Wednesday, September 23, 2015

BSNYC Blog Officially Reaches Its 1,000th Wednesday!*

*May be completely untrue.

Great news, everybody!  America's Most Bike-Friendly City officially has 1,000 miles of bike lanes now!!!

After an aggressive expansion in recent years, the city will reach a thousand miles of bikes lanes Tuesday when it finishes a new stretch on the Lower East Side, data shows.

The city's network will reach that milestone with a two-way bike lane on Clinton Street, between Grand Street and East Broadway. The path runs from Williamsburg Bridge to South Street.

The city has added 485 miles of bike lines since 2007, about 80 of which have been built under Mayor Bill de Blasio's administration. Twelve of those miles are protected on-street bike lanes, while others are off-street lanes like the Hudson River Greenway.

Sure, most of the bike lanes were built by the previous administration (that's Michael Bloomberg and Janette Sadik-Khan), and of the lanes built under this one only twelve (12) miles of them are protected on-street lanes, but whatever, just go ahead and take credit for it all:

("Hey, Polly, we can hear you, you know.")

Indeed, the deeper down you drill into the announcement the less impressive it gets:

The 1,000-mile bicycle facility number includes “shared and signed routes” like sharrows, extra-wide parking lanes and signed routes, which account for 24 percent of the total.

Another third of the total is managed by the Parks Department, said Parks Commissioner Mitchell Silver, including everything from major greenways to boardwalks and dirt trails. Much of these off-street paths are high-quality bikeways, but the Parks Department doesn’t manage them as transportation routes, meaning they tend to be closed at night.

In other words, when you think "bike lane" you think of something like this:

But they're also including this:

(This tells the aliens where to land.)

And this:

(This has to be from at least the Lindsay administration.)

And even this:

Which, while awesome, is a dirt road through a park that is usable maybe half the year.

I'm surprised they didn't also include any arterial within half a mile of a bike shop.

And then there was the heckling:

The event was held along the Clinton Street bikeway, which is being installed after receiving support from Manhattan Community Board 3 earlier this year. Older residents of the Seward Park Cooperative apartments, which has buildings on both sides of Clinton, crashed the press conference to oppose the new bike lane and the 2012 change that moved some Williamsburg Bridge-bound drivers to Clinton Street. “The blood is on your hands when I get hit by a bike!” one audience member yelled at Trottenberg.

Well that seems a bit melodramatic, especially when you consider that seniors are getting creamed by drivers left and right.  Seriously, it's a press conference about bike lanes for chrissakes.   That's something you shout when John Snow is proposing an alliance with the wildlings:

And of course the big question is how much of this vast, cobbled-together network of bike lanes, misshapen sharrows, and vintage signage is rideable at any given time, since the bike lanes are usually blocked anyway.  Well, now you can find out for yourself in real time, or even report a bike lane blockage yourself, thanks to this cloyingly smug interactive tracker:

"These streets are already narrow as it is," car service driver Anthony Rosario said after temporarily stopping his car in a bike lane in Prince Street in Soho. "Look how narrow this street is, and it has a big bike lane. For New York City, bike lanes really don’t make a lot of sense in small streets.” 

Why are people so stupid about the concept of size?  Take a look at the vehicles themselves.  Which one takes up more space?  Try it this way, Tony:

"These streets are already narrow as it is.  Look how narrow this street is, and it's full of cars.  For New York City, cars really don't make a lot of sense in small streets."

Makes more sense that way, doesn't it?

That being said, it's worth noting that drivers don't just block bike lanes.  They block everything.  They block the streets so other drivers can't get through.  They block the bus stops, bringing public transit to a halt.  They block the crosswalks.  They block the train tracks.  They even drive on the fucking train tracks.

So by all means, my fellow cyclists, keep complaining (I believe strongly in complaining), but don't for one second think that you're special just because you had to steer around a Hyundai.  This is the biggest metropolitan area in Canada's chamois.  Everybody has to do it, all the time--even pedestrians on the sidewalk.

Speaking of complaining, kvetching technology has come a long way.  Not only can you report blocked bike lanes, but a reader tells me you can also fire up the Kvetch-O-Tron 9000 and flag potholes with spraypaint:

Auto-Complain from Florian Born on Vimeo.

