("Could you please take us someplace where we can buy more crap?")
Sometimes, the business of simply living your life can be too easy. When we don't have something that, while ultimately meaningless, keeps us lying awake at night, our existence can seem empty and futile. For example, I cannot relax if I've inadvertently mounted a tire "backwards"--even if that tire has no tread whatsoever and the direction is ultimately completely irrelevant. Just the fact that somewhere on the sidewall is the word "rotation" followed by an arrow pointing the wrong way makes me extremely uneasy, and actually riding a wheel set up this way makes me feel like a cat being brushed backwards. Similarly, some people simply cannot sleep knowing that somewhere, somehow, a professional cyclist may be cheating. Take journalist David Walsh, who's been criticizing the UCI's "biological passport."
I'm not a comic book fan, but I would probably read one in which the sport of cycling was personified as a "flambullient" superhero (think Mario Cipollini in one of his novelty skinsuits) and David Walsh was its arch-nemesis and possessed of the superpower to suck the fun and spontaneity out of absolutely anything. Granted, some of Walsh's scientific arguments go over my helmet, but the crux of his argument seems to be that, while ostensibly you're supposed to ride faster than other people in professional cycling, the fact is that actually doing so means you're a cheat. This is too much even for Garmin Slipstream director Jonathan Vaughters, who explained why riders are faster now than they used to be:

Yes, anybody who was following cycling in the mid-90s remembers both those Carnacs and those sweat-retaining clothes. Sure, we now know that Pantani was about as clean as a porta-potty at a summer music festival, but given what passed for team kit back then it's astounding he was able to climb those mountain passes at all:

Furthermore, as Vaughters points out, while the "biological passport" isn't perfect now it's still way more than any other sport is doing. Nonetheless, it's still not enough for Walsh, who is hell-bent on removing that pesky "human element" from sport once and for all and as such advocates abandoning the "biological passport" in favor of the "Bio-Dome:"

But these fussy officials aren't the only threat to cycling's public image. A reader informs me that a cadre of riders recently sought to interfere with the Woodward Dream Cruise:

Still, some people aren't happy to simply ride their bikes. They have to ride their bikes for a cause. After all, the automobile has turned the landscape and the environment into a ravaged and noxious perdition, while riding a bicycle makes flowers bloom and birds sing and people harmonize together on street corners. Or does it?
This is the new and much talked-about bike lane on Sands Street in Brooklyn. Yes, it's smooth, yes it's protected, and yes it's convenient. At the same time, though, it's also just another paved slab, and that's nothing to be smug about. Does this really make our city and our Earth a more beautiful place? If we're going to shelter our bike lanes from automobile traffic, why not go all the way? I would like to see our bike lanes transformed into lush nature trails, complete with native vegetation, wildlife, and rippling streams. Sure, you might get poison oak on the way to work, and there's always the danger that there will be an increase in the number of Teva sandals you see on a daily basis, but I think it's worth it. After all, nature doesn't distinguish between a street and a bike lane; as far as it's concerned, they both suck. This could be why I keep getting caught up in goose Critical Mass rallies while I'm commuting:
Despite the fact that it was a pleasant summer evening, these people are holding their soirée in a climate-controlled bubble:
Indeed, in the not-too-distant future, those with means will live safely in the bio-dome, while the rest of us will be forced to breathe poison air and ride our bicycles on the cracked bike lanes of our own hubris:
This could be why the people in the bubble didn't react with typical nonplussitude when I photographed them. Instead, they smiled gleefully, probably because they were gloating about the fact that they would survive while I perished:
In times like these, a smile is even worse than a scowl. Fortunately, I can always rely on my fellow cyclists for a reassuring look of disdain. For example, on Friday evening I encountered a group of riders assembled at Prospect Park:
I'm not sure what they were up to, but to my relief they regarded me in the manner to which I am accustomed:

Clearly, I was about as welcome here as I was in the bubble. I can only imagine how they would have reacted if I'd shown them my "biological passport."
PRE first!
Blah! PRE caught at the line
odious-um... not!
landis at the showing
Look into this extended middle finger while I take your picture.
Say "cheese"
duck, duck, GOOSE!
