This simultaneously compelling and repulsive Erik K creation is even more evocative when studied while listening to the song which inspired it.

"diMITRY: I Fofonov"
Media: Gouache, Krylon, and Cream Cheese
Artist: Erik K
Price: Your dignity
On a completely different note, in my absence I have confirmed that a bathysphere is indeed plying the streets of San Francisco, as you can see in this completely undoctored photo:
Again, this is not a hoax. While I could not ascertain whether the helmet featured some sort of underwater breathing apparatus, I take this as an Apocalyptic harbinger, and have every reason to believe it means that the storied "city by the bay" may be the "city under the bay" sometime soon. If you live there, I strongly recommend you quit your foffing off and seek higher ground immediately. Or at least build a submersible.

whats a bathysphere?
top 10!
Top !0 - yay me.
Maybe the rider takes his Bathysphere to the submarine races.
That first photo... I think I'm in love.
I'm afraid you might be succumbing to the Ali G paradox- you're too famous now, so what you're seeing is a conscious reaction to yourself.
Every bathysphere bike and huge pie plate is an ironic tribute to you- not a rare find supporting your previous admonishments.
hey bitches, come check out my bathysphere!
bathysphere supreme
bathysphere supreme
bathysphere supreme
That bathysphere is vile.
: P
Erik K.-
diMITRY:I Fofonov, too awesome for words.
Love what you've done with the place! Keep slayin' the dumb guys.
Selle San Marco Rolls saddle...NICE
I know Bathysphere Supreme pretty well and he's a solid underwater transport and has been bobbing half submersed for a long, long time for whatever thats worth.
fuck everything and everyone. fuck the world. fuck fads. fuck bikes. fuck skateboards. fuck x games. fuck the olympics. fuck the notion of freedom. fuck democracy. fuck your rights. fuck your blog. fuck. you. fuck.
Mother nature confirms the impending natural disaster--that dog in the San Fran pic is crapping his pants.
Hey, I lock my helmet when I don't feel like carrying it around. I actually hope someone steals it. It nasti'.
fuck helmets. fuck bike lanes. fuck cars. fuck pedestrians. fuck cars. fuck drivers. fuck safety. fuck reflectors. fuck bells. fuck u-locks. fuck bike racks. fuck races. fuck track stands. fuck flip-flop hubs. fuck top tube pads. fuck blogs about your bike ride this weekend. fuck fuck.
fuck blogs about bikes, architecture and dj's. fuck new bike products. fuck your scene. fuck the people in your scene. fuck PBR. fuck lycra. fuck tight jeans. fuck egg beaters. fuck bull horns. fuck craigslist postings from sheepshit bay. fuck your fixed gear conversion. fuck your boutique njs frame with diamonds glued
all over it. fuck nyc bikes. fuck chari. fuck razor apple. fuck mishka. fuck affinity. fuck track star. fuck king kog. fuck your group ride. fuck critical mass. fuck it all.
fuck luck 7
Hey Snobby, didn't you once say that you don't delete comments... except in the case of spam?
Well Jeeeeesh, just hold on there pardner and git a grip!
dude, honestly if your try to fuck all of those things your genitals would be pretty mutilated by the end
dude, honestly if your try to fuck all of those things your genitals would be pretty mutilated by the end
Perhaps the "bathysphere" in question belongs to this fellow:
I tried to fuck my helmet once and my dick got stuck in the vent holes...painful!
Hopefully when the dog in the upper right of the SF photo is done taking a crap, he will go hose down the helmet locked to the fixie.
Is that playdoh, silly putty, or some kind of cloth bandage around that front hub?
fuck your play-dough covered front hub.
i took a shit alright. do you see the bike. that's my work. i shit bikes. i shit stupid bikes. i shit them everywhere. i have other dogs in other cities shitting bikes right now. we shit bikes. we leave our shit bikes on the street for you stupid hipsters to clean up. so you can wrap your hands in an inside out plastic bag and pick them up. claim them. claim the shit we shit. but we all know that it's just shit. our fuck you to the world.
someone once told me you can't have reasonable discourse on the internet.
