Wednesday, April 30, 2014

When Wednesdays Are Outlawed, Only Outlaws Will Have Calendars.

Well, we all saw the Lance Armstrong flat fix video:

And then, like KRS-1 answering MC Shan, Greg LeMond stepped up with his own video:

How to Fix a Flat from 9W magazine on Vimeo.

Naturally, at that point all eyes were on Jan Ullrich, who declared flat-fixing "totally played out" and instead "dropped" a video of himself absolutely demolishing a charcuterie platter:

Marco Pantani, for his part, remained stone dead:

And Riccardo Riccò bought a shitload of drugs in a McDonald's parking lot:

Riccardo Riccò has been accused of buying EPO and testosterone after being caught red handed with two dealers by Italian police in a car park in the Tuscan town of Livorno, according to reports in Italian media.

Apparently he was about to unleash the most devastating "Cat 6" attack the cycling world had ever seen:

Ricco was banned for 12 years in 2011 after being rushed to hospital apparently following a botched blood transfusion. The controversial Italian climber had been planning to attack a series of records on well known cycling climbs such as Mont Ventoux but is now facing charges of receiving banned substances and dealing in banned substances. Doping is a crime in Italy.

Had only Riccò succeeded, he surely would have become the most dominant rider on all of Strava.

Anyway, at this rate I expect the Armstrong/LeMond video feud to escalate sharply.  Armstrong's next video will probably be him listing all the celebrities he's had sex with, and then LeMond will counter by releasing a sex tape with Ashley Olsen.  Who knows how far they'll take it, but let's hope it stops before one of them releases a porno movie called "Podium Girl Poundfest."

In more wholesome news, if you're looking for that perfect Mothers' Day gift, I've received a promotional email concerning something called the Skirtweight:

Ride Your Bike,
               Wear What You Like!

We love biking in NYC.  We love biking at the beach.  We love wearing the latest fashions.  We don’t love our skirts blowing up, scarves blowing off & pants getting greasy in the chain, so we developed the Tandem NY Skirtweight ~ an accessory that simply clips-on to the hemline of your skirt to keep it from flowing up while you’re riding on!

Yes, this is the perfect opportunity to tell that special lady in your life that she looks ridiculous riding around with a bunch of chip clips on her skirt.  I really hope they make a men's version in time for Fathers' Day, because I'm getting sick and tired of fastening the end of my necktie to my Prince Albert piercing.  I'm also sick of people feeling like they have to make excuses for not wearing helments, as in the picture that was included in the email:

* All helmets are taking 5 from the photo shoot... We wear 'em when we ride :)

So what?  I really don't give a shit whether or not people wear their foam hats when they're riding around town at 7mph.  Unfortunately though, a lot of other people do, and they soil themselves at the sight of anybody so much as touching anything with wheels without first donning a "safety kippah."

Just for that, I'm not buying a Skirtweight--but I'd have bought 100 of the things if they'd captioned the photo thusly:

* We don't wear helments because they make you look stupid.

I'd also have bought 200 if they included a video of that kid doing some helmentless skitching off that Dutch bike, and I'd have bought 1,000 if they used the slogan, "Forget the helment, protect your muff with Skirtweight!"

Have you ever dreamed of having Mark Cavendish's signature right under your scranus?  Well, this disembodied hand wants to make your dreams come true:

And don't forget the helment, which looks like some kind of futuristic sex turtle:

Lastly, here's a little DIY tire tip a reader recently shared with me, and which I'm now sharing with you:

I hope you don't mind, but I'm so impressed with my customisation job, I just have to share it.

First you start with a "Big Mountain" tyre;

Using cotton buds dipped in acetone, you scrub away certain letters;

A flat blade screwdriver can be used for the more delicate erasures;

Upon completion, you will be the envy of friends, family and riding buddies;

Just bear in mind that if you attempt a similar modification you do so at your own risk, because tampering with your tire's sidewall can result in injury or death.  It's true, I read it in Lennard Zinn's column on VeloNews.