I have to admire David Walsh, he's figured out how to make a living out of shitting all over a sport, kinda like DopeSnobRoI.
But, things are getting tougher, it's only matter of time before we all have to carry a biological passport to travel to the US and give a semen sample at every border crossing. Every car is given an 8X10 photo of Michelle Obama and a plastic cup.
Be prepared for long wait times at the border crossings. Really long.
oooh, top twenty. not bad for greece.
Sis boom bah!
Gotta say Snob - I tried riding non-plussed all the way to work today and didn't get any shit from any drivers for once (In Ottawa no less!!) You've got to give it a try :-)
i encountered the non-plusters as well. what were those rapscallions up to?
Oh stop it with the pomo 'everything is everything' nonsense. A bike lane is a million times better than a car lane and everybody knows it.
While you're navel gazing the coked up freaks at the highway lobby are eating your bike lane for lunch.
Anonymous 1:46pm,
I wouldn't take anything you read in a post involving the movie "Bio-Dome" too seriously.
Well said on the Dream Cruise. It's a pretty harmless display of cool machinery, and Detroit needs that kind of stress relief every now and then. Ironically it fell on an ozone action day this year.
I rode my bike there and found nothing but good vibes at very high volume. Then again my bike is rockin' an obnoxious V-Twin.
it seems that the more crappy (ie; less vintage and/or collectible) a car is, the higher the degree of probability that the owner/driver will be "angry" at any given cyclist at any given time...
...I cite as an example of my statement a situation that arose yesterday morning involving a mid-90s Mercury Sable wagon and its occupants deciding to tailgate, honk, and holler simply because I was in front of them.
In deriding Bio-Dome, you've revealed the true source of my frustration.
Anonymous 1:46pm (Pauly Shore)
-- I was nonplussed by the word "nonplussed", 'til I looked it up and realized you were using it in the sense of wiktionary's second definition.
And, as with all great research, your post raises more questions than it answers. How much sweat does a chicken suit retain? And that 1990s outfit raises (but does not beg!) the question - will the hipsters go a step beyond bike polo, and take up bicycle jousting in full armor?
Duuuude, wouldn't it be sick if we got one of those tents and, like, filled it with weed. That would be like some maaaaaaajor hot-box action man.
Commie: You know you love me and my guns. Pa-POW!
If you stare at the blue shirt the woman is wearing for long enough, you'll see a "Shroud of Turin" outline of a character from H.R. Puff 'N Stuff.
I too am nonplussed.
..."Pantani was about as clean as a porta-potty at a summer music festival"...
...am i actually allowed to use 'hipster' expressions like omg & lol ???...'cuz THAT is some seriously sick but funny shit !!!...
...this blogsite is gonna require a "laff-track" at this rate...
Sandwich man and turquoise top lady look like how I imagine red neckerson and Jolene.
What's to protest about a hot rod rally anyway? I adore hot rods, always have, and it would be so cool to attend a big event like that. Drag racing too - I'd love to roll up at Pomona on the Brompton.
Thanks for ID-ing the sandwich. For a moment, I feared it was a burrito, and you know what lightning rods of controversy those can be.
That couple using the SoHo bike lane as their personal "green carpet", look like they're the male & female version of identical twins. Now I know that's genetically and biologically impossible (except down in Viper), but that picture seems to say otherwise.
bgw - go for it, just don't try to sneak in a LMAO
...there was a "custom" car show in downtown san anselmo on sunday...hot rods, vintage cars, old sports cars + there was an awesome display of cool old american bicycles included...
...what's not to like about the very human effort of restoring or customizing something from the past ???...
...sure, build everything green for the future, fully agreed but hey, don't be afraid to appreciate what already is...
...just sayin', you kids get offa my lawn !!!...
That goose looks non-plussed too. And Canadian.
I would imagine it's some sort of tourist hook-up in the process. They met at Kennith Cole, when his debonair paunch grazed her FUPA by accident in the silk cravat isle, they knew it was on.
Looks to me like they barely made it into the cab, cuz if you look again, they look like they're getting "Too Close".
bgw, my personal favorite is ROFL.
Actually, I never heard of that one until I just saw it on a 10 year old's t-shirt at the Sbux a while ago.
