Friday, September 18, 2015

BSNYC Friday Fun Quiz!

It's Friday, so let's promote stuff!

Firstly, a fellow Brooks blogger will be putting together an event in New York City on Thursday, September 24th and he would like you to know about it:

Changing Gears:
Changing Gears is a 20 minute short film, showing the journey of 5 young Londoners as they cycle from London to Brighton. Having never met before, and each from different backgrounds and life stories, the film is a look at the transformative potential of the bicycle in bringing people together and breaking down barriers. On show is an insight into the sense of freedom and independence young people gain from a bicycle in a city, the worries and problems they face growing up there, and how they react to new geographies outside London.

Now you know about it, so you have no excuse not to go.

Also, this should not be confused with this far trippier short film, also called "Changing Gears:"

Leonard Maltin called it the "Run Lola Run" of India.

Speaking of Brooks, they want you to know they're showing off their new Carbon Cambium (or Crabon Cabmium) saddle over at their Interbike booth, and presumably you can also see pictures of it by using this #hashtag:

I happen love the Cambium just the way it is, but I don't think it's possible to be in the bike business without making a crabon version of something, which is also why I'll be releasing new editions of all my books with crabon covers.

Lastly, here's your Kickstarter Smart Bike of the Week:

Love the flat tire distress signal:

They should put that on triathlon bikes so we can all ignore them.

And now, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz.  As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer.  If you're right then you're a friggin' genius, and if you're wrong you'll see mon vélo.

Thanks very much, ride safe, but do everything else recklessly.

--Wildcat Rock Machine

1) According to the Wall Street Journal, Citi Bike is the new:

--Range Rover

2) In the alternate reality inhabited by Freds, if someone is selling a Specialized Venge-Schmenge for $500 it is probably:


3) This week, Interbike was rocked by the #sockgate scandal.  What happened?

--A Portland-based cycling apparel company was busted by the Nevada Highway Patrol on the way to Interbike with 500 pairs of weed-filled socks
--The Interbike organizers alienated certain attendees by placing socks depicting women in g-strings in everybody's gift bag
--Rowdy Cross Vegas spectators pummeled competitors with socks filled with what appeared to be feces, but later turned out to be mud
--A heavily intoxicated staff member of a widely circulated cycling magazine arrived at an industry mixer wearing nothing but a tube sock on his genitals

(Cleveland...or is it?)

4) Interbike organizers have announced that the show will move to Cleveland in 2017.


5) According to the NYPD, if a driver fails to properly secure a boat trailer and it crushes a cyclist to death as a result, whose fault is it?

--The driver's, for failing to secure the trailer
--The cyclist's, for not wearing a helme(n)t
--The Mayor's, just because
--The retired tennis player's, for "fitting the description"

6) Parents are outraged over a Citi Bike station near a Manhattan school because:

--"Who knows what kind of people will come in. It's disgraceful."
--"Children may access the bikes during recess and go joyriding."
--"Where are we supposed to pull over in our SUVs during drop-off and pick-up?"
--"Almost all directors and cinematographers know that, in a movie, the color blue pulls focus."

7) Another argument against disc brakes on road bikes is that they reduce the likelihood of serendipitous encounters resulting in the blossoming of true love.


***Special NSFW Language-Laden Bonus Video***

I guess it's part of some overarching comic persona, but it mostly just seems like he's exercising his white privilege.



    59. We divide human drives into three groups: (1) those drives that can be satisfied with minimal effort; (2) those that can be satisfied but only at the cost of serious effort; (3) those that cannot be adequately satisfied no matter how much effort one makes. The power process is the process of satisfying the drives of the second group. The more drives there are in the third group, the more there is frustration, anger, eventually defeatism, depression, etc.

  2. Despite being a total moron, Mr. NSFW did inadvertently make one valid point... bike cops shouldn't be riding through red lights any more than other cyclists.

    Unless or until we change the red light rules for everyone, police in non-emergency situations are as mandated to obey them as the rest of us.

  3. I tried hard, but gassed out.

  4. 4th, 3rd if Ted K doesn't count!

  5. "Having never met before, and each from different backgrounds and life stories, the film is a look at the transformative potential of the bicycle in bringing people together and breaking down barriers. "

    The "Lord of the Fllies"

  6. I'm beginning to see Ted K's "power process" critique as a theoretical explanation for the modern day Fred.

  7. I don't think the narrator said fuck enough times.


    Nothing like sitting on a rivet or two.

