Honestly, this statement freaked me out a little bit. I mean, sure, you can make a pretty convincing case that Lance Armstrong doesn't have taste, but it's something else entirely to say he doesn't have a conscience. Basically, this means that he's evil, and that's a disturbing notion. For one thing, it's a big stretch to say that Lance Armstrong is an evil person who has somehow duped the world into believing in his humanity. I mean, we all saw him in "Dodgeball," and we know he can't act. More importantly though, once you start obsessing over what someone's doing in the shower and claiming that they're the mastermind behind some kind of insidious scheme you're not only giving them way too much credit, but you're also venturing into Mark David Chapman territory. When you give someone that much power over your life--whether it's John Lennon or J.D. Salinger or Lance Armstrong--they start to control it. And that's when things get ugly.
Yet at the same time, evil masterminds are oddly fascinating. Think about it--what if LeMond is right? What if Lance Armstrong actually has no conscience, and he really is evil? While once I might have laughed off the notion, I've recently discovered some video evidence which is causing me to reconsider:

First of all, it's obvious from this still that before dedicating himself to cycling Lance Armstrong was angling for a role in the blockbuster thriller "Weekend at Bernie's:"

But while he wore the floppy hairstyle, slack-jawed stare, and garishly patterned shirt with aplomb, he was ultimately no match for Andrew McCarthy:

Yeah. Whenever I'm done with this [comeback]. I can unequivocally say yes to that. That's a fact.
So what does this mean? Well, using the same process of deduction as the Mavic Engineering Team, I have deduced the following:
Fact: Lance Armstrong has worn a mankini.
Fact: Lance Armstrong intends to wear a mankini again.
Ergo: Greg LeMond is right and Lance Armstrong is evil.
Really, then, all that remains to be seen is whether Armstrong will don his old 80s "lucky mankini," or if he will instead commission something totally new, like this horrifying "bibkini" from Alexander McQueen:

Yes, it's painfully clear that we need some accountability in cyclesport. Fortunately, in addition to Greg LeMond, we also have grassroots anti-doping movements, like "Stolen Underground:"

Iturnpro.com is seeking athletes to become paid professionals.
Have you ever dreamed of becoming a pro athlete? Are you tired of being stuck inside an office working like a slave? Are you tired of working too many hours, for too little pay? Are you feeling depressed, sick, tired, out of shape, and want a change in your life and some hope for a better future? Are you sick of wasting your best years away when you would could be outside, traveling, experiencing life, competing in your sport, and living your dreams?
If you answered "Yes" keep reading...
Would you like a new job and would you be interested representing a company that sells $300,000,000 in fitness products, and helping others achieve health, fitness, and happiness? Would you like to receive 3 months of free professional coaching in your sport to kick start your new career and to help you become a better athlete?
Does the economy have you down?
Would you like to soon be earning a 6 to 7 figure income and to be able to buy all the things you need for your life and your sport such as Oakleys, Felt bicycles, Zipp wheels, Shimano racing shoes, Continental racing tires, Giro helmets, Look pedals, and Garmin computers for just 15-20% over cost with no hassle?
Are you looking to be part of a world class team?
Would you like to join a team of world class athletes and Olympians who you could proudly call your friends and teammates? And are you looking to use their knowledge, inspiration, and support to become healthier, fitter, stronger, faster, and more powerful than you have ever been as an athlete before in your life?
Um, does Lance Armstrong wear a mankini? You bet I do! I was ready to join. But first, I figured I'd watch the video:

The video explained everything perfectly. Basically, when I joined the Stolen Underground anti-doping team, I'd be selling weight loss products. Fair enough--I was still game. But there was still the small matter of my start-up costs:
Initial business investment details
Coach Starter Package: $134.85 pack cost + $39.95 kit cost = $174.80 + tax and shipping Includes: Business Kit, Website, Club Membership, 30 Day Supply of Shakeology, 1 fitness program, 3 months of professional cycling coaching by Matt DeCanio with no set-up fee or contract ($99 a month should you continue after your initial free 90 day period), 15-20% over cost at our PRO SHOP, all racing uniforms at cost, workout calendar, and a nutrition plan. CALL 786-991-____ FOR MORE INFO OR FILL IN THE FORM BELOW!
Ultimate Coach Starter Package: $289.91 pack cost + $39.95 kit cost = $329.86 + tax and shipping Includes: Business Kit, Website, Club Membership, 30 Day Supply of Shakeology, 6 fitness programs, 3 accessories, 3 months of professional cycling coaching by Matt DeCanio with no set-up fee or contract ($99 a month should you continue after your initial free 90 day period), 15-20% over cost at our PRO SHOP, all racing uniforms at cost, workout calendar, and a nutrition plan. CALL 786-991-____ FOR MORE INFO OR FILL IN THE FORM BELOW.