Damn Eco Weenies try and mass around my fully restored '59 Edsel Ranger.I will make of them a portion for foxes...
...hillbilly & mikeweb...i get so confused by all this stuff that i hadda look up "lmao, rolf" & "bgw"...forgot who i was "initially"...
...what's not to like about the very human effort of restoring or customizing something from the past ???...
Yesterday while riding in CP, encountered someone on a beatiful old Schwinn Paramount (older than my Paramount) completely bedecked in classic Campy components. Everything looking brand new. Just beautiful...
lmao you hippes used to drive the shit cars with shit milage like bugs and minbuses and dassuns now yous all drive shit electrocars that are pwerd by bannana peels and garbage or whatever
my pappy done tolt me how to werk on a car and shit it dont drive to well but that saves more gasses than drivingh to the hippy shop and to get vageytarrian noodles i hert ted nugent hell i could steel your man when i showt him i could clean the distriberter cap and check the valve lash on the henry j out back
kale, you may be onto something. I bet that unfortunate cab driver is still trying to rid his mind of the horrible scene that he glanced in the rear view...
The bike lane problem - of ever more land paved over with tarmac - is tragic and horrifying. How could we have so badly harshed Mother Earth's mellow by laying down extra concrete and tar? There can be only one solution.
That's right.
Bike Single Track Commuter Lanes.
Starting today, I'm no longer arguing in favor of expanding roads with white lines and little bicycles painted on them for cyclists.
Nope. Nothing but full bore, gnarly single track (leave the roots! Don't harm the trees!) will do for me. Rip up the roads, and plant trees! (Similar to what Detroit is doing, except we'd plan it rather than just letting the roads fall apart). I'm sure IMBA would be down with building several hundred miles of sustainable multi-use paths in each of our major cities. Add some freeride features and it will be a big hit. Forget ambulating, pedaling, and easing on into work - we can huck, shred, and rip all the way to the office. Plus there's Wednesday weed, an excuse not to shave your legs, and the fact that every ride on a Dutch City Bike will be like re-enacting "Clunkerz." What's not to love?
I'm also holding out for some nice rock features and if there's any water to be crossed, let's have some big air ramps on either side of the water. (Can't be messing up the river bed and disturbing the poor little fishies with silly bridge pilings now, can we?)
The only downside to this is that... ah, fuck. Who am I kidding. There is no downside.
M.O... sorry , should have been 8X10 of Barbara Bush in a thong and pasties.
Mike..most Canadians are nonplussed after watching universal healthcare town hall meetings on FOX.
Now, if you excuse me, I have a death panel to attend.
Very enjoyable post - I hear you on the whole "nature detests fresh paving" score.
I also happen to detest (and weakly protest) a car event too, but I sure wouldn't if it were held only once a year...
Mikeweb @ 2:44,
that reminds me - in central park yesterday I saw a fellow atop a penny-farthing in full period kit (like these guys). Was that you?
Did anyone else have to look up Citiz to see wtf the party was for?
Well I've done the legwork for you, and while mine might not be shaven or clad in lycra, I'm assuming nobody will complain.
It's an coffee machine. An espresso maker. That elaborate bullshit obnoxious party in a tent. For coffee.
I hate NYC sometimes.
I think the look of non-plussitude comes from living in New York. Come to LA where the NP looks of disdain are accompanied with tans and caps!
Be alert on sands st., Fri afternoon I had rocks thrown at me from the terrace on the corner of gold. By the time I dbled back I saw a group of young teens running, too bad I wasn't wearing my kiss/ general Zodd colorway.
jimmy, my shirt was white with orange stripes, not orange with white stripes like those guys.
Yeah Steve Baldwin with the bad pozzato hair..briliant. The bio passport will involve having to give a "sample"but at least they provide the Tuetenberg of Columbia HTC photo or Marianne Berglund for you old schoolers.Both extremely hot pro women.
I was nonplussed, so I took a pill. Now I'm plussed.
"It's an coffee machine. An espresso maker. That elaborate bullshit obnoxious party in a tent. For coffee.
I hate NYC sometimes."
Anon 3:02: What do you have against coffee? Also, Nespresso is not coffee.
