Wednesday, November 19, 2014

This Wednesday is Your Wednesday, This Wednesday is My Wednesday...

The Hall of Useless Bike Inventions is littered with crap designed by people trying to "improve" an already perfectly functional piece of cycling equipment that simply isn't for them.  All those anatomic seats, for example?  Simply the product of riders who won't accept that they belong on a recumbent:

Or how about that rolling hernia truss?

Same thing there: deep, deep recumbent denial.

Clipless pedals are another invention that work quite well for what they are, but are not for everybody.  If you enjoy the sensation of having your shoes attached to your pedals for certain types of riding, there are many different proven styles of clipless pedals from which to choose.  Or, if you find clipless pedals annoying or useless, which they arguably are in plenty of scenarios, you can always just say "Fuck it" and ride with any of the gazillion styles of flat pedals out there.  And then you've got all sorts of toeclips, straps, bits of nylon and Velcro, and so forth if you want something in between.

Done, and done.

Nevertheless, there are some people who insist on using clipless pedals even though they don't like them, and now one Kickstarter is harnessing one of nature's greatest unsolved mysteries to create an alternative foot retention system:

I am referring, of course, to the magnet.  Behold: The Maglock Magnetically Locking Bike Pedal!

Here are the Maglock inventor's issues with regular clipless pedals:

1) Tough to clip out:

No it isn't.

2) Tough to clip in.

Also no.

3) There's a steep learning curve.

It takes a few rides really, not a big deal in the context of a lifetime of cycling.

4) Not all clipless pedals are adjustable.

Yeah, but a lot of them are, so if you want adjustable pedals just use those.

5) The existing clipless pedal isn't compatible with street shoes.

Isn't that the point of them?

By the way, I have a sincere question: the inventor lives in Salt Lake City, he's suspiciously clean-cut for a mountain biker, and he's got a shirt with a collar on it:

("I am now going to eat this Maglock.")

So is he a Mormon or what?

I just like to know what I'm dealing with here, that's all.

Anyway, instead of just not bothering with clipless pedals because he finds them to be a pain in the ass, he's gone ahead and made these magnet pedals:

"Instead of having to twist your foot, all you have to do is pronate it and it will pop right out."

Seems to me any pedal that releases when you "pronate" your foot isn't offering you the type of foot retention you'd find useful for mountain biking anyway, and so you might as well just use flat pedals and be done with it--though I do think they'd be great for triathletes:

Clipless pedals serve absolutely no purpose for triathletes other than making it even more difficult for them to mount their bicycles.  I'm not sure why they haven't realized this and simply started riding in their running shoes, but apparently they think clipless pedals "legitimize" them as athletes somehow, so a remedial idiot-proof magnet system with no real performance benefit seems like it would be perfect for them.

Speaking of gratuitous retention, here's a helment hook called the "Helmetor®:"

This is a problem, really?  I thought everybody knew this is how you hang a helment from your bike while not riding:

I do like the name Helmetor® though, since it sounds like some kind of vehicular cycling superhero:

And if you like bike advocacy jokes you'll love this cartoon:

Huge nerds are already debating the accuracy of Forester's wardrobe on Twitter, so you know they nailed it.

And here in America's Number One Bike-Friendly City According To A Magazine Based In A Pennsylvania Borough With 11,000 People In It, things continue to get better for cyclists, and the new 20mph speed limit in Central Park should help with the constant police attention that makes this such a great place to ride a bike:

Yes, in most discussions of the new speed limit the subtext seems to be that it's because of all those killer cyclists:

In late September, Jill Tarlov, 59, died from injuries she sustained when a cyclist crashed into her in a crosswalk on West Drive at West 62nd Street. About a month earlier, a 75-year-old jogger was killed after being hit by a cyclist on East Drive at East 72nd Street. This past weekend, U2 frontman Bono hurt his arm while cycling in the park.

DNAinfo reported last month that within Central Park, 35 people had been hit by cyclists in Central Park while only one had been hit by a car so far this year, according to police. 

Oh, please.  It's totally irresponsible to imply that the old speed limit was responsible for Bono's crash.  Not only do I doubt Bono could crank that Specialized up to 25, but I also happen to have it on good authority that he hit the deck after his jersey snagged on his Helmetor®.

That's not to say I'm not for a safer Central Park, or that there aren't a bunch of bonehead cyclists in it, but given all the police activity there recently I'm relatively certain I'll never attempt to ride in there ever again.

Aw, fuck it, I'm just getting one of these:

Now that's vehicular cycling.