Great comments today. Those f keys are getting a good workout.
You can't have reasonable intercourse on the internet? You're just going to the wrong websites. Oh, discourse? Never mind.
It's not play-doh, it's a knog.
fuck the fuck everything fucker.
That is a knog/frog on that hub:
you should be used to getting fucked.
I no see humor in the name of Fofonov. Maybe I say "I John Smith with my dick" and see if you find it to be humorous.
Dear Fuck everything Guy. You are so totally right and we are all owned by your sharp wit and keen insight. Now move along, hon.
such hostility ... bikesnob come back, we've been infiltrated by a pissed off mini cooper driver who likes to drop the f bomb.
Technically, the bike pictured is a bathyscaphe. The bike ain't spherical, is it? But it IS self-propelled (after a fashion)...thus "bathyscaphe" is probably more accurate.
Leave it to the damn hipsters to fuck up classification just because "oh, yeah, that word is KILLER -- I'm gonna put it on my bike!" The girlpants they're wearing must be squeezing their tiny bathyspheres!
When is BSNYC coming back, again?
All too quick to assume to rider is a male!
cyclist run off?
joseph & annazed,
Thanks for clearing that up. I was looking at those spokepov kits the other day; maybe I'll just grab a knog frog instead.
really? that's what you think? a mini cooper driver? that's the best you could come up with? a stoned mountainbiker pleading for bikesnob's return? fucking pathetic. isnt your lunch break over? shouldnt you be getting fucked in the ass by your boss now? finish your work so you can catch the L train back from the west side to your loft in willimsburg. then you can walk your mountain bike around the park. fuck you too.
i confess. i was the "f" bomber on the grassy knog. bad day. sorry guys.
Did I forget to turn the ennui off when I left the house again?
Please accept my apologies.
Frey, this Frog lights are cute, but they aren't all that bright.
If you are really commuting you need something like this for the front (ok, well, I use exactly this):
it's hella expensive, but bitchin. I can actually SEE the road etc., but have no cables or battery mounted elsewhere on the bike.
For the rear Serfas lights are best (IMHO):
I have a Frog on my helmet (yes, I am a dork).
lots of hostility today. Perhaps this special limited edition comments section Cadel the Pirate Evans B-side Image release will cheer people up
fuck pirates. arrrrgh.
The original image is part of a new collection from the swedish fashion designers ACNE. Check out:
I'd probably just get a frog for an accessory light too, as I already have a headlight and back light. If I end up doing any serious riding at night though, the vega looks like a great option. Thanks again!
f bomber - can I get fucked too? It would be such an honor. It's been a while since we've seen comments as good as yours around here. A breath of fresh air is what they are. God I wish I was you, or your friend at least.
(I need to generate witty repartee, a timely retort that leaves the f-bombert reeling. I need to use my rapier wit and hack him to pieces, I need to bludgeon him using words as blunt instruments of terror).
hey f-bomber
aw fuck you
fuck frog lights. fuck elle magazine and acne jeans. fuck thank you.
go fuck yourself. witty, huh? it even makes sense.
The f bomber f'ed me twice. It was soooo hot! You gotta get soma dat action. It was over kinda quick tho.
fuck, fuck
your sweet virgin asshole was so tight of course i busted. the sex may have been quick butt the aids...the aids lasts a lifetime. enjoy
There's nothing virgin about my asshole. Ask your dad. Thanks for your aids though, I will add that strain to my collection. By the way, aids is such a negative term. Try calling it high five (HI-V, get it), that's what all the cool kids are doing.
