Wednesday, June 24, 2015

The Added Stiffness Of The New Wednesday Allows You To Descend With Confidence

As you may recall, here in New York City the transit workers' union has been lobbying tirelessly to exempt their members from the Right Of Way Law, which makes it a misdemeanor for a driver to strike a pedestrian or cyclist with the right of way:

To that end, they've launched a PR campaign employing such cunning tactics as Twitter-shaming pedestrians crossing with the light:

And there's a bill before the City Council which would once again make right of way violations okey-dokey as long as you're driving a bus:

This local law would exempt MTA bus drivers from Local Law 29-2014, which creates penalties for drivers who fail to yield to pedestrians or bicyclists who have the right of way.

Well, up in Albany (that's the capital of New York State, it has a building shaped like an egg and everything) I'm pleased to announce that our state senators have passed a bill upholding the Right of Way Law and ensuring that bus drivers are treated just like any other driver who hits a pedestrian or cyclist with the right of way.

Just Kidding!!!

No, what they actually did was pass a bill that says police can't detain bus drivers, taxi drivers, and livery drivers at the scene:

“You can’t criminalize an accident. An accident is an accident. And no one should be fearful of being arrested on their job for an accident,” said Sen. Jesse Hamilton of Brooklyn, who said his brother-in-law is a bus operator. “If you’re on the job and you’re not drinking, you’re not impaired by any other influence, you shouldn’t be arrested.”

I've long suspected that most of our laws exist to protect the incompetent and stupid, and this confirms that suspicion.

Also, speaking of incompetent and stupid, Senator Diane Savino chimed in:

“People levy all kinds of insults at our bus operators,” said Sen. Diane Savino of Staten Island. “But this is one insult too many, to expect them to be held to a higher standard than the general public.”

Holy crap, this is idiotic on so many levels.  Firstly this isn't even about holding bus and taxi drivers to a higher standard, it's about holding them to the same standard.  Secondly, why the hell should't they be held to a higher standard?  Have you ever seen a fucking bus?  It's huge!  There's a reason you need a special license to drive one.

Of course you may recall Senator Savino as the author of this memorable quote:

Diane J. Savino i am intrigued, john, right now, i just scream at them out the window of my car. quite a site when i yell, "Hey, find a fucking bike lane and get in it"

We are so fucked.

Anyway, the bill goes to the New York State Assembly next, so tell your assembly member you're against it.

(I realize that the idea opposing things just for the sake of opposing them pretty much undermines the point I'm trying to make, but whatever.)

If nothing else, this whole situation is indicative of a fundamental problem, and this problem is called "New York State:"

("Canada's Skin Tag")

See, New York City comprises nearly half the population of New York State, yet much of our fate is determined by lawmakers in Albany, which is frightening when you consider that New York State north of the Bear Mountain Bridge is a cultural and economic wasteland that makes even Florida seem sophisticated.  This is an entire economy driven by the whims of drunken SUNY students, which is why New York State produces mainly Domino's pizza and Buffalo wings, and why when you factor out the New York City Metropolitan Area your employment prospects in New York State are as follows:

--Pizza and wing delivery specialist (must have own rusted-out '91 Honda Civic);
--Weed dealer (though you'll need a legitimate job such as pizza and wing delivery specialist for cover);
--Sex worker specializing in state legislators.

Trust me, I know what I'm talking about.  I went to a SUNY school.  You could actually take a class called "Rimming Sheldon Silver."

Of course, you could always become an organic farmer, but technically that's the same as working in New York City since your livelihood will depend on selling radishes to rich people in Union Square.

Anyway, I'd say Canada can have New York State north of the city (we get to keep our watershed), but there's no way they'd go for it.

In other news, Frank Schleck won't be riding the Tour de France:

For the first time in more than a decade, a rider with the last name Schleck won’t be racing the Tour de France.

The Schleck brothers were top Tour protagonists for the better part of 10 years, reaching the culmination of sharing the podium in 2011, the first brothers to reach the Paris podium in Tour history.

Which is newsworthy only in that nobody had any idea that he was still riding.