Anonymous 1:46pm,
I wouldn't take anything you read in a post involving the movie "Bio-Dome" too seriously.
...ewww !!!...so the conjecture is that the couple in the foto w/ the cab, left traces of "biological passport" material in the backseat of that cab...ewww, again !!!...
...i hope david waslsh was the next person to ride back there but that's a place i'd like not to visit...
...plussed (++) vs nonplussed (-+) = minused (- -) ???...
The Pirate practically invented the nonplussed look. He didn't even care what was in those syringes. They don't make 'em like that anymore. RIP
...oh, sorry... that would be "nonplussitude"...
...see what happens when you don't pay attention...
...& speaking of "not paying attention" or rather "not NOT paying attention"...miz turquoise shirt, red shorts looks more than "non-plussed...she looks like she knows ya got a camera (hidden or not) & she looks like she's willing to install it for you in a place on yer person that might be less than comfortable...
Is it a faux pas to commute with a bidon in this hot weather?
get with the times, Bikesnob. Tevas are old hat, CHACOS are the only $100 sandal to be seen in.
Anonymous 4:23pm,
Thanks for keeping me up to date. I try very hard not to look at sandals so it's hard to follow the trends.
...& brian, re: il pirata..."may god rest his soul"...guy was one kick ass, bike racing motherfucker, drugs or no...colorful, crazed & beloved...
...still a sad, sad shame...
It appears that Fatty biffed big time on an early descent in Leadville.
Look at the entry for 8/15/9.
Travis Brown = LONE WOLF ?!?
well fuck you knows better than anyone snobbie when you insult a person and they gets there panties in a wad the only proper response is
fuck you if you cant take no joke
lissen here you damm fool hippy if you think you is a nature lover than get the fuck off your computer and save all them hamsters having to run round and round to generate enuff electrisoty to let you post your damm hippy stuff on the net and if you was any kind of man youd lern to send messages by tapping rocks together instead of bitching over the internets and wasting all that valuble hamster electrisoty
shit i think i just gave myself a hernia
likes i tell any hippy about jolene
shes more woman then theyl ever get and more man than theyl ever be
Obviously people aren't going to smile - or do what it is you want them to do - if you are snapping a candid of them! It's just a neutral face. Entirely normal and you are over sensitive.
Perry Garvin,
You mean to tell me I'm the only person who walks around beaming all day?
"huck, shred and rip"
You are the reason most of the trails are closed, nice going.
check out the Japanese subterrainian bike eating machine
..."while the rest of us will be forced to breathe poison air and ride our bicycles on the cracked bike lanes of our own hubris:"...that sentence is literature sir, literature, i say...
...& perry garvin...i disagree...in retrospect, i retract my earlier statement about the woman's thought of future camera placement & suggest she's "forcing bsnyc/rtms to breathe her poison air & intimating that he best ride his bicycle on the cracked bike lane of his own fucking hubris...& definitely not on the part she's walking on or else he might get hugely bris-sed by her dull pocketknife!!!"...
The Woodward dream cruise is the most awful thing imaginable. Picture woodstock with inbred hicks instead of hippies, lame cars instead of bands and the parking lots of suburban detroit instead of a muddy farm. It's certainly worth protesting, though I can't imagine these kids accomplishing anything other than getting beat up. Thankfully I live in the city where all the "crackers" are scared to come.
Walsh made his dubious reputation reporting rumor and innuendo as fact in cycling, and now he is moving on to rip into the powerful worldwide mafia that controls rugby. Wow-- what a hero. What will he expose next, drug use in competitive chili cookoffs?
By the way, if I can vote for his next investigation, I hope that Walsh goes after drug use in the Special Olympics. Those bastards have gotten away with murder for far too long.
Stick it to the man, Walsh. Again, what a hero.
One of your best posts! Hilarious.
All You Snob Haters Suck My Nipple Wrench.
I know tons of old car/motorcycle nerds that are also into vintage bicycles. Some of the old school chopper guys are into track bikes. Seems stupid to target classic car owners. It's stupid to be anti-car anyways, because that attitude is not going to get people out of their cars and onto bikes.