You've heard of training rides, and "epic" rides, and gravel rides.  Now, there's the "complain ride:"

Though if you're me, every ride is a complain ride.

Next, you ride over bumps and spraypaint them:

Presumably they also offer a system for pedestrians to report cyclists who ride around on the sidewalk spraypainting stuff.

Then, your complain ride is completed:

Though if you're me the complaining never stops, and when I get home from a good complain ride I just walk around the house spraypainting everything that annoys me:


In other complaining news, it's a good old-fashioned race-and-class war in Brooklyn, where some rich kids may have to go to the poor kids school:

To the city, the solution for the overcrowding at P.S. 8 seemed obvious: move those two neighborhoods from P.S. 8’s zone and into that of P.S. 307, which is nearby and has room to spare. The proposal, however, has drawn intense opposition, and not only from the families who would be rezoned from the predominantly white P.S. 8 to the mostly black P.S. 307. Some residents of the housing project served by P.S. 307 also oppose the rezoning, worried about how an influx of wealthy, mostly white families could change their school.

Which I only mention because look who's representing the rich white people:

Of course it's a goddamn Xtracycle.

You know, it's precisely this stereotyping of people who ride bikes as wealthy white integration-averse gentrifying yuppies that's holding us cyclists down as a people.

Even if it's mostly true.

Still, I have faith in New York City and humanity.  Sure, there will be some heated community meetings, but in the end families from both neighborhoods will come together over their children's future--just as long as they don't put a Citi Bike station near either of the schools, of course.



Holy shit we're all gonna die.

By the way, you'll notice the station by PS 8 is empty:

That's because the families took the Citi Bikes and fled to Westchester.

Lastly, remember that German car that used to come free with a Trek?

Well you've no doubt heard about their recent emissions scandal, but don't feel to smug about it, because the bike industry is not immune.  In fact, I was disgusted to learn that the WorkCycles KR8 bakfiets contains a false bottom:

Which can be used to hide contraband such as organic groceries, smuggle the illegal aliens who are destroying America by working themselves to the bone for a better future, or even create the illusion of sawing a lady in half:

Maybe that's where Trottenberg is hiding the rest of our bike lanes.


  1. Note 9. (Paragraph 61) We leave aside the “underclass.” We are speaking of the mainstream.

  2. Je suis sur le podium

  3. Maybe rig the complain ride to paint sharrows, then you can get a lot more than 1000 miles. Get than rig on a plastic strava KOM hunting bike and tell a FredBro he needs to ride an epic century, BOOM, 100 new bike lane miles.

  4. Just two days left to mock the UCI Worlds in Richmond before they're over and the opportunity to make fun of road racers world-championing on the soil of Canada's scranus AS IT HAPPENS is gone for another 29 years, Wildcat etc.

  5. Glory,

    UCI Worlds and Richmond are not concepts that excite me individually so that doesn't change when they're combined.

    Unless something really funny happens.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  6. Top ten? Made up congrats on the made up milestone.

  7. Yum, Kippers.

    (I know it's not a happy holiday)

    I really find it crazy that pedestrians ad cyclists are at odds with one another. It speaks to the genius of the car-crazy, oil-guzzling lobbyist corps that continues to use rhetoric to keep the two groups from uniting against them.

    Very "Bourgeois Transportationalism" if you ask me. Keep the two sides fighting so they can continue to enjoy their immunity to due process for the murderous behavior of drivers.

  8. Kvetch-O-Tron 9000, now I like that!

  9. I'm not fasting, but I wasn't fast! Top 13 ish

  10. Wheels that spin true work better

    Politicians that spin true can't get elected

  11. Are you using Scranus calculators correctly? If you aren't, you run the huge risk of estimating your Scranus savings incorrectly, leaving you dangerously exposed during what should be your Scranus years. Learn why the assumptions Scranus calculators use are critical, the reasoning and math behind those assumptions, and the 5 rules you must follow when using Scranus calculators so you can be a powerful tool.

