Wednesday, June 17, 2015

This Wednesday Is Fully Rigid

As you've probably heard, human parody Donald Trump is running for President of Canada's Baboon-Like Artificially Exaggerated Sexual Swelling, and one of his chief campaign promises is that he will never enter a bicycle race:

TRUMP: I will stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons. And we won't be using a man like Secretary Kerry that has absolutely no concept of negotiation, who's making a horrible and laughable deal, who's just being tapped along as they make weapons right now, and then goes into a bicycle race at 72 years old, and falls and breaks his leg. I won't be doing that. And I promise I will never be in a bicycle race. That I can tell you.

It should be noted, however, that he doesn't rule out sponsoring a bicycle race, which means perhaps we'll see a return of the Tour de Trump as part of his candidacy:

Sadly, despite the astoundingly witty name, Trump did not achieve his lofty goal of creating a bicycle race that would one day eclipse the Tour de France:

If nothing else, this is proof that cycling has always been scuzzy, inasmuch as it was in bed with Trump as early as the late 1980s--a fact that further bolsters my conspiracy theory that professional cycling is in fact Marla Maples:

Moving on to contemporary pro cycling scuzziness, yesterday I mentioned this:
And VeloNews (or whatever they're called now) reports that the race organizers have since apologized:

The models were arranged by Hostessen Service No Limit, a company that also provides striptease acts. Its manager, speaking with the BBC and giving his name only as Gerrid, said, “I don’t understand what the problem is.”

“Sometimes during the race, women race with their shirts open,” he said.

Oh, well, that makes it all right then.

I sometimes ride with my shirt open too.  Does that mean when I'm done a bunch of male strippers should wave their dongs in my face?

Anyway, I'd have expected a classier response from a company called "Hostessen Service No Limit," especially given the wonderful job they did with my child's birthday party.

And in other news of the lifestyles of the Belgian and classless, Eddy Merckx turned 70 today:

And to celebrate he wants to sell you a bike made out of metal:

Eddy Merckx Cycles, the eponymous brand of arguably the world's greatest cyclist, is returning to its roots with steel racing bikes. The first batch will be a limited-edition run of EDDY70 machines. Sold online for US$17,500 / €14,000 a piece, there will by 70 numbered EDDY70 bikes, of which the man himself will get number one. But these aren't just retro bikes, the company insists.

No, they're not just retro bikes; they're wildly overpriced retro bikes.

There's a big difference--and that difference is about US$12,000.

Of course, Merckx is also the co-owner and organizer of both the Tour of Oman and the Tour of Qatar, and word is that next year he will combine them into a single grand tour called "The Tour de Human Rights:"

All the riders will be migrant workers, who are far less likely to complain when their tires explode in the extreme heat.

In the meantime, Merckx's birthday soirée is being produced by "Hostessen Service No Limit."

Closer to (my) home, the transit workers' union continues to fight for their right to run you over with their giant buses, and to that end they're once again rubbing your noses in it by...driving safely:

According to a TWU release, drivers at White Plains Road at Lafayette Ave and at 181st Street and Wadsworth Avenue were told to "come to a complete stop - and not move - until all pedestrians were on the sidewalk. Not close to the curb but completely off the street."

Oh, the horror!

Additionally, they dispatched a photographer in order to humiliate pedestrians for absolutely no reason:

Wow, this is a new low for TWU Local 100.  First all that stupid "brunch-shaming," now this.  So what if she's holding a phone?  That doesn't necessarily make her "oblivious."  She has the light, and therefore the right of way.  She can carry whatever the hell she wants.  I don't care if she's beating a rat to death with a 12-inch dildo while she's walking, if the bus driver hits her it's the bus driver's fault--because the whole point of driving is WATCHING WHERE THE FUCK YOU'RE GOING!!!

And if the bus driver did hit her, what are the consequences under the current law they're so desperate to amend?  Well, this:

Drivers get handcuffed for violating the Right of Way Law? Really?

