Friday, January 22, 2016

BSUSA Friday Fun Quiz!

Pro bicycle racing is pretty easy to ignore here in North America, but it's especially easy to ignore the Tour Down Under, which happens in the middle of the winter in the middle of the night.  However, every so often some news bubbles up this way in the form of a delightful little info-burp, such as this one about The Fred Who Saved The Day by lending Tyler Farrar his bike:

With no team car anywhere near him and the neutral service vehicle already passed, Tooman wheeled his AU$6,000 ($3,000) De Rosa Protos over to the American to see if he wanted to borrow a wheel.

“He said ‘na, a wheel is not going to cut it’,” Tooman told the Adelaide Advertiser.

“Then it went to ‘well, what pedals are you running?’ He was on Speedplay and I was on Shimano, and as soon as that was decided it was just ‘well you might as well just take everything’.

“Then the next question was ‘what size shoe are you?’

“He was a size 43 and I’m a 44, so we swapped shoes, he jumped on my bike, we gave him some water and seeya later.”

What Tooman's story omits is that Farrar's kit was also badly torn in the crash, and in addition to the bike and the shoes he had to borrow Tooman's wardrobe as well.  "What size shorts are those?  What kind of chamois cream do you use?"  And so forth.

“I think if anything, he’s a very approachable, humble guy and the whole team are I’d say.”

No offense to Farrar and his team, but why shouldn't they be approachable and humble?  They're pro bike racers.  On the celebrity scale that's a notch below local TV news meteorologist.

Speaking of meteorology, apparently there's a blizzard heading this way and we're all going to die.

(Shoulda wore a hat.)

Therefore, after taking my seventeen (17) children to the school bus stop I hopped on the ol' WorkCycles to get the proverbial "bread and milk:"

Only to find that the shifter was frozen in the lowest gear:

This is the second time this has happened in the past couple of weeks, and it's only manifest itself recently since until now it's been unseasonably warm all winter.  (You know, global warming we're all gonna die yadda yadda.)  Clearly at some point I need to conduct a thorough examination and figure out exactly what's freezing where, but much more likely what I'll do is spray the shit out of it with WD-40 or similar and hope for the best.

In the meantime though I had to Get The Bread And Milk before the White Death started to fall from the sky, and so I rode to and from the grocery store in my lowest gear, which made riding to and from the mountain bike trails on my artisanal singlespeed as I've been doing all week feel like pushing a 53x11 in comparison.

Still, better to be iced into the lowest gear than the highest, since I live on a pretty steep hill and climbing up it with a saddlebag full of groceries really would have sucked.

In other news, Bicycling are into long-reach (or medium-reach) road brakes all of a sudden:

The most common styles of rim-brake road bike in shops today, and the bikes most often reviewed by Bicycling, use short-reach brake calipers. Short-reach calipers are smaller, so they can be lighter and stiffer, and they look minimalist and sleek.

But short-reach calipers limit tire clearance to about 28mm without fenders; with full-coverage fenders, you've got about 23mm—and that's if you can squeeze those fenders in. Even mainstream Classics/endurance-style bikes like the Cannondale Synapse, Trek Domane, and Specialized Roubaix are designed for short-reach brakes.

I positively adore the medium-reach brakes on my Milwaukee:

Indeed, in a logical universe this is how every road bike would be sold.  So why is Bicycling only talking them up now?  Well, according to them it's because they're "rare:"

The bikes are rare, and so are the brakes. Here are most of the options that exist. In approximately 47 to 57mm reach: Shimano’s BR-650 ($140/pair) and BR-451 ($70/pair), the beautiful Velo-Orange Grand Cru Long Reach Brakeset ($180/pair), TRP’s RG957 ($180/pair), Tektro’s R539($70/pair) and R737($80/pair), and IRD’s B57 ($100/pair).

In 57-plus millimeter reach, there is the IRD B67 ($80/pair), and Tektro R559 ($80/pair). The old school Dia Compe DC810 (61 to 79mm) is around, too, but does not provide the performance of a more modern design. Crazy as it seems, Nashbar has a 40 to 60mm-reach caliper for $40 per set.