By the way, if you're wondering which Schleck is which, Frank is the one who got busted for doping, and Andy is the one with the hurty tummy:

Watching Frank and Andy Schleck arm wrestling is like watching two cats try to solve the New York Times crossword puzzle.

Lastly, it's no secret that Freds are terrible about leaving their stupid energy gel packets all over the place, and reader informs me that the head of GU Energy Labs has penned an impassioned screed against littering:

Out of some frustration, I started last summer to pick up wrappers I saw while riding. The picture shows my collection from rides around Portland, Berkeley, and other favorite spots. Recently I started logging the locations in Strava.

It was a ride on Emigration Canyon Road above Salt Lake City during Outdoor Retailer that most got under my skin. I picked up seven gel packets on a road remarkably un-littered with beer cans and cigarettes. But it was littered with energy food wrappers. Six were GU's.

Of course I agree with him, yet there's a part of me that feels like he should be out there cleaning up after his customers.  After all, Freds are like feral cats--you shouldn't feed them or else you're going to have a real problem on your hands.  Therefore, inasmuch as he is a maker of Fred fuel, isn't this whole situation at least partially his fault?

Just gel for thought.


  1. 32. The problems of the leftist are indicative of the problems of our society as a whole. Low self-esteem, depressive tendencies and defeatism are not restricted to the left. Though they are especially noticeable in the left, they are widespread in our society. And today’s society tries to socialize us to a greater extent than any previous society. We are even told by experts how to eat, how to exercise, how to make love, how to raise our kids and so forth.

  2. Fatbike was too slow, needs some suspension to be number one.

  3. Podi!....darn. Soup!

  4. Here upstate, we've been suggesting that everything south of and including the Tappan Zee bridge should quit New York and join New Jersey for decades, and we could rename upstate to Ontario or Adirondak or something. And all the people who make Albany horrible would scurry back to NYC like cockroaches when you turn on the light.

  5. Maybe bio-degradable gel wrappers? If that doesn't work, should we be concerned that the contents can't be contained in something bio-degradable?

  6. Karl used to be one of the Marx brothers.

  7. for jobs, you forgot `prison guard`

  8. No comments by Babble yet? She must still be down working on old man Budnitz's Budnitz.

  9. NYC gets what is deserves with all the ultra neolibs in power at the various levels of gubment and edumacation.
    Ya pays yer money, ya takes yer chances.

  10. Ashamed to admit I'm from KYJune 24, 2015 at 12:53 PM

    Since when did Mitch McConnell start looking like Groucho Marx?

  11. “If you’re on the job and you’re not drinking, you’re not impaired by any other influence, you shouldn’t be arrested.”

    I believe that this new law should also apply to drivers that haul Nuclear Waste.

    Accidents will happen.

  12. I'v always been kind of surprised that gels aren't easier to deal with after eating them. You can never get 100% out of the packet and then the remaining 3% makes 100% of the other things in your jersey pocket really sticky.

    If he'd make a better delivery system, there'd be less littering.

    So my commute to NYC under this new bill would go from figuratively killing me, to literally killing me?

  13. "Canada's Skin Tag" Looks like it could be Canada's Snot too.

  14. #shockandawe
    I feel so bad for the cyclists of NYC. In Denver I don't ride my bike on bike to work day because it is amateur day. Reading today's post makes me realize just how lucky I am. I can ride 18 miles to work with little fear of being hit by a car, and 9 of my 18 miles is on a paved pedestrian path heavy utilized by cyclists.

  15. Snob, I want to see a GU wrapper clean up kickstarter stat!

  16. I'm sorry, but isn't the motor vehicle act a law?! And so doesn't it follow that people who deliberately disobey the act have broken the law? And isn't breaking a law a very good reason to arrest someone who has maimed or killed another human being?! But I forgot: the automotive industrial complex is exempt from the laws of mankind.

  17. Rimming Sheldon Silver is easier than rhyming Sheldon Silver.

  18. Babble, I know you’re Canadian but you don’t have to apologize.

  19. Irrelevant commentariatJune 24, 2015 at 1:05 PM

    TedK knuckle tattoo suggestions since ya got a lot of time on your hands


  20. Maybe just maybe the lass in the skinny jeans was trying to send her boyfriend a titty pic. Did they ever think of that? What's more importanter...84 people on mass transit getting to work on time or some lucky dude gettin' his day started with some perk(y)s? I believe we know the answer.

