Thursday, July 26, 2007

BSNYC Absentee Reader-Share of the Day #5


danimal said...

Yeah, that's some drop in dem bars!

Anonymous said...

Considering the position of the handlebars I'm surprised this dude knew which way to point the camera. I almost expected half the pictures to be blurry, close up shots of his eyeball.

Anonymous said...

Hell them bars would make a nice gun rack.

Niki said...

OMG I totally see what's wrong with this bike.

Platform pedals!

Ryan Damage said...

There is so little information given why would anyone pay that much for a bike without knowing what kind of hubs are in the wheels, or at least even what size cog it has?


Gotta be the top tube pad, those things are on the endangered list.

Anonymous said...

In the most forward position you have to feel like luke skywalker in that lay down turret gun thingy.


Anonymous said...

fools... those bars are the perfect setup for riding backwards!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

The seat is comparable to something we've all seen too much of.

Plus the bike's in Provo, Utah. I think that says enough..

Anonymous said...

I guess he was going for the bullhorn look...ended up with elephant tusks instead.

daos said...

is that a cropped top tube pad?

Mr CRuMPet BiscUit said...

No no no no no. You guys just don't get it. No no no no no. These drops are well thought out. They are a variation on kevin bacon drops, designed to dance with ballerina girlfriends in 80's movies. You guys have obviously never made love...