  1. So if you put a bicycle invention on Kickstarter, and Mr. Snob does not make fun of it in this blog, can we assume he approves of it?

  2. I'm still confused about the magic underwear.

  3. Those powerful magnets will suck all the iron out of your blood to your feet and allow you to use EPO.

    Every few thousand years, the Earth's magnetic poles flip polarity, keep your receipt.

  4. who is john forester?
    why does anyone except his mother care who he is?

  5. Is the maglock shill a Mormon? the sacred undergarments should be a giveaway.

    inspiring and slightly disturbing blog post throughout. Good job.

  6. If I ever ride faster than cars, I guess I'll know I'm speeding. I'd like to see drivers actually obey a 20mph limit, though. Let Helmetor deal with the lawbreakers...

  7. Police van circling Brooklyn this morning playing tape recorded message that the new speed limit is 25 mph.

    Wish I could say I saw it make a left turn thru a red light, but I'm not sure.

    But if it did, it did so very slowly.

  8. On the plus side of the magnet pedals, organic bikes would trip the sensors at stoplights.

  9. is the maglock shill a Mormon? the sacred undergarments should be a giveaway.

    Doubt it, magnets are the devil's work, although Brigham Young did use magnets in a crude GPS setup to keep track of his 16 wives and 46 children. Don't tell me his underwear wasn't magic, that record stood until 2012, broken by Jens Voigt.

  10. -"deep, deep recumbent denial"

    Frickin hilarious. And so true.

  11. Those ELFs are all over the roads here in Carrboro & Durham. They're pretty freakin' cool.

  12. How did the Helmetor guys get Sir Ben Kingsley to narrate their kickstarter video?

  13. gold mine today snobbie

    so the bottom line is the mag guy uses what appears to be bieksickling shoes anyway. I use spds because i can walk all around or hop on a biek. i also fell exactly twice in the first couple weeks of using spds. i think i've gone over a couple more times over the years.

    i hang my helment from the knob on the break hood by looping one or both straps over it. what's wrong with that. For storage, the box it came in sits on a shelf in the garage. I slide the helment in to it on the way inside. seems to have worked for years now.

  14. hopefully the City will be as effective at enforcing the new CP bike speed limit as they have been with car speed limits, which is not at all. Problem is there is tons of data behind the fact that there is a huge difference in fatality levels of getting hit with a 4,000lb car at 35 versus 25. What are the stats on being hit by a bike a 25 vs 20, which backs up this latest well thought out move by the NYPD? Oh I forgot, notwithstanding the two unfortunate incidents this year there is nearly no history of bike on ped fatalities to go by. Fuck that shit.

  15. It's Helmentor, not Helmetor.

  16. who is john forester?

    i've got his book. don't bother.

    oops. let me take that back. anyone want the "can't put it down" sixth edition of Effective Cycling from MIT Press? today only 1/2 off (tomorrow only 2/3 off . . .)

  17. That clown photo made me hope that you were going to expound on the Insane Clown Pussy and what they mean to stupid, wood alcohol drinking white trash dipshits everywhere. Instead, you expounded on the MagLock pedals, which appear to be marketed towards cycling dipshits who can't make up their minds in the clipless or flat debate and who opt for a heavy, kludgy pedal that embodies the worst aspects of both. Insane Clown Pussy would have probably been better

  18. I am going to compete with magnet boy - I bet used chewing gum would hold about as well as the magnetic force.

  19. The dude from SLC has really white teeth, so yes he's Mormon.

  20. When the earth's polarity flips, you just flip the magnetic pedal over.

  21. Who is going to separate all the triathletes who buy magnetic pedals, crash on the first bend, and fuse together into one super-dense ball of soggy flesh, crabon, wetsuits and aero-helments.

  22. When the earth's polarity flips, your bike will be riding you. in the biblical sense

  23. Thanks JLRB. He must have hit the pavement pretty hard
    The clip less learning curve is pretty short when you forget to clip out in traffic. It is possible to yank those puppies straight off the pedals, given proper motivation.

  24. Ha! For sure for sure, Commie, and it will be a lot more fun than that one... :D

  25. Bono crashed while avoiding another cyclist. But what actually caused the crash. Does anyone know if he hit the edge of something?

  26. A kilo and a half for a pair of pedals! Jesus H. tap-dancing Christ on a stick! oops, sorry.
    And MAVIC already makes a pair so why bother . . .

  27. Don't ride very much
    anymore. Busy writing
    Juggalo Haiku.

  28. Wow - Bono bashed himself up pretty good. I wonder if we are related, you know, beyond all of those bionic parts...

  29. Early COD's to CommieC at 1:11 and uberC at 1:52.

    Haven't heard from McFly yet. Things could change.