Under this law's misdemeanor charge, people arrested are most likely to be released after receiving a Desk Appearance Ticket at the precinct office. It is also highly unlikely that the 30 days in jail allowed under the law will be applied, keeping this law in line with similar misdemeanor offenses. However, it is an arrestable offense to make dangerous driving choices that may kill or injure someone. If a person drives drunk, they will be handcuffed. If a person discharges a gun in public, they may well be handcuffed, even if the person had no intention of doing so. And if a person drives a car over someone who is walking with the right of way in the crosswalk, they may be handcuffed. However, NYPD officers could decide not to handcuff a driver - they typically have the discretion to make that choice. 

Oh please.  As Ian MacKaye once sang, "Boo Fucking Hoo."

Lastly, you've probably heard by now that Cannondale is pushing road bikes with suspension forks now:

This is great news for the bicycle industry.  Sure, they've successfully managed to convince people that it's impossible to ride a mountain bike without suspension (unless it's a fat bike, of course--for now anyway), but for too long they've been unable to foist these expensive, complicated, and often unnecessary contraptions onto the rest of the cycling world.  This is not for lack of trying.  Remember this?

And this?

Unfortunately, those never really caught on, because--well, you know why would they?  But now that we've said "yes" to disc brakes and gravel bikes we're all lubed up and ready for the next generation of overly-complicated drop-bar bikes and the inconvenient maintenance intervals that come with them.

So why would you need a suspension fork on a road bike anyway?  Well, because LOOSE GRAVEL!!!

"Oh my god, I nearly died.  It's a good thing I had a Left-tastic fork and dick breaks!"

Also SKIDS!!!

You can't do that on just any bike.

And don't forget BUNNY HOPZZZ!

That's it, I'm convinced.

Aren't you?

Sure you are.


RB1 said...


Unknown said...

28. The leftist of the oversocialized type tries to get off his psychological leash and assert his autonomy by rebelling. But usually he is not strong enough to rebel against the most basic values of society. Generally speaking, the goals of today’s leftists are NOT in conflict with the accepted morality. On the contrary, the left takes an accepted moral principle, adopts it as its own, and then accuses mainstream society of violating that principle. Examples: racial equality, equality of the sexes, helping poor people, peace as opposed to war, nonviolence generally, freedom of expression, kindness to animals. More fundamentally, the duty of the individual to serve society and the duty of society to take care of the individual. All these have been deeply rooted values of our society (or at least of its middle and upper classes [4] for a long time. These values are explicitly or implicitly expressed or presupposed in most of the material presented to us by the mainstream communications media and the educational system. Leftists, especially those of the oversocialized type, usually do not rebel against these principles but justify their hostility to society by claiming (with some degree of truth) that society is not living up to these principles.

Note 44. (Paragraph 28) There are many individuals of the middle and upper classes who resist some of these values, but usually their resistance is more or less covert. Such resistance appears in the mass media only to a very limited extent. The main thrust of propaganda in our society is in favor of the stated values.
The main reason why these values have become, so to speak, the official values of our society is that they are useful to the industrial system. Violence is discouraged because it disrupts the functioning of the system. Racism is discouraged because ethnic conflicts also disrupt the system, and discrimination wastes the talents of minority-group members who could be useful to the system. Poverty must be “cured” because the underclass causes problems for the system and contact with the underclass lowers the morale of the other classes. Women are encouraged to have careers because their talents are useful to the system and, more importantly, because by having regular jobs women become better integrated into the system and tied directly to it rather than to their families. This helps to weaken family solidarity. (The leaders of the system say they want to strengthen the family, but they really mean is that they want the family to serve as an effective tool for socializing children in accord with the needs of the system. We argue in paragraphs 51, 52 that the system cannot afford to let the family or other small-scale social groups be strong or autonomous.)

Anonymous said...


babble on said...