At this point, you're probably thinking the same thing I was--which is that the Ultimate Coach Starter Package is a total no-brainer.
Still, I admit I was a bit disappointed to learn that Matt DeCanio's Stolen Underground movement is just an Amway-esque pyramid scheme. Actually, between this and LeMond's Armstrong obsession the anti-doping crusade is even scarier than doping itself. As such, on a certain level the implications of buying into LeMond's "no conscience" comment are creepier than a whole paceline of "Freds" in Discovery jerseys and LiveStrong bracelets riding Madones. Sure, there are some naive people out there, but sometimes paranoia is even more dangerous than naivete. Either way you're buying in, but in the end paranoia can be a lot more expensive.
Have you ever dreamed of becoming a pro athlete? Are you tired of being stuck inside an office working like a slave? Are you tired of working too many hours, for too little pay? Are you feeling depressed, sick, tired, out of shape, and want a change in your life and some hope for a better future? Are you sick of wasting your best years away when you would could be outside, traveling, experiencing life, competing in your sport, and living your dreams?
If you answered "Yes" keep reading...
Would you like a new job and would you be interested representing a company that sells $300,000,000 in fitness products, and helping others achieve health, fitness, and happiness? Would you like to receive 3 months of free professional coaching in your sport to kick start your new career and to help you become a better athlete?
Does the economy have you down?
Would you like to soon be earning a 6 to 7 figure income and to be able to buy all the things you need for your life and your sport such as Oakleys, Felt bicycles, Zipp wheels, Shimano racing shoes, Continental racing tires, Giro helmets, Look pedals, and Garmin computers for just 15-20% over cost with no hassle?
Are you looking to be part of a world class team?
Would you like to join a team of world class athletes and Olympians who you could proudly call your friends and teammates? And are you looking to use their knowledge, inspiration, and support to become healthier, fitter, stronger, faster, and more powerful than you have ever been as an athlete before in your life?
Um, does Lance Armstrong wear a mankini? You bet I do! I was ready to join. But first, I figured I'd watch the video:
The video explained everything perfectly. Basically, when I joined the Stolen Underground anti-doping team, I'd be selling weight loss products. Fair enough--I was still game. But there was still the small matter of my start-up costs:
Initial business investment details
Coach Starter Package: $134.85 pack cost + $39.95 kit cost = $174.80 + tax and shipping Includes: Business Kit, Website, Club Membership, 30 Day Supply of Shakeology, 1 fitness program, 3 months of professional cycling coaching by Matt DeCanio with no set-up fee or contract ($99 a month should you continue after your initial free 90 day period), 15-20% over cost at our PRO SHOP, all racing uniforms at cost, workout calendar, and a nutrition plan. CALL 786-991-____ FOR MORE INFO OR FILL IN THE FORM BELOW!
Ultimate Coach Starter Package: $289.91 pack cost + $39.95 kit cost = $329.86 + tax and shipping Includes: Business Kit, Website, Club Membership, 30 Day Supply of Shakeology, 6 fitness programs, 3 accessories, 3 months of professional cycling coaching by Matt DeCanio with no set-up fee or contract ($99 a month should you continue after your initial free 90 day period), 15-20% over cost at our PRO SHOP, all racing uniforms at cost, workout calendar, and a nutrition plan. CALL 786-991-____ FOR MORE INFO OR FILL IN THE FORM BELOW.
At this point, you're probably thinking the same thing I was--which is that the Ultimate Coach Starter Package is a total no-brainer.
Still, I admit I was a bit disappointed to learn that Matt DeCanio's Stolen Underground movement is just an Amway-esque pyramid scheme. Actually, between this and LeMond's Armstrong obsession the anti-doping crusade is even scarier than doping itself. As such, on a certain level the implications of buying into LeMond's "no conscience" comment are creepier than a whole paceline of "Freds" in Discovery jerseys and LiveStrong bracelets riding Madones. Sure, there are some naive people out there, but sometimes paranoia is even more dangerous than naivete. Either way you're buying in, but in the end paranoia can be a lot more expensive.
just when you thought it was over, it begins again
PODIUM - Where are the french kissin kissin chicks with my stuffed lyon???
Whoa, blew out my pants on that last turn. Good thing the grundies held together.
Skid marks are king
Oh yeah
I feel so shallow
So if a deaf roadie is riding through the forest and his/her front wheel explodes and there is no lawyer to witness the event then does the front wheel really explode or is it just making a statement relating to the rider's incredible bulk?
CC - lay off the Mah Wang!
rode in on a sweet fixie
I actually thought that was Bon Jovi in the video. He's like a brown haired Evgeni Berzin
I have a cheaper coach starter kit, $234.93.
white tube socks
laminated coaching cards with phrases like, "100rpm is the optimal climbing cadence", and, "if you're falling behind, try pedaling faster", and, "..you doing not enough/too many junk miles."