  30. "...hit the edge..."

    What, did the Edge start the guitar solo before Bono was done singing again?

  31. Jerry Seinfeld has an ELF

    not sure why

  32. Nice picture, Babs!

  33. aw babs. nice pic, but the old one was cute

  34. Nice photo Babs. Next one, just the legs, and nothing but the legs, please. I'm actually more of a breast man, but in your case I'll make an exception.

  35. Snob-

    The split seat sans nose would have help this young lady avoid the terrible chafing she received riding her bike

  36. Babs-

    I think the arched brow echoes the sculpted calves...but I'm a perv

  37. A couple of observations regarding MagLock guy: (1) I live in SLC and I "race"* MTB and I don't know that guy. I recognize neither his face nor his name. (2) Yes, he's a Mormon. Aside from the fact that he totally looks like a Mormon, his example of customized anodized accents that can be added to the pedal is emblazoned with the BYU logo and colors. Mormons get all jizzy over BYU; not so much so for non-Mormons.

    *I am not trying to make anybody think that I think that I am a big shot becuase I "race." I am a shitty racer. I mostly do it for the camaraderie and the post-race beers.

  38. vsk said ...

    Multiple Echoes of Praise for the Come Hither Babble pic !
    ... Southern exposure always much appreeesh as well !!

    The tires, tyres, and pneus need to meet a minimum psi value for riding and I am finding out in my older age there needs to be a minimum amount of degrees outside to support 2 wheeled life. For me, today still didn't cut it.
    Although I did see someone on a Specialized Cirrus or some such climbing the Manhattan Bridge from the D Train that I do not own. He was the only one I saw. Nice to have the bits of byke infrastructure all to yourself.

    My US size 10 1/2 feetses like a nice MKS BM7 red anodized BMX looking pedal with Soma or some type of large size dual gate toe clip (Red anodized of course!).
    Also what works well is an MKS RX-1 with the same afore mentioned large toe clip. I will put one of these setups on my Olmo when the disposable pedals and plastic clips finally wear out (Most people would say they are well past that point already but my desire to go a-wrenchin is in the same place with all the climate changed globally cooled degrees we are missing).

    Only 50 weeks til the next Philly Snob Related seminar and cap give-away with a bike show or something 2 boot!

    Stay warm !!

    vsk 216

  39. Ah fuckit, I'm leasing an ELF.

    Where do I hang my helment?

  40. Today I did a multi-modal thing to get to work, portaging a bit cause I'm part pussy/not ready for sub-freezeies quite yet. Forgot to put the helment that I own in the car that I own so I rocked a balaclava with the woo hoo hoo hat on top. Total dorkass!

  41. That Elf is pretty freakin' cool for being a recumbent. Enjoy 'Murica for the next week, friends. I'll be in the land of fine wine and baguettes...and some sort of famous bicycle race/tour. Taking only 5 robots with me.

  42. Like the helment hanging tip. Warning: if you're rocking the goofy tiller styleageway you'll need to rock a long face for those straps to reach around to the headset. Good thing I sold my one quill stemmed bike.

  43. better a goofy tiller than a dutch rudder

  44. So nobody else is turned on by the animated gifs (and no, not the little kid one) on the Helmanator KS site? Lot's of test boinking, alien IUD probe inserting, BDSM helment restraining..... pretty kinky stuff.

  45. Mister Wildcat.
    Really. All that talk about recumbent denial, and you didn't see fit to show us the best example of Recumbabe who doesn't use magnetic pedals. Report directly to Helmentor.

  46. I feel like bike-themed transport should be careful with naming things ELF considering the Earth Liberation Front...

    Don't give "whoodashoodacoudapuddiminnaDEEEATCH" anymore excuses...

    107 robots can't be wrong.

  47. those hooks will never fit right with my bell biker healment

    civilized gyfirat that's all it is, just civilized gyfirat

  48. Yesah, the mileage meter includes artificial parts in all our fredly pursuits. The lucky rider indeed who can forego the titanium urges your doctor keeps insisting are the right kind of upgrade you need.

    And - some of you know- ti parts are EXPENSIVE when they're JIS. ;) like two thousand dollars a bolt for the big ones. The plates are probably even more pricey.

    When you need replacement parts because of a bike ride and the parts aren't for the BIKE, fred status is bestowed on you, even if you can still fake it in the peloton.

  49. bad boy of the northNovember 19, 2014 at 6:08 PM

    didn't andy griffith play maglock?