  1. Now to read the post!

  2. If it's not top podium spot I just don't care.

  3. Epic. Just Epic. And cool too.

  4. "Check for thorns, shards, chrapnel, pellets....." Greg should have also said needles.

    That would have been hilarious.

  5. Does Nashbar sell "Big Mountain" tires?

  6. "Podium Girl Poundfest": the next logical development in niche porn.

  7. This is what Jan had in his suitcase of pain.

  8. I love Big Cunts.

    Especially when they're sloppy and wet.

  9. Lemond clearly has more "retard strength" getting the tire back on the rim (not to mention inflating the tire), but at least we know they both like to "give it a little structure" before they "put it in"

  10. "Hey, I didn't write the script."

    - Big Cunt.

  11. Ten bonus points for "futuristic sex turtle," which should also be the name of your next band.

  12. Let's see:

    but let's hope it stops before one of them releases a porno movie called "Podium Girl Poundfest."

    You misspelled after.

    Futuristic Sex Turtle is the name of my neo-nue-wave band.

    McFly wants to have relations with the Skirtweight mom.

    Riccardo Riccò had a buddy with him when buying the dope. I heard the guy commutes to work and wanted to be able to get up a bit later.

  13. Big cunt's return to form

  14. Someone should tell Cav that Yahweh thought of that first.

  15. me what you will, but there's nothing more beautiful to see on a bike than a lady with a flowing skirt just carelessly flapping in the wind... especially if she' not wearing a helment...

    ...death to the skirtweight.

  16. SW Mom gives me a Significant Intimidation Boner.

  17. the kid with the skateboard gives me the heebee jeebees

    holy shit. No robo image. is robota taking 5 with the helments? will the refresh button work?

    thank lob. dircum continued prevails

  18. At last a tyre for your break lever correspondent.

  19. When I fix a flat, I reinflate the tire by sticking the air hose into my corn hole and blowing a stinky. Depending on the volume of the tire, it may take a few stinkies to get the tire fully inflated.

    solution texpola

  20. The Lemond repair job was slightly funny, but sounded and looked like it was written and shop by a group of high school students. The Armstrong one looked like it was professionally done.
    Instead of sitting on Mark Cavendish's saddle, I'd rather be sitting on Peta Todd.

  21. Dae thay mak' they skirt weights fur men, tae? Ah mean wha wants tae see mah package, annawhee?

  22. I am inside the top 30.

    Skirt mom: Under certain circumstances I would do her.

    Huge sigh of relief: "Thank god they don't just go out riding like that with no healemenette."

    Fuck me. You know there are many parallels between this shit and the old church-based scandal/shaming back in the day, only this is wronger.

  23. Skirtweights are for Scottish gentlemen with tiny packages.
    If women with light summer dresses start wearing technology to keep skirts from blowing up, then what is the point of life.

    Just take me out back and put one in my brain.


  24. I think I'll stick with my Michelin 1.10 wild cunts over the big cunts

  25. There's a version of the Lance video where he powders the tube before installation, then snorts a 6 inch line of powder right off the bench. The powder came from a baggy up George Hincapie's ass.

  26. I'll just wager she takes the skirt weights off after 3 white zifendals and attaches them to her panties.

  27. $270 for a healment made of coffee cup styrofoam and space -age polymers referred to as "plastic" in some parts. Seriously, the real world throws this shit out after getting the UPS package.

  28. my 700c goes bang! or is it 650 b? or 29" american?

  29. Who's tire is Greg fixing? He looks familiar.

  30. Reminds me of the 'SPECIAL ED' healment I used to have back in the pre litigious 90s.

    Also, McFly @ 1:23 for comment of the day.

    That Lemond video was shot at a cool shop with a nice owner.

    Sadly, the average meal inside the McDonald's where Ricco bought his drugs actually has more drugs than he got busted for buying.