Under Ted Podio

wishiwasmerckx said...

Just missed the podium!

ken e. said...


wishiwasmerckx said...


babble on said...

Ah... a sandwich. That'll do. You can keep the microweenie kisses, anonydoper. :)

Anonymous said...



wishiwasmerckx said...

...and in order to post that, I had to determine whether or not a seahorse was a sandwich.

How existential...

Anonymous said...

Proud to be right underneath babble!


Anonymous said...

No Strava trophies for me :(

Mark said...

Great post today!

Anonymous said...

"...Service No Limit" Hey, hey

Angry Beaver in Miramichi said...

Babble 4th overall today (1st woman?). The early bird catches the worm on the West Coast.

McFly said...

I did a loop at The Canal last Wednesday and one guy had a LEFTY fork and it made me extremely uncomfortable and I did not even like looking at it.

It offended my sense of symmetry.

Spokey said...

just in from a really great ride and still top twentyus

babble on said...

Just so long as it's not a micro worm.

Er... he said that he's too truthful to be a politician?! But given how old he looks, I can easily believe that Mr Trump hasn't been on a bike since he was seven.

P. Bateman said...

just picked up an old 90's Bridgestone RB-2 today (which i believe was made while your main man Mr. Petersen of Rivendell was running the show).

anyway, its covered in some not so spectacular and worse for ware bits and pieces save for a couple things so gonna strip her down and turn her into a gravel/bikepacking type of ride because it has some huge clearance so think i can run some wide-ish tires no problem. might even put on a flat bar just for fun.

rides nice for something that has been beat up a bit. forgot how non campy bikes sound when you dont pedal - which is to say, they dont make a sound.

In the bathroom said...

18 cause I went to take a leak!

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure who's most cutting edge; Specialeyes, Cannandud or Salsa - A drop bar mountain bike:

Roille Figners said...

You'll never catch Trump in a bike race, and you'll never catch me wearing a wig. Guaranteed.

Anonymous said...

Maybe I can put a suspension fork on Eddie's bike? It will be fantastic.

P. Bateman said...

wonder if i can replace my threaded fork with a lefty suspension fork....that gravel does look bumpy.

Peter the Not So Great said...

Concerning the micro-penis competition. Are measurements taken along the curve or "as the crow flies" from A to B? Ridged or flaccid? Are there fluffers? Is there a "Splash Zone" like at a Gallagher Show or Seaworld? Elaborate......

Freddy Murcks said...

I really like how the TWU likes to pretend that their job is so fucking important that they should be allowed to mow down pedestrians with impunity.

"Don't mind the piles of dead bodies along my route. I have a schedule to keep and that's the most fucking important thing in the world."

Anonymous said...

"...beating a rat to death with a 12-inch dildo..." What an embarrassing mixed metaphor that must be for a semi-professional bike blogger. I feel like "beaver" is the proper rodent, there.

Anonymous said...

P. Bateman - Cool Bike!

2 years ago I finally upgraded to Reynolds 531. I'm on the lookout for a 64 cm frame, with newer, fancier (higher Reynolds number or equiv.) steel, but the used bike selection is limited, and I'm not ready to decide that $2400 for a Roadeo is in my price range...

Not That There is Anything Wrong With That said...


Do Not Want.

Comment deleted said...

"Gerrid" is just the current pseudonym for Irwin Mainway.

Roille Figners said...

It's an outrage! The bus driver has to wait like 10 SECONDS for a woman who ISN'T EVEN AWARE HOW IMPORTANT HIS SUFFERING IS!! Buses were meant to fly free in glory and freedom, unobstructed by human beings and laws, like soaring eagles! Why else do you think they're 30,000 pounds and shaped like a box?

Hey I've got an idea: A fat bike, with front & rear suspension, disc brake in front, drum brake behind, and it's an e-bike, only instead of a battery it runs on liquid fuel is capable of long range travel. Here's an early prototype.