Really?  A style of brake sold by multiple companies and in a wide range of prices is rare?

No, the real reason is that now that disc brakes have officially taken over and everyone's already bought in, Bicycling no longer have to hide the existence of these simple and inexpensive brakes from their Fredly audience.  In fact, they're so audacious that they're even admitting that this whole "gravel bike" thing is basically a marketing gimmick:

Honestly, I feel that we’ve done a poor job of highlighting bikes with longer-reach brakes. They're very practical, versatile, and completely in step with the trend towards comfort and exploration that's shown in the recent proliferation of endurance bikes and gravel bikes. A bike with long-reach brakes is simple, light, easy to maintain; it handles and feels like a “normal” road bike. Modern rim brake performance is very good, so I’m not ready to sweep longer reach brakes into the dustbin of history just yet.

Maybe next they'll actually admit in print that press-fit bottom brackets suck.

Lastly, meet the AIRSUPPLY™:

Which is endorsed by none other than the guy who put on Woodstock:

So what is it?  Well, it turns your saddle into a pump or something:

Or else it's a pneumatically-activated dropper post that only works when you're trackstanding, I'm not quite sure:

And now I'm pleased to present you with a quiz.  As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer.  If you're right that's positively fantastic, and if you're wrong you'll see reason #1,406 to not bother riding indoors.

Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and be sure to hop in an SUV and engage in last-minute panic shopping before snow brings the earth to its knees.

--Wildcat Rock Machine

1) The Spurcycle artisanal bell looks like:

--An eyeball
--A mammary
--A phallus
--All of the above

2) 27.5 is to 650b as*:

--29 is to 700c
--12 is to a dozen
--Taint is to scranus
--All of the above

*[Please leave your detailed comments as to why all these things are not exactly analogous in the comment section of some other blog.]

3) Which is not a purported reason "so many cyclists love to hate Rapha?"

--It is expensive
--It is "all about style"
--It is the uniform of "new" cyclists
--It is manufactured using prison labor

4) Fill in the blank: "Fuck _____"


5) Evidently people still play bike polo.


6) By the time we got to Woodstock:

--We were half a million strong
--Everywhere there was song and celebration
--I dreamed I saw the bombers jet planes riding shotgun in the sky
--Both my tires were flat

7) The latest flavor from Gu proves what we've all suspected for years, which is that it's just rebranded toothpaste and facial scrubs.


***Special "Coming Attractions"-Themed Bonus Video!***


  1. 105. The third and fourth principles result from the complexity of human societies. A change in human behavior will affect the economy of a society and its physical environment; the economy will affect the environment and vice versa, and the changes in the economy and the environment will affect human behavior in complex, unpredictable ways; and so forth. The network of causes and effects is far too complex to be untangled and understood.

    1. Ted K go away come again some other... never.

  2. Ha ha, I know who Chamois Juice is!

    (Don't worry, ChammyJay, I don't plan to tell anyone...for now. I was anonymous once too.)


    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  3. podi. ted & uni don't count. maybe not snobbie either

  4. Spokey,

    I recuse myself.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  5. Dollar short. Day late.

  6. Ted K. Is a convicted murderer. Weird how some hipster thinks its cool to honor his words and deeds on a bike blog.

    I am not a robot since I recognize milkshakes

  7. wait... does it count if you are on your own podium?

  8. Aww shit. Unicorn wins podio and COD.


    Me thinks that seatpost pump isn't an original idea

  10. Impressive dong on the weather map...

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. asterisk alert

    i assume snobbie touched up that tat a couple days ago so he is hoisted on his own Jean-Luc Picard.

    there are two valid answers to question 4.

  13. The only thing "rare" at Bicycling magazine is originality. They have been shamelessly recycling articles since just about forever. Here's a typical conversation at Bicycling headquarters: "Oh, look at the time. The editorial deadline is in ten minutes? I guess we had better re-run those 'Ride Your First Century' and 'How to Fix a Flat by the Roadside' articles. But Mr. Editor, we ran those articles last month. Don't worry Cub Reporter, Freds are stupid. They won't notice."