By the way, does anyone else think that the f bomb commenter is actually a regular trying to stir some pudding?
you dropped a bomb on me
judging from the comments, apparently he's trying to stir yours (or he already has)
i'm just stirring pudding. how's everybody doin? im just the regular guy, stirring pudding.
doesn't anyone want to fuck me anymore?
lucky 7 thinks he's so damn funny.
i say fuck him.
f bomber,
WOW, you really have me pegged. Sounds like someone knows a lot about NYC, and probably has spent a lot of time on his knees, working it out to pay rent... Let me know when your balls drop and you are mature enough to add something remotely legitimate or interesting to this blog. Sounds like you've been severely abused by one of your brothers ... perhaps an uncle or maybe even your dad. If this is the case, I recommend counseling before you end up in prison with like-minded troglodyte wise guys such as yourself.
are you related to tub girl? If so, count me in! definitely down to fuck you.
damn right i know about nyc! damn right i know about sucking dick for rent! what the fuck do you know?
the "regular,"
completely tasteless... you should really think about getting out of the house more often. you really put the ouchba in douchebag. do us all a favor and go kill yourself.
I would just like to say "fuck Miami! and palm trees too..what the fuck
I would also like to say a very special "fuck" to prune juice. Everybody really hates drinking the stuff...and well i just always hated it there you have it ..Fuck prune juice!
mind your own (fucking) business
I tried to fuck prune joice once and all I got was a fruit-stained Johnson. fuck it.
F bomb - your comments keep getting better, you're even including links now. very impressive. Unfortunately, I have to bow out for the night, but I'll be back tomorrow, and dreaming about you in the meantime.
Has the OC been practicing brain surgery on his little brother again? That's not legal, is it? I hope not. It probably didn't do anything for the kid's bed-wetting problem, either, which was the original goal, as I recall.
Why is anyone responding to this instigator at all? It feeds on your irritation. That's the whole point. Just ignore it.
" fuck your twice weekly trips to the analyst.....go drown in a lake of diet coke, fuckers!''
" fuck your twice weekly trips to the analyst.....go drown in a lake of diet coke, fuckers!''
Who f-bomber guy? I like! He funny man!
SWAT team in the bike lane, Denver, CO< br/>Classic!
d'arrrr!!! Or I should say, "fuck!". I no good web person. Here's the Denver blog I stole the above picture from.
You guys are off the deep end, and the moon is not even full. BTW, does anybody else suspect that anon 2:11 is posting some naughty language under a differrent name?
Wow, I think that RTMS forgot to give Erik the "delete comment" password when he left the keys with him. Sheesh.
he left me keys, but they only unlock the orange Julius bike.
You should take the orange julius bike out and run yourself under a truck.
Hey Frilly,
Not stalking but making sure that you are behaving in an appropriate way and keeping yourself "neat" after all your self confessed roadie lust of weeks gone by. Given my role to care and guide those lost slow souls on the road of life it is natural that I make sure that your path is obstacle free. So how exactly did you get up that hill??? Did you ditch the snickers bars in an attempt to lighten. Just carin...
And please... Tub Girl? How old is that? Next you'll be posting 2Girls, 1 Cup.
Let's all move on people.
And please... Tub Girl? How old is that? Next you'll be posting 2Girls, 1 Cup.
Let's all move on people.
This "bathysphere" bike owner is even more pathetic than the Mini Tool. At least Mini Tool has a vocabulary bigger than that of a parrot.
Eat shit and die, bird brain.
anyone else notice the brake holes drilled on the bathysphere bike? poseur.
Yaroslav-There was a cute guy standing at the corner I usually stop & rest at talking on his phone. There was no way I was gonna stop & take a chance on him asking me if I was okay. Or worse, having him tell the other person that there's a girl hyperventilating & he has to call 911.
Thanks for the carin'.
All in the super domestique job description ie get water bottles for CE, swap bike with CE,haul CE up hilly bits, wipe nose of CE, fall down in front of CE in order to create excuse. You get the picture or do you???
Can you imagine THAT VOICE constantly in your ear all day. It is just sometimes too hard and I feel like getting off my bike and hiding in the trees and having a little cry
Loving the new design, great work. Do you think it will always be this way?
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