused, aroused, and repelled.
I wouldn't go near someone in Insane underwear, but I'd also think twice about approaching someone in Fruit of the Loom. Or these.
What pressure are you running?" (Cyclocross)
[Scowl and avoid eye contact] (Road riding)
"Where did you buy your mankini?" (Triathlon)
"How many inches you got?"(Freeride)
BL--That would be really funny but a tad Lawrence Orbach I believe. I just don't know if the dude on the bike could appreciate that sentiment cuz he's definitely nokd.
kinda funny that hipsters spend so much on clothes and worthless shit cause of the labels. those shoes? $200. The pants? I don't know but just absurd looking. and 35 euro underwear?? I'd love to see that dudes craptastic apartment, cause the money leftover for rent bust be like -12 pairs of rapha pants.
I still have the chainguard that came on my Scattante. It's got a sweet translucent smoke-grey colourwhey. I'd totally rub it my pant legs were getting chewed up. (Though somehow I manage to avoid that, even though all my pants are woefully cycling non-specific...)
pants are 180
journalism > criticism
fucking retards don't even know how to express their gear ratio correctly i.e., gear inches. 50/15*27=90 gear inches
That seamless underwear better come in Kevlar by the looks of the fat chick in pink.
The key to keeping cleaner whites is to simply prevent stains from occurring at all.
Use marcal, Bro!
Philidelphia's breaking news:
Kenney will also propose penalties for bicyclists who remove brakes from their vehicles, a practice that he says is suddenly gaining in popularity. He suggests either a $1,000 fine for those operating bicycles without brakes, or a penalty of forfeiture of the bike.
full article:
"But officer look at my 75 dollar draws, my $40 keychain, my $150 dumb ass pants, I'm too broke!"
If humping a German police car make you an Uglo-American, I don't want to be a beautiful godzilla. I didn't anyway, but this just makes it feel so much better.
man, he better hope those french polizei don't see him doing that... they are real scary, ja?
What pressure are you running?" (Cyclocross)
[Scowl and avoid eye contact] (Road riding)
"Where did you buy your mankini?" (Triathlon)
what does a trackie say? something about gearing, tire pressure, and scowling?
i think i might start schluffing, since eddy merckx does it:
"The cheerful and chatty Merckx also didn't seem too keen on actually leading the trip. As guides from Central Park Bike Tours shouted for the group to walk their bikes on the sidewalk, Merckx jumped up onto his left pedal and weaved through the crowd, prompting most of his fellow riders to do the same, much to the guides' exasperation."
from: http://nymag.com/daily/sports/2009/11/eddie_merxyxczx.html
Thanks Snobby but I manage to solve the commuting to the office in pants vs. bicycle drivetrain conflict with either a $5 reflecto/velcro cuff retaining thing when it's cold and dark, or by tucking my pant cuff into my sock if it's just cold.
However, if you autograph the Scattante chainguard I'd happily "curate" it on my shelf of used cylcling celebrity, next to Marthy Nothstein's stem, Fred Rodriguez's water bottle and Bobby Julich's fork.
regarding my previous comment, maybe snobby was the guide.
What pressure are you running?" (Cyclocross)
[Scowl and avoid eye contact] (Road riding)
"Where did you buy your mankini?" (Triathlon)
You forgot
"Wanna take a safety break?" (Mountain biking)
...re: what oba just said...
...uh oh...look out, snob...cyclo-stalker !!!...
David Byrne is speaking in town tonight. (Bicycle advocacy nerd)
The insane panties are just fierce.
"How many days a year do you ride to work?" (Commuter)
Who am I? (straight edge hipster)
What's your carbon footprint - smug eco-cyclist.
I like that the key chain model has exactly one key. Let's assume she locks her bike up and then sleeps beside it.
If I were a dreamer, which I'm not, I would dream of rockin' it in the bicycle circus. (fixed gear freestyler)
My kid was just riding along and it broke. (Bike shop customer)
I was surprised by the title of that New York mag article on Merckx- "Greatest Cyclist of All Time (and a Hundred of His Fans) Take In Central Park Loop". Not that I disagree, but that seems, 'ya know, kinda 'un-LA' (being un-LA is like being un-PC in that they both can result in legal action).
But then in the article I noticed that they mention that LA himself calls Merckx the greatest of all time, so they made sure that they got immunity from 'un-LA-ness'.
All you haters suck my balls (Fierce Panties)
..."how the fuck did i end up in this blog-site"...all of us...
Well, they did one thing right. They put a girl in those zebra pants intsead of an emaciated hipster. At least, I hope it's a girl... I was checking out her ass for a couple of minutes.
You mean I'm not the only who has seen pink zebras!!??
Thank God!
I can't wait to tell my therapist.
They were gonna medicate me.
If other folks have seen pink zebras, I bet I'm not the only one to see the pink elephants, bunnies, mice and squirrels.
Or heard them sing.
I wonder if Mr. Frere-Jones studied their oevure.
