Friday, September 18, 2009

BSNYC Friday Fun Quiz!

In many places, this weekend marks the start of the cyclocross season. Personally, I couldn't be less prepared. Not only am I still deeply immersed in cantilever brake adjustment (I'm trying to dial out that barking seal sound), but I'm also using last season's skinsuits:

(Photo via Stevil Kinevil of AHTBM)

It's important to remember though that there are more important things than equipment, even when it comes to bike racing. Cyclocross may involve barriers, but those don't need to include barriers to entry such as costly crabon frames and wheels. Sure, Ben Bernanke says the recession is over, and sure, we're all choking on money all of a sudden, but even so you may be better off just grabbing any bike with sufficient mud clearance and hitting the course. For example, you could just slip this sweet ride spotted by a reader (complete with cantilever brakes) off of this headless parking meter:

Or, if you're too lazy to lift a bike (in which case you probably won't like cyclocross) you could just roll this bike (spotted by the same reader) away, since the only thing keeping it in place is the weight of the u-lock:

Then, just wash it down, tune it up, and count your savings:

Though you may want to work on your bike-handling skills, which you can apparently hone by skateboarding and delivering plants:

Speaking of irritating obstacles, I'm now pleased to present you with a number of formidable mental obstacles in the form of a quiz. As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer. If you're right you'll know it, and if you're wrong you'll see this messenger bike thief beatdown remix.

Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and watch out for barking seals and portaging chickens.


1) Which celebrity's "on a roll" on the Lower East Side?

--Lindsay Lohan

2) This bike is called:

(Possible hipster dog team spotted by a reader in Portland, OR)

5) "Urban mushing" may be The Next Big Thing.


6) This may very well be the world's most expensive set of chopped handlebars.


7) "Get with it!" The Cushman trend has been in full swing since at least:

8) "Who stole the soul?" Which is not a quote from a recent VeloNews article about the Campagnolo factory in Vicenza, Italy?

9) What is the price of this "purple awesome fixie" on Craigslist?


***Special Entrepreneurial Bonus Question***

What are "Streetwrapz?"


Anonymous said...

hey ya

Anonymous said...

even after fumbling the shift...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Two days in the top ten!!

Asterisk said...


rezado said...


mander said...

Top Ten!

jon said...

This in not Fum!

Astroluc (Find me on Tumblr and Instagram @Astroluc) said...

Top 10 baby...

mander said...

Also, Tektro CR-720s took care of my own barking seal noise. Wide profile brakes like CR-720s are powerful enough that you can run the pads closer to the canti arm, which eliminates a big source of squeal.

Anonymous said...

ok, cant use the volume at work, but why the f' can't a woman just pop a squat?

Shiny Flu said...

Cyco Diskkkkk breaks.

mikeweb said...

Early! Go chicken go!!

captain said...

Let's see who can be the first of you tools to kill yourself.. Ready? Go!

Anonymous said...

You're averaging about 5 uses of the word "hipster" per post these days. I still don't know what a hipster is, exactly.

Dave said...

OOh dropped a chain.

But scored 9 of 10 on the Quiz

rezado said...

The guy selling the fixie for two bucks is low balling himself. He must not know how the haggling process works. You go high they go low.

Maybe he is selling so cheap because the fork is bent from running into a high curb. Which lowers the price

Astroluc (Find me on Tumblr and Instagram @Astroluc) said...

that pic of the chopped Cinelli bars is one of the most foolish things I thing I have ever seen... let us just hope that one or both of the drops were damaged/broken in a crash, at some point in the past, and the chop was an economic decision in order to "re-purpose" the into being useful again...

...I can dream, can't I?

mikeweb said...

Wow! LL with a "Have a Coke..." shirt on? Isn't that what got her into rehab in the first place?

Astroluc (Find me on Tumblr and Instagram @Astroluc) said...


Astroluc (Find me on Tumblr and Instagram @Astroluc) said...


Alareth said...

The robots have targeted cyclists for elimination!

