Monday, April 27, 2009

BSNYC Product Review: Vittoria 1976 Cycling Shoe

There's a lot of bike stuff out there. Some of it's great, and some of it's crappy. Some of it is practical, and some of it is useless. Some of it is cheap, and some of it is expensive. Still, people continue to manufacture and market new cycling products, which they then try to get you to notice, and, ideally, buy.

As a cyclist, pretty much all of my needs in terms of bike stuff were met a long time ago. Whether I'm racing, or commuting, or just riding for pleasure, there's really no component or article of clothing I wish existed but doesn't--except for one. And that product is a clipless-compatible shoe that I can wear all the time.

I happen to be one of those people who really, really likes clipless pedals. I find platform pedals disconcerting, and I find toe clips and straps irritating. When it comes to racing, or road rides, or offroad rides, my attachment (literally and figuratively) to clipless isn't a problem. However, when it comes to getting around the city things get a little complicated. Obviously, you need to be able to walk easily, so naturally you use mountain bike pedals and shoes. But while you can walk in mountain bike shoes, they're not especially comfortable or presentable off the bike. Basically, you look and feel like you're wearing soccer cleats. Of course, you can always skip the cross-country racing shoe and go for the more walking-friendly touring shoe, but depending on how you feel about things like pleated khaki shorts and tall wool socks these may or may not be attractive to you. There are also SPD sneakers, though if you wear these you've also got to wear a flat-brim fitted cap. And of course, there's always the SPD sandal. The great Sheldon Brown famously praised SPD sandals, calling them "the most comfortable cycling footwear ever." However, to be comfortable in a sandal like that you also have to be comfortable with yourself like Sheldon Brown was. I, however, am extremely uncomfortable with myself, and being seen in SPD sandals is a fear that runs as deep in me as my fear of revolving doors, groin injury, and the music of Billy Joel.

So pending some great new leap in footwear, I continue to compromise. If I know I'll be on the bike more than I'll be on my feet, I'll palp the mountain bike shoes. If I think I'll be on my feet a lot more than I'll be on the bike, I'll deal with the toe clips. And if I'm riding my Dutch city bike, I'll of course use Speedplay Zeros with a crabon-soled road shoe. In the meantime, though, I dream of a shoe that works with mountain bike pedals, but which I won't feel compelled to take off when I get to where I'm going.

Naturally, then, when I received an email from the Vittoria cycling shoe company informing me that they have "developed a new type of shoes especially made for the fixed gear bike" that is made "for riding, and in the same time, for walk" I was both excited that perhaps I'd finally found my ideal city shoe, and curious because I couldn't figure out how a shoe could possibly be "especially made for the fixed gear bike." Here's the press release they attached to the email:

Vittoria always pays attention to the tendencies of the moment and this year has created a repetition of the first models produced few years ago with an interpretation in modern terms by melting together advanced materials as Lorica, Micro Fiber and valuable skins and past times design making Vittoria history.

Model 1976 is available in a wide range of color, like White, Black, Red, Yellow, Blu and many others.

Sole is made especially for this new way of ride bike, in rubber, for a easy walk and with an internal Nylon insole with the possibility to fix SPD cleats.

Like all the Vittoria Cycling Shoes, also 1976 is 100% made in Biella, Italy.

Not only did Vittoria send me this press release, but they also offered to send me "samples" for my own "test and use." Now, even though I just reviewed a crabon road bike, I felt conflicted because I feel strongly that there are enough people out there testing bike crap already. However, as I mentioned, a walkable cycling shoe is something I've been wanting badly for a long time, so I was extremely curious--even though they look like something the Griswolds would have bought during their Italian shopping spree:

So I figured "screw it" and accepted their offer like the shark-jumping product whore that I am, specifying my size and choosing the least offensive "colorway" possible. Eventually, they arrived, just in time for spring:

As I mentioned, the 1976 is supposedly designed specifically for fixed-gear riders, and the first thing I noticed was that there was actually a warning against multi-geared use right there on the box:

Frightened, I removed all my geared bikes from the room and opened it:

Obviously, the 1976 is modeled aesthetically after a classic cycling shoe, though it has a rubber sole for walkability:

Here's a shot of the sole with the little cleat mount covers installed. (They come with these should you want to rub them with clips and straps for some reason.) If you're palping clipless pedals (which is the only reason you'd choose these over sneakers), you just remove the inserts and mount your cleat like you would with any mountain bike shoe:

Obviously, if you're looking for a pair of on-bike/off-bike SPD cycling shoes, you want them to kind of look like normal shoes. These clearly look more like cycling shoes than street shoes, though if you look at them through the ignorant eyes of the non-cyclist they look like the offspring of some kind of sordid Puma/Camper/Capezio three-way:

While this may or may not appeal to you, it is at least an alternative to the hikey shoes, the sneakers, and the SPD sandals I mentioned earlier. And on the bike, they just look like cycling shoes--no justification necessary. But the big question when it comes to an on-bike/off-bike cycling shoe is, "How to these look in a non-cycling context? What would happen if I showed up to work with only these? Could I pull it off?" To find out, I tested them with a variety of non-cycling garments on the BSNYC/RTMS Sisal Test Pad:

Here's what they look like with the kind of pants you might be required to wear in a "business casual" setting. If this photo were "scratch-and-sniff" it would smell like cologne. For best results in this environment, the 1976 shoes should be paired with an unbuttoned shirt, a D&G belt, a few gold rings, and a coif that requires hair gel. If you're a lawyer, real estate agent, advertising executive, or some other type of smarm-monger, you should have no trouble making these work with your outfit.

Here's what the 1976 shoes look like with freaky baggy hippie Mayan pants. If your profession requires you to be either a hippie or a Maya, you should probably just wait until somebody comes out with an SPD-compatible flip-flop. However, they still work OK here, mostly because they're virtually engulfed by the flared embroidered cuffs.

Here's what the 1976 shoes look like with a skirt. As you can see, the 1976 is probably not the best choice for women who wear skirts or men who dress like women. Really, the only place this outfit would be acceptable would be the SSWC. Then again, maybe the yellow "colorway" with some pom-pom socks would work better. I may have to try that out.

Clearly though, the best context for these shoes visually speaking is on the bike:

Incidentally, the shoes happened to fit me really well, and were immediately comfortable. But how did they perform? Can you ride in them? Can you walk in them? Are they better than mountain bike shoes? Well, when it comes to testing equipment, the big problem is that you can't use two things at the same time. Instead, you have to use one, then use the other, then try to figure out if it was actually better than the first. But with shoes, you can do a true side-by-side comparison. I think you know where this is going by now. That's right: a BSNYC/RTMS Cycling Shoet-Out!

I performed this test under cover of darkness, since the same insecurity that won't allow me to wear SPD sandals also won't allow me to ride around in plain sight while wearing two different shoes. (Though strangely I have no trouble donning either baggy hippie Mayan pants or skirts.) Surprisingly, as soon as I started riding I completely forgot I was wearing mix-matched footwear. Entry and exit was pretty much the same with either shoe, and I was only reminded that they didn't match when I looked down:

(KOPS: Knee Over Perforated Shoe)

But off the bike was a different story. I don't really mind walking a block or two in mountain bike shoes, but walking in both at the same time made my left shoe feel clunkier than a Dutch city bike. You can still hear your cleat grind on the sidewalk occasionally with the 1976, but between the flexibility and the rubber sole they're much better for walking than a pure cycling shoe.

So my BSNYC/RTMS Sisal Test Pad runway show proved that you can indeed (barely) pull off the 1976 as a non-cycling shoe, and my BSNYC/RTMS Shoet-Out proved that they work as well as mountain bike shoes on the bike but are much more comfortable off the bike. But the most important test, of course, is how they work when you wear both of them at once.

