I've always revered Sheldon Brown for his erudition and wisdom. Knowing that much is rare enough, but being able to communicate that knowledge so clearly to others is even rarer. And sharing it so willingly and wittily is what made him a singular figure in cycling.
Only the strongest personalities can infuse inanimate objects with life, and Sheldon Brown did that. Just go to his website and look at his personal bikes. As much as we all love bikes, I think we all know they're just things. Sheldon's bikes are things too, but they have a signature exuberance; they are simultaneously absurd and practical. In a subculture that obsessively categorizes everything, they defy categorization. When you reach a certain familiarity with bicycles they can sometimes speak to you about their owners, and Sheldon's bikes speak with irreverence. They sing and tell jokes, and they have a Thelonious Monk-like ugly beauty. When you have as much knowledge and creativity as Sheldon did, you can build bikes that follow no template except your own.
There's little danger that cyclists will forget Sheldon Brown. I doubt that there's any cyclist who hasn't consulted his site, or who doesn't still. And as the architect of the cycling canon he's done more for cycling than any pro cyclist, or critical mass, or white bike, or orange bike ever has. No matter what you ride, how you ride, how long you ride, or how long you've been riding, you're a fan of Sheldon Brown.
Thanks for everything Sheldon.

(from Sheldon's site)
tailwinds capt.bike
and thank you
A huge loss for cycling. RIP Sheldon Brown.
God Speed.....
good by funny man
This says it. You didn't have to have met the man to truly encounter him. His personality came through in every pic and on every page.
Such an appropriate bicycle. He will be missed.
Crazy Sheldon, he will be missed.
Boy, he sure took that Patriots loss hard.
That was well written, BSNYC. Sheldon will be missed, and I doubt that there's anyone out there that can fill his shoes.
Thanks for everything, Sheldon.
Hear, hear! Thanks, Sheldon--catch you on the other side.
he had the best helmet ever..
and i loved how fast he would respond to something on bikeforums when his name was mentioned..
he was the best and im really sad he is gone..
thanks for everything sheldon!
i just cleaned my bike listening to a sheldon podcast -it seemed somehow appropriate.
thanks for everything sheldon.
Nice tribute! May the wind be at his back and the road downhill.
Dude, I hate tearing up in the office.
I hope someone continues to host his website, or at least publishes it on paper...
it would be like losing Aristotle's writings. The we'd have only his lecture notes to read...
gonna miss him :( I loved his site like all other cyclists
Thanks, Sheldon. You are the reason I own zero books on bike repair.
Thanks for everything Sheldon.
It was Sheldon's writing that got me started on my fixie fixation-he was the MAN. After reading him, I never feel bad about owning 5 bikes
Sheldon's passion, generosity, and kindness will continue to inspire for years to come. Let him live on in our thought and action.
I miss him already.
truly sad. sheldon was a very special man.
I was riding home from work yesterday and stopped to help a young girl put the chain back on her cruiser. After showing her how to do it, teaching her about proper chain tension, I came home to read that Sheldon Brown had died.
Coincidence, but it felt like a preemptive tribute to the great man. If we could all be half as helpful and half as un-snobish as he was, this would be an easier world to ride a bike in.
Celebrate his life; help someone ride a bike.
Well said, Snob. Kudos.
Nice eulogy
His website taught me everything when I was building my first bike.
We will miss you Sheldon!
that is a great eulogy for a great man...
thanks BSNYC.
so many bike blogs, so many opinions, yet only one common thread (well, besides the bikes) and that is, and always will be, sheldon brown. thanks to sheldon and thanks to bsnyc for saying it so appropriately. it's funny how much i'll (we'll) miss someone who i've only ever interacted with by email and message boards but never actually met; i wish i had. i extend his family and the cycling community (redundant?) my condolences.
How would the world be different if an authority on every subject shared their knowledge for FREE?
we love you sheldon!
Remember when you first stumbled onto Sheldon's scrappy looking, no frills site and figured he was just some hobbyist, rather than the guy who would teach you basic maintenance and a dozen clever tricks, guide you through your first build, and even enthrall you with articles on random stuff like geared hubs and homemade drop-bolt brake mounts?
In his website alone, there's so much enthusiasm and generosity. He'll continue to inspire and make the world a little better. Thanks Sheldon!
Check out the Rivendell Reader #25 for a good interview with Sheldon..