  31. This comment has been removed by the author.

  32. I would have been here a half hour ago, but I have been drooling over SW Mom.

  33. Down with skirt weights!

    Up with skirts!

  34. Normally I wait a few hours to give the COD, but I agree with Mikeweb today and bestow the early honors to McFly.
    Well done, Sir.
    And watch out for tornados.

  35. Great one today, Wildcat.
    And good to see Jan Ullrich again.

  36. can't wait to get my hands in those cvndsh gkives

  37. The choice of "White Zinfandels" was definitely worth a LOL, but even so, no offense, I nominate myself for Comment of the Day. Every day so far, and from now on.

    Have you tried

    the tergibu

    They called him Ivan
    the tergibu

  38. ...le mond is a BIG CUNT... lance needs a skirtweight.

  39. I actually prefer McFly at 12:42 for COD - you are on today - the tramadol must be kicking and sucking

    I care about elyeenha only

  40. I don't know about you, but I don't want a quick rub from Greg Lemond.

  41. How much does a skirt weigh?

    I am going to kickstart skirt helium baloons

  42. Cycling’s most infamous rider has been looking for work lately. We caught up with him at his latest bike-shop gig to hear a few pointers about what to do when you break down.

  43. I'll just wager she takes the skirt weights off after 3 white zifendals and attaches them to her panties.

    Sigh, You don't get it, there may not be panties, keep the dream alive!

  44. Yup. Looks like whatever he's using has kicked in for McFly.

    Heh heh, and LeMond was definitely taking pot shots at Lance, though I can't help but identify with cycling's most notorious outlaw. I suck, too.

    WAIT?! You're allowed to break world records on DOPE?! Even when you're a banned rider? That's mighty handy for Riccardo Ricco.

  45. Anon 1:30, I know what you mean. Watched it yesterday and one shot it looked like Lance which, couldn't be, right? Another, camera angle, it looked like a vertically enhanced Wild Cat Rock Machine. Wasn't interested enough to rewatch.

  46. Next thing you know Anonymous will have a flat changing video.

  47. I'm waiting for the MTBbro flat-fixing "edit" to "drop" - it's gonna be SIIIIIIICK

  48. LeMond should not blow too hard or the buckshot will comprimise the new tube.

  49. ............I'm outa here.

  50. babs

    those boys are professionals. Your strava records are strickly monitored. About the only thing you're going to get away with there is spanish mcFly

    robot says class ogycur not class envy

  51. Wildcat Hip Hop Machine dropping the old school flava.

  52. Lance would get more views if he taught the best methods to avoid testing positive for whatever.

    I assume the most effective method is a large and often repeated bribe to whomever.

    My guess is that the guys that got caught weren't willing to pony up enough money.

  53. In a BIG CUNTRY
    dreams stay with you

  54. So the bike that's been locked to the rack at my work for 6 months. Do I totally rat them out to Security and have it "removed?" I think yes. You want to store shit, get a garage.

  55. I want to lick sw Mom's pink canoe

  56. that guy really blows.

    I mean, not that there's anything wrong with that. if you're auditioning for the skin flute.

  57. Looking forward to Lance's "How to Change a Story" video. And that apple on the workbench behind him -- is that from a white lunch bag?

  58. Um...and hello. I always ride my bike and wear what I like. Oh no! What EVER will I do now?

    Heh heh. I had no idea lurrrrrrrrve muffin needed any special protection! After all, the occasional peek-a-boo view never killed anyone.

    Did it?

    Mikeweb @ 1:31 - Ew. You're probably right. It doesn't really qualify as food in the same way that as an employer the company doesn't really qualify as responsible.

    Here's a few photos of my border skirmish ride.

    Re: Ti Baby: the bottom bracket remains ever a mystery. I don't understand how the cranks can wear so unevenly... ?!?

  59. Rollie -

    There are a pair of old school Ralieghs - identical twins with the same color, stem shifters, etc. - currently chained together on one of the new fangled vertical racks in my work garage. I too am tempted to be a rodent, but not until the weather breaks and space gets tight(er).