Well, as I said, these happened to fit me perfectly, and as such were very comfortable. They work very well on the bike, though you do notice the flexibility of the sole and the upper. While this is in no way limiting, you certainly wouldn't want to race in these. Also, despite the manufacturer's warnings, I did try these with a "geared" bike. (And I giggled to myself maniacally while I did so in the same way that I do when I grind off my "lawyer lips.") Amazingly, I was not mangled or killed. In fact, I personally think the 1976 shoes are actually better for geared bikes than they are for fixed-gears, since when you're modulating your speed with your feet a little extra stiffness in your shoes is a good thing. Then again, everyone seems to be riding fixed-gears in their sneakers anyway, and these are certainly stiffer than a pair of canvas Vans.

The other thing about the 1976 is that they're perforated. This means that not only should you avoid white socks:

But it also means they're pretty much useless for nasty or cold weather. The same is certainly true of a sneaker (and a sandal, though wool sock enthusiasts claim otherwise), but it's not true of a cross-country racing shoe or a touring shoe. Also, while you can ride mountain bike shoes in the city and on the trails, the 1976 is pretty much like riding in a clipless moccasin and would be pretty irritating on any terrain that's remotely muddy or technical. Now, I have no idea how much this shoe costs, but I'm guessing it's not cheap. They have a name for things like this which are really nice but expensive and limited in their use, and that name is "luxury item." They also have a name for people who use items like this, and they're called "dandies." Actually, a good slogan for these would be: "Vittoria 1976: Soft Shoes for Soft People."

Still, I was enjoying them, so I figured I'd surrender to both "dandiness" and the "luxury item"-friendly weather and head out onto the Great Hipster Silk Route to let these shoes do what they do best. There were bikes everywhere:

There were also lots of shirtless hipsters:

If I hadn't found total on-bike/off-bike seamlessness, the 1976 shoes did at least bring me closer than sneakers or mountain bike shoes. And while they would have sucked in cold or rain, the rubber soles at least kept me on my feet on the slippery, wet tiles of the Great Hipster Silk Route's bathrooms:

Something tells me Vittoria won't be asking for their shoes back.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I gotta get a job.

Pontius Pilate said...



Ronsonic said...


Anonymous said...

podium nico

wishiwasmerckx said...


rainer said...

top ten boyah!

kene e. said...

so close!

Anonymous said...

top ten?

wishiwasmerckx said...

Wholly smokes this gets harder and harder to win.

Even Raddich said...


ringcycles said...

Do my original 1983 Vittoria shoes make me cool now? Or do I need the knuckle tats for that.

Seanywonton said...

Wonton 1st!

mikeweb said...

Killed in the sprint...

The spirit of '76!! Huzzah!!

Anonymous said...

what about these?

BadBeard said...


Punctual OCD guy said...

Made this comment after reaching the eight-comma threshold. Done. Thank you first paragraph.

mikeweb said...

Those shoes look like they're suitable for bowling as well. and rock climbing. and getting yer ass kicked in junior high.

Bill said...

laces = failure?

Doug said...

So who was brave enough to roll up to the hipster gathering the open air Smart Car thing?

Johnny Sprocket said...

Great... but you'll still rip the shit out of floors with your cleats.
Can you still wear them if you've given up on fixed for the moment?

kale said...

They kinda look like leather aqua socks but not as radtarded.

Oops, I spoiled the hott new footwear for Summer '09.

RANTWICK said...

I was actually interested to see this review rather than just looking for the usual BSNYC fix... I currently change out of those hiker-style ones at work. KOPS: Knee Over Perforated Shoe! Very nice.

ant1 said...

Looks like we got ourselves a new style man. Nice skirt, by the way.

d said...

Rocking that skirt there, BSNYC. Props.

Scott said...

"clunkier than a Dutch city bike"

You have never ridden one, have you?

Anonymous said...

Rubber Sole....good album.

Geert on the set and inbetween takes... said...

How long until the sole wears down on those things and you have to deal with the cleat grinding on the pavement? That's the most annoying thing. Once they start doing that, then what good are they? What they need to do is make the sole 'beefy'. Once somebody does that, I'll buy a pair. Until then, footwear will continue to dictate what bike I ride...

mikeweb said...