    Snob, your column was/is the ONLY thing approximately good in that whole magazine.

  14. Snob - Pass CJ's identity on to Ted K. so that he can send him a love letter. Please.

  15. I just had to say I'm sad "analogous" uses the root word "analogy" instead of "analog".

    Analog just keeps getting the shaft.

  16. vsk said ...

    In the twennieeez!


  17. bad boy of the northJanuary 22, 2016 at 12:42 PM

    nice link to vic dibitetto.he's even funnier in person....well,gotta get the beer and potato chips....hey,priorities.

  18. Now my computer is all covered in quizm.

  19. Good thing hydraulic shifting is on its way, no more freezing!

  20. I remember that time I stopped into R&A Cycles in the market for a new bike, and knowing bikes, I knew what I was looking for. (I know the shop, and its reputation, really quite well; figured it was enough to guard myself against their rampant douchebaggery just to browse...)

    Yet for some reason, the douchebag that felt inclined to show me their selection was *really* compelled to sell a De Rosa for some reason. Not my type of bike or brand I balked, reasonably, keen to move on...

    But this guy just wouldn't let his need to sell a De Rosa that day go, like actually saying to one of his colleagues while laughing in my face: "Get a load of this guy, he doesn't want a De Rosa!"

    I guess the joke really is on me...

    Or maybe I should just buy a De Rosa and move to Australia.

  21. Gimmie a break.
    There should be rules.
    If you race, short reach brakes are the way to go.
    If you don't race, medium or long reach breaks are the way to go.
    If you want to pretend that you are a racer, go with those new fangled "dick" brakes.

  22. Runner's World has the same deal as Bicycling.
    How to run in the winter! Your first 5K! Run your best 10K! Half Marathon Special! How to run your first marathon!
    Repeat sequence every year.

    Good luck this weekend to all Mid-Atlantic and North Easters. Make sure to heavily tip the pizza delivery guys.

  23. Larger tires, fenders and long reach brakes? Has Grant Peterson taken over Bicycling? It all sounds so....sensible.

  24. Vernal - Why don't you want a DeRosa? They're so practical and reasonably priced.

    Anyway, there is a shop like that in my town (Contender Bicycles in SLC). I wouldn't buy a tube from those douchebags.

  25. To the Fore! I can't wait for this movie to come out. I hope it gets nominated for an award, and then the Asians can boycott too. Oh wait, too soon?

    I'm not a robot, I had to select soup.

  26. DB - I am pretty sure that Runner's World and Bicycling are both published by Rodale. They probably share editorial staff.

  27. Hee Haw the Barista's momJanuary 22, 2016 at 1:29 PM


  28. vsk said ...

    What the Bicycleen's article should have been regarding brakes...
    "As far as braking goes -->> insert hyperlink to vintage avant garde BikeSnobNYC posts about fenders, brakes, and practicality,<--."

    Long Reach brakes ... go MAFAC RAID! Them shits will stop you. The squeal is an added bonus to your brass bells.


  29. Murcks -- hehe yeah, it's a couple years ago now and it still cracks me up ("Get a load of this guy..." Like, really? No, no I don't want a De Rosa. But thanks!)

  30. Hey bikesnob have you ever tried riding the worksickle from the front seat with your legs stretched back to the pedals? That'd be funny.

  31. Re: your weather map. Mexico screwed again.

  32. Nothing really matters. To me.
    Enjoy your blizzard Snobby.

  33. But isn't that the way of all magazines that aren't like the Atlantic or the New Yorker?

    Hold up, Vogue. You mean to say floral prints are going to be big this Spring? Let me grab a chair, I haven't been this shocked since you said plaid was going to be big last Fall.

  34. Vernal Magina-

    In 1996 I went in to R&A seeking a Derosa. (They were beautiful back then).

    Hanging over the counter, I saw a blue-metal-flaked-with-chromed-fork-and-rear triangle Casati . That was it for me. I'm still riding it 19 years later.

  35. And put SKI magazine and Skiing in there as well. Same old same old.

  36. $6,000 Australian is not the same as $3,000 American.