  9. French people should stick to baked goods and popularizing sexual deviance. Anything else they put their hands on turns to merde.

  10. Speaking of Crabon Crambmiums, did anyone here who signed up to be a Cambium tester actually become one? I know I didn't (yet).

  11. Fred Willard
    Fred Armisen
    Fred Astaire
    Fred Gwynne
    Fred Durst
    Fred Schneider
    Fred MacMurray
    Fred Whipple
    Fred Thompson
    Fred Grandy
    Fred Mertz
    Fred Flintsone
    Fred Sanford

    all the guys say have Fredly weekend

  12. Does Uma come to the rescue if you hit the emergency flat tyre button?


  14. ...i missed the part when the indian run lola run hero transforms into a badass... all i saw is that he buys a hawaiian style shirt, and suddenly the girl next door invites him in, presumably to shag him.

    ...i hope the director now makes a cycling style hero movie.

  15. Federico F. FredriksenSeptember 18, 2015 at 12:39 PM

    Did the UVHOC inventor steal the fork from a different bike?

  16. Hey anonymous @ 12:12, the French are also pretty good at aeronautical design, intellectual discourse, cityscapes, tires, developing the precursor to modern democracy, and designing and building beautiful, high performance, reliable cars. OK, maybe not so much on the cars.

  17. Mutherfuckin' three lane road, so fuckin' cars can pass other fuckin' cars , or fuckin' bikes, muthafucker.
    See, no fuckin' cars in the other two lanes. Fuckin' multi-lane do they fucki' work?

    See, this video is why I'm only 90% against police brutality. Dude needs a billy club up the poop-chute.

  18. two minutes after the clip was recorded,the nsfw star was maced,pepper sprayed and screamed "don't taze me bro" and subsequently dragged through the passenger side window while trying to cut through the "steuben day parade" by lederhosen clad spectators...

  19. Hey! Cincinnati! You should visit on your next BRA, Wildcat!

  20. Oh, crap. I forgot about the quiz. I'm pretty sure I failed because I certainly didn't study last night.

    I also showed up to class without my pants, but that was no accident.


  21. Is Ted K recycling old posts? Merde x Merde

  22. "...and building beautiful, high performance, reliable cars. OK, maybe not so much on the cars."

    OK, maybe not so much on the cars - I'll say. Came across a Peugeot laying on the side of the road once; it was moaning, then it expired.

  23. Full of annoyance at the muthafuckin dude in the last video, I was going to post disparaging remarks about his parentage and genital volume/capability. But, as usual, Commie beat me to it, and did a much better job than I ever could.

  24. Don't forget the French cheese! (Or TdF winners that never got "caught" doping)

  25. That was fucking, the most fucking annoying fucking video I've fucking ever fucking watched; Fuck. You should have used it for wrong quiz answers. Or maybe you did, I wouldn't know. Why? 'Cause I am FUCKING awesome. Peace Out

  26. My dog thinks Mr. NSFW should have had the courage of his convictions and hung out the window with his tongue flapping in the breeze to bark his opinion.

    But then again, my dog is a big fan of situations whose final descriptor is "hilarity ensues."

  27. Cincinnati, for sure! The area by the sportsball fields has changed a lot since that picture.

  28. Drop your ocks and grab your ocks

  29. How long did it take them to think about passing the cops on bikes?

  30. I wanna know where the driver concealed the baseball bat.

  31. I think the run lola run star changed his demeanor right after his 'friends' fed him that thing that looked like poop on a leaf. It's like an extended trailer for a bollywood porn movie, except without the porn.

  32. the more cops on bikes we have, the better chance that they'll finally start looking at car v bike crashes without the automotive industrial complex bias that they currently bring to such matters.

  33. the more cops on drugs we have, the better chance that they'll finally start looking at car v drugs crashes without the automotive industrial complex bias that they currently bring to such matters.

  34. the more cops on prostitutes we have, the better chance that they'll finally start looking at car v prostitute crashes without the automotive industrial complex bias that they currently bring to such matters.

  35. Re: Changing Gears. 2 points. Was the one dude in the food cart scene wearing a Livestrong wristband? And don't ya think Canada Dry will be upset about their product placement in the kick the can scene?