  12. damn it, i had this elaborate top 10 joke all worked out but alas i'm too gawd dang slow to use it. guess its going in the garbage...just like my sprinting career. oh well, was some pee your pants hillarity. golden shower jerry! golden shower.

  13. From the VW article:

    Max Warburton at Bernstein warned it could spell the end for diesel cars. The analyst, who on Sunday called VW the “Lance Armstrong of automakers”, said: “Diesel has been under growing pressure in recent years, as regulators recognise that it is still not as clean as gasoline, despite meeting official tests.

    So that is going to be a thing now? Calling people the Lance Armstrong of whatever whenever they cheat?

  14. Can't you take a bike on the subway? Counts as bike routes!

  15. teddy admits (proudly me thinks) that he bots the commentary. so


  16. ________________________________________________________________________




    figure i'd drop some complaints about this blog to warn others.

  17. Couple things,
    1. Long post today. Overran my lunch half-hour.
    2. Polly Trottenberg is an awesome name.

  18. It is the Day of Atonement, which compels the ancient annual ritual of retelling the following corny joke:

    "Why can't you catch a Jew on Yom Kippor?"

    "Because they fast."

  19. Extracycle: no
    Yuba Mundo: yes

  20. I am going to Complain Walk to work. Complain walk at work. Complain walk home. Complain sit in my living room and complain watch tv. Complain drive to paint store and get more complain paint. Repeat. Complain.

  21. Find a bike lane and get in it. Or better yet, lease a Hyundai and get in it. Vision Zero bikes on the road, FTW!

  22. Non-plussed Bib Shorts Guy is great. You're getting good milage out of that silhouette.

  23. Heh... and I am going to skip straight to spraypainting everything that annoys me from now on. I cherish the thought. Thanks snobberdooders.

  24. BS (chuckle)

    Did you spend the whole morning on clip art drawing that lady into the cargo bike? I hope so.


  25. i think the complaint app is a good idea. i'd like to see an android version for the pot hole/road repair as well as stuff like vehicles parked in bike lanes.

    i probably need to keep a spare battery in the handlebar bag to handle the latter around here.

    i'll skip the spray paint part.

  26. What? Iz dat whut de call "pot holes" over der in U-Rope? Jezze dey oughta try riding in NYC. Most of our pot holes would sallow up one of dem euro bikes and da rider.

  27. "But this is purely an environmental issue, your personal safety isn’t at risk if you continue to drive your VW."

  28. @Spokey,

    I am perpetually amazed as to what passes for enforcement of anything in our county.

    The same Explorer is parked in the same bike lane 200 feet from the Hillsborough Muni Building every day. I assume the police pass it 300 times daily, and yet there it sits.

    Meanwhile at Conover and Van Bolton, also within throwing distance (well, Conover may be golfing-distance) of the police station, the cars will flagrantly blow the stop sign to make right turns only to pull lefts immediately on Triangle and New Amwell.

    I can't tell you how may times I have been nearly smashed by a cell-phone-wearer in her shiny SUV.

    I just figure the HPD is the laziest PD in CNJ. The tickets would write themselves.

  29. OH!!! OH OH OH OH OH! So I just found out that my brother had his bike painted with that glow in the dark paint business. He said the bike is painted with the permanent version, but his bag is just painted with the temporary one. He's seriously chuffed with the stuff. Only it doesn't glow in the dark in and of itself, I am guessing. Because it seems that would be well and truly nerdtastically cool. Oh! No no no, it's nerdgasmic. Heh heh. Yeah, that's it. Nerdgasmic.

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. Spokey - You don't want to spray paint the cars in the bike lane?

  32. The bidding has stalled for the last week or while we've been away at icky old Vegas Interbike, so I'll sorta-spam it here and see if it helps:
    Dear Mr. WRM, I think this bicycle would fit you perfectly and would suit your increasingly L'Eroicka L'Ericka L'Heurista whatever, retro-ish metal-oriented cycling tendencies very well.
    The bike was donated by a guy who witnessed the texting, drunken bishop in Baltimore after she killed a guy who used to volunteer at my wife's LBS. Weirdly, the guy's brother founded her shop back in the 70s. As far as I'm concerned the Baltimore Episcopal Diocese owns those kids now, but we're trying our best to boost up the fund anyway. The response to the family fund has been spectacular overall, but every bit helps, and 50th anniversary Campy is a nice incentive. Thanks for considering, please bid aggressively if you can, and share the word if you can't. -Jeff

  33. They'd better have the heat on at those meetings, it's starting to get could out these days.

  34. Mould/Mold - same thing

  35. Dear Mr. Rockmachine,

    Pleasing to request your updating of the maths regarding your Wednesday count. Your weblogging platform has experienced 432 Wednesdays in it's illustrious career of re-greasing and repacking the bottom bracket of America's Bicycling Cycling culture.

