Friday, July 25, 2014

BSNYC Wednesday Fun Quiz! No, Wait, Friday! I Meant Friday.

Firstly, the hats:

How awesome are they?  Well, they're so awesome that Walz has already sold through the first run.  However, you can rest assured that the people of Santa Poco are sewing like the wind to produce another batch, which means that new ones will be ready to ship in about three (3) weeks.

Take it from my scalp, they're worth the wait.

However, if you absolutely must have a hat before then, you can always buy one from Stevil:

I have one and it's also awesome, though in a totally different way from the "Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" hat, which is why, ideally, you should own both.  (Really you should own two of both for when one's in the wash.)

Also, I understand from Stevil's site that he's suffering from some form of "Wanker's Wrist" and could use some doctor money, so help the people who help you waste time at work.

You're welcome.

Secondly, the IMBA World Smit draws ever closer, which means in less than a month I'm going to Collarady:

Did somebody say "evening reception with special guest speaker, BikeSnobNYC?"

Friday, 8/22: Destination DirtInvestments and Payoff in MTB Communities (sessions open to all attendees), content focus for professional land managers and tourism folks, bike demos, night riding on Emerald Mountain and an evening reception with special guest speaker, BikeSnobNYC.

Unfortunately for you, they most certainly did.

Lastly, the NYPD is getting real smug lately about nabbing Citi Bike thieves:
That's nice and all, but what happens when NYPD takes your bike so the President doesn't have to look at it, or because it's a crucial bit of evidence against the driver who killed you but they don't feel like investigating?

I would have tweeted that same question back to the NYPD, but the truth is they scare the living shit out of me, and until I sell enough hats to move up to the country and retire I still gotta live here, you know?

And now, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz.  As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer.  If you're right you'll blurt out HOLYFUCKINGSHIT! like it's one word, and if you're wrong you'll see a steampunk motorized pennyfarthing.

Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and remember that you can never have too many hats.

--Wildcat Rock Machine

1) Oh, those fixie riders and their irreverent knuckle tattoos...


2) What is this supposed to be?

--Some kind of bike art
--Some kind of macaroni art
--The HSV-2 virus
--Four people "doing it"

("I can't argue with you about gentrification right now, I'm winded and I have filmy orange juice mouth.")

3) Back in 1989 the recovery drink of choice was:

--Chocolate milk
--Orange juice
--An egg cream
--Your own urine

(The Jewish religion forbids tattoos, yet Portland bike culture requires irony.)

4) This guy is getting ready to:

--Yarn bomb

(Bradley Wiggins: World's Most English-Looking Person)

5) Bradley Wiggins is leaving road racing for:

(Hooded menace.)

6) Alec Baldwin is the Rosa Parks of bike salmon.


7) So it's official, gravel bikes are just hybrids now.


***Special "Kale Juice and Yoga Hot-Spots"-Themed Bonus Video***

("Pensioners?"  Yeah, we don't have pensions in America, they've all been raided.  You'd think The Economist would know that.)


  1. Knuckle Tata PODIO !! Gimme kisses !!


  2. Knuckle Tata PODIO !! GimmeNumero DOS ??


  3. And a tres !! Hat trick !!


  4. Aced the quiz and still top 10

  5. Apologies to Mcfly but what the hell is she wearing?

  6. Top Ten? I am hatless, I repeat, hatless!

  7. sorry snobbie

    but I have a pension and I plan on running some errands today. After which I will probably destroy my bike after my first attempt and screwing up my bottom bracket.

  8. Hat trick kisses, vsk! XXX

    Um, what is that woman beside wiggins WEARING??!

  9. That a Versache. It's called the Glad-He-Ate-Er.

    She too was also, glad.

  10. I'm investing all of my remaining pension funds in snob hats, hopefully they will be rare and valuable by the time I retire.

  11. austin powers bikes!?! who knew.

  12. They've dashed their habers, those Wiggenseses have.

  13. That is NOT Versace. Versace may be outta this world expensive, but you always get great knock-em-dead, sexy as hell gorgeous for your money. THAT is butt-ugly.

  14. McFly @12:15 with a strong lead out for COD

  15. which pension you think snobbie will maximize?

    Yours by keeping the hats rare?