Richard Breaks said...

Anon @1:17 - Rats are pretty common in NYC. Beavers, not so much.

James Watt said...

Some earlier, some later, all cooler prototypes.

Anonymous said...

you forgot about the rockshox paris roubaix fork ----

Spokey said...

P. Bateman said... @ 1305

i have a Hugi hub in the rear (of my biek). you can hear that baby in the next county when you don't pedal. i've always hoped that meant it can't be broken.

Gideon said...

you forgot to mention the most important of cycling related news. The new Pro Cycling Manager game comes out tomorrow!

David Pearce said...


I hate it when I post on Wednesday's blog, and then find out it's Tuesday's. I mean, I only so many artisanally crafted witticisms in me, and now most of you cranks will never read it!

I don't suffer from the problem some authors have, of writing the same novel over and over. I suffer from the problem of writing the same failed half chapter of a novel over and over.

It's Dave.

P.S. Obviously Freddie Merckx is a living example of why not to eat human flesh, i.e., be a cannibal. It turns one's teeth a particularly vivid & lasting shade of yellow!

Anonymous said...

I would rather be beat to death with a 12-inch dildo than ride the bus.

Anonymous said...

Hasn't Cannondale seen Road Bike Party? Or maybe they have, but think the rest of us haven't?

Anonymous said...

Jessica: if you are still looking for an appropriate Fathers Day gift for WIWM, I believe the EDDY70 would be a good idea.
Or you could bake him some cookies. All Dads like cookies baked by their daughters.

PotbellyJoe said...

In a world where we are all victims, all that matters is the size of our lobbyist pool.

Cannondale's Lefty is a weird bit of tech, having ridden more than a few of them. It's nice, but I wouldn't want it near a drop bar anytime soon. I feel like anything over 50mm of travel would be annoying for a drop bar bike. I'd be nervous about steering angle and twitchy-ness.

Anonymous said...

I have a cell phone number from Iowa and can't wait for the pollsters to start calling.
Trump-Cruz! Can't Lose!
I love to fuck with pollsters.

dop said...

If you took the seat off a bikepacker and rode it with the bare post, would it be a fudgepacker bike?

Shawn said...

I am protesting your blog. My protest will involve my checking and reading your blog on a regular basis. So put that in Lob's claw and smoke it.

Bob Patterson said...

Of course Trump will never race bikes. His hair would get caught in the spokes. But I hear all his ex-wives want to be considered Honorary First Ladies. I think he really is running for Emperor of the World.

BTW, in my experience, during the day, if you waited for a crosswalk to be totally clear of people before you turned, you would be there for years. Its like holding the door open to a building with a crowd trying to get in. YOU willnever get in.

Anonymous said...

If Trump won we'd have one smoking hot First Lady.

JLRB said...

is that a bicycle or some kind of rocket ship?

Grump said...

1) I thought that Merckx sold his company. The only part of the bike that is Merckx, is the name on the side.
2) That bike isn't "retro". Look at the top tube. I'm also sure that it is tig welded, without lugs.......The bike, with that crazy price, is a joke.
3) Merckx needs to come clean, so that all his Tour wins are deleted.

Anonymous said...

vsk said ...

Come for the Trump bash, stay for the 12 inch dildo rat beat down.

"wait til people are totally on the sidewalk"...
Yes, like they do in car centric Kolifornia!

Sloppy Podium Kisses to Ms. Babble !


JLRB said...

Excellent investigative blogging, by the way, coming up with the Trump bike race footage. I forgot all about Trump's jock sniffing days...

So, for those keeping score (using old $100 bills as tally sheets) in 1989 he promotes bicycle races and says he is too honest to be a politician ... in 2015 he claims he is running for office and says he will never enter a bicycle race.

If he wins any office above dog catcher I will quit riding. Safest bet ever.

James said...


BikeSnobNYC said...


Well, in his defense, he never did enter a bicycle race, and if you read his batshit crazy speech I have no doubt he's being honest.