Perhaps to aid in marketing these to the hipster crowd, Vittoria should rebrand these as the "Silk Road Rubbers".

ant1 said...

Do these shoes offer the clearance necessary to run/rock/rub fenders?

hillbilly said...

brilliant! and i was just talking about that with my wife this weekend!!! actually i think it was more her wailing to the gods 'why, why can't they make a cycling shoe that my husband doesn't look and sound like an idiot in' which is pretty similar to a 'talk'

hillbilly said...

damn that was funny, but now we're gonna have to deal with frilly being all worked up after seeing your legs.

mikeweb said...

Yeah! Fenders!!

Bring it.

Anonymous said...

I too am scared of revolving doors. Good to hear I'm not alone.

Justin said...

Now while I thought that the Mayan pants were hilarious, I lost it when I saw the skirt. This also lead me to two questions...

Why do you own baggy Hippy Mayan pants (BHMP as I will call them)?

Why do you own a skirt?

Could be a girlfriend's skirt but, this would mean there's a soft side under the fixie hate and I chose not to believe that.

hillbilly said...

no gimbel's, no 630 prospect park race, but i really tore up the field this morning on the bridge, and by field i do mean the much older gentleman on the folding bike, that's right, you got served!

flaco said...

Those aren't Look compatible, are they?

jolene said...

yer firs mistake is to ware shoos in the bike you is in shoes you awt to be in a limozeen or a arplaine fancy pants cocksuckers i done tolt red he needs to ware boots when he is out shotting squirels but that he tolt me i needs to mind my own bisnis anyhow an stop tellin him im not his boss so there anyways i dont ware shoes when i ride a bike undless i is on the way to the libary cus they tole me to git when i had a incrown tonale and was a dippin and had no spitter and not to get all the carpit dirty with it who cares maybe i gets me some more than the la gears and be a little lady like fer once

Udder said...

Those shoes are gay.

Seanywonton said...

Snobby, you were right next to Gutter Bar, you should have tried bowling a few frames in them!

liz said...

I do believe I saw that skirt in Teen Vogue.

erik k said...

bikesnob, do you think it relay makes sense to market shoes with Laces to fixed gear riders? I've always been terrified to ride my fixie with any type of shoes with laces, because of the potently disastrous consequences.

PS. I rocked/ran/rubbed/palped the swobo jerz on Saturday on my first day back on the bike, it was nice. And I imagine it would look quite snazzy with those dandy cycling shoes (if I could get over my fear of laces)

Luck E. Seven said...

Love the copy in that press release.


Anonymous said...

Damn; I always thought you were black.

Anonymous said...

I always knew snob was in a peruvian pan flute band.

rossannarossannadanna said...

I think those STD sandals should be outlawed. I don't want to see your nasty 'syphilis foot'. Someone needs to get the STD sandal guy a pair of penicillin socks.

Paul Bowen said...

Oddly enough I've owned both the Puma and the Camper shoes shown. Unsurprisingly, the Vittoria 1976 is available from Brick Lane Bikes, epicentre of the London Fixopaplypse.

Anonymous said...


I love you even more, if possible. That so seals the deal.

Thousand kisses!

rezado said...

Seeing you in that skirt reminded me of a Billy Joel song.

By the way did you shave your legs for the photograph or is there a race coming up. Does shaving your legs make you more aero or do you just like the way it feels?

Anonymous said...

Calm down frilly, you haven't seen his back yet.

BikeSnobNYC said...


If you don't shave your leg hair can get caught in your fenders.


Anonymous said...

Obviously, you need these shoes. Only slightly more expensive than regular cycling shoes.

AreYou21? said...

Those shoes suck, as does shaving your legs "for cycling reasons"

Anonymous said...

Shaving your legs is traditional for bicycle racing.

Anothercanuck said...

Oddly enough, all Canadian cyclists wear pom-pom socks. No one knows why.



dammit, where is my sidekick 'renders fenders moot' when i need him

Anonymous said...