Anonymous said...

you should take cyclo-xing more serious, your attitude is insulting to those of us who are competing at the highest level. If you expect us to pit three carbon wheelsettes with tubulars, and custom titantium race rigs, and then not be angry at your "grab any old bike, and run" then you are out of your mind. I would yank your race licences if I could.

Anonymous said...

Famous bike stolen: Rivendell Glorius stolen in St Paul, MN was owned by daughter of famous retro-grouch Grant Peterson. Please add your ironic statement (maybe $2500 townie bike is NOT such a good idea), but, seriously, if you see the bike contact police or Grant.

Anonymous said...

don't attack on a descent!!!

hillbilly said...

good point Mikeweb....

have a great weekend everyone, get those chicken suits cleaned, pressed, starched, feathered, plucked.....

mikeweb said...

7 outta 10. Meh.

JClev19 said...

That GoGirl thing is hardly unique, the Lady J has been marketed for years for women backpackers. From what I hear, you're better of using it in the shower unless you like urine stains over your knuckle-tats.

rezado said...

Shit, I have wanted a cushman since 2003. I thought New York was supposed to be hip. Thank god I dont live there any more.

mikeweb said...

That fixie is at $175 now. And looks to have a bent fork.

Asterisk said...

I'd love to see a video of Snob in the chicken suit, being pulled by a dog team, while hauling a bath tub.
And with Lindsay Lohan chasing while wearing a GoGirl.


hillbilly said...

I knew a guy who borrowed his girlfriends bike to race, hybrid a few sizes too small for him, did this several times, finally someone said to him, "look, if you want to race on this shitty bike that's your problem, but at least take the fucking basket off'

that pops into my head at almost every race

Anonymous said...

Palp + Curate = Palpate?

Blade said...

I did not like the video of the bike stealing perp getting beat up. Does violence solve anything? And does dressing it up with a sound track and fancy fades and slow-motion makes it tolerable?? Art and culture . . . . Sure, the camera reflects what is on the outside, but doesn't it really show us what is on the inside? Again, art and culture are intertwined.

Blade said...


Carlos said...

YUP, it's true. Portland has become a mush haven. 3-4 dogs, a skateboard or roller blades, and absolutely no need for brakes. Oh, and they'll yell at you like its your fault if you get in their way (because they can't stop).

Kanye West said...

Yo Snob,

I'm real happy for you, and I'm gonna let you finish, but road racing season is the BEST SEASON OF ALL TIME!!!

Anonymous said...

' and culture are intertwined.'

like woven crabon-kevlar seatmasts.

Daddo said...

if the dog is a working dog, don't we owe it a vacation?

(the board of health came today and shut down my shower so I've started to wash in the toilet)

Anonymous said...

@Anonymous 12:49 PM

You should take commenting more seriously, as your attitude is insulting to those of us who are commenting at the highest level. If you expect us to pit three years of university, and custom correspondence courses, and then not be angry at your made up hyphenated word "cyclo-xing" then you are out of your mind. I would yank your comment if I could.

Cyclox said...

Dude, I made YOU up!

LoTits said...

Dear Miss Lohan,
Get a bra! You not old enough for that look yet.

Musher McMusherson said...

When I saw LL, I did a rod.

grumps said...

@rezado: he was selling so cheap because he accidentally gave the url to manage the post to a lowlife saboteur grumpypants friend. grumpy friend was grumpy about overall disaster potential: bent fork, cottered cranks, lack of toeclips & brake on bike, lack of ethics on seller. slightly less grumpy now that this made snobby's quiz.

Anonymous said...

more serious

brit humour.

Anonymous said...