    Or his by selling one to every person on the planet?

    my grade on today's quiz reckoned upersks. Truly a Phil Liggett performance.

  16. I always like to start my Friday with a stern finger-wagging from the Economist.

  17. McFly usually is KOM on COD

    I only wish my brain was as perverted

  18. Stevil's disembodied head model creeps me out.

  19. I aced the quiz. Where's my hat?


  20. Zoobombing: un-earned gravity for people too lazy to ride uphill.

  21. Esteemed Commenter DaddoOneJuly 25, 2014 at 12:52 PM

    i failed the quiz....

    where's my hat?!!!1

  22. I deserve a hat for a 100% result too. In fact I deserve it more because I got 100% wrong.

    I hear I can get a free hat. Just need to pay the $30 shipping and handling. That might seal the deal as they say

    robot sez found tudsil. That's something I'd expect to hear from McFly. Not from a clean cut robot.

  23. The King of Park SlopeJuly 25, 2014 at 12:54 PM

    We don't need no stinkin' pensions.

  24. Whycome Walz doesn't make those caps in some sweat shop in the Bronx?

  25. I am soooooo staying out of the no tattoos debate.

    Too cheap to get any, myself, as if anyone cares

    Lovely smash up of ruined crabon at the front of the peleton today. All I could think of was Snob saying, "the delectable sound of cracking crabon"

  26. So whats up with that USB port tattoo on Sir Wiggo's right hand? What's that all about?

  27. Huh. Strange what qualifies as art these days. Thousands of years from now, those plastic bikes will be dubbed crap-henge as the Earth's inhabitants wait for them to bio-degrade. Sigh. I need a ride. And art. Real art.
    Time for the Tour de Biennale

  28. Is there a metric version of the hat?

  29. By pensioners on bikes, they mean Walmart greeters with DUIs. We clearly need more laws to control this cycling behavior and public scranal/clittoranal stimulation. We don't need any laws about giving out 0.0001% interest in bank accounts and charging 24% interest on loans.

  30. I am soooooo staying out of the no tattoos debate.

    Too cheap to get any, myself, as if anyone cares.

    It's not just the tattoo cost, you then need to factor in a sleeveless tattoo wardrobe. And factor in the cost of never having a real job.

  31. The real cost of tattoos doesn't appear until after about 20 years, when the thing has faded, and is either wrinkled or covered with stretch marks.

  32. Crosspalms, that's exactly why I missed out on the first batch; too torn over being misunderstood in a metric country. "46k? That it? Lame." 74, now that's Woohoo speed.

    Always thought my hybrid slayed those gravel trails with aplomb.

    It it just me or does it look like an alien recently emerged from the abdomen of Wiggo's wife. That a dress or a halloween costume?

  33. crosspalms,

    If a "metric century" is 100 kilometers then "metric Fred 'Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo!' speed is 46 km/hr.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  34. Metric woo hoo hoo CAN'T be 46 km/hr. That's just not very fast. We were going faster than that when I crashed and turned my right shoulder into a "portable" joint.

  35. You can tell from Alec's expression that he chugged his pint of kale juice that morning. That's what makes him so righteous, and lets him skate through court sans fine or apology.

  36. Thanks, WCRM,

    Have a great weekend!

    Be well (Don't get run over. That's an order!). 😎

    Dave in D.C.

  37. I spent most of the last two weeks in Durango, Colorado. The mountain bike cycling around there is awesome. Apropos of your upcoming visit to Steamboat, I noted that I didn't see a single eBike on the trails while I was riding in the Durango area.

    2211 (I don't think that this simple numeric captcha is going to stop many robots. Fortunately, most robots don't read bike-related blogs.)

  38. You people are ignorant. In metric, it's Le Wheu Heu speed.

  39. Of course! Well, that explains it.

  40. Bradley Wiggins ought to go into haberdashery!

    What, did he just win the

    Pete Townshend Mod Award 2014


  41. Wildcat,
    Can't argue with math. It's like minus 40 celsius equaling minus 40 American. Science is spooky.

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. I can't believe I sent in a photo of fuckin' David Byrne sidewalk salmoning and it didn't even make the quiz. Is it that common? Do you know how risky it was snapping a photo of him on his home turf in Prospect Heights?! He could have Sean Penn'd me and given me a fat lip…or rather a Micro Lip, which is what you get when David Byrne whacks you.