  36. You guys almost make me wanna go back and watch this annoying-ass video, except then I'll probably be annoyed yeah? I don't need that... I'm still reeling from having to see D-Rab this early in the day. You Rab-rolled us Snobz, you devil!

    The 5 Londoners - did they in fact start their journey in the Soho area? Cuz then they would've ridden "from Soho down to Brighton." CHORTLE CHORTLE!!! Which BTW is like 55 miles... totally doable in a day, even if you're Slowbie McSlowberson.


  37. Isn't there a perfectly good lane to the right of the cops the guy could use?

  38. FYI I only got as far as "share the fuckin' road."

  39. Mr.nsfw.....prolly lost his drivers license .....maybe why the rant from the passenger seat and didn't show that the one driving was his mommy.

  40. no offense to mommies.

  41. (No snap on mommies.)

  42. ...or Snap-On mommies. Although...

  43. Lol......@rf

  44. A Snap-On mommy owns quality, albeit expensive, tools.
    A Strap-On mommy wears interesting, albeit expensive, tools.

    Do I have my definitions correct?

  45. 1904 carardi.......hmmm.roille?

  46. What if Strap-On Mommy straps on Snap-Ons? Then she can be a bit more modular, which might be nice.

  47. I see the time has come to stop reading comments for the day....

  48. Oops....sorry....1904 Cadardi....fumble

  49. OK, Anonymous has finally left. Let's start talking about the important stuff.

  50. changing gears sounds like a liberal arts film indoctrination that happens to feature bicycles. sounds like the same thing can be accomplished using friends who limp; have acne; hate the same boss, or any other little microcosm of society that shares a common interest, affliction or peril. maybe i'll watch it anyway, just to see if I am wrong.

  51. Anon @ 3:49

    Yes, yes, you're right of course, we gone horrible off the rails.

    So, ummmm, bikecycle something or other.

  52. First off - why is NSFW idiot wearing two pair of glasses

    And, what kind of narcissist films his Bro self talking tough in the front seat of a car -

    Also, given the usual use of such videos, I was expecting police brutality after 45 seconds

    C. All of the above

  53. And, apparently, for the Pope's visit to DC - no bikes allowed in the security perimeter. So much for getting to work.

  54. Anonymous didn't leave - anonymous didn't do shit and won't do shit. Anonymous is still reading like a good little bitch. Hi Anonymous! Don't forget to think about my anus!

  55. Wow, I sort of feel that that should become a standard good-bye phrase, Rollie. Much like "Have fun storming the castle."

  56. Today's fun fact: "Hey archbishop, that's my anus" returns no Google hits. Color me surprised.

  57. Neither does "Don't forget to think about my anus" However, removing the quotes returns this gem as the first hit.

  58. Ha - site won't load for shite, but I can at least read the URL and maybe that's enough!

  59. JLRB @ 4:18
    No bicycles allowed in DC perimeter.
    Ironically the Pope is to be presented with a bicycle, custom painted by Noah Rosen of
    Go to his website and link to his Facebook page

  60. I think that's the state song of the Nutmeg state..."I Left Mianus in Connecticut

  61. My dog bet me I didn't know that the working title for "Goodbye Columbus" was "Hyannis."

    Well of course I told him I know that's not true.

    He says that just proves I owe him $5.

    (Some days even bloodhounds can't follow him.)


  62. I wet my bed last night
    I woke up sad

  63. Whoooozeanus? And Gibby's a gusher? Wow. Just... wow. Somebody was doing Friday afternoon Beer o'clocks today. Holy way to devolve into debauchery, peeples. Um, one question, though. Does Strap-on mommie get to wear Snap-on mammaries?

  64. for me,ms.babble,three beero'clock

  65. Kickstarter for Snap On, a modern upgrade of the Strap On. Updated version also includes an iPhone app will yell "fuck" over and over so no need for the participants to do so. International languages available too, Canadian will yell "eh, eh, eh".

  66. Babble @ 608: "Friday afternoon Beer o'clocks today. Holy way to devolve into debauchery, peeples."

    After the fourth beer even Rob Ford starts looking doable.

    Theme Song "Kiss de Frog" sung to The Little Mermaid's "Kiss de Girl".

  67. "Run Lola Run", Canadian sequel "Bike Babble Bike".