As a reader of yours’ located in the respectable, conservative and safe confines of Orange County CA, I thought you might be interested in an experience I had this morning while enjoying my morning coffee at Starbucks. I had just settled into my normal easy chair, facing the windows opening up to Chapman Avenue in the city of Orange. Just as the sun was rising in the east, some vague golden headed figure caught my eye, running swiftly, yet softly to the east, toward the hills (after a night of hunting on the flatlands?) – This figure was definitely a man I had never seen before, yet I somehow recognized him and knew I must have seen him, or somebody very much like him, before. But where? Then I realized the long, flowing locks of blond and golden running suit could belong to only one breed. The Lone Wolf. He (or they) had somehow breached the “Orange Curtin” protecting us from LA County and was now running the streets of “the OC”. Why running and not biking is a mystery to me – but I should remember I’m somewhat simpleminded and incapable of understanding the ways of the breed. In my excited and somewhat stunned state I didn’t know what to do. Unfortunately I did not think to take a picture of him with my cell phone and now fear I have no evidence to show anybody he was actually here. The best I could do was to tell others of this rare, likely once in a lifetime, sighting. (Well, I actually only told Mike, my buddy at work who occasionally reads BSNYC as well, who told me I should have chased him down in my car to get a picture). But I will never forget that the Lone Wolf (or one of his brethren) graced my morning with his visit to “the OC” and wish to believe that by now he is past the hills separating “the OC” from Riverside County and continuing east toward what might just be his Mecca: Las Vegas, NV.


Unknown said...

Bike wash girl has a bad bushing on the heel of her hemp stripper shoes (not that I was looking)

Anonymous said...

'A worker uses a go/no-go gauge to check the virgin hole for size.'

seriously consider working for campagnolo

omowo said...

During my 'mid block burst' on the way home yesterday, I saw a Segway being used by an actual person on an actual sidewalk. I didn't know they existed outside of tradeshows.

Drunks were hassling the rider while he waited for the light, so I guess there is such a thing as cosmic balance.

Anonymous said...

Chalkboard paint?

Anonymous said...

That yellow Schwinn could have been weight-locked twice as securely if its owner would have taken the time to slide that second U-lock up the pole.

Unknown said...

Can you try to figure out if this $220 Campy corkscrew is made in Romania or Asia?

Anonymous said...

Gotta love articles like this - er hello? What about infrastructure for cyclist?

ronnie raygun said...

the gogirl, lady-j or the she-nis. it's only new to some, and only a fetish for the brave.

gettin creepy said...

the real "OC" now speaks to you in third person, bsnyc...

sufferist said...

Just checking in, thanks for another good week of posts Mr. Snob.

CommieCanuck said...

Can you try to figure out if this $220 Campy corkscrew is made in Romania or Asia?

It has to do with the direction of the threading, or something. Tullio invented and patented the corkscrew wine opener. He also cast aluminum bits for the NASA Apollo missions.


red neckerson said...

what a bunch of dicks

Seanywonton said...

Happy Fur-day! In celebration I'll be palping my Daniel Boon coon skin helmet-coverway on my commute.

Seanywonton said...

How do you get that nasty barking seal sounds out of your canti's anyway? Is it actually necessary to stick your toes in the brakes?

broomie said...

I got creamed on that quiz! I guess I need to start spending more on culture again.

LowBalls said...


sufferist said...

Broomie: was it a quizinary bukkake? 10 on 1?

Seanywonton said...

Glad to know that fixie street wrapz are not compatible with my deraileur.

CommieCanuck said...

That is because it’s less interesting to read a description without photos, and since Campagnolo forbids the use of a camera inside its factory, there are none to accompany this story.

Obviously, Campy is fighting through these tough times by doing a little meat rendering on the side. Always room for Jello.

ant1 said...

Damn, hadn't subjected myself to the OC in a while. I wonder how much longer it will be before his vocabulary consists only of the words bike and snob.

Michael Scott said...

Did you know the “virgin hole” in the end of each Campagnolo chain has actually had a pin through it at one time?

That's what she said!

kale said...


Well here's a taste...

bikesgonewild said...

...oh baby...have i got a dirty bike for you ta wash !!!...

bikesgonewild said... neckerson said...

"what a bunch of dicks"

...sounds like ol' red neckerson ended up at "the go-go boys dance revue"...