    At the current exchange rate, Aus6k will get you about $4,200 Americans.

    Just a couple of years it would've gotten you $6,300 Americans.

    But because 29 is the same thing as 700c and 27.5 is the same thing as 650b they're actually exactly the same amount, just the currency looks different for marketing purposes...

  37. That highlight on the after picture didn't show well. Please admire how I touched up the chipped paint with nail polish.

  38. Not to be a contrarian, but Bicycling has been moving away from the "how to change a flat" and "how to lose weight" articles and has improved quite a bit. Fat Cyclist did an interesting interview with editor Bill Strickland recently.

    Ride safe all!

    And if my dog assures you that you can hop the drawbridge at the Newtown Creek on your morning commute by using a Citibike and a special cape he fashioned from the living room curtains, take it with grain of salt. And a towel.

    Don't ask me how I know.

  39. Lieutenant ObliviousJanuary 22, 2016 at 2:42 PM

    Can I get that Air Supply post pump with an integrated Di2 battery and a hidden motor that drives a gear inside my bottom bracket?

    I have a question on the quiz. I thought All of the above is the correct answer but clicking that leaves me wanting to know what I missed about Top Gun.

    2) 27.5 is to 650b as*:

    --29 is to 700c
    --12 is to a dozen
    --Taint is to scranus
    --All of the above

    *[Please leave your detailed comments as to why all these things are not exactly analogous in the comment section of some other blog.]

    All of the above

  40. Lieutenant ObliviousJanuary 22, 2016 at 2:44 PM

    Because you can't right click open in new tab on All of the Above and get the picture! But you can above!

  41. Just 2 comments. First...8 friggin' years to develop a pump? We went to the moon in 10 starting from scratch. And secondly... That movie "To the Fore" should really be called
    " Fred and the Furious"

  42. I put short reach brakes on my new bike, but I also have 35mm tires and fenders. Paul Minimoto brakes - I thought they looked cool. We'll see how well it works.

    Sweet Chinese movie trailer.

  43. dop, that is a pretty bike.

  44. First flakes in DC.
    I've begun drinking in solidarity with my eastern Brothers and Sisters even though it's pretty nice here on the Iowa-Illinois border.

  45. Oh jeez Snobz, that's just too much! Those partial revelations. That is gonna torment me now, in that certain way.

    I guess I won't bother asking who CJ is. Actually I'm more curious how you found out such a thing. Tracing IP addresses? You probably know who I am too then. You probably know when I'm naughty and when I'm nice and when I'm sleeping and when I'm awake. It's comforting knowing you're there.

  46. Roille Figners,

    Nothing even remotely so high-tech. And don't worry, I don't go sussing out people's identities. (CJ's case is unique.)

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  47. I think Snob's wife works for the NSA and she did some intel for Wildcat.

  48. He said ‘na, a wheel is not going to cut it’,” Tooman told the Adelaide Advertiser.

    “Then it went to ‘well, what pedals are you running?’ He was on Speedplay and I was on Shimano, and as soon as that was decided it was just ‘well you might as well just take everything’.

    “Then the next question was ‘what size shoe are you?’, and then, 'How many CCs of EPO do you have left?' and finally, 'send your wife to my hotel room tonight.'"

  49. DB,

    CJ provided a lot of personal details making it fairly easy for anybody so inclined (maybe me, maybe a tipster as the case may be) to triangulate him.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  50. ...though as I say I have no plans to "out" him, it's just nice to put a name to a face.

  51. Is it Gern Blanston?

    OK how about we play warmer/colder. I'm standing at "Redd Foxx." Now I walk toward "Lennard Zinn." Warmer or colder?

  52. Roille Figners,

    OK, fine, it's Paul Budnitz!

    Seriously though, I will say it's maybe the first time someone I only knew from the Internet turned out to look pretty much exactly the way I'd pictured them.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

    PS: Maybe I will lead a "CJ's Identity" ride at Pedalpalooza in Portland this year...

  53. I am impressed, Wildcat.
    Your Inspector Gadget jacket is well deserved.
    Hope you have some fun with this information.