  68. The working title for the sexy Daniel Day Lewis / Lena Olin flick was, The Unbearable Lightness of Scranus.

  69. Hey look, Jizz Mag says some Canajuns beat the human-powered land speed record in a big recumbent suppository:

  70. Can't make it to NYC for Changing Gears, but the 10 minute version was pretty good. Thanks. I guess the 10 minutes of bikey stuff got cut.

  71. That guy in the fucking bonus video is a friend of our friend the fucking Zen Master.

  72. Carbon Cambium? This explains all the questions on the "be a Cambium tester" survey about how important do you think saving weight is.

  73. Another Saturday night with a scratchy scranus

  74. My favorite movie will always be Two Weeks in another Scranus

  75. I prefer Cat on a Hot Tin Scranus

  76. I think that performance was far short of your work in Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Scranus

  77. The Importance of Being Scranus is my favorite. And Autocorrect now completes Scranus for me.

  78. Hey POC..... The title was, Saturday Night Scranus

  79. I gonna take this right scranus, and I'm gonna whop the right side of your scranus, and there's not one scranal thing you can do about it.

  80. Cat scratch scranus, now you know why I'm always pissed off.

  81. Half a scranus, half a scranus, half a scranus onward,
    All in the valley of Scranus Rode the six hundred.

  82. Alice's Adventures in Scranus

  83. A Streetcar Named Scranus launched my career.

  84. "The Unbearable Smell of Dorothy's Scranus" - Documentary - Bound to get a 2015 Oscar Nomination.

  85. I Did It All for Scranus

  86. Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas...a Savage Journey into the Scranus of the American Dream

  87. A Hard Day's Scranus

  88. What a scranusing scranus of a rat's scranus. The guy came up to me all scranus...and I said scranus you motherscranus

  89. Deep Scranus

  90. Behind the Green Scranus

  91. Don't You Want Sombody's Scranus

  92. We're probing planet Scranus.

  93. The Three Dog ScranusSeptember 20, 2015 at 9:51 PM

    Joy to the Scranus.

  94. Surrey with the Scranus on Top

  95. Arrest the usual scranus

  96. get that tiger out of here

  97. Scranus is as scranus does

  98. Twelve Years a Scranus

  99. offers the unique quality of Rubber Gym Tiles to the residents of the UK. The tiles reduces the risk of falling and is easy to be fixed and installed.

  100. I wandered lonely, as a scranus

  101. Twelve years before the Scranus

  102. Seven Days in Scranus

  103. Monty Python Scranus Skit With The Vikings Chanting ScranusSeptember 21, 2015 at 7:55 AM

    You can have scrambled eggs, bacon, sausage and Scranus. There's not much Scranus in that.


    You can give your Scranus to me. I love Scranus.

  104. I had a young gusher once. She was too young to understand the gush and I was too young to appreciate it. She kept saying, "Is that normal?"

    I just said, "I have no quarrel with it madame."

    There wasn't a dry scranus in the house.

  105. I got your Big McScranus right here!

  106. It's scranus lickin good.

  107. Did Hashtag Mcyoloswag just win the internet?

  108. My mama always told me scranus is as scranus does.

  109. ...but i'm funny how,i'm funny like i'm a scranus,i amuse you?

  110. They shot Tommy in the scranus, so his mother couldn't have an open casket.

  111. The Scranus Also Rises
    A Farewell to Scranus
    The Green Hills of Scranus
    To Have and Have Scranus
    For Whom the Scranus Tolls

  112. so the youtube guy apparently is a champion of 1st amendment rights - he once won $25K for his laugh at a cripple stunt.

    thank goodness we have such brave people guarding the gates of freedom.

  113. Good for you, Bike Snob,

    Your takedown of the entitlement culture and complete and very appropriate deconstruction of Delia Ephron!

    Boy, all that squawking about the "dangers" of the 4-11 year olds "bumping into" the Citibikes, not to mention the concomitant dangers of the 4-11 year olds bumping into the buses and SUVs picking up the little crumb crunchers. But, them's the breaks when you blindfold your students whenever they go outside.

    (Wait a sec, something is wrong with my logic there.... .)

    And your post on Delia Ephron's "Ode to Entitlement / Film Making 101" is a Bike Snob Classic!

    I wasn't aware that "blue pulls focus", but you can be damn sure I'll remember it now! Don't know HOW I managed to stay alive without knowing this before now! It is such a fine line between clever and stupid....

    "O, the Stupidity!"

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