  60. When watching that Lance flat fix viddy, I kept getting flashbacks of when I watched Dubya unveiling his 'art'.

  61. Where are they, those who puked their disdain at Greg Lemond a few years ago, even here?

    Greg was, is, and will always be top notch.

    Oh, and that skirt weight is BS; ladies, a simple clothespin will do. So much for the everyday cycling erotic though.

  62. Lumpen FredetariatApril 30, 2014 at 4:12 PM

    So who is Sweet-T in that analogy?
    Can we get an Evie Stevens video?

  63. Super late to mention it.. but re:

    In regards to that "former physicist" smashing up a bunch of watermelons.. Neil deGrasse Tyson, astrophysicist (current and not a "former") explained the theory of relativity while riding a bike and WITHOUT a useless helment..

  64. The King of Park SlopeApril 30, 2014 at 5:11 PM

    Sure ... but how do I add letters to my Big Cunt tyres?

  65. KRS ONE to MC SHANApril 30, 2014 at 5:27 PM

  66. Ronald McCorner DealerApril 30, 2014 at 6:26 PM

    "And Riccardo Riccò bought a shitload of drugs in a McDonald's parking lot:"

    All he had to do was go inside and buy a bag of burgers and he'd be getting all of the steroids he wanted legally.

  67. Up Down All AroundApril 30, 2014 at 6:29 PM

    FotS@546: "Nice medial gastrocs on Mom."

    Some men like legs, some men like breasts and some men like getting head from a combination of both at the same time.

  68. He Better Not Climb on a ScaleApril 30, 2014 at 6:32 PM

    "dropped" a video of himself absolutely demolishing a charcuterie platter:"

    Not to mention the wold's largest pretzel and a giant mug of beer too.

  69. A View of the Grand CanyonApril 30, 2014 at 6:37 PM

    CC "Sigh, You don't get it, there may not be panties, keep the dream alive!"

    I once saw a photo of Paris Hilton getting out of a car while wearing a skirt. Underneath she was "au natural" so her big hairy bush was staring the whole world in the face.

  70. I feel bad for her boys. 2 or 3 years from now all their buddies will be rubbin out a chubby in the guest bathroom and cleanin up with a pair of panties from the laundry hamper. If there are any in there.

  71. I once fell and broke a collar bone so one brake lever is set at 4:00 and the other is set at about 4:15 to compensate for the asymmetry of my reach caused by a shortened clavicle. This set-up works well and all might learn from what I have to say.

  72. I finally took the salient advice of the commentariat here, and started seeing a therapist. Got me on some good drugs, that seem to be helping. And it's not even costing me anything! THANKS OBAMA!

    On the reals, I do not have tourette's, nor asperger's, as previously suggested. He thinks I'm bipolar. Which actually does explain a lot of my risk taking behavior, hypersexuality, impulsivity, inability to manage money and blow it on stupid bike parts. ETC, ETC, ETC.

    MTBsnobNYC is not me. He is an idiot and a gaper. If you are into mountain bikes for real, you don't live in fuckin' New York City. You live near mountains. Anyone who self identifies as "hardcore mountainbiker" and lives in the city is a Joey fucktard.

    My main problem with the Engin, besides how twee and offensively expensive it is, is it's fucked up old school geometry. The bike would handle a shitload more confidently with the top tube an inch longer, and the boner stem an inch shorter. Plus shorter stays... but it's that snob's bike, and if we wants to ride old school Fred (in the traditional sense) geo, that is his perogative.

    I used to rub/rock/rep that same boat anchor SS hub. I think I paid $50 dealer cost 10 years ago. I had problems with it skipping. It also weighs like 550g, which is absurd. A cheapie Deore hub is lighter, and that's no feather.
    If it was mine, I would prolly go with a freewheel hub, maybe Paul or White, with one of those GT freewheels that sounds like swarm of angry bees.