Ride in Peace, Capt. Bike.
Well said, Sheldon was a legend. Best wishes to his family.
Jeeze, that's sad to hear. Whenever I need to look something up I always hit his site first. Every serious cyclist, especially those who like to do their own maintenance and repair, owes him a few kind thoughts as he goes on his journey.
And we should spare a few thoughts for his family, too.
Well said. RIP Sheldon, you have touched us all.
really dumb question: did intense cycling his whole life have any impact on the diagnosis of multiple sclerosis? just wondering.
i'll bet that if you added up all of the gear inches that have been calculated on sheldon's site, it would reach the moon.
rip. you were a good, good man.
"They sing and tell jokes, and they have a Thelonious Monk-like ugly beauty."
Just brilliant, fits both the bikes and the man.
He will definitely be missed by all who ride.
I think I'm going to download his site and burn it to CD just to have it.
Sheldon, thanks for enthusiastically sharing your hard earned knowledge with the rest of us. You helped me build up my first single speed long ago.
Sheldon will be surely missed by everyone in the cycling community.
Thanks for all you have done, Sheldon.
Later Captain Bike. I miss you already.
Sheldon was a true inspiration.
Got more bikes than the Chinese nation.
V-brakes and discs on the same bike, without hesitation!
Answer your question on rec.bikes.tech, never degradation.
Ride on up in heaven, Gods own wrench on the two wheel mechanization.
Sheldon was and is an inspiration for all the fun that can be had building and working on bikes.
I was going to anyway, but I'm going down to the co-op tonight to spread some bike love in honour of a great man.
This tune-up's for you sheldon.
Thanks for the great eugoogley snob.
Hey Snob, I'm not the guy for the job but maybe a Sheldon sticker with the proceeds going to a charity of the families choice.
Somebody run with it?
Does anyone know where condolences/flowers/donations can be sent in his name?
Well done. You DO have a heart!
Check out his stuff on fixed wheel bikes, especially the 'cool' way to dismount. I bet he chuckled at the number of grazed knees and elbows that piece of advice was going to cause.
I'll miss you SB. You were one of us, only more so.
Check out his stuff on fixed wheel bikes, especially the 'cool' way to dismount. I bet he chuckled at the number of grazed knees and elbows that piece of advice was going to cause.
I'll miss you SB. You were one of us, only more so.
ZiP, according to Sheldon's page on MS, the cycling and his MS were not connected.
(As Always, Sheldon Has The Answer)
I believe his death was related to his MS. So support of any charity involved with that may be appropriate.
RIP. Thanks for the assist on the axle overhaul. *salute*
Anon 11:47 AM: ah, thanks. you're right - he does have the answers to the questions before they're asked.
In every area of human endeavor, there is the first, the one, the only; thus was Sheldon Brown, Capt'n Bike. An American Original, a true innovator, the embodiment of Yankee Ingenuity, a subtle genius.
No one will fill his shoes. Let us all be grateful we lived in the same time as he did, and that we were inspired by him.
And let his passing be a reminder to all of us of our own mortality, that our time on earth is limited; and let us ponder the question, what good have we brought to this world?
Go out today and ride your bike for Sheldon, and stop to do someone a favor on your way, and when your come home, be kind to someone that you love.
Back in the day, Sheldon's website was the first I saw which made me think '... whoa, there really is something to this interweb thing'.
Hope someone publishes it in hard copy.
Thinking of doing a tribute helmet...
Thanks Sheldon
thank you bsny readers for abstaining from first-post! and podium! comments.
its like our own little moment of silence...
Sheldon Brown was the ultimate bike geek you can turn to and expect wit, comedy, and knowledge in his answers. I had only the pleasure of exchanging emails with him. Fair winds and following sails Captain.
Snob, well written as usual. Thanks.
every time I reach for a color coded tool in my shop I will think of him.
I can't count how many times I've consulted his site. I'm pretty sure I would have stopped riding years ago without it. His generosity and spirit will go unmatched.
RIP Sheldon!
Your impact was so far beyond what we can even dream of.
Thank you for all of your late night help on many of my projects.