  21. Late. Took a nap.


  22. "This race" is "too important" for me to deal with my gelpack trash properly.

  23. "This race" is also "too important" to eat mere food.

  24. Lol! Thank you. Yes, I suppose it's true, especially when you consider how many times the words I'm sorry preface the word "but" instead of "for." Changes everything, doesn't it?

  25. It's time for Le Tour already?
    Gentlemen, inject your syringes!
    It's the new starter pistol, or whatever it is that is used. Cattle prod, taser, whatever.

  26. Re: litter. Well if you watch the Tour de France or even the Tour of California, there is a virtual rain of water bottles and gel pack wrapperrs from the peleton, strewn uopn the country-side. I wonder, do they have a clean-up crew of prisoners follow-up the next day to clean up?

  27. Irrelevant - You forgot the classic "biggus dickus"

  28. Pathetic Old CyclistJune 24, 2015 at 1:30 PM

    Top Turdy

  29. "a virtual rain of water bottles and gel pack wrappers from the peleton, strewn upon the country-side. "

    In the old days kids would pick up the water bottles, to use them selves or to sell. And the food musettes contained things like bananas, figs and rice cakes. The only wrapper through away were bio-degradable.

    Now-a-days there are certain marked sections of the course where the riders can throw things away. There are fine for throw bottles/trash out side these areas. Someone (not sure who) picks up after the race.

  30. Let's get a Kickstarter going to send Jesse Hamilton and Diane Savino on the next voyage of the Costa Concordia, whose captain was not drinking or otherwise impaired. Accidents will happen, and when they do, they should happen to fatheads, not people crossing in a crosswalk.

  31. Nice, mention of the Albany Egg! Did anyone in here go check out Mike Gordon there last Friday?


    Egg, schmegg. What about the QE2?!?

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  33. Le Tour (ASO) has a crew that "sweeps" the course cleaning up any trash, etc.

  34. R.I.P QE2.
    Rest in pink Don Featherstone

  35. Looking forward to the new poster "Mow her down; it's our right!" To compensate, they'll require a helment law for wexters. To be fair, a helment would be pretty useful while walking and texting - those lamp posts smart!

  36. Wow!! Can't get to the twitter link, but that (likely?) TWU poster is offensive
    on so many levels, I can't find the words. Sad to know that my tax dollars are
    at work here.

    We really are fucked.......

  37. If bus drivers are held to account for criminal negligence at the wheel, where would it stop? Next you'll be wanting cops to be held reasonable for shooting people. Then bankers for crashing economies. Eventually, even politicians wouldn't be able to get away with starting wars on fabricated evidence, or covering up the illegal acts of their supporters. And then where would we be? People might start to care about truth, and value the lives of others. What kind of hellish society would it be, if extrovert show-offs couldn't open their mouths and let any crap come out, safe in the knowledge that nobody gives a damn.

  38. Was riding in NYC last week - bus drivers SHOULD be held to a higher standard. How about dash cams since technology seems to be the replacement for training and upholding the law. A few buses yielded to cyclists where appropriate; but mostly buses came as close as they could. How is this different from cabbies being able to run over cyclists with impunity? Neither should be a protected class.

  39. I'm a cyclist and a bus enthusiast (we have such weird things here in the UK). If you were to suggest immunity from prosecution for failing to give way to a pedestrian on a crossing here in Britain or anywhere in Europe you'd be laughed at. I can scarce believe that this is even an issue. I don't think any bus drivers' union member here would think such a policy would be in any way a good idea either.

  40. Schleck's/Cats/NYT crossword...GOLD Snobby, Gold!!

  41. Except that GU isn't in any way "healthy."

  42. Anonymous 2:37pm,

    Hey, riding a racing bicycle to the point of intense pain and at the expense of any other sort of mental or physical activity while at the same time consuming processed energy foods is the very definition of "healthy!"

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  43. At least it's not Rimming Sheldon Brown.