...hopefully by accident...

ant1 said...

kale - that's mighty catchy, unlike the OC, who is highly annoying.

Suzee said...

1st mushister "...its like the start of, like, the Indy 500..."
Maybe her huskies have been delimited.


bikesgonewild said...

...btw...cyclo-chicken has great 'cross' form... he molts after the finish though...

...anon cross hug...zat make ya feel better ???...& for yer own sanity, don't ever show up @ a dfl cross race in sf...your sensibilities will be egregiously offended...

James Martin said...

Of course Campagnolo have no soul. Nothing in cycling does.

Lou Beatty Jr. said...

I am nonplussed.

Ty Webb said...

I ride nonplusfoured CX.

Anonymous said...

I know it's not healthy, and I feel kind of bad about it, but I really enjoyed the bike thief smack-down remix.I watched it three times while thinking about the ride I had stolen from me a couple years back.
"The Bicycle Thief" it's not, but it satisfies.

George Takei said...

The corporation I work for only allows video without sound, and they don't pay me enough to afford home internet.

I have no idea what this sounds like.

Anonymous said...

"I know it's not healthy, and I feel kind of bad about it, but I really enjoyed the bike thief smack-down remix.I watched it three times while thinking about the ride I had stolen from me a couple years back.
"The Bicycle Thief" it's not, but it satisfies."

This was most likely put together using an unlicenced copy of Sony Video Vegas.

broomie said...


10 on 1? You insult me sir! more like 20 on 1.


Mike Giant said...

Frame me out. Throwin' a Kadir Guirey and Rohan Dubash party in the office tomorrow. Everyone is invited.

MG said...

While I was waiting for the Xerox guy to fit new toner or what ever it is yesterday, I had a brainstom session in front of the mirror.

Broken Arrow said...

I'm a newbie:

How do you start a new thread?
I tried pressing escape but it didn't work.

Grizzly Adams said...

Take it from me, it's just to wait until on of the pro commenters talks over you to one of their buddies higher up on the list. Listen to their beat talk and jive in. It might take a couple of days before you hit jackpot.

Anonymous said...

Snob, please cover the Damien Hirst /Livestrong /TdF /Astana /Armstrong bike auction.

Anonymous said...

Gristley adams-

I'm here

Anonymous said...

I know. You always are. Respect.

Anonymous said...

gotta go, some woman just asked me to dance.

Anonymous said...

Time to watch "The Cannonball Run" out of respect for Reynold's self administering powers.

"You are certainly the most distinguished group of highway scofflaws and degenerates ever gathered together in one place"

Elvis said...

Anonymous said...

"powers" should read "prowess".

Andy said...

Thought this would amuse some:

wishiwasmerckx said...

Despite a lifelong fascination with vaginas, I'm afraid that I do not understand the go-girl.

I mean I get the part where you pee standing up, pretending that you are a guy. (BTW, if you have flexible hips, apparently with a little practice, you too can write your name in the snow).

The part I don't get is what you do afterwards, especially if you are not near a water supply. Do you throw it away and buy another one? Do you put the thing dripping with piss back in your purse or pocket?

Even if pee is sterile, that is just nasty, and even nastier depending on your vitamin and supplement regimine.

Finally, do you wipe or just drip-dry? I mean they don't call them piss fenders for nothing, you know.

Anonymous said...

!!! Hey BSNYC !!!!

You are usually quite rigourous in citing your sources but here you failed miserably: where did you take the picture of the lady washing the bike!! Why no source??!?

A desperate single guy.

sufferist said...

Broomie: my comment's contents were based on the creamed reference in your comment and the number of questions in Mr. Snob's Fum Friday Quiz. So unless you took the quiz twice, I'm not certain that the amateur moniker that you so blithely bandied about is accurate.

ijustwanttobeliked said...

You mean my brakes aren't supposed to make that squealing sound? Is that why none of the other racers are nice to me?

wishiwasmerckx said...