    Elite commenter Sam H.

  36. If you're going to correct math, then you may as well throw grammars into the mix, too. "in its illustrious...etc"
    it's=contraction of "it is"

    Cat6 commenter Wolf.

  37. On the road of life there are passengers, and there are drivers. Oh yea, there are also those annoying bicycleets and pedestrians with their "rights of way".

  38. Congratulations on 432, Wildcat.

  39. Peugeot has been making very reliable cars and bikes for a very long time, and won an award for having a much lower than average carbon footprint for a car company, and they have never had a car/bike combo. And they don't Totally Suck like VW!

  40. joe

    i'm guessing you're talking about south branch road? between the pulleeze and the next road west (long hill?) are the best of their soccer fields so yeah, despite the bike lane signs and signs indicating only handicap discharging, cars park there all the time. if you're talking beekman, that's odd. now that i think about it, i don't think i've ever seen a car parked in a bike lane on beekman. likely the only bike lane in town that i haven't seen a car parked in.

    interesting enough, the town used to have bicycle patrols. don't know if they are still around but i haven't seen them in a long time.

    - - - - - - -


    don't particularly want to spray paint them. just want the fuck-o(e)s outta da lane and inna da deetch. besides, why should i spend good money on spray paint for law breakers? also i suck so bad at cat 9 that the extra weight of the paint would slow me down enough to make me go backwards.

  41. sam h

    i'm guessing you calculated that from the first post till now. but did you subtract the roughly 387.5 wednesdays missed while snobbie is on high-8-us?

  42. "I'm not going to buy my kids an encyclopedia. Let them walk to school like I did."

  43. vsk said ...

    Rode a SSeerroottaa (I don't know which letter gets doubled) CitiBike today. I did not Strava my 20 block ride.
    Dang gorgeous outside!


  44. *may be completely untrue

    The 432 could easily turn into 1k just like the 'bike lanes' if he pre-wrote or even thunk 'bout a weeds-day post on a Tuesday or whatevs.

  45. Speaking of going backwards, I saw a guy riding backwards no-handed on a bmx bike the other day. Seemed pretty nonchalant about it, too, especially since he wasn't looking where he was going. I guess I've seen that here on video, but never seen it "live" before.

    And last week there was some kind of international triathlon final in Chicago. Saw lots of contestants riding along the lakefront: clicky shoes, matching outfits, wacky bikes and helmets, and languages I didn't recognize. Gotta say they were pretty fast, too, and I didn't see anyone fall down.

  46. Glory,

    UCI Worlds and Richmond are not concepts that excite me individually so that doesn't change when they're combined.

    Unless something really funny happens.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

    September 23, 2015 at 11:24 AM

    How about 3 Fred's at bike race taking the Governor's invite to the Mansion for a beer literally?

  47. Is there anything more useless than sharrows? Even the proverbial tits on a bull are useful to a bull-tits fetishist (not that there's anything wrong with that).

  48. While not strictly meeting EPA's regulatory definition for "defeat device," which is something that attenuates emissions controls, roof racks meet a more general definition: they circumvent regulatory metrics, manufacturers put in allowances for them as well as sell them and, once installed, they significantly increase emissions.

    The ICCT studies that promulgated the VW shitstorm are interesting reading for transportation nerds. The scope of their interest is much larger-- the general problem of comparing test values versus real world values. They examine both gas and diesel models for 13 different manufacturers and found significant discrepancies between test and real world, ex 38% difference in carbon emissions. They posit that many manufacturers have longed gamed the tests and that the tests themselves really need to change to better reflect the real world.