"Baby, I'm going to sine your pitty on the runny kine!" (BikeSnobNYC)
"I can hardly smell your wool jersey at all." (Retro Grouch)
biking rules psa's are up on 'city room'. how did you sit through those? I made it to the 1:30 mark...terrible
Know what guy at Cycleliciousness said today? He said: "Open your closet and it's filled with bicycle clothes. Now all you need is a bike."
Here's his comment on chainguards and pants cuff velcro: When you see somebody with rolled up trouser legs you think, ”what a shame that fellow can't afford a chain guard”. You consider rolling up next to him at the next light to give him some money.
If Snobby and Cycleliciuosness agree it must be right.
The mimicry of snob versus prolly on today's post is a little funny. Check prolly, then pop over to snob to read clever banter making fun of prolly's posts.
BS: It's more common to "secrete" things in one's orifices--although I hope one can keep that secret.
need a fob for the nipple wrench
If you are going to wear those pants, you need to listen to this while riding.
Me, I prefer the Urban Awareness Jacket, or the mind-bending disco pants.
I could find nothing in the backwards wheelie video to suggest that he was actually traveling backwards, nor is there anything to confirm that he was not. Not a bird, a cloud, a passing pedestrian, a car, a bus, a taxi, a truck (lorie to you across the pond), a hotdog vendor, street merchant, fellow cyclist, ant, bug, spider, trash blowing in the wind, [add yours here]
Thanks Snob for the partial explaination- I always wondered about why the scowling and avoiding eye contact.
"John Tain, at left, a curator.."
A curator that curates cycling pants....ooh the irony.
"When did you first realize that you were a Dork?" (Recumbent Cyclist)
One Less Car (guy in Jetta)
Get off the road faggot! (guy in Hummer)
"What pain meds are you> on?"
(Mid-life single-speed cyclist)
Good call. It a hipster falls in the forest (urban jungle) and there's no one there to hear it (video tape it) then does it make a sound (end up on BSNYC)?
Ibuprofen. Lots of Ibuprofen. And it can cause bleeding ulcers.
I have a recumbent bike AND a ham radio license!
People should stop trying to get cycle clothes that look normal, instead they should recognise that "normal" is what society chooses: running shoes, sweatshirts, all now mainstream.
If people stopped trying to get "normal" clothes to work and instead start wearing waterproof trousers cut down to 3/4 with a hi-viz top when they go out as well as to work, it will become mainstream, and those people who spend $200 on a pair of Rapha trousers will recognise that it was a daft thing to do.
I have a recumbent bike AND a ham radio license! AND I can quote Monty Python's Holy Grail in its entirety!
I have a recumbent bike AND a ham radio license! AND I can quote Monty Python's Holy Grail in its entirety!
AND I have a cat named Mr. Sniffles.
I have a recumbent bike AND a ham radio license! AND I can quote Monty Python's Holy Grail in its entirety!
AND I have a cat named Mr. Sniffles, AND I dress him up and post pics on LOL catz.
I thought I remember a ham radio related post by you several months ago. FB
-Anon 3:25
trash blowing in the wind, [add yours here]
leaping spit.
I was horribly addicted to cough syrup back then, I refer to that time of my life as "the minty era".
Supplement this! (nonplassued bmx racer)
I can't wait until all the slopies start heading down the sidewalks with these: http://www.50cycles.com/taga-stroller-bike.php#page=page-1
and another thing, it's the fucking pigs. And the fact that the judicial system is biased to motorists. Have you ever seen a judge ride a bike to work? (Critical Masser)
"Don't steal bikes bro!" (Brunching NYC Messenger)
Mr. Sniffles
Maybe the video is just reversed? I close my eyes...I see pink and black tiger print. Am I going insane?
so i done had to get me a viper taco the other day at frandricos mesican resserant hell if it aint the werst shit ever they put bacon bits innit and eye talian dressin
I wear the same pants everyday!
More sayings for the key chain:
Fixie Fool
No Break (sic) Needed
Happy Hipster in Saddle
Powered by PBR
Not Plush but Plaid
AYHSM Keychain
Fake Dive Bar Ahead
Packin’ Somethin’ Insane
...it may not be the "gay" closet but too many people are coming out of 'some' closet & revealing way too much shit...
...it like you're all "coming apart at the hems"...hipster excess...
...just sayin'...
Have you ever seen a judge ride a bike to work?
In Albuquerque, there was a judge who rode his bike to work every day. 20 miles each direction. So there.
In addition: I surely wouldn't want to be humping a German police car. Those people LOVE their cars.
do you have to palp a backward hat when doing a backward wheelie?
you're the greatest, really.
"How many pastries can you fit in there?" (Randonneurs)
Is plaintive, navel-gazing cool again yet?
And how does one fuck rain, anyway?
Tell me, because we get a lot of it around here.
Apparently one can go to the SF pier and see Mr. Weston executing his backward fakie. Some folks are really worked up about it. They are siting the flow of the man's t-shirt and a car that moves in the background at the end of the clip.
I looked at both and am still not convinced. Another video was offered as proof that the trick can be done, but the authenticity is dubious.