...mark veno...fully agree...s'like the rabid fringe w/ no real understanding of "share the road"...
..."i'm on a bike which means i'm green, i'm righteous & i'm entitled...so there, nananana-na !!!"...
...i kinda understand it 'cuz i've been doing this bike thingy a long time but that just doesn't accomplish anything...
Rock on!
Excellent snob. We've got all the bases covered, douchey road racers and the far douchier jack holes trying to shit on them; Hipsters imperiling themselves among cars, especially among cars that will crush them while looking good; the nonplussedness you inspire and bodily byproducts. Damn.
Of course they were non-plussed. They were non-biked at Brooklyn Critical Mass! If you look closely, you'll notice a distinct lack of wheels under those two. I'd be more excited if I had that sandwich, but that's just me.
I agree that the energy of that mass was like majorly low even though I wore my best pink and revealing outfit...I was also pissed we didn't ride that new pavement.
Riding in traffic can be very humbling.
Hey, Kale, I love Kenneth Cole, especially the shoes. And I've never even been grazed in there. Not once, but I'm still holding out hope.
hi bikesnob, i know you were joking but be careful about requesting bike lanes be turned into wilderness trails. complete neglect by the authorities have turned the bike lanes in my city into extremely technical single trails complete with tree branches at face level and predators jumping at you from left and right every few meters. hardly slayable with coffee in hand on the morning commute.
fuck! i leave town every year to get away from the nightmare cruise. thanks, snob.
i'm suprised you haven't reported on this:www.thepetitionsite.com/1/GreaterMedia
motorists: i carry a gun. guess which one i am...
Do you get paid in FRS or Mellow Johnny bucks?
It's unfortunate that the Snob, someone who has such a keen eye when it comes to detecting bullshit in an advertising campaign or a misplaced brake lever, calls bullshit on Walsh, Lemond and Kimmage. A little sad that he embraces a false cluelessness: "it's over my head" to avoid reality.
what David Walsh would say if rock racing team finish first and Ride clean finish last in the tour of Utah.
bikesgonewild - re your 2:14 comment:
funny & sick!
Well cycling is drug filled as all other sports. The whole idea of getting rid of performance enhancing drugs is so hypocritical. Just legalize it. In the future epo and the long list of other enhancers will be seen as the fuel for endurance sports. To think that the Tour de France can really be raced without enhancers is misinformed. Only someone who hasn't ridden there would think that.
brand spankin' new blog covering cyclist v pedestrians. should be lively over time. http://cyclistvpedestrian.blogspot.com/
BGW; While I was no fan of Pantani, certainly il pirata knew how to rock n' roll all night and party every day.
BGW said...plussed (++) vs nonplussed (-+) = minused (- -) ???...
perhaps I can lend a hand:
this is plused -> (+)
this is minused -> (-)
this is plus-plussed -> (++)
this is minus-minused -> (--)
this is AC/DC?? -> (-+)
this is non-plussed -> (!-)
Hope this helps...
It's interesting how you've evolved into being a cyclist snob over the past two years since you first hunt and pecked "Admittedly I have an overdeveloped sense of propriety when it comes to bikes."
Woodward Dream Cruise = HELL. Trust me I live on the Cruise route.
Bike Snob,
You're still funny. I'm glad to see everyone else is here to comment.
...sufferist...sorry but i beg to differ...
...plus (singular) is one = (+)...
...plussed (multiple) = (++) or even (++++) or any such variant...
...nonplussed (a singular or a multiple + a minus) = (-+) or (-+++) or any such variant...
...minus (singular) is one = (-)...
...minused (multiple) = (--) or even (----)...again, any such variant...
...nonplussitude = a graceful state of meh or even a benign "not that i give a fuck"...
...AC/DC is an aussie hard rock band fronted by madman serbian singer & alternating current aficionado nikO teslA, a guy w/ an electromagnetic personality...
...(not to be confused w/ the american band of his name who had a following of like 43 fans)...
...THAT should clear it all up...
Right on about classic cars generally. Not a threat unless the brakes on that model T give out. And, given the high wax to paint ratio on most of them, a sweaty cylcist might slide right off without much fuss.
Fuss vom gas = foot off the gas
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