  50. The reason that Mr. Maglock invented the Maglock pedal is because he finally get fed up with crashing because of trouble getting out of his Cinelli M71 pedals......and everyone knows that they were a bitch to get out of.

  51. FYI 90 seconds is too much duration to heat a HappySac in the microwave.....45 would've been sufficient.

  52. You know, Bono is such a great guy and all - we oughta do a fundraiser to cheer him up. I'll pledge a penny a mile for all my rides for the rest of this month, and if y'all match me we'll have $89.17 in no time. We could send him some magnetic testicle stabilizers to make the sacs happy, and a Snob Woo-hoo cap, and tell him about the ELF, which is totally green and very safe too!

    Wait a minute - I forgot - we can't mail to him, because where he's at, the streets have no name... never mind.

  53. Lol! ^^

    And thanks, guys... it was the only way google would let me post a pussy shot. Maybe next time I will do a legs legs and nothing but the legs shot. And maybe I will actually find some time to post something this week!

  54. More Dunkin Donuts mayhem: Rt 222 in Berks County PA, fatal truck accident in the parking lot.

  55. Checked on the clean cut Salt Lake kickstarter. DNA matches with Brigham Young. Mormon? Affirmative!!
    His day job is selling acai berry miracle drinks using network marketing. BTW I would like to talk to you about an incredible business opportunity.

  56. Not that they will, but if the mag pedals ever did catch on, just wait for all the insane knee problems from all of that pronating to disengage the pedal ...

  57. guess snobbies spam filter ain't workin that well.

    thought i'd grab the 3/4 crit podi before leroy did.

  58. shit

    lost because of the frickin robot. took six shots to post above. where's the complaint department?

  59. so i'm listening to the on the half hour news. They're talking about bonobo. Fractures to eye sockets, the 18 screws, injuries to face, hands, shoulder etc. etc. AND of course at the end - - drum roll - -

    "I wonder if he was wearing a helment"

  60. Maybe Bono can produce a documentary about his experience, "Bury my Scranus at Wounded Orbit"

    I'm sorry. Nothing Humerus about his injuries.

  61. The best thing about the emergence of the Maglock pedals is that I hopefully will never have to listen to someone wonder out loud why nobody has ever tried magnetic pedals. Because it is as stupid of an idea as the religion of Mormon. Uh oh, guess that means they might get popular, cause said stupid religion is the fastest growing religion in the world.

  62. magneticmormonmoronathon

  63. This is not my large automobile

  64. nothing - I just look purty

  65. pigs to slaughter

  66. Mikael Colville-AndersenNovember 20, 2014 at 11:37 AM

    I am bike adovocacy

  67. Helments. So was he wearing a helment or not? Don't keep us in suspense, Spokey.

  68. Find a fucking ______ [pick one] and get in it



  70. Is BONO Turkish?

    Smash him, crash's Bonobo

  71. I couldn't ride my bike today

  72. Can I borrow a shovel?

  73. Let's reinvent the wheel

  74. I'll lead one of you out.

  75. hey, watch the snot rocket

  76. Someone else will certainly steal the prize

  77. JLRB double podium. Century and the coveted 12PM. Congrats.

  78. Snob,

    We need you. Bono got fucked up pretty bad(ly).

    BUT, instead of reporting the germane facts of the accident which would have served the cycling community and suggested a way forward to better safety; they instead report on how many fucking pieces he was in after the accident.

    BUT, rest assured, the NYPD in the Greatest Bicycling City in the Solar System will prevent such occurrences in the future by cracking down on cyclists for riding over cycle lane logos or some other such shit.

    Apparently there was another cyclist involved coming in the wrong direction. Was that cyclist hit or injured?

    It was reported as a high energy accident. What exactly the fuck is that?

    Bono got a serious head injury around his eyesocket. Did his helmet protect the rest of his head?

    Come on bro, help us understand.

  79. Babs,

    Noted similarities between Bono's crash and yours. I wonder if you were both still clipped in when you contacted the road.

    Seriously. are clipless pedals a liability in a panic situation?

  80. bama

    there was no answer.

    the news ain't shit anymore. instead of the great investigative reporting of the past, they all steal from fox, huffpuff, drudge, tweety, or if really lame yahoo.

