Ah yes, treats for the mind and the tastebuds. As for the book itself, at first I wondered why Stevil was sending me a copy of Floyd Landis's "Positively False":

But then I looked closer and realized the person on the cover was actually a different guy partially in shadow and with a furrowed brow. Moreover, it was someone I had seen before, so I hastened to my "Pit of Embarrassment" and found this:

I also found this:

The flying penis (which is autographed to boot!) wasn't much help, but the Cro-Mags record was, and the book is indeed the memoir of former Cro-Mags "singer" John Joseph. I look forward to reading it--that is, as soon as I finish reading "Neil Diamond Is Forever: The Illustrated Story of the Man and His Music". You may scoff, but reading about Neil Diamond at least spares you from having to actually hear him.
Speaking of stuff from the "streets" (I'm talking about the Cro-Mags, not flying penises or Neil Diamond), I was checking out Streetsblog recently. (Sometimes I experience a sharp, inexplicable craving for smug self-righteousness and Streetsblog satisfies those pangs quite nicely.) Among the various civic-minded post was this one, which discussed "schluffing".
"Schluffing" may sound like something you'd do with a loofah, or else like the last name of a Serotta-owning dentist, but it's apparently a form of half-assed riding advocated by the guy who wrote this article in the New York Times--though whether he's advocating it sincerely or ironically was unclear. So I went over to his blog to learn more:
Biking is the best way to go in the city if you are not walking. We at the Thoreau You Don't Know believe strongly in this proposition. Meanwhile, as far as bike etiquette goes, it's tough to stay off the sidewalk even thought the law and courtesy says we ought to. (A friend of the staff recently went to court for a sidewalk bike riding ticket and served some community service time.) Sidewalk bike riding is like jaywalking--who among us cannot resist, once in a while or more. Bikes, like people, are vehicles of compromise. Thus, we draw attention to the schluff, for when you absolutely have to move on the sidewalk and absolutely won't actually "ride."
First of all, I object to the term "biking." Riding your bike is called "riding," or "cycling." Do you call walking "shoeing?" Do you call driving "carring?" Do you call riding the subway "training?" (Actually, I'm not sure what you call riding the subway, but I do know that "training" is what roadies call cycling.) "Biking" is something you do in white sneakers, and it looks like this.
Secondly, what's so hard about staying off the sidewalk? It's only a few yards wide at most, and the street's always right there next to you. It's not like it's so far away that you need to ride to it. Plus, while the streets may be full of cars, the sidewalks are full of people and animals. Does weaving through slow-moving pedestrians present an irresistible temptation to some cyclists--so much so that they go to court over it and are forced to do community service? And what kind of community service must the sidewalk cyclist serve? I think being forced to pick up after people's dogs for them would be a fitting punishment.
Thirdly, why is a bicycle in particular a "vehicle of compromise?" All vehicles require compromise--except Tesco's Sky Penis. That really is the best of everything, especially when you add the Floyd Landis model testosterone patch hop-up kit.
Anyway, since this guy and his friends apparently can't keep their hybrids off the sidewalk, he's come up with this "schluffing" thing, which involves pushing the bike along like a scooter. The post also features a short instructional video. Here are some women standing around discussing where they bought their coats and how awesome it is to live in Brownstone Brooklyn:

Here's some guy on a bike who was unable to resist the sidewalk's siren call. He is "schluffing" by standing on his pedal and pushing his bike along as if this is somehow better than moving ten feet to the left and actually riding the thing:

As he approaches the women, he dismounts and stops "schluffing," as though he has any dignity left to preserve:

Here he is walking past the women, who are now now discussing how elegantly appointed the insides of their brownstones are. Note the "schluff" has apparently been successful, as they are not angry at him for riding on the sidewalk. In fact they don't even notice him:

The video points out the importance of the dismount, or "transition." In this sense, I suppose "schluffing" is similar to cyclocross. Perhaps a better name for it would be "dorklocross":