--Wildcat Rock Machine

Anonymous said...

I'm convinced to avoid bike shops. When they ask "May I help you?" what they are really asking is "May I fleece you out of as much money as possible buying mostly unnecessary crap, because we've scared most of the public from riding bikes, and now need to make more money from fewer customers, which frankly is a lot easier"

Thank God for Bike Share Bikes where you don't have to talk to those parasites, and no wonder most bike sales are on line or at Walmart where they really don't even care if you are buying a bike, a lot of the clerks probably don't even know what a bike is, probably think its a lawn chair, so O.K. you'll have to "fix" it first, but that is very basic, which is what most bike repairs are, though they act like it is brain surgery at the bike shops....

Anonymous said...

Is NYC Velo in the East Village a good shop?

Anonymous said...

Only in Uh-merica can a man promote a presidential campaign by not riding a bicycle. I've just got back to the UK from a holiday in the States and was amazed to learn that the residents of the suburbs of Washington DC where we stayed are prohibited from hanging their laundry outside as it looks ugly. Even in 100 degree heat everyone uses their tumble dryers. America loves to burn fossil fuels.

Anonymous said...

Who wrote this shit?
"If a person discharges a gun in public, they may well be handcuffed, even if the person had no intention of doing so.."

You mean the person had no intention of discharging a gun or... no intention of being handcuffed..?

Anonymous said...

I met Greg LeMond and Andy Hampsten at the TDT in Albany.

Trump had the same silly hair abomination he has now.

Zunaed said...

Excellent investigative blogging, by the way, coming up with the Trump bike race footage.

Charles said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Don "I named my cock China" Trump said...

I beat China all the time. All the time.

BamaPhred said...

Donald Trump and Marla Maples. Marla is from Dalton, Ga, I think, which bills itself as The Carpet Capital of the World. Trump wears a rug on his head and wants to be Emperor. Go figure. Thanks Snob, now my head hurts, too many permutations on this theme.

Unknown said...

My local bike co-op has a Rock Shox "Ruby" fork, which was the production model one year after the special Paris-Roubaix prototype road suspension fork. It's got like 10-20mm of travel. Unfortunately the threaded 1" steerer tube is very short, so I haven't been able to put it on any of my bikes.

Go-Go-Gadget said...

Did someone say fatbike with suspension?

leroy said...

This morning: 24 miles out from home at a crawl in a modest headwind, 19 miles back toward work only a little easier. Feeling old.

Found myself whistling the "Ebben? Ne andro lontana" aria from La Wally mashed up with a Loretta Lynn standard.

My dog says he's concerned I'm losing it.

I'm not sure what "it" is or if I ever had it.

But some of this probably attributable to the pesticide fumes from the spraying on River Road 2/3rds through the ride the past two Wednesdays.

I think we saw a sign reading "New Jersey: Sanitized For Your Protection."

Charles said...

Is NYC Velo in the East Village a good shop?

Unsolicited response (in that I'm not Snobby), but I've visited NYC Velo in the
East Village on 2-3 occasions over the last couple of years and always walked out
feeling positive, whether I bought something or not. They really made a strong
imporession on me when they had a threaded Campy bottom bracket that I sorely
needed and had just about given up on finding locally (after calling several of
the "high end" shops in NY/NJ).

Good selection of products, mellow vibe, recommend.

Utah Fast Food Eater said...

I like the part of the Trump speech when he waxes poetic on how rich he is

"Yes I have billions several of them...I might need to recount how many but I do know I have billions and that makes me rich" DT

Anonymous said...

I've got three hardtail mountain bikes but only one has a suspension fork. Can you guess which one is in the shop waiting for warranty parts? Blew the Reba out just the other day... JRA

Hee Haw the Barista said...


Anonymous said...

Damnit! All i want to do is come up with a knuckle tattoo for "oversocialized", but I'm blocking.