  54. Tie Me Kangaroo Down SportJanuary 22, 2016 at 3:46 PM

    CC 327: 'send your wife to my hotel room tonight.' Close, it was his GF he sent over for some down under action.

  55. ...or, a face to a douche

  56. Yesterday Comment Post "Don't abuse guys. If you write like this it may cause the blocking of this blog. So try to write some good and quality comments not abusing each other." Very next post starts "Hey FuckFace". Love It.

  57. DB,

    It's sort of like when your neighbor's making noise: seeing who it is and why they're doing it makes it a little less annoying.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  58. Hey janinedm,

    You may have started a new BikeSNOB meme (Wildcat, I'm using BikeSNOB in the collective sense meaning you and the commentariat) . First step, getting others to repeat it, then Happy Unicorn too. Next up is Mr. Snob himself, and quite frankly "Great, who's this asshole?" is at least as good as AYHSMB.

    Well done Miss!

  59. Try it again, this time with gusto

  60. Snob,

    Here's hoping CJ doesn't text you a pic of his Anthony Weiner.

  61. dnk,

    Who says I didn't send him one of mine?

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  62. Hey Snob do you, like Ted K and Happy Unicorn, also use scripting on this blog? It just seems to me that there are so many repeated jokes about seventeen (17) kids and scranular conditions I'd think that if if you havent macro scripted that shit you really are wasting a lot of your (my) time.

  63. I'm guessing a tipster signed up for Tinder/Grindr and used some sort of match/search function for "Infantile, Drooling, Vain, Seattle Super-Bike-Spazz" and swiped thru the pictures, thus explaining "name to a face". When the tipster came across CJ they didn't swipe left or right, they just wiped.......

  64. WryGuyHi,

    Oh yeah, it's fully automated at this point.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  65. I'm just happy that the first bike-related meme I've been involved with does not include a picture of me.

  66. An entire movie about Caleb Ewan! Fantastic.

  67. Hope Mayor De Blizzardardio comes through and keeps New York City safe.

  68. Regarding what you think CJ looks like, I am going with this guy.

    See also #48 here.

    [[CJ is obviously more of a spaz that Scumbag Steve. Maybe you'd get close if you crossed Pauly Shore with Scumbag Steve with Jason Mewes (Jay from the Kevin Smith movies) and made the cross a total ADHD spaz.]]

  69. bad boy of the northJanuary 22, 2016 at 6:07 PM

    think I just heard citibike is closing down 'cause of the big bad stormy thingy.won't get any cat 6 pics from our illustrious leader.

  70. Yes, we have no Babble, we have no Babble today.

    Oh where oh where has our Babble gone?

  71. 4) Fill in the blank: "Fuck _____"

    ======oooh oooh oooh i know!


    hate those penguiny things

  72. BSNYC, exactly as you'd imagined him? Rocking jorts and a sweet mullet?

  73. Well, at least tell us that CJ doesn't live in his mom's basement in Detroit, as has been opined here many times.

  74. @BSNYC said... at 3:44 PM

    PS: Maybe I will lead a "CJ's Identity" ride at Pedalpalooza in Portland this year...

    oh please god tell me it's not my daughter ! !


  75. and i still say there are two correct answers to number 4

  76. Lang-- from running a head shop to building pumps.

    Robot: select all cars.

  77. i have an old seat post/pump kicking around but you have to remove the post since the handle is on the bottom. i like the idea of using a saddle for extra leverage.

  78. bad boy of the northJanuary 23, 2016 at 7:26 AM

    nothing to report here in the nyc's top hat.

  79. Go ahead man. I'm pretty sure it's not the first time CJ has been exposed.


  80. Can anyone give me the odds of breaking my other wrist riding city streets 20% covered in ice on a 29" MTB with 25 psi? I need some hard data.

  81. That pump should play 'All Out Of Love' when you thrust it.

  82. I'm all out of air, I'm so lost without you
    I knew the pressure was low, but guess I rode too long...

  83. sorry i'm late. been stuck in snow in charlotte

  84. and i highly doubt you'll be able to catch this sprint because my legs are angry

  85. so watch out if you are riding my wheel

  86. shouldn't have had so much wine.