  44. Muchos Thankos Ms. Babble !!


    Gonna disburse some 16 cylinders of big crabon molecules tonight watching Coney Island fireworks !

    What a gorgeous day it is in the NYC environs. Kind of like Southern California, without the other Southern California stuff.


  45. I'd get one of those hats, but the number 46 makes me want to hide under the bed.

    And that bike art cut out sculpture looks a lot like Snob's artistic embellishments back in the day. I'm too lazy to look any up to link to.

  46. Wiggins makes a sensible decision, it seems to me, to have some food for a change.

  47. Darnit Snob, I ordered a cap 2 days ago and was hoping to get it in time for a Gran Fondo next weekend!Tell you seventeen (17) children to get busy!

  48. No WooHoo hat for RCT either. Asinine! Who the hell only makes 6 hats in their first production run.

    So for 10 U.S. fun stamps less I got the HTFU 4 panel wicking hat. I still bought the black wool one for the cooler temps.

  49. ...thanks for the reminder about all the haberdashery i need for my wardrobe...

    ...though i wont be needing any of it for this weekend's road beiking adventures in the mountains.

    ...ride safe y'all.

  50. We can dance if we want to.

  51. Woo-Hoo speed in knots is 52.9.
    I'm so glad that I got one of the first edition caps from the original run of six. I'm going to call Christies and Sotheby's to see what it's value is.

  52. DB,

    I bet you could sell it to Bryan.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  53. Metric Woo-Hoo Speed is exactly 1 kiloFrederick. It's only when you convert to English units that it takes on some weird clumsy number like 46 mph. Pshh, how am I supposed to remember 46 mph equals 1 kF? ADOPT METRIC, AMERICA!

  54. Wildcat:
    That's a great idea.
    Brian, as I don't have any Gran Fondues coming up in the near future or in my lifetime, in the spirit of the Fraternity of the BSNYC, I am willing to send you my Woo-Hoo cap until the second editions come out and you can send me another. It has only been tried on and modeled in the nude for my wife who thought I looked ridiculous, but I thought I looked pretty good. It has not been in the East River. I await your decision.

  55. The number of Steve Martin and/or Chevy Chase films I have come to know through this very blog is staggeringly high, both in metric and imperial units.

  56. RCT

    It's common practice to estimate your total sales and double the amount for that initial run. I think snobbie was more than generous to make the initial run triple the sales estimate.

  57. I'm so confused... Alec Baldwin is on a bike so he should get off easy, yet Alec Baldwin is a celeb douche so he should pay. Error... Must Sterilize... Imperfection...

  58. The real problem is when you try to convert peloTons into kiloFredricks, not to mention that the English might use Imperial peloTons, which are measured in stone, or is that the Aussies that use stone.

  59. Oh Yeah, then there's the problem of applying the appropriate algorithm when a PeloTon is includes aerobars skinsuits, and time-trials helments.

    Then, 1kilofredrick is achieved with a smaller mass than the standard peloTon.

  60. Actually, I though kiloFred was the standard weight of fredliness, about 15 stone. Oh, I see, a kiloFREDERICK, now that's different

  61. alec baldwin is Alexander Baldwin. Capital punishment is required by the order of the Shadow Proclamation

  62. I thought that in Kanadastan we used peloTONNES and that stone was a unit used to measure the amount of THC in BC bud.

  63. I was wondering if anyone still spelled it peloTonnes.

    As far as stone and BC bud, I'm betting that Babble is the authority on that subject, being from BC and all.

  64. Music to Fred by. Thanks (o)Bama!

  65. Is 1 kiloFred the square root of 1kiloFrederick or one tenth?

  66. Your Dad's Trust FundJuly 25, 2014 at 5:14 PM

    Q:What is Whoo Hooo speed for zoobombing?

    A: Nobody cares. Stop mooching off your parents and get a job (other than pile maintenance)

  67. If you have a 100kg (1 peloTon/peloTonne) Fred, traveling at 1 kiloFrederick at atmospheric pressure of 100kPa, the temperature of water you have to throw on him to make him stop going "Woo hoo hoo hoo!" is 100ºC. See how it all works out so nice in Metric? LESSON FOR YOU, AMERICA!