By the way, the video is accompanied by Irish folk music, as though "schluffing" has some sort of old-world charm about it. Frankly, if he's going to sell this whole idea, he really should try the fixed-gear video approach and go with more aggressive music. I actually muted the sound, opened a new window, played this, and watched the "schluffing" instructional with the new soundtrack. I'm sure you'll agree it works much better than the fiddles.
But even a punishing new soundtrack can't disguise the problems inherent in "schluffing":
--You can't "schluff" on a fixed gear;
--"Schluffing" would be extremely difficult with road shoes;
--"Schluffing" would be extremely difficult with toe clips;
--"Schluffing" is stupid.
And probably the worst thing about "schluffing" is that you're selling out your bike. Reducing your bicycle to the status of a scooter is like declawing a lion or de-venomizing a snake. Perhaps some of these people might actually be more comfortable on scooters than on bicycles. Actually, they'd probably be a lot happier on Mogos--then they could "schluff" all the time. Not to mention the fact that it opens the door for other vehicles to ride on the sidewalk as well. Before you know it people will be driving their cars on the sidewalk with one foot sticking out the door. I mean, people are already driving on the sidewalks as it is--not too long ago I was standing (not "schluffing") on the sidewalk with my bicycle when a car almost hit me. I even have photographic evidence. Here's the car just after it passed me, left the sidewalk, and entered the interesection diagonally:

Hey, I'll admit I've hopped onto the sidewalk to skirt a traffic jam. But if something forces me onto the sidewalk, instead of "schluffing," I just throw one of these. Nobody even knows I was there.
Woot! Woot!
Thank you helper monkey! Without you this win wouldn't have been possible.
aw yeah
Spike through me head.
CroMags fuckin rock
thanks,i've been ranting about that frickin video all week. last week he scolds me for running red lights and this week he tells me to ride on the sidewalk?? Guess i just need a cutesy name for running a red...
no one should be ashamed of owning the Cro-Mags' Age of Quarrel! If you want a quick laugh, check out John Joseph's book, and look at the pictures of him during his bike messenger days. Classic
Top ten. woohoo!
I could have made top ten but I schulffled through the post first.
What dreams may come, When we have schluffed off this mortal coil, Must give us pause.
Wait a minute, I have The Age of Quarrel and that Meatmen seven inch... Are you me?
I still have nightmares about Tesco Vee smacking me in the head with a giant dildo at some show when I was 15....shudder...
I really don't understand. If you're not savvy enough to dodge two people standing on a fairly wide, seemingly empty sidewalk, maybe you shouldn't be riding at all...
Just get a Vespa and be done with it.
Schluff deez nuts!
For some reason I never managed to like the Cro Mags. Sadly, now I've forgotten the struggle and the streets.
I know this is off topic, but a new couple just arrived in my neighborhood. After they ditched the rental van, they drove up in a brand new white prius with two brand new cervelos on the roof. I'm now too terrified to go out and I spend my days peering out through the blinds.
cromags best album! best wishes is a distant second...
pack feed again!
Schluffing is what I do on Shabbos afternoon after eating too much chulent.
Perhaps running the red light could be called 'rougeing'? I thought maybe we'd stick with the German sound but then it would be 'rotting', which is what happens if you don't check for traffic first and end up flattened halfway across.
"we gotta know" opens up with a straight up mosh part, and damned if even the wussiest didnt go ape shit at a show...
All You Haters Schluff My Balls
"We're the Meatmen and you suck!"
Candy and pre-read books...beginning stages of a burgeoning bromance.
wussiest should read woosiest.
sorry bout dat
NO. 3: How about we stay off the sidewalks? Why are bikers so incensed when the police hand out tickets for this? I’m only guessing, but each sidewalk biker must believe that he or she, out of all New York bikers, is the exception, the one careful biker, which is a very car way of thinking.
that bit of absurdity is from his article, um, i think he is, um, well...an asshat?
good term matt, i like it, now we can do it guilt free (after running it by our new ambassador, mr. sullivan). phew, what a relief.
Maybe that schluffer didn't anger those women, but his total dorkitude sure pissed me off, albeit in a healthy, cathartic way.
schluffing up to the bike rack just 2 nights ago i cornered slightly and, having flipped the pedal over, my steel toe clip hit the ground and broke in half =[
The intro to 'We gotta know' turns me into a slam dancing machine. I always start breaking shit and kicking holes in the walls.
My wife hates that song.
Cool the Kid
shit! i shouldn't have drunk last night...
too bad you don't have a "real" meatmen 7"...
rumor has it that john brannon of negative approach is going to sing "nothing" as an encore with my band...http://www.flickr.com/photos/agentdetroit/3346385099/
Btw, Sibosop, that rental Prius and those Canadian bikes prolly belong to none other than Commie Canuck, here in the deep south to stalk the wild Bike Snob.
Why does "schluffing" remind me of how I used to push my mom's shopping cart through the parking lot toward her car?
I'm really hoping "Schluffing" takes off (or is that drops, god I can't keep up anymore) so I can dream about buying a crabon Serotta shopping cart and entering some race.
BSNYC/RTM, you're missing out on a huge sponsorship deal here. You could promote the first shopping cart schluffing alley cat. Just think of the spoke cards!!!
Hi Marissa!
Now get off the sidewalk, please.
oh yeah:
"though" should be "thought" or "thought" should be "though" - I forget which one but it needs to be fixed.
Urban Dictionary defines schluffer as: a lazy, unmotivated person.
Someone who takes the easy way out of everything.
a pointless, directionless, good for nothing. link
And I think they got this one right.
I had to "schluff" my way home after breaking my chain mid commute. It was excruciatingly annoying and I managed to genuinely anger and/or amuse every pedestrian I passed. One guy even wanted to beat the crap out of me. I suppose the absolute stupidity of what he was witnessing caused him to snap - he kept shouting something about "vixens of death"
Isn't "Woot" over yet? I have to see it in the first 10 comments every day. You would think that after almost 2 years of a word being hip, it would go out of style....
BS, adding ing to modifies a word to show an active sense. Generally with nouns and adjectives. His use was correct.
I understand your job is to be snide, but you are wrong on this one.
That reminds me, I wonder how many tattooed Suffolk County hardcore kids were pissed when the area code was changed to 631
Yous guys give me hope for humanity. I love the fact that some of y'all know about the Age of Quarrel. It too gives me goose bumps during the intro to "We Gotta Know." Damn that shit is good. Brilliant posts the past two days, BS. Brilliant.
And yes, it's impossible to pop a wheelie, stand still or bounce up and down on a geared bike. Impossible.
So, what you're saying is that unless you're already grandfathered into the schluffing scene, you can't get in?
If a cruiser could write a blog, the blog it would write would be Streetsblog.
That's not funny!
Seymour Schluffer
Shluffers are shleps.
Dorks ruel!
..."schluffing" is so "meh"...
...it's like they deserve each other...
I wouldn't make fun of Bloodclot either.
It's not meant to be taken literally. It refers to any manufacturer of dairy products.
schluffing = next olympic speedwalking
cro-mags are for sure one of the best bands of all time. fact
