Friday, September 14, 2007

BSNYC Interview: Aerospoke Speaks!

On Monday I reported on the Aerospoke Crisis of 2007. Well, after breaking one of the biggest cycling news stories ever, I found myself actually wanting to know more about them. Aerospoke has been around for a long time, so I thought it would be interesting to hear how the fixed-gear trend has affected them as a company. I emailed them and Bill Micol was kind enough to agree to answer some questions by email. I present them below.

(Yes, this is a departure from the kind of material you usually find here, but fixed-gears and Aerospokes have been a hot topic lately. Yes, this is a real interview. And no, I did not receive free Aerospokes or any other compensation, so if you’re looking for a pair don’t come to me. This town’s still dry.)

Thanks, Bill, and thanks everybody for reading.


What is your role in the company?

The wheels are my domain. We do other things at our facility, but I have a hand in everything that has to do with the wheels, from manufacturing to technical support to sales for the last 18 years.

When and how did Aerospoke begin?

Since the 70s, Ed Giroux, the owner of Aerospoke, has had a successful business building investment casting and plastic injection molds, as well as other kinds of tooling. His hobby was, and still is, triathlon, so that is how the whole wheel idea was conceived. 1988 saw the first prototypes and we started shipping mid-1989. Ed still competes, in fact, he took first in his age group at Ironman Louisville recently and will be competing in Ironman Hawaii soon.

What sets Aerospokes apart from other popular pre-built wheelsets, past and present?

We have been known for our strength and durability from the beginning. Our customers have come to depend on us for that. Many people come to us who have a history of destroying wheels because of how they ride, or, they may be too heavy (I call them gravity-challenged) for some of the very lightweight wheels on the market. In addition, you do not have to true the Aerospoke wheel, so that is a great feature for those who want to ride and not fiddle with spokes. The wheels are also reasonably priced for a carbon wheel and they are made right here in Michigan. We do use Velocity aluminum rim extrusions made in Australia and bearings made in Asia, but other than that, everything is done here.

Are Aerospokes UCI legal?


What kind of aero advantage does an Aerospoke offer vs. other wheels?

The spokes are airfoil shaped, so they cut through the wind nicely, especially when they are up to speed. We are not big on performance testing in a lab, as real world conditions are hard to duplicate. The positive response we get from our customers is the data we like. Having some world records set on our wheels is nice too.

Your wheels have become very popular with the new crop of fixed-gear riders. When did you first notice this?

We did make fixed-gear stuff many years ago. We sold some now and then, but no major numbers. I would get requests from time to time to do the wheels again, but we had no idea how big it would be. This time, I had all of the first couple batches spoken for before they were even made, and this was before it was ever announced that we were going to make them! Gina at King Kog in NY and Travis at the Freewheel in San Francisco had a lot to do with this.
When the word got out, it spread like wildfire and the response has been overwhelming. I see wheels in my sleep. It's nice to be busy, but I must admit that it has been frustrating trying to keep up with demand, especially when I was so used to being more responsive. We have added people, but the wheels are hand-made and labor-intensive and there is only so many that can be made in a day, regardless of how many people are here. We have been backordering the 700c wheels since early Spring.

I don't want to come off sounding like I'm complaining, however. We feel lucky to be so busy, especially being in a state that is bleeding manufacturing jobs.

To what do you attribute this popularity?

I've been afraid to question this, as I am afraid I might jinx myself. I don't know, maybe the fixed-gear crowd is in tune with what we are all about; durability, low-maintenance, and asthetics. I've talked to messengers who told me that not having to maintain and adjust derailleurs and brakes is key in their line of work. So, I guess a wheel that does not have a bunch of maintenance points (spoke nipples) is appealing.

Fixed-gear riders seem often to use Aerospokes on the front only. Why do you think this is?

I have seen some pictures of riders with them only on the front, but I honestly don't know why. I know some people ordered our standard front road wheel, before we had bolt-on, and used the locking skewers. At that time, we had nothing available for the rear. However, we still sell more front than rear, so ??

Some fixed-gear riders use their bicycles aggressively in an urban environment. Do you think Aerospokes are a good choice for this application? Do you recommend them over, say, a pair of well-built traditional wire-spoke wheels?

I've seen pictures of people airborne and it makes me a little nervous, but it seems to me that most riders know the limitations of their equipment. Pushing the envelope can cause problems for equipment in any sport and I think that they know and accept this. The wheels are tough and hold up well. We don't underbuild.

Are you planning to implement any changes in your wheels that take this new group of customers into account? Can we expect to see built-in spoke card holders anytime soon?

The wheels have constantly evolved over the last 18 years. We don't change things that work just to have something "new" for marketing purposes. We try to make a wheel that works for the largest number of consumers, including heavier riders and riders who ride in varied conditions.

Has uber-curmudgeon and serial retrogrouch Jobst Brandt ever tried to sabotage your headquarters, and if so are your armed guards under direct orders to shoot him on sight?

Yes, he showed up one day and staged a sit-in; lying down in front of our UPS truck.
Kidding... Actually, we have his wheel-building book here. I don't have a problem with, and I'm not out to bash traditional wheels. They have worked well for a long time. I think, however, that we offer a great alternative that addresses some issues with traditional wheels.