  44. @George Fairbaim 2:32,

    We are the country with "open carry" laws. And that does not mean you can openly carry an alcoholic beverage (highly illegal). Rather, it means you can openly carry a loaded semi-automatic firearm into restaurants, bars, movie theaters, hospitals, churches, public parks, public streets, etc. Etc.

    And look how well that's going for us.

    Point being, the law to allow bus operators and taxi drivers to mow down pedestrians with impunity makes a certain amount of sense. You just have to look at it from the right angle. (The American Way).

  45. "This is one insult too many, to expect them to be held to a higher standard than the general public.”

    The "higher standard" bit is how you know, she isn't aware you're not allowed to run people over.

  46. Kickstarter for a leather encrusted trash receptacle that hangs from your handlebars for spent GU packs? Maybe with a recycle option for the environment conscious hipster?

  47. Pathetic Old CyclistJune 24, 2015 at 3:02 PM

    You can't prosecute for accidents, even if you do it on purpose.

  48. Hee Haw the baristaJune 24, 2015 at 3:09 PM


  49. “If you’re on the job and you’re not drinking, you’re not impaired by any other influence, you [can do whatever you want]."

    Is this a Simpsons episode? The absurdity is very high.

  50. Mr Snob

    As a life long resident of CNY I take exception to your downstate, big city smugness. I graduated from your alma mater and when I was there was always appalled by the attitudes of those students who hailed from the NYC/Long Island regions. They were a bunch of self important arrogant bastards. That was back in the 70's and I see that the attitude has not changed.

    Come spend some time Upstate in the presence of nice people. Our bus drivers don't need a law telling them not to run over pedestrians/bikers.

    I can get on my bike, ride for 10 minutes and be out in the country, enjoying the road and yeah, maybe the odor of cow shit. That is a lot better than your bullshit.

  51. bikeshepherd,

    I was merely venting. It is my job as a sarcastic blogger to exude big city smugness. I completely agree that NYC/LI college students are some of the biggest douchebags on the planet earth--though fortunately for you most of them return downstate after six or seven years once they've attained their undergraduate degree.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  52. You're in rare form today, Mr. Snob

    So what color was your civic? I feel generous today!

    "Pizza and wing delivery specialist (must have own rusted-out '91 Honda Civic);
    --Weed dealer (though you'll need a legitimate job such as pizza and wing delivery specialist for cover);
    --Sex worker specializing in state legislators."

    I was a commercial fisherman's assistant!

    PS Governor took down the Battle Flag of Northern Virginia from the state capital today, I'm outside looking for the flying pigs, or snowballs, due to it being hot as hell.

  53. bikeshepherd,

    Also, I can ride for 10 minutes and be in Yonkers.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  54. Glad to see the UCI is cleaning house... of it's old logo.

    Rebranding for all!

    I like upstate NY. It's a great place to drive through when I go to places that are worth the travel, like Toronto.

  55. I hitch-hiked to Elmira once. Found it easy to get two rides. It was a different time.

  56. Footnote: Whatever you got down there in Binghamton, consider yourself lucky you're not in Ithaca where all the SUPER d-bag students hang.

  57. Yeowza, the commentariat is hot hot hot today, and our leader is amongst us, too! THAT's the way (uh huh uh huh) I like it! (uh huh uh huh)

    Ubercurmudgeon - +++ Hear hear! If ever that were to happen, we might just have found ourselves in a true democracy, instead of the protofacscist corporatocracy intent on destroying civil liberties (like the right to cross the street safely) today.

    Mr Fairbaim - the UK is generally a little more civilized than we are out here in the wild wild west. My God, the bus drivers over there actually give change! Imagine that. And since we are in a tighter death grip of the automotove'industrial complex than you are, the motorist's right to maim and kill with abandon must not be questioned. Not. Ever.

    Bikeshepherd... chill, dude. Surely you've been reading long enough to know that bullshit is the name of the game. And come on, he made his point loud and clear when he admitted to that being his alma mater, don'tcha think? The clue is in the byline: "No offence to the criticized."

  58. Well Mr Snob
    You need to remember that we Upstaters are a tad touchy about Downstater attitudes about "the sticks".

    Have a good ride and watch out for the busses.

