Friday, January 3, 2020

Pack Your Bags, We're Moving!

Do you ever find yourself wishing you could drink the same old wine from a new bottle?  Well, guess what?  I've got a new blog!

After the Bike Forecast ended I figured it was high time I moved this whole operation over to new digs.  My original plan was to build something dazzling from scratch and start off the decade with a new announcement about the launch of Bike Snob 2.0.  But then I realized I had no idea what the hell I was doing, and that it would take me years to pull off something like that.

So instead I decided to do it all in a half-assed fashion.  I mean hey, it got me this far, right?

Anyway, go check it out.  I think you'll find the feel of the place is distinctly "rental house with a few air mattresses in it," but I'm slowly furnishing it.  And while it may not have the character of this place, at least it's clean.  (For now anyway.)

Speaking of disconcerting new things, Business Insider asked me to do write-ups on bike stuff I liked, and so I reviewed the Brooks Cambium C17 All-Weather:

And the Hiplok Z-Lok:

While I chose these items myself because they're affordable things I'm very fond of and use regularly, I should probably add a trigger warning that, yes, these reviews do help feed a capitalist system in which people exchange money for goods and services:

Just take a few deep breaths and maybe take a brisk walk around your utopian intentional community, I'm sure you'll be fine.


  1. Glad to have one fewer Google things in my life.

  2. Change is always bad. Next, you'll tell me that I need dick breaks to stop.

  3. I'm glad the new site still has an RSS feed.

    I don't trust those fancy zip ties one bit for locks.

    Now pardon me as I lock up with a hefty steel u-lock outside my commune's garden.

  4. Your description of "Capitalist System" was quaintly naive. While commoditization-the exchange of one thing or relation for another-is certainly not exclusive to capitalism, what is exclusive is the particular unequal exchanges, specifically under the wage-labour relationship between owners and workers, wherein the process of surplus value ("profit taking") exploitation occurs. It is this exploitative relationship, underwritten by the state, through contract and private property law, that therefor perpetuates and extends a system of social relations based on domination and inequality.

  5. So, does that mean this is the last blooger posting? Now Ima' halfta' change by bookmorks, too? Jesus, Mary and Jack! The new years barely started, and it's all, "Work, work, work..."

  6. I bookmarked it for next week when I have time to look (and actually read this whole post), but the new bookmark has that drunken Rip Torn dude next to it. I dunno.

  7. Dear Karl M. The spelling Nazi is going to jail your elitist, condescending self; may the grammar police closely follow me.

    Dear Tan, I'm unsure if I can bookmark one more of your linked sites without upgrading my electronic tabulating device. If I'm unable, please accept my thanks for wasting so much of my less-than worthless, miserable semi-life. On occasion, I have snickered from some of your postings and have found myself in a blind rage from comments left by some (dancesonpedals... I'm talkin' about you).

    I guess I will now go and purchase myself a hat to help feed your seventeen-ish child laborers?
    Best and such,

  8. Karl Marx can take his half-baked ideas to Venezuela.

  9. So is this last call for this blog-location? Will the old episodes be left here like T-Vee reruns?

  10. Fuck that Disqus shit!

  11. RE: J. Groundhog, esq., and Anonymous, et al.

    Well, I seem to have "triggered" y'all bitch asses, no?

  12. Crap, now I need to remember a password to post a comment. It is prolly better that way but I fear change.

    New blog looks nice.

    I hope you kept an archive of your mistakes.

    PS, I'll miss the reCAPTCHA of cars...

  13. Pop a bullet through my foot.
    I have more "project bicycles" than bicycles which can be ridden - by a factor of holyshit. In fact, I have just one bicycle which you can hop on pedal. It's the Hoopty, and it's always open for business. I have at least ten bicycles that are in various states of completion. I work on all of them slightly and slowly. I build wheels and the bicycles and the wheels just stare at each other in a mechanical stalemate.

    It's 7:21pm. I'm at the bicycle shop. We're closed. The register is counted, the floor is swept and the LED sign reads "closed." I'm holding two rims and a tire. I'm looking for something. A scrap of tube? Some zip ties? I'm looking for a good way to attach these items to the Hoopty so I can bring them home for more projects. The rims had messed up hubs, which I cut out. The tire has plenty of miles left in it. These items would go in the trash if nobody took them home. I'm one of several scavengers at the shop, and these are coming home with me. But about that... how am I going to get these home?

    I end up using zip ties to hold the three items together, and I leave them at the shop until I drive a van or ride in on the trike. This is one example of how I leave a trail of clutter everywhere I go. I don't want to change my ways - not completely - but sometimes I think it would be less painful to pop an actual bullet through my foot instead of conceding to the arduous and prolonged figurative method.
    Chris Harne
    Kennett Square Pa

  14. When one door closes another one usually hits me in the ass. Or something.

    Fair winds and following seas.

  15. 3 speeds or Trikes ? Both ? My 2020 goal.

    5,000 Miles on a 3-Speed. (Why not?)
    I made a personal goal, and I'm posting this post to hold myself publicly accountable.

    The Goal:
    I will ride my 3-Speed equipped road bicycle 5,000 miles by the time I turn 35.

    The Purpose:
    To stave off general lethargy with positive activity.

    Difficulty Level:
    Chris Harne
    Kennett Square Pa.

  16. So many years of hard work reading this blog. All for naught! See you over at the new house. Just do us one favor, bring back the Friday Fun Quizzes.


  18. Hello,
    My name is Donna Chang. I am from Lung Island. I do not like the new blog.

    Sincerely yours,
    Donna Chang
    Lung Island.

  19. You make it hard to love you.

  20. No mi gusta. Lo siento.

  21. Fuck that Biggus Disqus shit!January 6, 2020 at 6:15 PM

    I can't believe that you are undercutting Eric "The Chamferer" Murray by promoting Cambium sales.

    Turn that situation into a Tom Swifty for your redemption.

    About time you moved out of the Google dorm.
    I think it's great!

    Oh, and agreed: Fuck that Disqus shit.

  22. wordpress cool, disqus not so. all my security/anti-tracking blocks that so....

    It looks like you have a good start and the new platform should make it easier to manage. Good luck sir!

  23. Well there goes the neighborhood.

  24. Grew up on LI and reside in the HV. Been to Blue Mountain a number of times, but never really fell in love with it like I have with some networks. I'm certainly not opposed to climbs or tech, but I guess I tend to prefer flow. More likely, I was never really able to put together a cohesive loop of the best trails. Can you provide any recommendations, I'd love to go back and give it a chance.