Shaving your legs is the warm weather fender.

red neckerson said...

i agrees them shoes look like boling shoes somtimes me and ricky sneeks up to hazard where we is a member of peckerwood petes bolling team and we wears somthing like that already

now jolene dont be gitting any ideals about bike snob and how good his legs are looking i aint shaving for nuthing and if i wore a skirt fellers could look up my dress and see my undies next time i go tree riding

Anonymous said...

SPD casual shoes:


Anonymous said...

I would love to see KARA GOUCHER wearing those. NAKED.


Snob you need to get some sun asap, those legs look almost transparent.

I don't care what u say those shoes look wack, my sixth grade capezios with the clear plexi sole look more stylish.

If i send you one my bikes could you review it?

Anonymous said...

Who cares why they do it? There's just something about the sight of a roadie dancing on the pedals with the sun glistening on his smooth, embrocation covered leg as his muscles twitch with the effort.


Anonymous said...

Bowling Shoes, they look like bowling shoes, Mr. Kowalski.

flaco said...

Dammit Snob, you better be winning if you are shaving your legs, if you're shaving while being pack fill, that's just wrong.

Even Raddich said...

frilly just made me make a tent out of my cycling skirt.

now where is my razor...

Even Raddich said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jesus said...

Let me tell you something, pendejo.

You pull any of your crazy shit with us, you flash those shoes out on the lanes, I’ll take them away from you, stick them into the clip and turn my fucking heels ‘til it goes “click.”

Doug V said...

shoes are cool looking but I don't even wanna know the price...thanks for the review.......

Anonymous said...

These are more better

Tonto said...

Where can I get some of those SPD moccasins you mentioned?

veloChine said...


Your post today got me thinking, wouldn't it be better if someone offered an spd cleat mount system for "regular" shoes? The kit would include the spd mount to be attached to the bottom of your shoe (once your neighborhood cobbler carved out space for it,) info on the sole thickness required for various cleats, maybe even replacement soles with cutouts if it turns out the spd mount could not be simply glued onto the shoe/sole interface.

This way people (more importantly you) can rub/run the prefect shoe in terms of individual comfort/style requirements, provided that the sole can be replaced. If you're unsure about a shoe's compatibility, then wait until the sole is shot before the attempted conversion.

In .com marketing speak, you need to jump on this quick if you want to monetize. Just think what your promotion of the project will mean! Otherwise, before long Chris at Velo-Orange will catch wind and source everything from Taiwan.

Lastly, while I greatly enjoyed your post today, I could not help but notice that you found spd sneakers and sandals stylistically unacceptable. I find this difficult to reconcile with many pots pedicuring, justifiably I might add, various cycling subgroup's insistence on fashion over function. You know, pot and kettle and all that.

Still, a minor flaw in an otherwise great post

Anonymous said...

That's not a Smart Car in the hipster park gathering background. That's one of those full on city electric cars that goes as fast as a golf cart.

LK said...

In 1976 the carpet was shag!

Renders Fenders Moot said...

The wind howls through the holes and cools my toes as I slice through town. My shoes are old. I am living victory.

ZaskarLE said...

Snob these shoes can only be trumped by an equally 70's esque ballad of perfection. I give you these...

Now instead of rolling around on your "hip whip", there will be fixters out slaying the neighborhood with their new sweet axes.

Anonymous said...

perforated rucksack

grog said...

Coincidently, I read this:
"being seen in SPD sandals is a fear that runs as deep in me as my fear of revolving doors, groin injury, and the music of Billy Joel."
At the exact same moment, I was listening to Billy Joel sing New York State Of Mind. So, Snob, I wonder what you were listening to when you penned the above pasted phrase?
Oh, and laces are better; hook & loop is for children and retirees.

Anonymous said...

I have been happy with my Diadora Bike Patrol shoes.

Good for biking and tap dancing.

But no one has ever accused me of fashionability.

hillbilly said...

grog - laces get caught in things, like chains

Fierce Panties said...