    Teenagers with empty beer cans are the bane of the Upstate cyclist.

  59. Gel packs are thrown down because they're sticky. Invent a container that biodegrades or isn't sticky.

    Anybody make a booze gel?

  60. Pathetic Old CyclistJune 24, 2015 at 4:16 PM


    I actually experienced the reverse effect....sent my sweet boy away to western NY ( Brockport, one bar town) and he came back a douchebag. little fucker comes home and starts telling me what I do wrong, little snot! Had to tear him a new one, tell him to STFU until he mangages to put in one full work week. Stinkin' little Long Island fuckers!

  61. vsk said ...

    "Have you ever seen a fucking bus? It's huge!"
    Sometimes there really is a time to state the obvious. And that time is now or nigh or night time or something.

    I'm no nanny state advocate but in the middle of the cold cruel heartless city to have throngs of defenseless (except for the concealed carry folks, oh wait, there are no guns in NYC, got it) pedestrians compete with multi ton objects for cross walk real estate is really outta control. Traffic snarls, crosswalk snarls, cyclists forced to do the chess game of lane selection (bike lane or not).
    I don't know what the answer is. Who's gonna bell the cat?

    When I go home on my trusty Olmo Competizione from the Mid of Town to Bucolic Bay Ridge (not quite Yonkers; no horse shit, no bull shit, just artisAnal dog shit), I'm gonna Find a Bus Lane and Get the Fuck Innit !!

    Just finished my protein bar, now where'd I put that wrapper...


  62. Babble

    number one, don't call me a dude, I am a lady (a slightly old wrinkly one)

    number two, there has been an Upstate-Downstate divide in NY as long as there has been a New York. It is a game we New Yorkers play. It is fun and it is harmless. Each side thinks they are better for: fill in blank here: reason.

    have a fab riding day

  63. lets put the union rep, the senator and all the other supporters on foot for a few days navigating the mean streets and crosswalks with the drivers maintaining their schedule. One of them needs an MTA logo in the forehead to realize the foolishness they propose.

  64. If James Schlecter of 453 Main St. wanted a gelpack-free lawn, he would make them non-sticky or biodegradeable! Come on, James Schlecter of 453 Main St.!!!! How am I supposed to remember these things were sticky the last time I bought them?

  65. You know your Union has power when you can legalize murder for your members. Now THAT'S a benefit!

  66. That reminds me of the Ojibwa tribesman who went hunting with his son. He put his ear to the ground & said, "Buffalo Come"

    His son said, "Wow, Dad! How can you tell?"

    "Sticky", was all his old man said.

  67. Blimey Snob, is the NY state law thing a joke or what? I lost touch with American satire after I found out that Ann Coulter was not a satirist's straw (wo)man but an actual politician.

  68. Ms Shepherd - well, haven't I been put in my place waaaaaaay over on the left coast. As ever, I am happy to find another female face on the comment board. Please do pardon my sexism. :)

  69. My cats have never solved the Times crossword, but they love to stretch out on it. They prefer the Times to the local papers we also get.

  70. As far as I know, Ann Coulter has never been a politician (i.e., run for public office).

  71. All The Black People in PortlandJune 24, 2015 at 6:29 PM

    You forgot prisons, Snob-- upstate NYC is ** great ** for the corrections biz, tho' sometimes incidents do happen.

    Also, there are good hot dogs in Troy.

  72. FnA this new Wednesday is pretty stiff. Got me in the mood for tacos.

  73. Troy! I mean, Troy? It's still there? I heard there's no there there. Anyway, I was there in the 80's for my little brother's graduation from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute...saw a bit of Albany and what looked like Dracula's castle.

  74. Mmmm stiff. I love a good stiffy.

  75. This comment has been removed by the author.

  76. I work for the Canada Post Corporation in the capacity of a fork-lift operator. If I have even one incident, then I get my licence pulled for a year! I have been able to get around this policy by just sitting on my machine all day doing nothing.

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  78. I grew up in Burnt Hills (half way betwixt Schenectady & Saratoga). It's what you call a good place to be from.

  79. The nice thing about being slightly upstate....most of my daily rides I see more cats than cars, typically I might encounter one local in a pick up and maybe a couple Subaru loads of Bard kids.