Every fixie I own is getting a brake for him.
we miss you, big man
thanks bsnyc
My favorite Sheldon creation is his double drivetrain Fixed gear freewheelin contraption. Why? Because he can...
anonymous @ 11:57:
Publishing Sheldon's website in hard copy would miss the point. Obviously Sheldon intended the website to be free, and he likely expected that it would live on long after his death. The site is hosted through Harris Cyclery, and since Sheldon is the only reason that any of us even know the name of this small shop in a Boston suburb in the first place, I sincerely doubt that they'll take it down.
So we'll have sheldonbrown.com forever, but we'll no longer know about inter-operability between future generations of Dura Ace, and we'll no longer see any new crazy bikes like the one snob posted, nor what movie Sheldon watched last night and what he thought about our presidential candidates.
Very well said. This may be the first BSNYC post that I have ever read without laughing. Seriously, this was a great post about a great man.
Well said, BSNYC.
No one has a bad thing to say about he guy. That's a tremendous eulogy - we should all be so fortunate.
It's kind of funny how there is always some discussion of all the divisions in cycling, fixed gear hipsters, roadies, tri-geeks, commuters, BMXers, Camelback wearing Mountain bikers, freds... At times like this I really view the cycling community as a whole. Sheldon was the great uniter. His love for the bike easily transcended all divisions in the community.
Thank you Captain Bike. You will surely be missed. You have left an indelible mark on the sport and the website you left behind will be a respected resource for years to come.
My heart goes out to his family…
One of the greats has passed. Godspeed, good sir!
Sheldon touched many people. RIP.
For so many small things that have helped me embrace cycling, I owe him a huge debt.
Thank you, Sheldon.
As much as I (we) enjoy reading you poke fun at others, Sheldon Brown expressed his love of cycling without judgement or scorn and helped many of us along in the process.
Echoing what others have said, its a huge loss for us and cycling in general.
In case you haven't had a chance to visit www.sheldonbrown.com/harris, there is quite an active thread of condolances being left in the comments section.
I'll post a link to this page there in case anybody in Sheldon's family is interested in reading some of the comments left here.
...lovely words & thoughts for a wonderfully generous man...
...we all benefited from his life & we all mourn his passing...
...thanks for your time, sheldon & thank you snob for the eulogy...
Without Sheldon's knowledge my hands wouldn't be nearly as dirty as they are. What an amazing body of work, and an amazing personality.
I was able to meet & speak with Sheldon at 07 interbike and I can tell you he treated me like someone he had known for years. The man was as humble and funny as he was knowledgeable. I even got a picture of Sheldon Brown, Gene-O and Gary Fisher talking shop in front of the Surly booth at Interbike.
Today the angels are riding fixed gear. Rest in peace, Sheldon
Damn dude, nice post. Actually got tears in my eyes when I saw the picture of the bike at the end. Like hundreds of other people, I feel like I lost a friend, even though I'd never met him.
an April fools from Sheldon's site to lighten it up a little..
Damn... I didn't know he had died. I found his website back in college...almost 10 years ago now! The guy could answer any question about bicycles, EVER.
What a loss.
RIP, Sheldon.
- Stu
Yeah, we'll all miss him.
My take and my favorite photo of Sheldon.
This is a great post that put some very apt words to good use in describing Sheldon Brown and what he meant to cyclists, no matter the flavor.
Thanks, BSNYC.
And thank you, Sheldon. Godspeed.
Well said, BSNYC. I still feel like I don't know much, but Sheldon's website and e-mails were invaluable when I really truly knew next to nothing about bikes and was building my singlespeed.
And I'm sure I'll depend on his wit and wisdom in the future.
Thanks BikeSnob.
And thanks Sheldon.
You will be missed,
but not forgotten.
As for so many, Sheldon plays a fundamental role in my love of bicycles.
May his brilliance and creativity inspire many more,
And his generous and humble spirit live on among us.
Cadence to honor Sheldon with special Assos/Lightweight cheese party.
RIP Sheldon.
Thanks for the education.
many voices from all over the world expressing kind words over here
Nice tribute.
Sheldon was the best. I now seriously regret the times I actually drove through West Newton on when I was on tour and never got around to stopping at Harris and asking if I could meet the guy. When I was in college I wrote him "show and tell" emails basically babbling about a project I just finished with the help of his website, and he always emailed back, even if it was just to say "good for you".
"I hope someone continues to host his website, or at least publishes it on paper..."
RIP Sheldon Brown.
Bike Snob,
That was great eulogy for a really wonderful person, for whom all bikes really were good.
RIP Sheldon.
