Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Get Ready To Wednesday!

Happy Wednesday!

It's a Le Mans start today, so let's get to it:

Well, you'll be pleased, saddened, or indifferent to learn that Fredly haberdasher Rapha will no longer clothe totally drug-free Tour de France champions Team Sky after 2016:
But fear not!  Sky will not have to ride naked, for Bike Snob NYC Industries LLC LTD INC ETC have signed on as their official clothing sponsor beginning in the 2017 season!

Here's a sneak preview of the new look:

That's gonna look so good on the podium--much better than those Rapha rags:

Speaking of Chris Froome, he wants you to know he didn't even use a TUE at the Tour last year even though he TOTALLY coulda:

After the furore that surrounded him at this year's Tour de France, Chris Froome says that he refused to apply for a TUE for an infection he picked up in the latter part of the race. Froome and his teammates endured an often hostile reaction from some members of the public during this year's Tour. Several of them were spat at, while Froome also claimed that one fan even threw urine at him.

Threw urine at him?


And there's your infection.

Yeah, yeah, I can hear the urine apologists now:

"Urine doesn't make you sick.  In fact it's so healthy you can drink it!  Watch this!"

[Drinks deeply from a Thermos full of urine, wipes mouth with back of sleeve.]

"Ahhh.  Now that's what I call refreshment."

Well, to verify this claim I visited the CVS website, because I only trust giant pharmacy chains.  According to them, here are the possible pros of drinking urine:

(When life gives you lemons, drink chilled pee.)

Although no medical evidence supports urine as an effective treatment for any of these (or other) illnesses, scientific studies have shown that some components of urine have medicinal properties. Most notably, urea (which, next to water, is the primary component of urine) possesses antibacterial, antifungal, and antiviral characteristics. And, it should be noted that research is underway to investigate the potential of other urinary substances to treat infertility and specific forms of cancer.

While urine’s purported healing properties have yet to be confirmed by rigorous research, drinking small amounts of your own urine is unlikely to produce serious harm if, for some reason, you are so inclined.

And here are the cons:

Although sipping the occasional urine sample may not be immediately harmful, it should not be forgotten that urine can contain harmful substances in those who have taken drugs—legal or otherwise—or have been exposed to chemical residues in the environment.

Also, if a person were to drink his own urine as a substitute for fresh drinking water, the proportion of water content would rapidly decrease as the proportion of harmful waste products increased.

Wow.  Seems to me that pro cyclists should really take up pee-drinking, since inadvertently imbibing someone else's tainted urine is a great ready-made doping excuse.

Anyway, I'm glad to know that next time I'm too lazy to get up off the couch I can safely wash down those Cheetos with my own pee.

In other news, here's the eleventy-billionth "connected" cycling accessory, and it's basically a light that rats on people:

See Sense Features Video from See.Sense. on Vimeo.

For example, it tells you when someone's stealing your bike:

"Imagine you're at your favorite coffee stop..."

"...and your trusty bike is outside:"

And locked with dental floss apparently.

So there's Fred, enjoying his coffee:

When he answers his phone, only to learn that someone's stealing his Fred Sled:

Naturally Fred takes off in hot pursuit:

At which point the thief saunters into the café and steals the wallet Fred has left on the table.

See, technology isn't eliminating theft so much as it's simply rearranging it--or, as they say in the tech sector, "disrupting" it.

Next we cut to a hard-cornering Mountain Fred (or "Barney" if you prefer):

Who, unbelievably, is swiftly undone by a crate of bananas:

Thankfully a strategically placed pile of empty cardboard boxes breaks his fall:

Though just when you think he's going to emerge unscathed, his handlebars hit him in the head,  so Good Thing He Was Wearing A Helme(n)t:

Then, as the narrator explains:

"If you have a crash, Icon notes your location, and sends an alert for help."

I'm assuming the system sends both a message and a humorous "selfie" of the victim during the priceless moments immediately after the crash to a designated safety contact, who can then reply appropriately:

I feel safer already.

Lastly, here's a video that exposes the Automotive Industrial Complex conspiracy in a humorous fasion:

Think about that in 20 years when you're riding around with your legally mandated Smart Helme(n)t and Connected Suppository.