Also, a 60 gallon drum of magic powder you mix with milk that makes you faster.
$0.10 on every purchase donated to LIVESTRONG, so if you don't buy it, you don't support cancer, that's bad, you suck.
bite mah huang.
"Are you tired of being tired"
Lance Armstrong
Mankini's, the Brunofication of cycling. All those kids in highschool were right about bike shorts I guess.
only if the coach is "coach" from cheers
Buying in at 15-20% over cost.
I wanna see pics of bikes with stoopid forks, examples of bad locking, dumb stems, idiot drivers, etc. not this heavy shit.
I had to break off reading because the bibkini hurt my head, so I cam here... now THAT is evil.
*came also, the bibkini is evil, not "here".
I'm tired of waking up tired...
If you're coach is named Coach Reeves and there is a kid named Salami on the squad ask for your money back. Sad ass scam.
Anon 1:57
I agree, it seems like we're in kind of a Lemond/Armstrong soap opera and I don't like it. Back to exploding wheels and salmon fishing please.
What is the douchey looking guy in the top left photo of the SU site doing? Is he about to speed skate? With silver finger gloves!? Is he supposed to look badass?
Why the ping pong player behind Lemond's photo? Do they dope too?
Why so many questions?
Are anti-dopers weirder than dopers?
It seemed that way around 1970, has it happened again?
i likes me them wheels that is vertically stiff and laterally compliant
...ah, beefy mcmanstick...nice that ya placed 1st (although you should be tested) but what the fuck ???...
...& i doubt that ol' lanceroo is evil but that fucking hairdo he was sporting surely was...
I started watching Lemond's speech, he's going to find a cure for the disease that's killing cycling. What arrogance.
He then goes on to talk on and on about his own exellent genetics. Yet of course everyone is doping.
Of course Lemond comes back from injury but nobody else can. It goes on and on.
He does look a lot better than in the recent past.
Maybe Lance should think about joining the Kazhak Ironman team, they have a great uniform:
As male play thing for Henry Kissinger and Dick Cheney and also a (former) professioanl cyclist, I decided to give this whole "Stolen Underground" thing a try. WOW! I earned my money back in the first week! And in the second week, I was turning a profit! If this works out, soon I'll have enough saved to buy my way out of here! (Oh shit! Are those Florsheims I hear?)
...Matt DeCanio/"SU // P90X Pro Team:" sez:-- "would you be interested representing a company that sells $300,000,000 in fitness products"...
...ah, yes, mr decanio...this is your local irs office & we'd like to talk w/ you about your company/team "SU // P90X Pro Team:"...there seems to be a great discrepancy in the purported figures regarding that which your company/team declared for the last fiscal year & the alleged figures utilized in your advertising...
...please report to our office w/ full financial documentation & disclosure information...
...looking forward to meeting w/ you...thank you for your cooperation...
LeMond: Doping is rampant and you can't beat dopers without doping, ergo Armstrong MUST have doped.
LeMond beat Fignon, who has recently copped to doping, ergo LeMond MUST have doped...?
i been doping and if you dont likes it you can suck my balls
...ah, but you see anon 3:05pm, lemond is genetically gifted, by his own admission...
...& i thought "genetically gifted" was a euphemism for why chicks used to dig him...
Domestique finish today.
Anyone wanna by my weightloss plan? It's great!
BGW, you may be thinking of "genitalially gifted"...
Call me lazy, but I'm just going to get the Ultimate Couch Starter Package and call it a Wednesday.
I already have a .6 or .7 figure income.
Lemond rubbed out the fastest average speed individual TDF time trial didn't he? And haven't TT bike technology and aerodynamics improved dramatically in the past 20 years since he did that? And we know a bunch of TDF racers competed that were doping - then or since then - and didn't beat him - right? And he didn't dope - riggghhhht?
Great bike rider - or doped bike rider - I don't know - but he should just shut up - his logic turns on him more than anyone.
Lose weight! Ask me how!
Shakeology? For Wednesdays when there's too little cash for bud?
BSNYC, was the bib mankini photo necessary? That hurt my feelings.
Chocolate milk is my sports drink.
I've been active duty in the Army this whole year and I get to go home to my civilian job next week! I'm going to ride my bicycle everywhere I go. Everywhere. And I will be smiling.
anon 345 said
"Lemond rubbed out the fastest average speed "
that sounds dirty
...anon 3:36pm...you can't have what you said unless ya have what i said...
...all the extendze n' viagra in the world ain't really gonna change the basic unit...
...& dee kellan ???...we'll be smilin' for ya, too...
I dont know extenze has sold over a million capsules world wide. would they really be able to do this if their claims werent true?
Stupid commercials.
...rezado...anything sold only on late nite infomercials & from gas station counters has me wond'rin'...
