The entries on Velospace sometimes transcend entertaining and belong in a category I can only call sublime. There was once a time I'd flip through the bikes there and get angry. Now the only thing I feel is awe. It's more than just the bikes themselves; it's also the staging and the presentation. This is no longer bike porn--this is art. Here are just some of the bikes that have moved me recently:

The inverted colors of
this photo massage my soul. Looking at it is like lying in a tub filled with warm water and bath crystals, surrounded by scented candles. I bet it even smells nice too. Aroma therapy on wheels...

Not only does
this bike evoke an inimitable 80s pop icon, but it also has succeeded in convincing me that there really are some bars that are better left untaped.

The staging
here is absolutely spectacular. I thought of one thing and one thing only. Stunning.

Four centimeters of spacers, a stem with a generous rise, and a pair of risers flipped upside down. "
Stemz up, barz down." Awww, yeah.

And then there's this. There's no counterpart to this. This bicycle taunts me. It's so very close to perfection! The rakish tilt of the saddle. The risers. The stupid top-tube pad. More cards than a casino. The only thing keeping it from poster-child status is the front brake. But perhaps this will one day be gone as well. Increasingly I hear of new fixed-gear riders who consider it a rite of passage to remove the brake. It's like a fixie briss. If this bike has one, I hope I'm invited.
And saddizzle tiltizzled forwizzle fo shizzle.
it is a right of passage
front brake = hymen
You just blew my mind. That's like "12 Monkeys."
straight of the rack - yeah real nice and exotic...
walk right in to a store and buy your way into the scene - classy!!!
Yeah, this was a great thread from the start. I was smiling, I was chuckling, I was having fun. Then you mentioned the briss and I about lost my coffee. Good times. Also, a buddy of mine was riding past a group of fauxingers on his track rig when one of them commented 'Nice bike man, all you need is a top tube pad!' Maybe I should get rid of all my top tube pads like I did my (real) messenger race spoke cards.
Matt in Seattle
Why do people thank everyone involved in their velospace description like they're accepting an Oscar or something?
...dr. leakey sez:: "obvious signs this culture could not sustain itself...doomed for extinction... ...that's the 'brakes'"...
...bikes just wanna have fun,'shizzle...
I'd like to put one more thing in the spokes of that orange monstrosity--a broomstick.
A fixie briss. Ah ha ha ha ha!
Getting rid of your top tube pad? Now that's a briss.
Here's the picture you're looking for...
Brother Yam,
If that guy and Rick Nielsen of Cheap Trick had a baby it would be that bike.
Prolly, awesome farkup.
It's clear from the archeological evidence: the dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have brakes or wear helmets, and they wore their top tube pads like neckties, instead of on their top tubes where they might have protected their potent but laughably tiny little dinosaur genitalia.
that's actually a studded white belt.
I guess they hadn't dug down to the skinny jeans period yet
I can't help think of this for the pink and blue bike.
the Cyndi Lauper bike also suffers from impacted anus syndrome due to the Cadence sticker. barf.
Prolly, you are my hero. I adore the studded belt.
I was going to sell my Japanese track bike to help pay bills, and since I dont have a track nearby anymore. But I cant let it be turned into one of these monstrosities.
Did somebody say "stemz up, barz down"?
the plague is spreading south:
I hope "stemz up, bars down" catches on. I REALLY hope it leads to someone having one of those shitty adjustable hybrid stems jacked all the saw up with some bmx bars flipped. I bet it would handle awesome.
Yeah, I got this problem. I just scored some dope aerospoke wheels, but now I can't get any spoke cards in them. Should I (a) tape my cards to my aerospokes or (b) put movie posters in my wheels. They might be big enough.
I'm so glad you hate my Cyndi Lauper bike. Given your previous postings on how ugly you think Cinelli Alter stems are, and how much you hate top tube protectors, I was sure I'd get my time in the spotlight here. Thanks!
Look guys-ultimately all these people are trying to do is to give their bikes a bit of personality as an antidote to todays prepackaged.production line,marketing comittee,profit driven,consume or perish,blando bullshit,corporate crapola world!All this cynicism is fun-but at least they're building their own bikes-finding the bits for themselves-showing SOME degree of creativity,rather than just buying the latest,greatest pre-planned piece of obsolescence that a corporation thrusts at them!!!!Not everyone has access to the twenty generations of inbred cycling lore and wisdom we seem to think we possess-remember when it was all new and exciting why dont'cha -as it obviously is to thesepeople on velospace and fgg!What a bunch of jaded cunts we are all becoming!This is Sir Jaded With Being Jaded signing off on another slightly less drunken Friday night-nighty night all-don't let the roaches bite!
Fuck-ultimately we should be flattered that what a bunch of fuckups like us do by accident, others see as being worthy of emulating-even if they do get it a bit wrong!I'm only bitter 'cos I used to be able to buy old, good track frames for next to nothing-now the same type of thing is$500--if I can find one in my size!dammit-Ishoulda bought'em all when no-one could get rid of them!
I just always gotta get the last word in-even over myself-wotta jaded,cynical cunt I am-and this is me whenI'm happy!!!!
Prolly, pretty funny (even without the slur).
thanks for exposing my cousin for the poser he was.
the snoop dog bike is my brother bike. shit is tight. U MADD?
Cindy gave me a hard-on years ago and so does that PAKE!!
must've been a slow day on FGG!
I am proud to be the owner of the Orange KHS and equally pleased to announce that it is now burning around London without a hideous brake!!
Frame builders = artist
Hipsers hanging trendy parts on a frame & fancying themselves as "artists" = epic fail
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