    Not to excuse VW in anyway, but the WVU study isn't nearly as harsh on the vehicles' performance as the popular press seem to think. The legal transgression is a different story though... I doubt that VW will be as contrite in the court of law as it has been trying to be in the court of public opinion.

    In other realms of death and destruction: I believe the pedestrian equivalent of "it is not known if they were wearing a helmet" is "it is not known if they were in the crosswalk."

  49. Hey, Snob:
    Why weren't you mentioned in Bicycling's "Who to Follow: Cyclings Social Media Stars"?
    That's bullshit.

  50. Hey I painted some bumps on a bike path and the town repaved the section I spray painted. Not fair! Goddam St-Bernard-de-Lacolle.

  51. DB,

    I could choose to view it as a deliberate snub of some kind, or I could view it as an acknowledgement that I'm already so massively famous the didn't think it was necessary.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  52. Snub a Snob?

    who would do such a thing? jerks. that's who.

  53. Wow do I feel honored by the personal relevance of the comment topics on this Day of Atonement.

    I will be in Richmond on Sunday for the race, and might stop by the Governor's mansion to lay claim to my free beer.

    ...and, I happen to own a 2009 diesel VW Jetta...a GREAT car which gets 38 mpg in town and 45 mpg highway and is included in the emissions shitstorm. BTW, the program works as designed; I have never failed a smog test.

  54. Martin Winterkorn former C.E.O. oh oh OhSeptember 23, 2015 at 4:49 PM

    All You Haters Suck My Tailpipe

  55. P Bateman - C'Mon man - not jerks at all - total FUCK-O's but not jerks

  56. @wishiwasmerckx - a VW from 2009 still runs? impressive. every VW/Audi i've ever met with more than 60K miles has begun to self destruct.

    ______ insert Calvin peeing on a VeeDub sticker here_______

  57. "The blood is on your hands!" I've gotta start saying that more. "Pass the peas, or the blood is on your hands when I don't get peas!"

  58. I too am the not so proud owner of a VDub Deisel - 2010 - nearing 60K miles - better not self-destruct - was thinking about trading it for a Hyundai, but was waiting for the bike-in-the-front-grill option to become available - now the market value of my VDub is probably down like my 401K

  59. DB-

    This blog may be considered anti-social media by those fuckohs.

  60. P Bateman, it's not my primary car, so it has only 43,000 miles on it. Thanks for the heads-up for what I have to look forward to.

  61. Bikes that kvetch and spray...really? Like I need to be reminded of my ex-mother-in-law.

  62. Where's Anthony Wiener when you need him.

  63. Snob, Master Blogger:
    you shouldn't feel snubbed, looking at their list you should be happy you're not included.
    You are way over their heads and I appreciate the time and energy you put into entertaining us.

  64. I'll take extra Scranus with a heaping of fuck -o.

  65. I'll take extra Scranus with a heaping of fuck -o.

  66. DB - To paraphrase Groucho - Snob would refuse to be on any Bicycling Mag list that they would include him on - err something and I second your accolades and thanks

  67. I use to have this old VW van, it had a myriad of vent, defrost, heater,even auxiliary heater controls, and none of them seemed to work. We had to carry a squeegy in that wheeled terrarium to keep on top the humidity and resultant condensation. So how can the company that was responsible for that non-heatable vehicle contribute to global warming?

  68. The Brompton World Championships are being held alongside the UCI WC in Richmond the 25th snob. The 'best dressed' category is ripe for comment.

  69. I used to have an 87 VW Golf. All fucked up but it was a champ and was my second favorite car next to my WRX. Would probably still be driving it if I wasn't a dumb ass and sold it and gotten a POC SAAB. Never buy a Saab.

  70. 1,000 or 432, it's still an Imperial Fuck Tonne of blogging.

    Yep, had a Rabbit that went from great to ghost in a matter of 5,000 miles, beginning at 60,000. The final straw was the bracket that holds the alternator snapping right in two, at highway speed! If I parked it at the slightest angle the drivers door leaked like a sieve (never did figure that one out). Ja, Fuck du! (Fuck is a German word BTW.)