Looks left, looks right, zips up jersey, and...

wishiwasmerckx said...


omowo said...

I want that manly Giant so I can ride around in 'big muscles gear' ... think I can lowball him with 2 bucks?

Smith said...

Best Street Bike Crash Wreck SAVE EVER
Although have many videos in his database but I love this video most as I never seen such thing happening in crash. He is really luck as he not just got safe but also back on bike…amazing video.

Watch Out for this video at clipta

Cognorant said...

I have to agree with Blade 1:12pm

I get a little sick feeling in my gut when I watch that video.

Although I mostly have a problem with the display of vigilantism. Even if, in this episode, the beat-down was justified think about the ramifications. These guys are now emboldened by their little success here and could likely act again. Maybe they'll be wrong next time and beat up someone innocent who merely lost the key to his lock and is cutting his own bike free. Only this time they have the previous experience and they won't be quite so timid.

I've personally been in a situation where it appeared as if I was committing a crime and a couple of A-holes were going to "teach me a lesson". Luckily for me a police officer happened to be near by to take control and yes, indeed, the property was mine.

Punishment first, questions later is the opposite of justice.

Just sayin

omowo said...

I think the 'beating' was mild. They showed a lot of restraint. Your theory that they will be emboldened to seek out crimes for further vigilante action is silly.

The thief on the other hand may not be so emboldened for further bike thefts.

bikesgonewild said...

...agreed, reed enwright...

...w/ all the national exposure this has gotten, i'm almost betting that in this case the thief has been subjected to so much "shit" from his little pals he's prob'ly paranoid...

...he knows if he's ever caught again by anybody, anywhere, they're gonna go real hard on his ass next time..."you !!! fucking douche !!!'re the muthafucka was in that video & yer doin' it again ???...yer a dead man !!!"...

...just sayin'...

Anonymous said...


I can see why these would be functional, but they're so goofy!

Take care,
Suburban Roadie 4 Life

Cognorant said...

escalation of criminal activity isn't such a silly idea, it happens all the time. I didn't mean I thought that they'd go out seeking criminals. I do believe that if another situation were to present itself (I know slim chance) they would almost certainly act more boldly and perhaps more violently.

And BGW, the alleged bike thief could react the way you describe or he may react the opposite and arm himself. Could go either way.

Can you guys make even the slightest room for the idea that man being pushed around is innocent? I can think of several scenarios where the assailants have made a mistake. That's what bothers me the most.

bikesgonewild said...'re not offering extrapolation based on fact...i hear nothing but pure supposition from you...

..."Can you guys make even the slightest room for the idea that man being pushed around is innocent?"... this particular case, quite simply, NO...

...if you're going to defend the concept of "innocent until proven guilty" here, then please carefully examine the precipitating action...

...the fact that the man was literally caught w/ an electric drill (battery powered) in his hand, trying to drill out the lock on a bicycle that we've deemed as to belong to one of the gentlemen involved in the fracas, seems, at greater than cursory glance to damn him, at least in my book...

...i speak only for myself when i say, he got off lightly...

Cognorant said...


Hmmmmmmm, I'm trying to think of a way to make my point that won't devolve into us throwing poop at each other.

Our legal and justice systems are fucked up to be sure but the one tenet that it's all founded on is very, very nobel. A person is innocent until proven guilty.

We know very little about the story in question: A man sees another man drilling out the lock on his bike. He runs inside a store and rallies his friends and they go out and beat a man up and take some video.

There's a lot we don't know: The character, motives, state of mind, mental health of all the parties involved. We know nothing about the relationships the men have with each other, whether or not they have criminal backgrounds or histories this type of behavior. Until I know all of these things I'm not willing to cry guilty.

We don't know if the bike thief is even in his right mind. Is he mentally stable to begin with? Does he depend on medication? Was his medication compromised? if so who's fault was it?

Is the bike messenger in his right mind? Are his powers of observation clouded by emotion, drugs, alcohol? Does he know the thief? What's their relationship? etc. etc. etc. We need the facts to know what the real story is.

