Friday, July 26, 2019

"You Only Come Around Here When You Want Something"

Yes, it's true, and what I want is for you to read my latest column for Outside, which is about why kids need to ride bikes:

If you really want yours to get ahead in life you'd better make sure they know their way around a velocipede.

I also want you to congratulate me for the fact that I haven't touched a bike with a derailleur all week.  For example, yesterday I enjoyed a pleasant outing on my artisanal singlespeed:

I also commuted into Manhattan on my Midlife Crisis Fixie, seen here in a prison cell:

And on Tuesday, not only did I forego derailleurs, but I also skipped the bike altogether and ran for the first time since 2018!  I felt pretty good, too--until the day after, and the day after that, and the day after that, which is today.  Of course, maybe I wouldn't still be sore if I'd been riding bikes with derailleurs instead of pushing one-speed drivetrains with sore legs, but if I were capable of making rational decisions I wouldn't be living in New York City and dedicating my life to writing about bicycles now would I?

No I would not.

Lastly, if you're among the one (1) people who noticed I wasn't on the radio this past Monday, my show was preempted by a fund drive, but I should be back this coming Monday.  And for the rest of you who had no idea I was on the radio in the first place, guess what?  I have a radio show in New York City now!

Now leave work early and go ride your bike.


  1. Podio yo. I noticed wbai still labeled the show bike snob, but it was definitely not you. Great show

  2. Fridays must be Special(ized). Thx for the post.

  3. I had a bike and egg cream childhood and see how I turned out... Ok! maybe I'm not a good example. But, you can still get a good egg cream at the corner of 2nd Ave and St Marks place, a newstand and magazine store, GemSpa, yummmmy.

  4. I noticed. And I got worried. But then I realized I could consult the popular socialized location tracking/logging/selling website known as Strava and saw that you had been out velocipeding a few times this week.

    I too went velocipeding early this morning with a buddy visiting from out of town. Unfortunately on our way to River Rd. I took a tumble when I bunny hopped the insanely thick steel plate they now have at the NJ end of the GWB bikepath (where the sheets of plywood had been). Seriously, that thing has to be 2" thick. How much do they think bicycles weigh?

  5. I get the impression you've experienced a bit of an existential crisis when confronted with the landfill/compost/recycle bins after curating an artisanal lunch at the Whole Foods in the Mall Beside the Trails Beside the Mall after riding derailerlessly on said trails on at least one occasion. Or maybe you had pre-sorted and had to wait smugly for some newbies in front of you to puzzle it out?


  6. DAG! I missed *not* listening to your show

    JK, i forgot, i actually like it

    Atlanta had an e-scooter rider killed last wk
    dude lived half a mile from me-though i;m 15 mi from downtown, where he was
    he was coming back from a football [well really soccer, atlanta united] game at night

    crushed by a bus
    not clear what was going on really
    there are cameras but none caught it

    bus may have actually been on the sidewalk-apparently it is a sharp right turn and they do that sometimes, there

    but driver is cleared of charges already

    they interviewed some witnesses

    guy was banging on the bus

    which makes me think he fear that he lost his balance as a result of that


  7. Congratulations!

    And now bye bye.... leaving work early to go for a ride (seriously)

  8. I took today off from work and rode my bike. Does that count?

  9. Glad to see this post. Missed you. Did look for last Monday's archived radio show, with no success. I figured you were on "vacation." Welcome back.

  10. Kids + bicycles = fun : )

  11. I had a mid-life single speed crisis, but eventually I converted it to a 2-speed awhile back. A lot like this one:

  12. Seriously, you might want to tune in to the TdF now. Good stuff this year!

  13. I like to yell out to youth when passing "Start riding a bike and you'll go places" but fear it's lost on them.

    There's a lot of grass-roots kid bike groups out there, which is encouraging, but a lot of them focus on mountain biking these days. Presumably, out of an entirely realistic fearmongering of the parents, worried about endangering the little whippersnappers if they get taught street riding skills.

    I'd love to see a US bike advocacy group organized around funding painting traffic gardens at paved schoolyards around the county and get interested, bikey parents to teach street riding skills. trouble with that is finding new parents to step up to the plate as the kids age out of the bike instruction thing.

  14. I'm retired. I'll ride a damned bike where I want, when I want.

    Now get off my lawn.

  15. trek bicycle co. recalling kiddie balance bikes for defective steerer tubes. thought that might amuse you.

  16. "No touching!" Congratulations!

  17. I just spent a week in one of those mountain bikey towns in BC and my two strongest impressions of the place were:

    - a lot of kids on bikes, plus
    - a lot of old guys (riding slowly) on bikes

    The only downside is the road riding there sucks balls.

  18. Young girl of about four merrily cycled up the road more steadily than the TdeF pros this afternoon. All is not lost...

  19. Anonymous 11:16am,

    Not sure why that would amuse me...

    --Tan Tenovo

  20. Hell yes, Colombian cyclist Egan Bernal won the TdF. Colombians are the best climbers on Earth : )