    A dropper post has no place on a rigid bike. You might consider a QR seat clamp. You can shralp that radgnar considerably harder when you are not getting taint slapped.

    It's pretty easy to tell what bike parts BikeSnob actually purchases, vs which he gets for "free" in exchange for shamelessly promotion.
    If it's retardly expensive: freebie.
    If it is a frugal, bang for the buck choice, that's out of pocket.

    Anyways, just checking in. My bhuddist monk/master of my own domain phase is about to come to a close, but I will not be confessing/bragging about any details...


  73. ChamoisJuice,

    Wow, you paid $50 for that hub???

    That's WAY more ridiculous than buying an Engin.

    Glad to hear you're doing well. If you can stop obsessing over my AWESOME BICYCLE then you will have truly turned a corner.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  74. Uh oh, CJ's off his meds again. His therapist told him in no uncertain terms to STAY OFF THIS COMMENT BOARD.

  75. Pedal Pusher bike shop in NYC used to have a photo on the wall of Greg Lemond renting a bike for the afternoon, along with a shot of the cyclometer after he returned. 61 miles in under 3 hours, tooling around to keep his legs limber

  76. CJ, good on ya, and good luck with whatever is floating on the radar. Treat her nice.

  77. Aw crap.

    Where's my Damitol?

  78. Like Jesus, CJ has rolled aside the stone and risen from the tomb to once again bless the unwashed masses with words of wisdom that would take a normal person more than a lifetime to amass. Blessed be are we the unworthy to be graced once again by his presence. Amen

  79. I am one upping the helmet disclaimer. Below, on a forum dedicated to guns, someone complains that helmets were not included in a photo of 2 bikes resting on their kickstands in a garage. This happens within 3 posts of of the photo going up.

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. There was a pic on the Facebook this week of 2 sisters riding Razor scooters in their driveway and the caption said "Its nice to see these 2 play together for once." The very first comment said "Some healmeants need to be on these children and this supermom will be happy." The original mom starts back-pedalin and feeling horrible so I chimed in with HELMENTS ARE STUPID I WEAR ONE ALOT AND I HAVE NEVER USED IT. Supermom can suck it.

  82. Yeah, Nashbar did not have them for $20 back in those days. SUCH A DEAL FOR YOU AT TWICE THE PRICE MY FRIEND.

    I regretted the purchase almost immediately. I am full of regrets.

    I have not told the therapist about my commentarding problem. I have thought about just printing out that Belgian school teacher/Che Merckx t-shirt story I totally made up to piss off WIWM, in the name of efficiency. I believe that story, as well as the commenting frenzy fall under the "manic" part of my condition....

    Anyways, I am sorry for using your blog as a surrogate headshrinker, and for hounding you so much.

    The new interest is within the half your age plus seven guideline, is sweet and thoughtful, looks good in a skinsuit. I am a bit concerned that her powerful thighs will crush my dome like a grape, but I have not initiated BONE ZONE yet. I am in a weird kinda limbo, where I am almost afraid of my sexual impulses, but I am also a bit worried that she might think I am asexual or a closeted homo, like WIWM, if I don't do something sooner or later.

    On Saturday I went out dancing for a friend's B-day. She told me, one of her friend's, early thirties, tall, pretty, well put together, liked me. I danced with her for a minute, and was like what the fuck am I doing, and split out of there.

    Riding home, I got a call from that kinda homely 23 year old, I had a little fling with, dumped "because she was too young for me", and then promptly started nailing the hotter 21year old stoner chick. She is still really hung up on me, and I feel like a total shithead. I told her I'm fucked up, and she should forget about me.

    The stoner chica actually just called me 15 mins ago. She wants me to help her move.. and to "blaze hella dabs". I'm going to help her move, and I really hope she does not want sexy times.

    When it rains it pours? Springtime? This is seriously testing my steely resolve.