I’m sure you’re pleased that your wheels have been enjoying a new level of popularity, but are there certain qualities of your wheels you think are underappreciated or overlooked?

Many overlook us because of our weight, that is the biggest issue. This industry caters to the weight-weenies, but we have filled a void for many riders who are looking for something more than a wheel that looks good on the scale.

Well, nice typing at ya! I have to get back to work and make some wheels, I love the smell of carbon in the morning!
Bill Micol


Niki said...

Nice interview!

I have a feeling that the popularity of aerospokes with the fixed-gear crowd has to do with how cool they look when you film them. At least that's how I think it started.

The lack of rear aerospokes is intriguing however, as an aerospoke on the rear would make skidding very obvious. Although there have been problems reported with the splined hub/wheel interface, so maybe that has something to do with it.

Anonymous said...

BSNYC--I dig the departure from the typical post here for this interview. Not saying that the others aren't great. It just adds another dimension. You're deep, aren't you?

Anonymous said...

...probably as deep as a powdercoated (or huf-decal-ornamented) Deep V...


love the blog!

Snuffy said...

".....they're Charlie's wheels......"

"....Charlie don't ride!"

Anonymous said...

I think I want an Aerospoke now...

Anonymous said... can't get them... they're back-ordered...

Anonymous said...

...i sense that this interview along w/ the original post may constitute 'pulitzer' material...

..."can we expect to see built-in spoke card holders anytime soon ???"...oh, jeez, another 'depends' moment..., you are physic, bikesnob...last two times you've mentioned jobst brandt in yer articles, i've talked w/ his nephew mark brandt, earlier that same morning & not in between...honest...eerie music here...

...guess yer just that way, you intuitive wag...

...nice that mr. micol can be serious about his product & yet not afraid to banter humorously w/ the pundits...good stuff all round...refreshing...

Unknown said...

I don't know if there's a specific reason for having only a front aerospoke on your "fixie," but it's one of the few fixed-gear-trendy things that makes a lot of sense. If you've got just so much to spend you're better off spending it all on a front wheel, aerodynamically speaking at least. The front actually breaks the wind, while the rear only sees chewed up turbulent air that's passed over the front, through your legs and around the frame already. Much less to be gained back there.

Probably also has something to do with aerospoke track rears being less common even than freehub rears, and lots of folks already having a blingy rear wheel that they don't want to replace.

Anonymous said...

YHG...aerodynamics, yeah that's the ticket. Next they'll be wearing skinsuits. Anything to counter act the 40lb steel frame.

Jim said...

Hey that's a good story, nice interview too - just a touch of Borat about it. Good to hear a company that makes a pretty good product (I know a fair number of people who use them) is moving lots of it and doing well - mo betta bike industry. Can't throw stones at Aerospoke about some of their customers - hell, if you could do that, then Giant & Surly & Kona would be sniffing around with lawyers trying to repo their nice gear out from under my fat slow @55. And who knows... maybe after the bling wears off, some of the hipsters stick around and actually become cyclists of one sort or another.

Anonymous said...

Neat interview - exactly what i expect - a little poking fun, a little curiosity.
The Jobst Brandt reply from Bill/Aerospoke was gold. More bike companies need the ability to laugh at themselves.

Anonymous said...

...good point, duncan...'member years ago when ritchey & fisher were battling it out w/ 'genius' vs. 'logic' tube sets ???...

...along comes scott nichol/chuck ibis with 'moron' tubing...more on (butting) the ends...gotta love it...

Anonymous said...

Good interview! Thanks

Anonymous said...

Journalism? What?

Careful, BSNYC, you're starting to turn all "positive" and "" on us.

Just kidding. I love bikeportland, and the interview was great. Just keep with the bitterly sarcastic stuff too.

If I may make a humble suggestion: I'd love to see tirades against stupid things done by other cycling sects, particularly some of the more obscure ones. Randonneurs and and 'Crossers are long due for a beat-down. ;)

Nateo said...

You've thoroughly destroyed my joy in riding a sweet fixie by exposing me to the horrors of velospace.

I'm curious though, where do you stand on the subject of leg shaving?
Is it vanity or pragmatism?

dennis said...

Yo BSNYC, nice reading, just found your blog while surfing bike sites searching for a brake setup for my fixed gear. I love riding it on the bike paths and parks in NOLA. Raced at the velodrome back in the day, but still love the pure bike for riding around town. Found out about all the tricks, and cool bikes reading here, saw the video you posted about skidding and that my have saved my arse today when a car pulled out in front of me. Sorry for the long post, just thought I would not lurk anymore and say hi.

Anonymous said...

When I was a messenger back in the late 80's/early 90's, this style of "mag" type wheel had a little following. Spinergy wheels were the ones you saw most often. This was the height of the crack epidemic in NYC, and couriers often rode fixies fust because there was less stuff to get vicked. In fact I remember getting my grips stolen once.