I remember when I first learned how to change my pedals and handlebars by visiting Sheldon's site. I always used it as my number one resource since then. Nothing's missing!
God Speed.
Well written, RIP Sheldon........
Everybody else pretty much summed it up. Amazing guy. Definitely helped me. RIP
Well said Mr Bike Snob, well said...
amen, bsnyc. amen.
thank you, Sheldon. And best wishes to the Brown family.
RIP Sheldon. I'm sure I'm not the only one you helped to keep a old bike running well. Thanks
Sheldon had so much to share and he touched us all. He will be missed and my heart goes out to his family both close and far.
Thanks BSBYC. Thanks, and RIP, Sheldon.
One stunning example at the level of respect Sheldon commands can be found in the lack of anyone here trying to lay claim to the imaginary blog podium today.
What I propose is we try to get the ball rolling to get Sheldon Brown anointed as the Patron Saint of Bike Geeks.
Anyone have the number to the Vatican?
Anyone have the number to
After George Orwell's Animal Farm (and I use the line for good not evil):
...some are more equal than others.
Thoughts go to family, staff, close friends.
God's got his best mechanic on the job now.
Thanks, Sheldon.
Gordy, that's one of my favorite pictures of Sheldon too, (other than the Sheldon-on-Lance one he sent me). Nice tribute too, he was an exceptional man with an exceptional heart.
Try to find two different groups of cyclists that like each other (fixies, tallbikers, roadies, bmxers, mountain bikers) you won't be able to do it.
Now try to find a group of cyclists that didn't like Sheldon and that Sheldon didn't like..... you won't be able to do it.
He was one of those rare individuals that was a pure cyclist.
RIP sheldon brown
God Speed.
sheldon helped me build my first wheelset. just a great spirit. his legacy lives on. rest in peace.
Now that is the beauty of the internet. That he could reach out through his website to share his knowledge with the cycling community worldwide. Otherwise he would have only been able to share with those in his local community.
Thanks Sheldom, I learnt, and continue to learn, much from your articles. A genuinely caring man who stood out from the crowd. RIP
Thanks, Sheldon. Rest in peace. I hope they lower you down like a Pharaoh, bikes and all.
I am very glad that i met that modern marvel of a man at Inter-Bike '07. I finally got to shake his hand.
I would really, really like to see a few of his bikes in a museum.
I will continue to use his website aslong as its up.. Saves my ass on a daliy basis at my shop!
-much love and respect-
So true, BSNYC. He did more for cycling than any single person or organization maybe in the history of cycling. He could have made a comfortable living writing books about cycling. Instead he became a legend and an example.
Sheldon's name will be on both of my bikes, in nice tall letters.
I'm glad I had a chance to say thanks. Started a new project today. Thanks again Sheldon.
It was obvious from Sheldon's website that he loved greatly and was greatly loved.
He wrote that he believed in love and family among other things. He also wrote that he didn't believe in devils, angels, faeries and Gods.
But to many, he was a cycling God -- except without the worship requirement, and the part where folks invoke His will to explain the inexplicable.
Okay, on second thought, not a God, just a guy.
The kind of guy anybody would want to hang out with: funny, smart, interested in all sorts of things, and happy to share his enthusiasm and knowledge.
And by sharing that enthusiasm, he made total strangers a little smarter, a little happier, a little better.
What a guy. What a life.
Those who knew him were lucky. Those who never met him are still lucky. We have access to his enthusiasm and knowledge through a web site that was a labor of love of many things running the gamut from family to bicycles.
He will be missed.
Love and Light to his family and friends.
An inspiration to anyone and everyone who touched a bike. Ride on Sheldon, ride on.
Rest in peace, old man.
Thanks for everything, Sheldon.
May we all learn to be even just a little bit like you.
Sorry to see you pass, Captain Bike. I felt a tremor in the force on Sunday, and you were it.
I wonder if Sheldon ever slept. I sent him an email only one time and he responded in less than a day. By the looks of this little memorial of sorts, it seems that most of us have emailed him at some point and I'm sure we only represent a very small portions of the world's internet addicted cyclists. How did he do that plus have time to webmaster, work the shop, build crazy bikes, write articles, play intruments, perform in plays, go on rides, hang out with his kids, etc. Damn...that's a life well-lived.
He's the funny uncle I never had. Ride on Brother.