  1. Ted K knows wat he's talking about

  2. You're alive!!! I’ m sorry you were delayed by the Bluetooth-enabled fatbakfiet valet service at our Prime Minister’s swearing in ceremony. The old PM put the batteries in backwards.

  3. Oh man, I'm so ready to Wednesday all over the place!

  4. Hee Haw the Barista's momNovember 4, 2015 at 12:56 PM


  5. I'm in Ohio, and it was decided with yesterday's election that we're not legally allowed to "Wednesday". Not even medicinally.

  6. Damn, that was worth the wait. I hope you enjoyed your morning bike ride in the lovely fall weather, Snob. (At least I assume that is the reason for the tardiness of today's post. Either that or you were gleefully drinking your pee. Whatever, man. I'm cool with whatever it is you need to do to distract yourself from the drudgery of being a semi-pro bike blogger and the father of eighteen (18) human children.)

  7. What if WCRM sneaks off in his Hyundai (THAT THE BANK OWNS, ETC.), parks in a quiet location and enjoys a refreshing bidon full of artisanal urine at the end of a hard day of semi-pro blogging?

  8. Instead of tech solutions, how about a minimum $10,000 fine for anyone convicted of bike theft?

  9. My urine is mostly crystalized

  10. Good post, but I had a thought and now I'm dying. This morning WCRM made himself a cup of tea or whatever (wasn't he having digestive shenanigans?) sat down in front of a computer and had to google some combination of words including "drink" and "urine." For his work. For a Team Sky joke. He had to read some, if not all, of an article about pee drinking to find some good quote. I don't usually type this, because I don't usually mean this, but LOL. I'm lolling.

  11. Suppository of Connectedness. That's exactly what my smarting phone is. And urine, serve it chilled, room temp, or fresh from the tap? Uuuggghhh.

    1. People who are into that sort of thing seem to prefer it fresh off the tap... O_o

  12. Look, let's nip these rumors of WCRM's pee drinking right in the bud. Last I heard, he had that problem relatively under control.

  13. Unless you have a urinary tract infection, your urine is totally sterile when it comes out of your pee hole. Your skin, however, is filthy and urine is an excellent growth medium for bacteria, so it doesn't stay sterile for very long.

  14. dang it. late again.

    i swore allegiance to my hairs that i wasn't going to do that.

  15. Finally, a piece of Sky kit I want to buy.

  16. WCRM,
    There are no trusty Fred Sleds. They explode into domoic acid or something I think.

    Crabon season is in peril out hereaparts, some kind of brain-rotting acid is in them crabons:

    "The California Department of Public Health is warning that potentially deadly levels of domoic acid have been found in Dungeness crab and rock crab caught along the coastline between Oregon and the southern border of Santa Barbara County. As a result, the state Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment is recommending the Dungeness season be delayed and the rock crab fishery be closed."

    -By Nanette Asimov and Paolo Lucchesi, SFGATE, the worst paper of its kind

  17. the tru-tv bit would be hilarious if it weren't true. Although pedestrians do have sidewalks, even though the often prefer the street or bike lane. Bikers have occasional bikelanes, but they are usually blocked by delivery trucks, cop cars, double parked assholes or pedestrians and/or joggers whose speed cannot simply not be contained on a sidewalk. My answer is fewer cars in cities. The way you do that is to beef up the infrastructure of other modes of transportation at the expense of automobile infrastructure. You also tax cars more through congestion pricing etc, so it becomes inconvenient and expensive to use a personal car or take a cab or uber or whatever in a place where there are plenty of cheaper alternatives, like NYC. Finally, you enforce the fuck out of traffic laws to severely punish reckless and dangerous drivers (like the current do with cyclists). And I'm not talking about vision zero, which is pretty much a joke up to this point, but a real concerted effort by city governments to make their streets safer. We are making some slow progress in NYC with more bike lanes, eliminating most traffic from central park (fucking finally) and some of the minor vision zero safety improvements and increased policing, but still a really, really long way to go. sure people will hate it at first, most like some asshole who prefers to drive the 20 miles into the city from their suburb rather than take public transportation, but they will just have to adapt for the betterment of the city and the people who actually live there and pay all of the fucking taxes.