Anyways, back then, the main reason for the four spoked wheels was so you could get a monster chain threaded through the front wheel much faster (and with less damage) than with traditional spokes. Since they were so friggin' expensive, most people only had the one. Maybe the current trend is a holdover from that era.

Anonymous said...

I think that one of the reasons for front only is that the trend started when people were buying second hand wheels fairly cheaply as an alternative to traditional wheels for strength/aesthetics. There weren't many second hand rear track wheels so people just used the front. Now that people are spending loads of money on getting them new then the trend might change a bit.

Unregistered Coward said...

The front actually breaks the wind, while the rear only sees chewed up turbulent air that's passed over the front, through your legs and around the frame already. Much less to be gained back there.

Thanks, I was trying to think how I could knock down the wind resistance. Particularly on those blustery days walking to the coffee shop.

Anonymous said...

Leg shaving is vain pragmatism.

BikeSnobNYC said...


I agree with Anonymous 9/17 8:09AM on leg shaving.

Anonymous 9/16 10:13PM,

That was always my understanding as well. Used to see it a lot on MTBs as well. I'm sure people saw it and thought it looked cool.


Anonymous said...

This was a great post BS, good questions, interesting answers, all together a very good interview that would/should certainly find a home in other blogs/pseudo-zines. Thanks for going through the rigamarole to get and post it. Good times. On the strength of this post I have added Aerospoke to my consideration for a pair of wheels (for track racing only here folks). Anyhow, I've been impressed by your posts in the past, but this one takes you to a different level. Well done.


Matt in Seattle

Anonymous said...

I thought one aerospoke was pretty obvious... so you can still put spke cards in the back of course.

Anonymous said...

Not to bring an element of seriousness to the party, but... Aerospokes are NOT UCI legal for road racing. Probably legal for the track and time-trials, though. Check here: for the list of "non-standard wheels" that have passed the UCI's wheel breakage test (smash the wheel and look at how dangerous the resultant pieces look - never mind how bad the rider looks as a result of the crash).

Anonymous said...

i too hope the hipsters eventually come arouund and bring it to the velodrome and switch out their bars for a real ass kicking. ive seen one or two swap out their cheap monday jeans for a skinsuit..

Anonymous said...

FYI: The EvansvilleCyclist eBay store has white powder coated Aerospoke front track wheels listed. Check 'em out.

Thelonious Punk(wizdumb) said...

i just got a white podwercoated 650c aerospoke wheelset off ebay for 220 dollars. a steal man!

HELLOvelo said...

intriguing and insightful interview. as far as the front wheel only thing goes on fixed gears... i have one and am looking to purchase an aerospoke front for mine. the personal draw for me, is that a conventional bicycle has a lot of visual weight towards the rear (chainring to cog/back wheel). such a wheel as an aerospoke on the front evens out that visual weight, if not putting more emphasis on the front of the bike, which visually alters the apparent stance of the bike when not in motion. therefore, yes, i agree that it is largely due to photographic value, plus i enjoy on many occasions just looking at my fixie when not in use, and i want it to not only be functional to its highest possible extent, but look well composed at the same time. i feel that in the fixie crowd it's more or less just an aesthetic basis of emphasis, as opposed to those who consider their fixed gear a "track bike" as opposed to a "fixie."

Anonymous said...

i pooped my pants

LoveLetter said...

I have an aerospoke, and i get made fun of for having it but i don't care. It's extremely robust, looks good, and makes my bike ugly enough to piss everyone off.

props aerospoke, props BSNYC

Unknown said...

Ive road my aerospokes now 2 years. absolutely great.. especially on windy days. (700c road 9spd) I bought
my original set seperately online dirt cheap.. my rear I returned to aerospoke (warped) for the 119.00 replacement.. got new wheel in a week. I would recommend these to anyone who tears up conventional wheels, uses normally 32-36 spokes due to body weight, or just wants to make you bike stand out from the rest. In my case it happened to be all 3. I use to race (cat3).. got older,heavier.. Now I can snap a spoke and/or chain if I dead stop take off.. half my battle is won with the aerospokes!

Unknown said...

Ive road my aerospokes now 2 years. absolutely great.. especially on windy days. (700c road 9spd) I bought
my original set seperately online dirt cheap.. my rear I returned to aerospoke (warped) for the 119.00 replacement.. got new wheel in a week. I would recommend these to anyone who tears up conventional wheels, uses normally 32-36 spokes due to body weight, or just wants to make you bike stand out from the rest. In my case it happened to be all 3. I use to race (cat3).. got older,heavier.. Now I can snap a spoke and/or chain if I dead stop take off.. half my battle is won with the aerospokes!

Anonymous said...

Great interview. It's really useful to know in depth the opinion of the builder. We are a very small spanish brand that we do fixies, single-speed and road bicycles and we always wonder whether to recommend and Aerospoke wheel to a non-pro customer because of the aesthetics is the right thing. Now we know better.

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Shillolo said...

Not sure how active this blog is anymore - however, should this comment be received; I would like to enlist your help, and perhaps that of your readers?

For months now, I have been trying to contact the good folks at Aerospoke without success - if anyone has current contact info for them - or know the best method or even if they are in fact still operating? I would greatly appreciate it!