RIP to the Mr S.Brown. huge loss to us all.
Just another poster saying "Boy will I miss that man I never met." Bike Snob, very well done tribute.
I just learned this at sfba's craiglist, from an ad which is scheduled for erasure. He is an inspiration for all aspiring eccentrics, and that he evoked such a serious post from the snob is a monumental tribute in itself.
Thanks Sheldon for being open to all those who rode bicycles and for putting aside petty name calling and bitching for the true love of the bicycle. Bikesnob could learn a lesson from you.
Thank you, bikesnob, for your eloquent words on a sad day. You could have handled Sheldon's passing in any of a thousand different ways. Thanks for getting it exactly right.
I'm pleased people are taking some time to remember him. I'm not normally moved by the passing of people I don't know but I'm hit by this. I've personally spent hours reading up on biopace/fixed gears/wheel building/everything else, and enjoyed his humour and approach.
What an awesome man.
word. sheldon was one great cyclist. share the love, build more bikes. let ol' sheldon help you do it.
thanks sheldon brown. you were a friend when i needed you. still are.
I just got back from a night out. I tried to raise a toast to Sheldon at one point. Not exactly uncalled for in the event of his untimely death. A person I was with decided to ridicule Sheldon to my face. His language barrier and his dating a friend of mine were all that kept me from beating the shit out of him. I've pummeled people for less and enjoyed it. The nerve of this person was appalling, but I can't deal with him the way I would any other person. How do you explain what Sheldon did through the language barrier of German elitism? How is any german cyclist feeling superior anyway?
The trick with Germans is to simply begin laughing loudly in their faces while refusing to say why. Drives them nuts and doesn't empower the way a punch does. S.B. wouldn't want us to go around punching on his account, not even silly German Elitists. Rest in peace, Sheldon.
Who else can you think of that would write a page called "The Bright Side of MS"? Selfless and good humoured throughout.
R.I.P. Sheldon
Thank you for that post. He will be missed.
Nice post, BSNYC. To the committed, riding a bike is not a trend or a fashion and I think SB epitomized that. No posing or ostentatious posturing, just riding what you needed to ride the way you wanted to ride.
Keep on keeping it real.
Sheldon was such a nice guy. I just traded emails with him 2 weeks ago about elliptical chain rings and within an hour he'd added a treatise on the subject to his website. He was the 'answer man' for all manner of bike questions. He will be missed.
Bikesnob, lovely tribute. Along with at least two hundred other bike people Sheldon was corresponding with, I was a lucky recipient of his encouragement (I had been harpooning for compliments on my blog) ... in his last week on this planet.
I will have to re-up my subscription to a
heaven where cyclists add verses to the "Wheeliad", thereby flagrantly challenging Sheldon's practical and emphatic non-belief in angels...
Is that too long a sentence?
I am confident the 150 comments your post generated will remind bikers who never heard of him to LOOK HIM UP.
And maybe someday the book that resides on his computer hard drive will come to light (he'd mentioned that it lives there, in need of not only a publisher but an agent to hawk the thing in this day where books need agents more than ever, esp. if the author no longer lives to defend/tend it)
JP Sheldon fan, Bikesnob fan too
Flash Gordon
the same thing happened to me two nights ago. the guy strated talking like he couldn't care, or even, that he was glad. nearly got up and left. instead i told him off, saying that whether he liked it or not, every single person who rides a bike today has been effected or helped by Sheldon at one point or another. he didn't really have anything to say to that and the night went on. i don't think our friendship will be the same.
I didn't know The Bike G-d personally but we exchanged emails on the various technological challenges of restoring/repairing 3speed Steeds. It will be lonely without him.
Thanks SB.
if anyone is organizing a sheldon ride or memorial (or cheese tasting?), you may want to post it over here:
solidarity yo
There are several billion answers to the question, -how to best live a life?
His answer scored pretty damn high.
Is it possible to true one's wheels in memoriam?
Well said BS.
Thanx Sheldon!
Check out his last post on bikeforums.
Nicely put, Snob.
Godspeed Sheldon,
Thanks for the knowledge, passion, grins, and ah-ha!s, and for countless hours spent learning from you after I had what I came looking for.
to those interested: not long ago I asked Sheldon if I could contribute to his site or offer up a donation in his honor, and he requested that any donations be directed to the MS Society. Donations in his memory would be a fitting tribute.
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