  83. CJ, you know how we know that your drivel is pure construct?

    A friend's B-day? I call bullshit. You, sir, have no friends, and consequently are relieved of the considerable burdens of meeting for drinks after work, birthday parties, golf outings, weekends at the vacation home, and so on.

    Why would you give a shit about my sexuality? Am I supposed to be offended that you called me a closeted homo? Are you related to Donald Sterling or something? I am secure enough in my sexuality to be unaffected by your schoolyard taunts, my friend.

    You seriously need help. None of us believes a word of your ramblings. You are a pathetic attention whore, and this comment board was much improved by your protracted absence.

    Don't die in a fire or anything. Just go away forever. At a minimum.

  84. You need to just tell me that I mean nothing to you. I know my body and my youth is all you desire from me. My mind and my soul are what I want you to care about so please just be honest. It'll hurt less.

  85. so wanna see "Podium Girl Poundfest" please make that!

  86. Mario's Albino TadpoleMay 1, 2014 at 6:37 AM

    Oh for the sweet love of lob on high...

    BSNYC, if there is ever a time to exercise your extreme command over this comment board, "comment removed by the author" should be employed to maximum use every time CJ posts his crap.

    Yeah, I know that censorship isn't the American way... but that's OK, cause your a New Yorker... and they are like excempt from such nonsense..

  87. I ran into a One-Hit Wonder I had not seen in 20 years at the kids soccer practice the other day. After the 3rd convo in as many boring 1 1/2 hour pracs I saw a glimmer in the eyes and said "You wanna do what we did that one time but without all the awkwardness and inexperience?" She made me go to the store and then that Lexus was flexin' in a desolate farmer's field. The 3-pack was the right decision.

  88. I welcome CJ's return. If it is really him or even really a him. CJ like all of us could be a character created by a fellow commentariat. Except Babs, she's definitely real. And me, I'm too boring to be made up.

  89. Is Towel Thursday a thing? I guess it is and we are doing this with the towel theme-ing and such.

    Thursday has no feel? It does now...and its damp and cottony.

  90. At the 1st game she stood there talkin to my girl for 45 minutes and never even gave me a glance. Nice. Classy. Shhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.

  91. SHUT UP CJ!!!
    You're oursut gressed!

  92. Pretty certain skirt-weight model and Babble are long lost sisters. Only difference is that babs prefers her weights in the 12:00 position.

  93. I'm with Cleveland - I sort of enjoy CJ's bullshit. I don't get why people get baited by it time and again - sort of like watching Lucy pull the football away from Charlie Brown.

  94. And a big fat yes on the towel Thursday!

  95. Hint:

    It's because he's not really joking.

  96. Any woman who calls herself a Supermom: her children are currently living through an 18-year hell.

  97. And to be more specific she's a terrible fucking mom and a narcissist.

  98. Great comments, Rollie.

  99. Thanks - Hopefully you're not being sarcastic, since that last one was sort of gwumpy.

  100. I was just wondering what had happened to little CJ. He severed all contact with me years ago (can you blame him after the things that I did to him?), so BSNYC was really my only opportunity to know whether or not he was even still alive. I am glad to see that he still has that stupid mean streak that he has always had. While I am somewhat saddened that he has developed in to a completely insufferable asshole, I think it may be the only way he has managed to get this far in life. I imagine that what he lack in penis he more than makes up for in stupidity and cussedness.

    chastened etweces

  101. SNOB is late - must be busy scraping letters off his All terrain-style bicycle tyres

  102. No fun like the old days. Too many lonely ones looking for attention.

  103. I just want to mount my bikecycle.

    See ya later, dooders! :D

  104. “Anyway, at this rate I expect the Armstrong/LeMond video feud to escalate sharply. Armstrong's next video will probably be him listing all the celebrities he's had sex with, and then LeMond will counter by releasing a sex tape with Ashley Olsen.”

    No I bet LeMond will counter by saying who has more balls.

  105. good
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