  81. note to self

    when crashing, don't panic, save a shoulder

  82. My 2 cents: In my crashes above 15 mph, my clipless pedals have always released (thank you Mr. Look) I have had awkward falls under 5 mph where I stayed clipped in:

    1) Dog on long leash wanders in front of me on mixed-use-trail. I fall harmlessly on my side (like arte Johnson) in pine needles

    2) Skewer slips on steep knoll, rear wheel wedges against seat stays, I fall into a ditch filled with leaves

    3) I stupidly downshift into the granny ring while fatigued on a steep climb. Too slow, wheel flop follows. I aim bike for grassy shoulder, and hit low asphalt curb...fall on curb, break ribs, tear small artery in thigh, surgery that night to decompress thigh (blow me Mr. Look)

  83. Would someone please waking up the world's greatest bike flogger! This is why the demise of vino, the helper monkey, was so tragic. Guy might be face down in his fruit loops.


  84. good
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    Obat Wasir Akut
    Pengobatan Ambeien atau Wasir Akut
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    Obat Ambeyen Akut
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    Obat Ambeien Tanpa ke Dokter
    Obat Ambeien Akut
    Obat Wasir Akut
    Pengobatan Ambeien Akut Tanpa ke Dokter
    Cara Cepat Mengobati Penyakit Wasir
    Cara Cepat Mengobati Penyakit Ambeien
    Mengobati Penyakit Wasir atau Ambeien
    Cara Cepat Mengobati Penyakit Wasir atau Ambeyen
    Cara Aman Mengobati Penyakit Wasir
    Cara Aman Mengobati Penyakit Wasir
    Cara Aman Mengobati Penyakit Wasir atau Ambeyen
    Cara Aman Untuk Mengobati Penyakit Wasir atau Ambeien
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    Beli Obat Wasir Ambeien Herbal yang Terdaftar BPOM
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    Pengobatan Alami Penyakit Ambeien atau Wasir
    Obat Tradisional Penyakit Ambeien
    Obat Tradisional Penyakit Wasir
    Obat Tradisional Ambeien atau Wasir
    Pengobatan Tradisional Penyakit Ambeien atau Wasir

  85. Cara Mengobati Ambeien __ Ambeien yang sudah stadium tinggi dapat menyebabkan rasa sakit pada bagian tulang belakang bawah. Anda juga bisa mengalami pendarahan yang berlebihan jika tidak segera menangani Ambeien. Penyebab Ambeien biasanya terjadi karena beberapa hal. Cara Mengobati Penyakit Ambeien

    Cara Mengobati Kemaluan Bernanah __ Solusi alami pengobatan gonore kencing nanah di rumah sehat harapan kita. Cara cepat mengobati kelamin atau kemaluan yang bernanah paling ampuh melalui obat kemaluan keluar nanah Gang Jie dan Gho Siah dari De Nature Cara Mengobati Kemaluan Pria Bernanah

    Nama Obat Sipilis _ Anda sedang menderita penyakit sipilis atau raja singa ? Segeralah untuk di obati karena jika dibiarkan akan menjalar keseluruh tubuh dan bahkan akan menular ke orang lain, simaklah artikel berikut yang mengulas tentang penyakit sipilis atau raja singa dan cara mengobatinya. Nama Obat Sipilis Alami

    Obat Ambeien Ambejoss __ OBAT WASIR AMPUH HERBAL DE NATURE INDONESIA Aman dan Ampuh Sembuhkan Penyakit Wasir / Ambeien / Hemoroid Dengan Cepat Tanpa Efek Samping Di Khususkan Untuk Penyakit Wasir / Ambeien / Hemoroid Obat Ambeien Herbal Ambejoss

    Kemaluan Pria Bernanah _ Pencegahan Gonore Menggunakan lateks kondom secara konsisten dan benar selama berhubungan seks dapat mengurangi kemungkinan tertular gonore. Kemaluan Pria Sakit Bernanah

    Cara Mengobati Kutil di Kemaluan Pria _ Jika anda sudah tahu bahwa penyakit ini yang tidak diobati akan berdampak semakin buruk dan bayangkan apa yang orang akan katakan jika mereka tahu bahwa anda mengidap kutil kelamin. Cara Mengobati Bintil Kutil di Kemaluan Pria

    Kutil di Kemaluan Lelaki _ Penyebab Kutil Kelamin adalah virus yang biasa disebut Human Papiloma Virus atau disingkat menjadi HPV. Virus ini menghinfeksi lapisan permukaan kulit sehingga kutil bisa berada pada kulit. Penyebab Kutil di Kemaluan Lelaki

    Jual Obat Kutil Kelamin de Nature _ Kami de nature indonesia memberikan solusi pengobatan kondiloma akuminata tanpa operasi ( laser ), yaitu dengan paket obat kutil kelamin dari de nature. Jual Obat Kutil Kelamin Alami de Nature