  71. I have a Pontiac Vibe, but have always liked the VW TDI Wagons. Hopefully this recall kills the power they make, getting people upset so that it will be cheaper to buy a used one.

    I like my Vibe FWIW, 105k on it and all I've ever done is brakes, tires, filters and oil. But with the drivetrain of a Camry what would you expect?

  72. @Anonymous 10:36,

    Fick dich auch.

    (Seit zehn jahre habe ich Deutsch studiert und das war alles habe ich gelernt.)

  73. well i've now had two of those japanese whiskeys so far. if i recall correctly i have p bateman to blame that that. and one diet coke and stoli (don't tell babs).

    now maybe it's the the 'good for my brain' juice but i can't make heads or tails of the last 8 hours of comments i just red.


  74. so it's back to the original star trek on netflix.

    and it's one of the worst episodes. the stupid nomad one.

  75. Trump announces Boycott of SCRANUSSeptember 24, 2015 at 12:06 AM

    Do you ever notice that lightweight @SCRANUS constantly goes after SCRANUS but when I SCRANUS back it is totally SCRANUS. SCRANUS is totally overrated!

  76. That Jetta is getting it done doggie style

  77. "Though if you're me, every ride is a complain ride." Please. I complain and riding isn't in the equation. Rank amateur.

  78. @potbellyjoe-Nicht alle können wir gerade entlang erhalten?

  79. Es ist gut wenn niemand weiss*

    Das ich Rumpelstilschen heiss

  80. Apple strudel !?!

  81. I wanna lodge a complaint concerning that Man Bun.


    At least I don't attack/slander accusers.

  83. Here is a news story about a subway study. Mostly about London but also NYC. It says the NYC transit system would have more capacity if the subway trains ran faster. Study published in the science journal "DUH!"

  84. crosspalms at 4:11pm: You mean riding a BMX bike backwards while sitting on the handlebars? I don't know about not looking where you're going, but riding like that is not all that difficult. I remember trying it a few times as a youngster, being able to do it for a few "slab lengths," then moving on. Also, I was not wearing a helment.

  85. Creating bike lanes is one thing, implementing the right system that can be beneficial to all is another.

    But one thing for us is certain: bicycles are an important part of our present lives, and especially our future. Not only does it promote a healthy lifestyle, it can lessen the number of fatal/serious accidents and emissions that are harmful to the environment.

  86. Ich habe zwei Jahre in der Oberschüler, so what!

  87. Day late, but congrats on your 1000th Wednesday! Brings back fond memories of your first leaflet back in 1996 mocking people still wearing neon spandex. Good times.

  88. The blood is on your scranus!

  89. Johnny White at 9:04 - Not so fast - I want to make sure the emissions decrease from bicycles is not some sort of software scam.

  90. By the way - 1,000 Wednesday +/- is great and all, applause, etc., but someone needs to do the math on the number of comments, and specifically, how many times Scranus has appeared

  91. Were those VW's tested for nocturnal emissions?

  92. VW? Just say FAU-VEY


  93. scranus count?

    ok, it's still in the lead but fuck-o is coming up scranus' rear fast.

    (just overwhelming the scranus count for this post)

  94. JB,
    No, the guy was sitting on the seat and watching where he'd been!

  95. "No, the guy was sitting on the seat and watching where he'd been!"

    If he was sitting on the saddle, looking towards the handlebars and pedaling a (fixed gear) bike backwards, that is a hard core skill.

  96. vsk said ...

    Oh Fucko-ness ! I got hot stravajuice all over myself this morning.

    If it weren't for this bike to work stuff, I'd go on the dole.


  97. Ah, that sounds difficult.

    My (easier) version was the bike going forward, rider facing backward and sitting on BMX handlebar crossbar (steer with ass)...

  98. Spokey, that would have been WAY too much work for a Wednesday.

  99. Shouldn't it be womenpause?

  100. Clodi cluebebe bagus pasar yang dikemas dengan manis dan dipercaya berbagai hal bayi. Ada banyak merek populer yang membuat produk bayi yang cantik dan desainer juga bisa membuat bayi item saat ini. Dalam situasi ini, bayi personalisasi selimut jual clodi murah babyland motif salmon lucu mungkin adalah yang paling khas bayi hadiah. Pada saat yang sama selimut untuk bayi tersedia dalam pilihan warna yang indah dan gaya dan harga selimut bervariasi sesuai dengan ukuran, kualitas dan desain selimut.