  68. Roille, can we assume a perfectly spherical Fred?

  69. I thought it was the thc level times the radius of the bud or (stone)(r).

  70. So my lil round bootied Indian Princess walks into the shop and says, "I see you got a new hat......." and then walked out. WTF. I am going to make it a priority to stamp my authority on dat ass tonight.

  71. one kpa = how many inches of Freddie Mercury?


  73. can't fool us

    roille is trying to start a sneak sprint for a centurion.

    haven't seen RQ all day. Perhaps she's also trying to rack up another win

  74. I do appreciate that DB - I'll rough it out. Though I will take some cheese for the Gran Fundue. Will have PLENTY of hot days of riding down here in SC once the cap does get here.
    I hit 39.4 MPH last night....I think the cap will give me that extra oomph to get those 5.6 MPH needed to go "woohoohoo"

  75. If the centurion's here, where's the glad-he-ate-her?

    whoa, robot's getting philosophical: Sokrates eriodute

  76.'s math........not horseshoes.

  77. Touche. That's what I get for posting/trying to do some mental math whilst imbibing. Though, that woohoohoo speed might indeed prove mythical to reach anyhow.

  78. If you change your mind Brian, I can send the cap Monday. I'd hate to see you on the podium without proper headgear.

  79. As long as it's not boiling hot or freezing cold, a handy and reasonably accurate temperature conversion method involves doubling the Celsius temp and adding thirty to give you the equivalent in Fahrenheit.

    For example, to convert 46 degrees Celcius, you double it to give you 92 and then add 30 giving you a temperature of 122 degrees Fahrenheit.

    Woo-hot-hot-hot, indeed.

  80. 90 -

    around here, in snobbie's hemorrhoids, budgets have been tight and our fearless leaders have wisely spent what few shekels they have on padding their pensions and salaries.

    With the roads turning to crap I get nervous at woo speeds. Forget woo-hoo. Lots of areas these days literally rattle my teeth.

    who is vemsad olivarez anyway?

  81. The guitarist in BamaPhred's "no hat" band has a tattoo. I guess that means she's not Jewish?

  82. Leading somebody out.

  83. These phases are becoming predictable and boring.

    What's needed is a...

  84. ...crazy and unpredictable spoiler.

  85. Hey Canadians: don't complain about your taxes while in a plane.

  86. Hum dum dee dum The Shark of Shelby warming up.

  87. The's are an all all girl Japanese band. The Woo Hoo song was featured in Kill Bill and the Vonnage commercial

  88. What peculiar ploys.

    Obviously everyone is...

  89. the snark of snobbie's comments does 100?

  90. Damn, Spokey. You are good.

  91. Nice bike toss for the win.

  92. It was the "zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz" that won it.

    And an unfavourable capture.

    Next time, punks.

  93. thx

    it's all a matter of not getting up until 9am or later. By the 100th comment, the engine is roaring.

    you have to take a military onsingk approach to these sprints

  94. Mental math lol......catch phrase of the weekend if you ax me.

  95. Mental math prevents premature ejaculation

  96. The picture of Alec Baldwin made me throw up in my mouth a little.

  97. All this math... it just doesn't add up.

  98. Looks like someone ran smack dab into Pythagoras up there. Cut him off mid signature!

    I've seen some mad salmon round these parts...

  99. Mad salmon OK
    Angry salmon is a whole different kettle of fish

  100. JLRB

    5:40 am?

    No wonder you've been asleep for the century sprints.

    An honest man is in his bed fast asleep at that sort of time.

  101. watching something they calling a time trial.

    Will someone please tell me what time has been accused of and what the evidence is?

  102. He's a bit of an asshole, time. Waits for no man.

  103. own it, bitches:

    PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — The city of Providence is holding another “Cyclovia.” That’s when a main thoroughfare is shut down to car traffic so people can bike, walk and mingle.

    The second of three such events taking place in Providence this year is scheduled for Sunday afternoon. A half-mile stretch of Broadway between Dean and Courtland streets will be closed to vehicles for four hours.


    5 great things to do this weekend in R.I.

    The event will feature bicycle workshops, free helmet fittings, Zumba lessons and street vendors. This is the first time it has been held on Federal Hill.

    Another Cylcovia is scheduled for September.

    Cyclovia is an international phenomenon and has spread to many other U.S. cities, including Atlanta, New York and Los Angeles.