This "schluffing" is the preferred mode of travel where riding is prohibited. You can do that little sidesaddle shuffler thing that guy does to instantly walking your bike when The Authorities show up. Amazingly enough, I have seen places where The Authorities care: Whistler Village, DHMTB capitol of the world, stands out in my mind as a perfect example...
It takes the top-tube leaner move to the next level of "I'm not going to run you over"-ness...
Reminds me of carnies on a spinning amusement ride...I can't help but feel creepy when I do it.
...when I do the "schluff," not the carnies...
When you Schluff on a fixed gear is called a "One Leg Pedal Ride to Walk." So far nobody has dared to attempt it, or been proud enough to give it their namesake a la the Panchenco Twist.
I retract all my previous comments.
IMHO- This is what I hear in my head when I'm mad Schluffed out.
Is Mogo just Ingo spelled backwards?
A recommended video from that bike was the pinnacle of soundtrack matching...
To hell with all the schluffing and the music worries, I need me some of those smoke bombs to throw in front of cars at lights when they try to cut me off. Now that would be cool.
I have a friend who shall be called "The Biscuit" (it's complicated) but I suppose really he should be called "The Postman" on account of his cycle mounting style - that is he schluffs to a suitable speed and then swings his trailing leg over the back wheel (fixsters are you getting this - NOT the front) before pedal docking and proceeding about his business - he is not a postman.
I think those ladies are discussing the beautiful car cake they made me for my B-day.
A sardonic critique of something that was obviously intended to be a playfully tongue in cheek stab at the nypd isn't very becoming.
I'm pretty sure you lost some blog-cred today...
the Schluffing thing is DOA.
A., I am confused. Are you doing the carnies, or are you doing the schluffing? Because doing a carnie is just outright creepy.
Snob, I'm sue that car was driven by a minion of Michael Ball and that it was an attempt at revenge for the post about their anarchical campaign to undo professional cycling from the inside out.
I like schluffing, it fuckin' rocks.
I'm stoked that the Hybrid-Biker-Community is doin' it with fierce new nomenclature.
After digesting the art of "schulffing" along with the man and the organization behind it ...
... I wanted to Thoreau Up.
Surly Bastard
Best Knucks yet!
Second that panties.
Knuck tats are to haiku as twitter is to blogging.
I tried schluffing to a bus stop once when the chain on my bike broke in the next town over from where I live. I didn't know it was called schluffing though, and I at least did it in the street. Oh, and I stopped after about a minute because it was stupid.
Rogueing for years w/ no blowback from authoritays here (so far).
Recently had to schluff home; crunched a bottom bracket after a winter of riding through salty muck, whereby the utter lack of chainwheel alignment threw the chain w/ any more than 1/8 of a rotation. I didn't do it on the frikken sidewalk tho'. So what to call schluffing in traffic?
"First of all, I object to the term "biking." Riding your bike is called "riding," or "cycling.""
Aw, come on- lighten up a little here. Haven't you ever been MOUNTAIN BIKING? It's not called mountain cycling, for god's sake. Cycling, riding, biking, it's all good.
Bike snob, what do you think of this?
Gad, I hate it when people call me a "biker". Do I have a Harley?! Rider, broseph.
Biking to cycling. Like shoeing to walking?
Okay, like Bike Snob, but really also a music snob, a people snob, a sidewalk snob, a charity snob, a corporate snob, a tire snob, a fashion snob, a tattoo snob, a government snob. How about just snob?
Bike snob. Labels.
Personally, and no disrespect meant, but I don't go mt biking.
I ride trail or rub the trail ride.
Also, I rock a xc mission, and I've been known to make loops on the local dirt jump track.
I like to cruise the local pump track (and sometimes cruise for freshmen.)
And when DHin', I've been know to slay the technical sections.
But under no circumstances do I mountain-bike or ride a mountain bike.
That's what the mainstreamers do.
someone backed up, or somehow, ran the fuck into my bike yesterday. while it was locked up on the sidewalk. *s0b*
but but but... "cycling"? Wouldn't that be like calling walking "penduluming"?
Schluffing is pretty much like skidding. Not everyone learns to ride a bike properly. Sad but true.
FP- Are those mainstreamers hanging off the end of yer riser bars?
Fierce Pantaloons-
I remember the same thing with snowboarding vs riding vs skiing vs fruitboots.
And I do believe it is still called Mountain cycling when you ride a Mountain Cycle like this douchehat.
now i really hate streetblog, see today's where they threaten to 'expose' the snob
Shit. Ninja bombs..no wonder I couldn't find him.
"Now Bike Snob NYC, a well-regarded blog among fixed-gear fetishists and owners of $8,500 Serottas"
Ahem. $8500 is just for the Meh-vici frame and fork.
""schluffing" seems only to have managed to fire up angry mobs of pitchfork-wielding commenters"
BSNYC outed.
how come obama didn't have the required pie plate? and he appears to have lacked the proper number of reflectors as well. he's setting a poor example to the young and impressionable children.
After breaking the chain on my mountain bike I schulfulled from the trail to he ole bike shoppee, replaced the chain and rode back to the trail to finish the ride. I say that was an appropriate and fetching cool schulfulling even if I can't spell the damn word!
Damn I love that Cro Mags album... I'll have to check out JJ's book.
Ahem... and what is wrong with scooters? I have surfed empty rush hour sidewalks over 20,000kms and 10yrs as a human-electric hybrid. Faster than rush hour traffic speeds and public transit. But you are from NYC and I am from Planet Earth...(most of the rest of the world)
First I've heard there's a name for this ("Schluffing") even though the guys riding the wrong vehicle for the job. Looks like the Victorian pedal bicycle.
How quaint!
Can I call being a baller 'balling'?
Schluffing does have a place and purpose. At the bike park I shluff from the parking lot down to the lift so I don't have to put my helmet on. Helmets suck unless they are protecting you in a crash.
Finally, somebody gets It.
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