  18. I am confused? Its a Wednesday like a reverse hot Carl?

  19. It doesn't bother me that the bride had a wedding ceremony one year after her fiancé died, but the bris on the dead baby was a bit much.

  20. It is not necessary for pro cyclists to drink their own urine.

    OTOH, it's sterile & you'll like the taste

  21. Tru-tv thing was inspired.

  22. Another day on planet Earth…

  23. Nothing to say, I've got nothing to say
    Nothing but the one thing... HUUUHHHH

  24. bad boy of the northNovember 4, 2015 at 1:54 PM

    nice jersey's a wee bit too small for me.

  25. Watched the Le Mans start video. I was really expecting to see a total fred pileup and a lot of faceplants. British freds must be more coordinated than US freds. #Disappointed.

  26. 99 bottles of pee on the wall
    99 bottles of pee
    Take one down pass it around

    98 bottles of pee on the wall
    98 bottles of pee
    Take one down pass it around

    97 bottles of pee on the wall
    97 bottles of pee
    Take one down pass it around

    96 bottles of pee on the wall
    96 bottles of pee
    Take one down pass it around

    95 bottles of pee on the wall
    95 bottles of pee
    Take one down pass it around

    94 bottles of pee on the wall
    94 bottles of pee
    Take one down pass it around

    93 bottles of pee on the wall
    93 bottles of pee
    Take one down pass it around

    92 bottles of pee on the wall
    92 bottles of pee
    Take one down pass it around

    91 bottles of pee on the wall
    91 bottles of pee
    Take one down pass it around

    90 bottles of pee on the wall
    90 bottles of pee
    Take one down pass it around

    89 bottles of pee on the wall
    89 bottles of pee
    Take one down pass it around

    88 bottles of pee on the wall
    88 bottles of pee
    Take one down pass it around

    87 bottles of pee on the wall
    87 bottles of pee
    Take one down pass it around

    86 bottles of pee on the wall
    86 bottles of pee
    Take one down pass it around

    85 bottles of pee on the wall
    85 bottles of pee
    Take one down pass it around

    84 bottles of pee on the wall
    84 bottles of pee
    Take one down pass it around

    83 bottles of pee on the wall
    83 bottles of pee
    Take one down pass it around

    82 bottles of pee on the wall
    82 bottles of pee
    Take one down pass it around

    etc etc.

    Oh yeah while we're on the subject here's a nice Mike Watt song.

  27. Damn that ol timey video makes a lot of sense. Plus Ethel is kinda hot.

    I think I remember pumping her a few times back in the days of yore.

  28. Hunhunhunhugh. We thought you said, "My Twat Song"

  29. Guzzles a big jug of pee...
    Meh, still better than Budweiser.

  30. Mike Hunt? Mike Hunt here? Anyone seen Mike Hunt?

  31. Urea. That thing they use in diesel trucks to lower the CO2 exhaust emissions, so therefore must be healthy and safe for you.

  32. Urea-lly think so?

  33. A dead horse getting a can of whoopassNovember 4, 2015 at 3:31 PM

    You can't spell urethra without urea.

  34. Thanks for the TruTV video, that was on the money.

    Here's an interesting piece about who commutes by bike.

    1. Look around. It's disenfranchised broke down white guys putting in the miles.

  35. I notice CVS doesn't mention one particular concern with piss-drinking, a matter of no small import either mind you, which is the uncontrollable retching and puking that's sure to follow. You might have to find some way to fool your body into accepting its own waste product as an input.

  36. crosspalms - "BREAKING: Stereotype Found to be Inaccurate After Real-World Observation!"

  37. funny, i went and drove this piss yellow old mercedes yesterday and love it precisely because it is piss yellow. i mean, the sort of dark piss that indicates you really need some water, but piss yellow for sure. i know this is not a car related site, but being that piss is the hot topic i figured i didnt want to miss out on all the piss talk.

    i wonder if you start searching like pee fetish stuff in a few weeks if you'll get an odd mix of porn and bsnyc comments for results.

    wonderful car by the way. very may damn well buy it.

  38. Snob, I think Walz corporation should definitely make those jerseys for sale to the readers of your fine blog.
    I would wear it proudly.