This Shimano DX spd shoes really are not sneakers.

These are racing shoes that are vertically stiff yet laterally compliant, and the riders who palp a pair are wearing full facial helmets and slaying 4X and DH.

Really, have you seen anybro in NY rocking the DX's and a flat brim?

Anonymous said...

I picture someone wearing Old navy khaki cargo shorts, aeropostale shirt, and a Hollister cap with those dx shoes.

Fierce Panties said...


ironically or non?

JPB said...

hillbilly - laces get tucked into the shoes

grog - hook-and-loop; fastening lazy people's shoes for decades!

hillbilly said...

tucking laces into shoes is for woosies

Izzy said...

Ha ha! "Soft Shoes for Soft People". Bike Snob, you slay me.

JPB said...

hillbilly - my woosiness knows no bounds; when I ride my break-and-fender equipped track bike, which sports (rubs/palps?) a cream-and-salmon colorway, I like to tuck my laces into my shoes. Also, the fenders are ironic 'cause I only ride in fair weather.

LastBoyScout said...

They’re cycling shoes. Once vertical compliance is addressed, only one question remains. How did the size compare to the Sidis?

rezado said...

I have heard of toe overlap... but leg overlap. I am having a hard time picturing how leg hair could get caught in a fender, front or rear. Unless, you pull elephant trunk skids, or you fornicate with bikes. Now I know why you are against the bastardization of cycling culture.

d. fofonov said...

Being careful about accepting products when translation with product is not entirely being trusted.

I am sending product which I am telling is made for spalming balls. After using I read label saying "Biofreeze" and looking on Internet not surprised that it is not for spalming balls or anything else.

Maybe yes for palping. I am not knowing.

Anonymous said...


what a lovely combination...

Sox with Frilly, yeah!!!!

urchin said...

Fenders are cool.
Leg shaving is cool.


oh, and Yankees suck, Knicks suck, Rangers suck, Giants suck. go get em, Lois...

flaco said...

sure, but what about jets/mets/islanders?

Anquetil's Mother said...

I can't believe no one has commented on the fact that these shoes are made by "melting valuable skins"! ?


bk jimmy said...

Those shoes are fixie-specific, all right. You just need to do some sock-shopping at American Apparel first: the perforations are so you can match your polka dots with any set of grips and rims.

urchin said...

Does anyone really need to ask about the Mets, Jets and Islanders? I capitalize these names only out of charity...

As for those shoes, they smack to me of the black leather Reboks we all had in the 80s. Are those back now?

james dolan said...

i can't believe you said the knicks suck, okay, actually i don't care

kale said...

Does Sidi make a cycling specific crabon fibre insole?

grobula said...

Who did your carpeting? Sisal is simply fabulous. What is your pile density?

goober said...

I dunno about Mr. Snob, but my pile density is way too high. Damn, that stings just thinking about it.

Cognorant said...

I shave my legs with my fenders!

Peckerwood Pete said...

Since you boys just sit around all day and show off your bowling shoes, next time you pass through Hazard, drop by. We could sure use some help on the bowling team.

wishiwasmerckx said...

Since I graduated high school in 1976, I feel strangely obligated -- even compelled -- to buy a pair of those shoes.

We all know that Snob jealously guards his privacy. Although he seems quite proud of his carpet, and features it regularly, he apparently believes that revealing his shoe size via the Vittoria box would somehow lead, directly and immediately, to his unmasking.

rockandrollcannibal said...

The Vittoria '76 Luxury model might be more what you're looking for. No silly holes. Probably a lot heftier price tag though... but for product review purposes you might be able to finagle yourself a pair.

The Timberlands mentioned above aren't clipless compatible as far as I can tell. They look like good shoes for us strapping young lads and ladies, or platformers.

Anonymous said...

Dude, does your downtube say "BRING REEFER" ?

Anonymous said...

I've got the same Sidis, but mine are the blue colorway.

worm irks said...

I'm pretty sure the toptube says "DRINK BEEFTEA"



Omega Man said...