I remain skeptical, but from what I hear Joel is a stand-up guy and has been riding for years (thought I'd pull out that old gem for the veterans)
ant 2nd!
and I wear the same pants every day -
til Mrs Rural 14 sez, you look like a homeless guy, and please don't use rope as a belt
and I sez -
It's the eccentric millionaire look, but without the millions part
and she, as always, sez, a million doesn't go as far as it used to (wouldn't we like to know)
and all that said (sez'd?) we do get the crazy eye goggle a lot as we ride around rural 14 land, especially on the 3 personed bicycle thing, so as we can have our kid riding with us too.
That fer sure out poleaxes a recumbent...naught more geekier, nyet needs freak flag more. I decline. And wave.
h1n1 almost gone.
"MACAFRAMA" backwards = "A MARFA CAM"
Which I suppose is what you would use to document this.
And if bikes are going to require licensing in Philly, dibs on the "AYHSMB" vanity plate.
"Mind if I get on your wheel?" (Fred)
I had a pair of criminally insane underpants once. I never knew where they went at night. They'd show up in the morning covered in hair and blood, pissed off and hung-over.
I had to get rid of that shit, and I've gone commando ever since. Like all Freds.
It's a lot more fun tow watch a plane fly backwards, or a horse run backwards, or even a backwards explosion.
"I'll cut you, motherfucker!"
I just remembered where I'd seen Pink Animal Print on a bike before.
Who cares what the product is. That's on hot ass !!
The Bad Lawyer while having not much of a reputation or for that matter, self-respect--does not advertise, does not recommend his services to others via commentariat postings (afterall he is adamantly a Bad Lawyer,) and despite a storied history of alcohol abuse has never been roughly shoved out of a funeral home for handing his business card to a grieving widow. Others may do as they please, but for better or worse, the Bad Lawyer only posts as the Bad Lawyer.
What's up with the "that said" idiomway? Just stop it.
What state are we in ??? ( rannoneurs
Frankly I'm surprised that you let the fact that the key chain is being utilized to hold a single key pass you unmentioned. I generally think of key chains of serving the purpose of keeping multiple keys together and the reason why a janitor's keys migrate to his belt loop is because he has too many to fit in his pocket comfortably. The advertisement fits the practical use by hipsters perfectly since they have adopted something from the working class unnecessarily as per usual. Most of them don't even have the two keys that come with having an automobile and a residence. As they probably work from home doing freelance graphic design they also don't have an office key they need to keep track of. While rappers often brag about how many "keys" they hold (often in comparison to janitors in fact,) the hipster key chain flaunts their status in almost the exact opposite way but to the same effect. Truly remarkable.
Bad Lawyer --
But have you ever represented someone who voided where prohibited?
I'm not asking for me.
It's for a friend.
Very Very Interesting Article. Thanks sharing info.
We have a saying in Germany: "One two, police. Three four, grenadier. Five six, old witch. Seven eight, good night."
The sexual encounter between the young Dämlack and the distressingly small police car took place at the Heldenplatz in Vienna, Austria.
The term 'key', in the parlance of urban rap artists is, in fact, referring to kilogram of narcotics (typically cocaine).
zitierst du da Mo-Do?
"Yo girl, them draws be insane!" (Me)
Have you ever seen a judge ride a bike to work?
I some Spinervals videos, there is a 72 year old judge who not only completes the level 8 workouts, but also participates in the Ironman.
Cool Story, Bro
Here's why I commute in cycling gear and change at the office (depending on the day, I have either a 6 or a 15 mile commute each way, sometimes a 11... whatever).
1) I'm a klutz, and prone to getting dirty from falling stupidly, getting schmutz sprayed on my butt, and chest (as happened today).
2) My work clothes are very nice. And not comfy to ride in. They bunch up in the wrong places, and I'd be worried about things getting messed up.
3) I don't want to smell at the office. If I work up a sweat on en route to the office(I have some serious climbs on the way in) and then stink for the rest of the day.
4) Have you ever ridden 10 miles+ in an underwire bra with D-cups? Yeah. Didn't think so. So, at the very least, I'm wearing a sports bra.
For women, Sheila Moon does have some nice options for ride/work wear. I just have to resolve the being broke part before I can invest in it. ;)
OH - and shout out to my friend, Marissa Jaret Winokur - the model/actress stretching in the blue top in the photo! :D
How many pairs of Dickies can you get for the cost of one Rapha/Outlier?
Mr. Mugshot:
The reason I did not palp grime-brows in NYC is because I came out of the office one night to find that someone had needed my rack more than I did -- 4 bolts to remove it, vs. the one for the seat. Another time, I came out to find that someone had cut almost all the way through the chain locking the seat to the frame. In short, I am not independently wealthy, nor have I connections in the accessory world who will send me limitless grime-brows as I spread the gospel of fenders to the riders of NYC. My solution was to wear a kilt for riding, thereby protecting my shorts from grime and assuring that I would always have a changing room for donning my corporate uniform.
Now I have left NYC for a paradise where cyclists leave Lefty-adorned bikes unlocked while they sit down for a slice and beer, so I don't have an excuse for being browless. Unless i can convince myself that the fenders will clog up with all the snow.
smart fuck happened in austria not france! in france they prefere goats for that. schmock
Very cool story. Thanks sharing with this blog.
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