I'm just saying that even in cases that seem 100% on the surface can fall apart under investigation.

Anonymous said...

@wanna be merckx and the Anonymous who said "why can't women just pop a squat" and whoever else made sexist comments about the gogirl.

No, it is not for women who want to "pretend to be guys". Why don't you step out of your little box for a minute and put yourself in a woman's shoes.

You know what you have to do, as a man, when you want to take a piss. Just whip it out and go. However, a woman has to go through much more. Thus, having to urinate is kind of a big deal when you are female.

First, she's got to find a place where her entire ass won't be exposed to the world. She's got to take off half of her clothing...many women I know choose not to wear bibs for this reason, because they are too difficult to take on and off, and then when she finally is able to pop a squat, the pee splashes up everywhere and you get urine all over your feet and legs and butt.

These devices have been around for quite a while and despite not having been perfected yet, they are simply trying to make being outdoors easier on women. Grown up, mature men understand that...the type of men that women want. I am sorry for your girlfriends or wives or whatever you have, but based on your posts I doubt you have one.

Alex said...

Awesome Blog, look forward to it every day. Feel free to use this for fodder:

bikesgonewild said...


...don't believe i threw any poop on ya in my last post...

...other than that, im totally flat-lined on the subject & any more discussion of it.........

flaco said...

Both sides have some valid points in this argument, I still maintain that it was a hoax. No cursewords? No actual blood? No running or fighting back? Dude leaves the thief with his bike and goes in to get friends?

mander said...

Holy shit! The (old) OC is truly on the razor's edge. Someone should look after that guy.

L.A. Food Urchin said...

I think the would-be bike thief is getting a beat down from none other than Ben Stiller - dressed as a "future sailor".

Anonymous said...

Perfect use of Spinaci Bars

wishiwasmerckx said...

Anon 2:03, this is hardly an original idea. The army has been working on a disposable cardboard version for a long time. A throw-away makes a lot more sense to me.

Insult me all you want, but I believe that I raised a few legitimate points. Of necessity, hygene standards are lower in the field or in combat.

What do you do if you can't at least rinse it off?

Did somebody forget to tell you that the whole point of this blog is to make fun of things? Lighten up.

Anonymous said...

You know that go girl is a pretty smart idea. Although, I dont know why I would want one.

I has a PEE PEE!

richard irvine said...

Due to iTunes playing in background I managed to watch bike thief beat down video to the sound of Mungo Jerry's In The Summertime - surprisingly they worked rather well together.

Cognorant said...


Yes, it was all very civil and I agree, that horse is pretty much dead.

On to the dissection of the merits of the gogirl I guess.

mbowser said...

OOOOH! I found the sweetest deal on craigslist...

Who wouldn't want Duck Heads

kale said...

I want someone to make a GoGirl so I don't have to sit down to, well, you know...

Yeah that bike thief thing was crazy bro.

CommieCanuck said...

wwm...anon 2:03..let's all be friends, this comments section is starting to spike "urination" and "golden shower" hits on Google.

Besides, I know a few chicks who could pee against a wall, when there's will, there's a way. I avoid the whole controversy by wearing a diaper, NASA-style.
Anon 2:03 = Lisa Marie Nowak?

sufferist said...

lantern rouge, yo! (?)

sufferist said...

or if you wanna be all French about it; Lanterne rouge

for your edification

bikesgonewild said...

...congratulations, sufferist...

...oh, nooo !!!...sorry, i just didn't realize...

sufferist said...

I was so close, maybe next time....

bikesgonewild said...

...ya, there's always that possibility...

..i'll be the first one to cheer ya on...

...owww, damn !!!...

sufferist said...

thanks for your support, I know I can do it, I just need the right set of circumstances...

Xerox 6130 toner said...

i love this compilation of pictures and it is a nice to see a sence of humor to go along with them. well done and i think the best one is the bike chained to half of a pole. That one is only possible to see in America. WELL DONE!

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