    Hadiah foto bisa sangat tahan lama, mayoritas adalah pencuci piring aman dan bisa dicuci dengan mesin karena proses yang digunakan untuk membuat. Sebuah proses yang disebut sublimasi digunakan untuk mentransfer foto pada produk. Sublimasi memanas pewarna yang kemudian embeds ke dalam produk memberikan abadi warna pencitraan hidup. Proses ini memungkinkan foto untuk mendapatkan pindah ke permukaan yang berbeda tanpa gambar jual clodi murah babyland motif rugby lucu kehilangan kejelasan atau kualitas. Ini adalah proses terbaik ketika mentransfer foto ke produk karena memberikan gambar yang paling tahan lama yang tentu tahan terhadap memudar dan retak yang selalu terjadi dalam metode pencetakan kualitas yang lebih rendah.

    Ada beberapa metode untuk membantu membuat gaun Anda ramah lingkungan. Anda dapat mempertimbangkan mencari gaun yang digunakan. Ini adalah pendekatan untuk membantu membuat gaun Anda hijau. Tanpa kejutan, Anda mungkin ingin mendapatkan gaun baru. Dalam hal ini, Anda akan dapat memilih salah satu yang dapat jual clodi murah babyland motif stary night dihasilkan dari sutra organik. Anda bahkan dapat menyumbangkan gaun Anda setelah hari pernikahan Anda. Atau, Anda dapat mengubah untuk sesuatu yang berguna jika Anda tidak ingin menyumbangkan gaun. Sebagai contoh, Anda dapat mengubah pakaian maka dapat menjadi selimut anak. Hal ini dapat menjadi sesuatu yang berguna bagi mereka yang memiliki bayi kemudian.

    Cara terbaik untuk dilihat anak Anda untuk mendapatkan malam yang dingin benar-benar piyama berkaki hangat memiliki selimut dpt dipakai. Bayi tidur cum piyama one-piece terdiri dari kapas akan menghibur anak. The berlapis kapas selimut tidur mungkin cukup hangat untuk bayi tetapi untuk malam musim dingin pembekuan ringan berlapis dpt dipakai selimut selimut bisa dikenakan di atas piyama footie. Namun, setiap bayi berbeda sehingga seharusnya berpakaian berdasarkan tubuh dan suhu kamar. Beberapa bayi membutuhkan lebih sedikit lapisan sebagai lawan pelari. Dengan kedatangan piyama katun hangat Anda tidak perlu lagi memakai bayi terlalu banyak lapisan, hanya piyama berkaki bawah selimut dpt dipakai dan anak harus baik-baik saja. Mereka datang yang memiliki ritsleting terbalik bagi mereka yang perlu melakukan perubahan malam akhir.

    Personalisasi selimut anak membantu membuat hadiah special.Having ekstra pertama dan terakhir nama bayi atau monogram sepenuhnya merupakan anak. Menyulam nama pada selimut bayi menunjukkan item dikembangkan untuk anak bukannya mudah dibeli di toko lokal. Banyak pribadi selimut bayi memberikan anak pertama dan terakhir nama, tanggal lahir dan pound dan ons. Beberapa selimut bisa memiliki pesan bordir menyambut bayi baru yang memiliki ucapan khusus. Selimut bisa bordir di Spanyol, Inggris, Ibrani, dan Yunani untuk beberapa nama font khusus yang ditawarkan di sebagian besar lokakarya bordir.

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  104. Happy holidays and best wishes for the new year. Enjoy the time with your family, we will be here when you get back.

  105. Yes, you do wear your emotions on your sleeve. That’s okay though, that’s why we all come here. I’m happy that you have someone to share your passion with.
    Merry Christmas Fatty and family!! Enjoy your vacation, you and your kids deserve it.

  106. Elden, it’s your cousin. I secretly stalk your blog. I’ll have to send this to my dad. Great work you’re doing!!