  39. Pee?

    Where's the turtle?

  40. If Froome every gets urine thrown on him again, I suggest that he responds to the offender with a snappy comeback like...."Urine idiot".

  41. i was listening to streaming audio while out today. prior to hearing an adopt a cat commercial that had me retching, i heard some psa for child seats. went something like " you put sun screen on your kid, you do this, that etc to keep him safe. but do you use the correct child seat. face forward, backward, too big, too small blah blah blah." it goes on the suggest what a bad parent you are unless you have the precise seat for your kid. will your child survive in a crash? i'm guessing another bunch of bullshit sponsored by the big child seat industrial complex much like today's video.

    but the fuck-o(e)s never suggest that you maybe should not get in a crash in the first place. like maybe you can stop driving like a fuck-o head to keep your kid out of a crash to begin with. was wondering if amalgamated ambulance drivers co-sponsored the psa.

  42. Fish sticks? Do you like fish sticks? Do you like to put fish sticks in your mouth?

  43. CJ is a piss guzzling jay.

  44. Mike Hunt? I just saw him a minute ago. He was talking to my neighbor, Mike Litoris.

  45. Is it just me, or does this guy remind anyone of this guy?

  46. "That thing they use in diesel trucks to lower the CO2 exhaust emissions" no no. I read VW had this awesome scientifical technology that lowers Diesel emissions without urea, but for some reason, VW executives are now pissing themselves.


    This morning as I was buttoning my shirt, a button fell off. After that, I picked up my briefcase, and the handle fell off. Then I went to open the door, and the doorknob fell off. I went to get into my car, and the door handle came off in my hand. Now I'm afraid to pee.


  47. Gentlemen, start urinegines!

  48. Urine should only be thrown at 'you're apeein' riders and not 'mericans.

  49. "This morning as I was buttoning my shirt, a button fell off. After that, I picked up my briefcase, and the handle fell off. Then I went to open the door, and the doorknob fell off. I went to get into my car, and the door handle came off in my hand. Now I'm afraid to pee."

    Back, way back, navy uniform pants had buttons instead of zippers, to bad they still don't, it would have been a perfect setup for that.

  50. If I were a marine, I'd just have to take off my hat

  51. First you're Russian, then European, and finally you're Finnish

  52. Roille,
    Yeah, pretty much. Here's to real-world observation!

  53. Sheeit! When I'm a sittin' on my front porch an a drinkin' an' I gotta go pee, why I just go an piss in a old Mountain Dew bottle, screw th' lid down tight as my cousin's pussy, an' throw it on the trash heap in the front yard!

  54. Well I'll be darned.

    My dog really was doing research for CVS.

    At least, that really is a CVS in the photo.

    I may owe him an apology.

  55. If you liking the fixing skidding:

  56. no, we're talking about going number one, skidding is number twos.

    get urine head in the game Anon.

  57. You're like Urine An-drop-off!

  58. Oh urine trouble mister!

  59. I was expecting Bacteriologist to pooh-pooh pee, but I was wrong.

  60. Eww...urine deep shit.

  61. The whole year inn

    The hole urine

  62. "That thing they use in diesel trucks to lower the CO2 exhaust emissions"

    The thing in diesel that keeps CO2 relatively low is diesel. Urea controls nitric oxides, not to be confused with nitrous oxide, which goes great with pee.

  63. Snob, I remember you liked the Eroica ride in Italy. I just learned there's one in California now, in April. Are you going?

  64. I can take about an hour on the tower of power, as long as I get a little golden shower!

  65. Urine trouble

  66. i'd rather be pissed off than pissed on.

  67. I just wanted to stop by and say that you guys really Wednesdayed the shit out of this place. Well done, kudos, etc.

  68. You're such a Jay. I missed yesterdays post as I was taking a road trip to pick up a Raleigh Sports, maybe that makes me the Jay. That light thingy lost me at Bluetooth, then again at "Firmware Update" - that's never a good thing. A real Barney coulda bunny hopped that banana crate. What a wuss.

  69. You're so Jay...fucko...I can't think of anything to go with Seth Rogan's 40 yo virgin put downs...

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