Anonymous said...

a red bull helment and a strava jersey => role model!

Everbody said...

"We shall Overcomb"

Anonymous said...

Anon @ 2:35 - No shit?

Anonymous said...

Thanks Charles 3:06. That's what I was hoping to hear.
Browsing around bike shop while wife hits SoHo is the plan.
I'll probably spend more than she does.

ubercurmudgeon said...

Trump himself may never have entered a bicycle race, but how can he be sure none of his hair ever has? The best real-hair wigs and transplant kits in the world are widely acknowledged to come from the small towns and villages of the Italian Dolomites, which are the very same communities popular as "training" bases for professional cyclists. The latter are virile young men, keen to literally shave as much weight as possible off themselves, but in constant need of money to pay for "training preparations", while the wig makers are rich but lacking in raw materials. So you do the math. I personally don't believe there is any connection, of course, but to clear up any possible doubts the American people may have, Mr. Trump really needs to provide certified documentary evidence that not one single hair on his head comes from the famously - and perhaps not coincidentally - hairless ex-pro Michael Rasmussen. A man, lest we forget, with deep links to Mexico, the very place Trump now wants to wall off (although someone should tell him Michael has never actually been there.)

Bryan said...

My synapse supposedly has a "micro suspension" built in with the way the carbon is layered. I dont race and it was comfy. I guess it is only a matter of time before we get road lefty forks. A fred amd his miney is soon parted

Dooth said...

So Trump announced his presidential candidacy yesterday at Trump Tower to a crowd of supporters...paid supporters. That's right. He paid an agency to send him a group of supporters. I know an "actor" who had a Trump supporter role. The gig paid $50.00

Anonymous said...


Holy Roller said...

I read all the comments, and NO ONE mentioned Jesus. Sinners! Forget not HE who's Father created the air with which we inflate our tires.
Ps. Except those blowhards that defile what is natural with co2 cartridges.

babble on said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
babble on said...

Dooth - really?? OMG that's sad. Pathetic. Mind you, he probably has enough money to pay people to vote for him. He can fund his own campaign, too, which is easily half the battle.

Anonymous said...

The website for Hostessen Service No Limit has on its home page a big flashing sign

!!!! Geen Escort !!!!

which I believe means,

!!!! No Escort !!!!

Classy !

Dooth said...

babs, for real. Trump blows his own horn. And he pays others to trumpet his cause.

JB said...

Anon @ 3:18: You have 2 hardtails that don't have suspension forks? I thought the definition of "hardtail" was: (noun) A mountain bike with a suspension fork and no rear suspension.

Carpet Cap of the World - was until NAFTA passed. said...

Bama @ 254 - I bet Marla doesn't even have a rug, because Donald, excuse me, I mean The Donald, is wearing it.

Knüt Fredriksson said...

Submarine bikes. It's the next big thing... After drop bar suspended retro gravel bananna seat balance bikes.

Diablo Scott said...

That's MY Tour de Trump youtube...I have ARRIVED!

Anonymous said...

Lantern Rouge...

Will someone think of the cars? said...

Here is how it is done is Oztraya.

McFly said...

Here's some political correctness for ya. Yesterday evening we rode our bykes to the Nathan Bedford Forrest State park and climbed the highest point in West astounding elevation of 669 feet (all in the last MILE). What's nice is ol' Nate was the founder of the KKK and STILL has a state park named after him in 2015. Ironically I kicked a viscous black dog in the face en route.

You'd think a city father would say "Hey maybe we should maybe rename that lil' piece of paradise....."

Pathetic Old Cyclist said...

Will someone...

I just wanted to let you know, someone read your post.

Pathetic Old Cyclist said...


In the true spirit of PC, we are not to malign or judge anyone. All are inherently good and noble.

JLRB said...

Will SOm@3:22 - interesting - I didn't know Remax had offices in Aussieville

what a kunt - and I didn't even have the sound on

McFly said...