  80. *Full Name/Company Name: BSNYC COMMENTING CONCERN, LLC

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  81. I hitch-hiked to Elmira once. Found it easy to get two rides. It was a different time.

    cara menurunkan berat badan

  82. So, doing a little deductive reasoning, Snobbo went to a SUNY school, and is familiar with QE2, so most likely a SUNY Albany grad. Same folks brilliant enough to film themselves doing illegal shit and then post it on YouTube ( You may have puked on my lawn at some point. Nice to see you've overcome your past and become a productive member of society. And Dooth, it looks like Hogwarts, not Dracula's castle (assuming you are talking about the old Delaware and Hudson building, now NYS Dormitory Authority).

    -Just a bike dork in Albany

  83. I think he's a neo paltzian

  84. @Anonymous 10:36

    Snobi Wan let it slip in March that his Alma Mater was in the bracket and that he could not have cared less about that fact.

    No deductive reasoning required. It's not that important.

    I graduated from a major University named after a Revolutionary War hero with two streets named after him in NYC.

    But what does that have to do with the prices of carbon fiber eggs in China?

  85. PotbellyJoe - what's "in the bracket"? And we have to do something to amuse ourselves in the cultural wasteland up here.

  86. After a good deal of contemplation I am ready to state that, indeed, he is partly to blame for the problem.

  87. Living in Arkansas, where we thought of places like New York as modern and far ahead of the rest of us, I thought all that BikeSnob wrote was fictional humor. Then I moved to Syracuse where I was immediately taken back to what cycling was like 20 years ago in Arkansas, one of the places that comes to mind when you hear the word "backwards". (If you're two decades behind "backwards", does that make you 2 decades advanced?) Geez, even in the shadow of that big ski jump thing in Lake Placid today I saw a wooden sign telling cyclists to ride single file on the shoulder. The sign was on a stretch of road (River Road) with no shoulder. I now read BikeSnob NYC as the sad truth and am glad he does such a great job of addressing the problems and making them public in an entertaining way.

  88. I think I love babs. Just sayin.

  89. Ted K Podium King!

  90. Snobbo, a few words from The Land Down Under a Mandatory Hemlet: ha ha, you suck worse than us.

  91. millican...only solution is to pull off river road & go fishing in the'll feel better (but keep on the look out for Matt & sign of them last weekend up at Old Forge)

  92. "TedK knuckle tattoo suggestions since ya got a lot of time on your hands"

    I do have time on my hands, but I have not be able to meet a jail-house tattoo artist to put ink on my hands. (We are all in permanent solitary here so no one meets anyone.)

    If I did and was inclined to get ink, I think I would go for:


  93. "Here upstate, we've been suggesting that everything south of and including the Tappan Zee bridge should quit New York and join New Jersey for decades, and we could rename upstate to Ontario or Adirondak or something. And all the people who make Albany horrible would scurry back to NYC like cockroaches when you turn on the light."

    Awwwwww did someone get butthurt?

  94. Is it just me or is 'babble on' SUPER-annoying?

  95. Every One Else HereJune 25, 2015 at 8:29 AM

    It is you.

  96. Most definitely just you.

  97. bad boy of the northJune 25, 2015 at 9:00 AM

    Awww....couldn't you say anything above the rip van winkle bridge?(duck and cover)

  98. Thank you, gentlemen! :')
    Poor little anonytroll. Go get yourself a donut.

  99. maybe above the Thadeus Kosciusko bridge (the one over the Mohawk, not the one on the BQE)

  100. The crew on the S.S. Just Kidding strikes me as the type of couple that would lure a deckhand down below and proceed and let the captain watch.


    wednesday WAS commendably stiff!!
    had to wait til it was over to be sure


  102. I had a strong urge this morning to run over some pedestrians who were crossing with the light. Alas, I am not a bus driver.

  103. Wah? Race of Austrians Across Merica over already?

    Hope Tesgaard pulls through ... :-(

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  106. Bike accident was terrible.. Great adventure is Buses in NYC. Buses are slow and have really expensive tickets. I often see alternative routes that site (, but I'm riding anymore than by bus.

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