Thursday, August 23, 2018

New Outside Column!

In my latest column for Outside I share all the wisdom I've failed to gain from many years of city cycling:

Ah yes, cycling here never gets old:
Sure, I could move to Portland, but it happens there too:

Alas, transcendence is your only option...or a tank:

Whatever works for you.


  1. pbateman thinks more tires gets more podiumsAugust 23, 2018 at 3:52 PM

    tanks for that video Tank Tenovo - crushing of the benz is staged (shame too, 140's looks good in blue colorways) but still impressive to see the lack of rolling resistance you get with more, and larger tires.

    has anyone ever considered running two tires closely mounted together up front? i think Tektro has some wide and long reach brakes that could accommodate. either that or someone at riv bike i'm sure is spec'ing some out.

  2. I'm paper you're glue? Paper?

  3. technical nitpicking: that's not a tank. it's an APC. it matters, because tanks weigh much more, and so would've smashed that car a lot flatter, which would've been clearly better.

  4. Ok ok, NOW GET OUT THERE AND RIDE! For the first time in months it's not hot and humid as Satan's Anus out there! See you on the streets, paths and trails everyone!

    Also, NYC Century is coming up scary fast!

  5. If there’s anything I’ve learned over decades of operating two-wheeled vehicles, it’s trust no one. Not a truck, not a car, not a pedestrian, not even another cyclist (especially on group rides). If you ride as if everyone is out to get you, the chances are reduced that they will.

  6. @pbateman thinks more tires gets more podium
    Taken to the extreme, there's this Cannondale:

  7. Great article, but there was one bit that I find questionable.
    "But imagining myself not making it through an intersection alive..." I think I get what you are saying, but it sounds a little too close to negative visualization. It's like telling someone to imagine yourself striking out or getting hit in the head with a pitch when they step into the batters box. (I don't know shit about baseball, so maybe you are supposed to do that, who knows?)

    It sounds hokey, but the best advice I can give to anyone is: "Look where you want to go." This applies literally about where you focus your vision while riding, but is also true as a metaphor as well. Focus your mental energy toward successful outcomes rather then failures. Beware of trees, obstacles, cars, etc., but don't get hung up on all the things that could go wrong. Fear is the mind killer and all that fun stuff.

  8. bad boy of the southAugust 23, 2018 at 6:54 PM

    My advice... just watch "caddyshack" again.
    After a bikey ride,of course.

  9. Ti check, steel check, carbon check, Al check. This bike has and does it all. 2 speed freedom. Go to mini Apple nutz, all cars behave well. Not perfect but well.

  10. New column is depressing and made me think I should give up riding on the road.

    Then I remembered I’ve already done that.

    Happy trails...

  11. Thats not a tank.... this is a tank....

  12. Crush it. Now how about drivers with cellphones?

  13. pbate wants to furiously treadAugust 23, 2018 at 10:04 PM


    i was thinking more like this:

    highlights from this incredible review include:

    - 9 inches of furiously tread rubber
    - conform to your will
    - the sensation was awesome and highly unorthodox
    - a sweet bell

  14. "Memento Mori"

    Remember you can die right now. Not a negative sentiment or perspective at all. Rather, it infuses each moment with an appreciation of life.


  15. The question remains, why did tan tanovo cross the road, at his peril. and if Red Buttons were still alive would add, "and he never wore a helmet".

  16. Well said -- automobiles are dinasours and bicycles are nimble mammals : )

  17. Be water my friend;

  18. My dentist's office (in San Diego) once called to say they had to cancel my appointment on account of a tank. A guy had stolen one from a local armory and was driving it around destroying stuff in the area where the office was located. Casualties included cars but not, so far as I know, any bicycles.

    The police killed the tank driver.

  19. I don’t mean to brag, but my dog says I ride like streaming media on AOL.

    Ride safe all!

  20. vsk said ...

    Woo Hoo !! Not raining and not hot as balls outside! Or witch parts !


  21. Takeaway from Outside column: Have a beer after every ride (gonna be an awkward way to start the work day)

    Take away from this post: Don't have a tank so wish I had Danny Maca-skillz.

  22. I read in a book years one character espousing his theory on riding in a city: assume you are in stealth mode and no one can see you, then you won't be surprised when they drive like they didn't.

  23. pbateman,

    Do you mean twin tires like this?

  24. pbateman takes a standAugust 24, 2018 at 5:07 PM


    that is actually a pretty neat and shockingly handsome bike.

    i get its a bit pointless now lash two chubbies together (i dare ya to google lashing two chubbies..) since we have actual fat tires but i applaud their effort.

    speaking of chubbies - got a screaming deal on a park tool prs-20 stand of so off to pick that up and start banging away. wait..i mean...the stand is on craigslist...

    mixing up my lists.

  25. I was a Marine in Vietnam (yeah I'm that old) and after I got out, I was a skydiver and made over 3000 jumps. Now I tell people that I do something far more dangerous...I ride a bicycle in traffic and that when I ride, I ride with fear and joy. Fear is your friend because if fear is not your friend then it is your enemy.

  26. Does Lithuania take immigrants from shithole countries? I'm interested.

  27. Nice column.

    One suggestion, I can't imagine navigating the roads in Los Angeles without one of those dorky mirrors on my glasses. Worth trying.