What's PC? Politically Correct of Pathetic Cyclist? Yeah it was a different time. A time when people were sold and bartered.

I work with racists. I said "Did you see the church shooting?" and my co-worker says "Yeah but they were all black...."


McFly said...

*or not of

JLRB said...

McFly - Sadly, racism is alive and well in the world, but you can apparently petition to change offensive geographic names

JLRB said...

"Most offensively named places are in remote areas, like Rick Perry’s hunting camp. (New Mexico’s Kraut Canyon, for example, is in a county with fewer than 10 people per square mile.) If there's one in your area, think of it as an opportunity: State boards of geographic names typically welcome petitions to change controversial map labels, as long as you can suggest a suitable alternative. If you have, say, a relative with a strong connection to the area who has been dead for more than five years, you might get the naming rights."

Maybe you can petition to change the name to Recumbababe mound; non-plussed bib-short mountain, etc.

dop said...


dop said...


dop said...


dop said...

a peach

dop said...

probably the Allman Brothers best album

McFly said...

FACT: Monica Lewinski has not held a job since leaving the Oral Office.

THE MORAL OF THIS STORY: If you do a job once and blow it you may not ever have to do a job again.

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

I went on an off-road motorcycling ride to a place in western Montana called Chinaman Lake. Named after the Asian immigrant who settled in the area and built his cabin along the shore of said lake. Funny thing was he was not a Chinaman but Japanese.

dop said...

Was it a Japanese motorcycle?

(my captcha was sushi)

Anonymous said...

Trump the billionaire present. I think we'd do better with Scrooge McDuck. At least then we'd get Huey, Dewey aned Louie.


JB said...

Trump can't think that he could actually win, could he? He just figures it's cheap publicity, I think.

JB said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Greg Allman said...

Lord you got me trapped woman, up on the second floor;
If I get by this time I won't be trapped no more.
So raise your window baby, I can ease out soft and slow.
And lord, your neighbors, no they won't be
Talking that stuff that they don't know.

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

Dop it was a Japanese Moto. An old Suzuki enduro if I remember correctly.

recumbent conspiracy theorist said...

Hey Greg, Never figured you the kinda guy to hang around reading bike blogs. Any ways I recently picked up 1971's Live from Boston Commons. Very good recording. Thanks.


So, McFly, I'd like to know more about the thick, sticky, liquidy dog you had to kick in the face. Did it mess up your shoe?

dop said...

I saw them about 1975 in the Boston Garden. Gregg was completely messed up, slurring words (THIS IS FOR DUANE!?!). It was more like the Dicky Betz show. And someone threw an M80 from the balcony. Kids today just don't understand how much fun we had.

McFly said...

Well....he actually went from vicious to viscous after the 2nd blow.

Anonymous said...

Blowing dogs?

Unknown said...

I could not find a Ball jar that fit any of my bottle cages here in San I resorted to mixing some orange juice and iced tea in the BIG Ball jar (1/2 gallon?), which had apricots soaking in vodka, and created what is sure to be this summer's drink craze, the "Portland Snob".
I would send a photo but that is hi-tch shit and I am an artisinal OLD bike racer.

Unknown said...

East-Tour is an agency that go the extra mile to meet your needs.

Aaron said...

Great Article! I have come to know a lot of things about a bicycle.

Mountain Bikes For Men said...

This is great news for the bicycle industry. Sure, they've successfully managed to convince people that it's impossible to ride a mountain bike ...

Andi said...

Obat Untuk BAB Mengeluarkan Darah ? Segera Hubungi Kami Dan Pesan Obatnya Sekarang Juga di Fast Respond : 087705015423 PIN : 207C6F18. said...

The models were arranged by Hostessen Service No Limit, a company that also provides striptease acts. Its manager, speaking with the BBC and giving his name only as Gerrid, said, “I don’t understand what the problem is.”

David R. Lewis

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