  104. Can Cyclovia be treated with Penicillin?

  105. no dr spoke...cyclovia, like chirpes, is a canarial disease that's untweetable

  106. Ahhh... I quail at the thought.

  107. I found out about chirpes at a health retweet.

  108. Gunna bust out some LBL with a fat new HANS DAMPF in the a.m. The forestry service cleared the downed trees and took a finish mower through the south trails. I am gonna get rad every chance I get.

  109. Hey! I heard you guys in NYC held a naked body-painting party without me!

  110. Even the NY Slimes thinks that crabon is the cool stuff. After pointing out the problems and dangers of crabon for most of the article:

    The advantages of carbon, Kaiser said, mean that it will continue to be used more widely in bikes and continue to replace aluminum. Steel is now a niche element most commonly used by artisanal frame builders in, and a small number of companies also build titanium frames.

    if bammun Gawaine, then who is Robin?

  111. isn't that an oxymoron?

    If the body is painted, then it isn't nekked

  112. only you can't paint it unless it is nekkid...

  113. Happy Birthday to meeeeeeee
    Happy Birthday to meeeeeeee
    happy birthday happy birthday
    Happy Birthday to meeeeeeee

  114. congrats

    so now that you're 21, you can drink?

  115. Zactly. And maybe THIS year, the girls will finally fill in.

    I celebrated yesterday by going for a proper birthday ride, about 60 km with 1200m of climbing. On Ti Baby, n'everything, minus the sling. And it didn't hurt! :D

    Tonight I am going to put on a pretty pink dress and thank God I survived another year. It's a small miracle, really.

  116. Happy Birthday, Babble!

  117. Thank you! :D XX
    Kisses. It's all about kisses, the birthday, or at least it should be. I will happily accept and merrily return any and all birthday kisses on offer all week long.

  118. Oh hey! Speaking of nekkid, and birthdays, n'everything... mayyyybe, just maybe I should paint a pink dress on me before I paint the town pink in thanks for another year here on Earth.

    What a sweet twist on the birthday suit that would be. :D

  119. Babble,
    NYTimes must have known it was your birthday: you're a clue in the crossword today (133 across). Happy Day!

  120. Spokey - It was 11 where I am at the moment

    I can't believe Nibali went for the elbow tit again today - the bikini girl was in the way, but the podium girl was just doing her job

  121. babs

    kisses all around. and paint everything pink.

    Glad to hear you've mended enough to do some real riding. Sounds like it's a quick mending going on


    missed that. I'll tape the rerun and try to catch it. I take it it was the yellow jersey podium girl near the beginning of the ceremonies?

    more birthday kisses from maryi. robot says she's in the pink too.

  122. Babs, I'm too old for you, but if my wife ever leaves me I'm looking for an introduction to your mother.

  123. Babble......Tits=optional......Ass=mandatory. Your golden. Now smack it fer me. For your birthday, of course. Not a perverted everyday run of the mill smack. Make it classy.

  124. WOOT!!!! Happy birthday, Babblicious!!!!

    Birthday kisses and birthday spanks to you!


  125. Thank you thank you thank you!! Mucho kisses backatcha! XXXXXX

  126. DB - you're lovely. You don't want to date my mum... she's a fat little lawyer with a serious 'tude on, bless her heart.

  127. Ahhhhhh. A lot of things just made sense.

  128. Babble,
    Oops. Turns out I was working on LAST Sunday's puzzle. I guess the Times was in such a hurry to celebrate your birthday they did it a week early. Another case of premature congratulations...

  129. This comment has been removed by the author.

  130. Ah! I did wonder...

    Still tingles, McFly. Uh, do you want one in return?

  131. This comment has been removed by the author.

  132. Double posting fun!

    A hornet stung my thigh during my stupid o'clock ride today. It didn't look like much when it happened, but it is all hot, red and swollen now, and the stinger hole looks way bigger than it did!

    In all my years on a bike, that's a first. I didn't see the damned thing land on my, so I nearly jumped out of my skin when it stung.

  133. Sure. Hot red and swollen, s'il vous plait.

  134. @Your Dad's Trust Fund:
    Zoobomb speeds hit between 35-50+ if you supe up the bike and learn to corner and tuck properly.

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