HEard about Houston
HEard about De-troit
HEard about Pittsburgh pee-ahy

You ought to know not to stand by the window. Somebody see you up there...

Anonymous said...

You know you can pretty much screw cleats into any shoe you want to. I have some on a nice pair of black, patent leather, pumps at the moment.

Anonymous said...

Is that a RAPHA denim skirt? Nice..;)

Anonymous said...

I guess I can't wear my Rapha team socks with them if white's out of the question.


Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num (Spit) Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num Num (Spit)....

cyclotourist said...

These Bontrager (Trek) shoes look like they do a good job. All plasticey though. I like skins, even if they're melted.

Anonymous said...

I rub Shimano M705s. When I look down at the shoes, I discovered that M705 says "SLOW" upside down. So me!

Anonymous said...

On second look, that's M075.

juliasets said...

BSNYC- I want to touch your quads.

Philip Williamson said...

tie your shoes. make the loops and ends all about the same length. tuck them under the crossed laces on the top of the shoe near the toe.

Andy Pandy said...

The only style question that lingers that would give them big time street credibility..... Would Lance rock em????

So Frills I take it as a given that you shave????

Anonymous said...

Variations on shoes like this have been around for a while. I remember seeing something similar in Spain a few years ago.

Anonymous said...


Your posts are brilliant.

Keep em coming!

Anonymous said...

LINGUStheLICKER--dude, chicks dig guys who swallow.

Anonymous said...

You were right. first google ads, now constant bullshit reivews. You have jumped the shakr my friend. A sad day indeed.

7sp said...

I have a serious question on a tangential subject:

Why are padded saddles an embarrassment whilst it's perfectly acceptable to wear a great big wad of foam in your shorts?

Kind Regards,

Anonymous said...

Anon 4:42-

"Variations on shoes like this have been around for a while. I remember seeing something similar in Spain a few years ago."like a leather upper with laces and a sole?

them spanish, aside from being sketchy and hanging out in bushwick, are real innovators

Anonymous said...

Jolene makes me feel vertically stiff and laterally compliant.

CommieCanuck said...

7sp..padded saddles are ok, however, using the word "whilst" in a comment is pretty gay.

jolene said...

how bout you use anglish insted of frence and mebe i talk to charron about a manage a twas you frensh pervirt but you cant hannle even me i won the viper ffa before i got cot with you no waht

7sp said...

You tell that to the SLR boys laughing at me, gayer than I though they are.

The in seatu approach makes more sense to me because it allows bottoms up taintperature regulation.

My preference: Diaperless Rolls.

Edward said...

Dear Bike Snob. You and I have had a wonderful relationship. It's had it's lows but they've always recovered and we've soared to giddy new heights. Now though, I fear we must part ways.

What do you mean you don't like Billy Joel's music?

Fred Clydesdale said...

i don't know if anyone noticed, but the black & yellow colorways are listed as "lorica" (instead of leather). so these shoes are made of fine italian naugahyde?

Anonymous said...

May we see more of the Snob's lady assistant?

Yes, I'm a pervert.

And no, I'm not erect as I write this.

Anonymous said...

Get a pair in white and a lovely seersucker suit. With pale pink, pale yellow, or pale blue socks.

Fred Clydesdale said...

Anon, i don't know how to break this to you, but...about that "lady assistant"...

CommieCanuck said...

There was a great Charlton Heston movie (1976?) in which Heston's character snuck into a SIDI factory and discovered the awful truth..

"lorica is leathereeeeeeetttteee!!!!"

Anonymous said...

Those calves look vaguely like the ones from the The Great Fyxomatosis Photo Parody Contest (sponsored by Boston Whaler Boats--The Unsinkable Legend), but with a little clearcutting.

juliasets said...

Please lemme touch your quads.

Shram said...

I like this part:
"Vittoria always pays attention to the tendencies of the moment". Don't they know it's almost time to jump OFF that bandwagon, not on it?

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Nice legs. Well, we now know BSNYC isn't Puerto Rican.

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