...meanwhile, somebody's living in luxury...can you say "gullible"...
Upper Percentile = Fred Podium.
And hell yes I doped.
Y'know, for some reason, I wanna put a leash on that dude in the bibkini.
That guy in the aero bathing suit either 1) has no penis or 2) has it tucked in like the wierdo from silence of the lambs.
"Put the lotion in the basket"
I always had a certain admiration for the 'somebodies who are living in luxury'. My favorites include the dude who registers your hands as deadly weapons, and the star registry dude who writes your name down and sends you a postcard.
Off Topic, but one of the funniest CL postings ever. Just remember the adage "Never buy something from a man that is out of breath"
Fiddy-dolla street bike - $50 (inner sunset / UCSF)
Reply to: sale-nmgwy-1215969797@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]
Date: 2009-06-11, 12:08AM PDT
SPAM: you must send a phone number with your email, or call my phone
I'm not interested in answering any questions about the bike, unless your willing to pay more. If your absolutely positive you need a 50 dolla bike then call and leave a message, I'll call you back if you sound serious and give you my current location at the time, I will have the bike with me all day while I run errands.
front brake pads are missing.
it's a light road bike with racing rims and tires, but it has mountain bike style handle bars
Shimano total intergration shifters/derailers (trigger shift, or quick-shift)
the frame is 18" men's, but has been stripped of all paint, ready for primer that never came.
I was going to put bloches of black spray paint over the stripped paint to give it a grungy stolen bike look but lost interest
(415) 678-6760
tomorrow is my day off and I'll be available in the city all day running around, so give a call and leave a message, I'll call you right back.
* it's NOT ok to contact this poster with services or other commercial interests
That's funny. Luck E. Mankini is a friend of mine.
I'm so out of touch, I thought a mankini was one of these things.
You're rambling, Snobby. But I guess I'm too simple to understand. On another note, that nutritional supplement is interesting. I've already tried Weight Gain 4000, with predictable results. A quadcycle with 92 gears, rated for 300kg's, is my only means of transport these days.
frilly- so the other day
I got one of those
'on your left's.
and got passed by two triathletes,
the second not drafting, but
being pulled by a leash,
that would be you & your
'training partner'?
-15-20% above cost?
who's cost? nashbar's?
ot the LBS?
and they pocket the extra 20%?
didn't actually say above wholesale
or below retail there.
I did it again. Lanterne Rouge. Or was that Red Roughie?
Mr. BikeSnob saw your drumming biker today. He was keeping his beat but not his line. Almost right into me as I passed him. He responded to me by saying he could not hear me. The reason being he was listening to some "epic" song with both ear buds in place.
Looks like he was wearing the same shirt as in your photo too.
He does not like change.
I heard you rolled your way into the semis, next time you pull a red lantern out on the bikelane, I take it away from you, and stick it...until it goes >click<
Hey snobbie.... check this out.... http://www.bikeblognyc.com/?p=3847
did you happen to "accidently" ride through this like the concert the other day? At least it would make it easy for the haters to suck your balls....
my hero's have always been dopers.
Please stop referring to the Stolen Underground business model as a pyramid scheme. It's actually an inverted terahedron.
Thank you.
Tetrahedron. Dammit.
Frills, that's not thinking out of the box. How about putting him on a tandem?
aren't tetrahedrons kinda siliconish, say like quartz, which makes them form sticky chains? I fail to see the analogy Vonny
Frilly, you can take off the stilleto heels and put away the riding crop now, unless you want to be my next cycling coach? That could boost the effort in my intervals.
Kurt Vonnegut is King:
Tippi Hedren ?
How many degrees of separation to Quicksilver Kevin ?
Like in "The Far Side", hell is infinite books of word problems.
And does anyone else find it ironically fitting that Beefy McManstick won the sprint on this particular day. Almost like it was staged.
Liberty--was it a leash or a lasso?
Sprider--he would be riding in front of course.
Ringcycles--whatever it takes to keep the motivation high, right?
You can do it all pay the fee and live vicariuosly through jackedupoldman
Where is Erik K when we need someone to photoshop Lance Armstrong into that mankini thing??
tru-dat. Floppy hair Lance on that bib-kini body would drive the trustafarianistas crazy!
I don't think the Mankini is essential to triathlons, I could be wrong.
I wish somebody wanted to put a leash on me.
Greetings from Austin, TX. The fixed gear scene is disgusting down here! I wont' lie, I almost fell into it. Thankfully, i politely declined, and now ride my bmx cruiser. The craigslist MC are hilarious...." you: riding a fixed gear on 7th st...tight jeans... and heather Grey v neck... long hair...full sleeve. you were too cute! maybe we can ride together sometime!" You could throw a rock and hit someone on that street matching that description. I puke a little everytime I see it.
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