  87. I like my snowfall like my women.., firm and good packing

  88. Some prefer wet and heavy

  89. Lieutenant ObliviousJanuary 23, 2016 at 3:43 PM

    Al Roker said we had 5 inches coming, but here in NJ at New York's scranus, that piece of real estate between the GWB and Rockland County, we've got 12 inches already and it's still coming!

  90. i'm thinking we're running around 15" down here in the hemorrhoids

    ex mayor says no juice outs and i was hopping for a generator test but looks not.

  91. oh

    and congrats to PB on the poop-entury

    i'll leave the kisses to babs

  92. I thought michael lang was wearing a coon skin cap.

  93. Mayor Mike for President?
    He's my second choice behind Leroy's Dog.

  94. Jesus built my fred sled.

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  96. bad boy of the northJanuary 24, 2016 at 9:05 AM

    Leroy's dog!leroy's dog!

  97. In response to Mr. Trump's osbservayion that he could shoot someone in 5th Avenue and not lose voters, my dog is test marketing a new campaign ad..

    Thank goodness he's not much of an attack dog.

  98. @Golden SMO -- I'd like info on an Indian Driver team to show me around all the best whorehouses. please hit me back with any pamphlets or info you have on Indian whorehouses.


  99. Dear Mr. Bloomberg:

    I have two jokes for you.

    1) What's worse than biting an apple & finding a worm? (finding half a worm)

    2) What's worse than an asshole billionaire running for president? (two asshole billionaires)

    Quite a big sloppy kiss/piece of stenography in the Times this morning


  100. now i'm just basing this on his trek record in ny, but

    if mayor mikey gets elected, at least he'll put an end to this wheel size bullshit and settle on maybe 3. maybe 700, something smaller for small frames like 26, and of course something like a 20" for bents and clown bikes.

  101. 26.8 in Central Park. Strange coincidence, that was the custom tire size Bono's chariot was running when he crashed in CP.

  102. Heh. Lt Oblv said the magic words: "...twelve inches and it's still coming!" are some of my favourite ever. :)

    Everyone alright down there? Did you all survive the Snowmageddon? There were a few of you out there on two wheeled reconnisaince missions on Strava today, so I've got my fingers crossed that everybody is ok. ...? How about you, the Mrs, and the little ones, Mr Snob? Did you make it through the emergency booze supplies? Er, well, hopefully the children weren't too heavily into the wine!!

    Heh. How many times can you call something the "Biggest, Baddest Storm (Hurricaine, Blizzard, etc) Of All Time!!" before it just becomes The New Normal?

  103. bad boy of the northJanuary 24, 2016 at 8:35 PM

    Our snowline was a scant six miles.we had about an inch and a half here.from the the towns south of us....five to twenty eight inches of the white stuff.we'll get hit with a big storm again,eventually.

  104. "Nah, a wheels not going to cut it "

    Correct because two feet of snow fell from the sky - xc skis >>> wheels at the moment

  105. Lieutenant ObliviousJanuary 24, 2016 at 9:50 PM

    Double metric century!

  106. I don't believe all this hype about a weather-borne, winter disaster. It's just a snow job, if you catch my drift.

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  108. bad boy of the northJanuary 25, 2016 at 9:23 AM

    alright,who went riding in the snow?

  109. mayor says we got 28-30".

    drifts in the drive-a-way up to about 3 1/2 american feet. which everyone knows are the biggest feet in the world (esp those texass feet).

    got the asphalt clear for one dino eater. drove spousy to the 'Y' for monday morning workout. trying to clear the second dino eater pathway before i go to collect spousy. so i gets me own worksout and am productive at the same time. take that all youse gym rats.

  110. Shouldn't the double metric century be 124?

    Congrats to Bad Boy of Putnam County

  111. bad boy of the northJanuary 25, 2016 at 11:51 AM

    close to Putnam,real close.go a little norther.thanks for pat on the back,dop,though.
