Monday, March 10, 2014

This Just In: BSNYC Cashing In Some Sick Days!


Hope you had a good weekend.  Mine was a bit of a "mixed bag."  Saturday was an unseasonably warm day which I spent enjoying some family-style bicycling, and then Sunday I fell ill and underwent the violent alimentary process doctors refer to as "puking."

As you can imagine, going from this:

To this:

Was quite a jarring about-face.

I'm pleased to report I'm on the mend, but since my employer provides me with ∞ sick days I'm going to go ahead and take two (2) of them.  This means I will return on Wednesday, March 12th with the top-notch Internet content to which you've become accustomed.  (I don't mean to imply this is actually top-notch Internet content, only that you've become accustomed to my unique brand of sub-mediocrity over the years and thus your judgment is now grossly miscalibrated.)

In the meantime, thanks for bearing with me (or if you're not bearing with me then screw you too), and I look forward to returning bright-tailed and bushy-eyed on Wednesday.

Boom Shanka,

--Wildcat Rock Machine


  1. Sick like Tejay! First

  2. Early doors today. A scranus for the rest of us

  3. Get well soon.

    So, instead of making blogular posts on your computing machine, you're going to skateboard the internet highways on your computing machine? I kid. Puking sucks. Dry heaves are good for your core, though.

  4. If sub-mediocrity involves stem lengths and fat bikes, then yes.

  5. From this to that?

    Puking sucks, but at least you lost your handlebars and grew some nice boobs.

  6. Nice disembodied hand holding the gagger's skull.

  7. Are you preggers, bro?

  8. It's probably all those upside-down pictures of your nostrils making you dizzy and nauseous. Give the Fly6 a couple days off, too, and feel better.

  9. I'm sure you look and feel like RTMS today.

    Get some rest, drink plenty of liquids and play with your new boobs.

  10. NYTimes had a short interview Sunday with a creative director at Calvin Klein who said:

    "I often ride my bike to work and park it in my office and in the springtime, I ride my bike all over. People see me and take a second look and say, 'What are you doing without a helmet?' Bike helmets are too ugly. Not good. We need to create a new helmet."

    So we've all got something to look forward to.

  11. Get Well Spoon

  12. Check this out. The bike color is melting the camera's lens.

  13. I don't see why you cant write this stuff while hurling, puking doesn't stop us from READING IT! HA! BURN!!! TAKE THAT!!! Gawd I'm funny...

  14. That's just adorable the way that chick gingerly places her face in the toilet in an overly delicate and girly simulation of puking. Unless maybe there's a giant COCK in that toilet bowl. Either way I bet she scoured the bowl with Lysol for 30 minutes.

  15. Girls even put the seat down to puke?

  16. Sorry the weather is overneath you, Mr. Snob. April may be the cruelest month, but March can be pretty mean.

    I'm glad the young lady located her wedding ring before she flushed. That's not a disembodied hand, incidentally. Rather, she's keeping her hair out of the weewee while she steels herself to retrieve it.

  17. I walked into a bathroom at a party once and my buddy Dewayne was bangin' a girl in that position. She looked over and said "You don't have to leave...."

    Boda Boom Boda Bing next thing you know I am washing my junk in the sink.

  18. And you want to be my latex salesman...

  19. HMMM, sick? I recommend several high colonics followed by leech therapy.


  20. the new thing in cycling exercise - Ralfa. rumor has it they teaming with rapha in the spring.

  21. Washin' Dewayne's poo off your junk in the sink at a party.

    I think we've all been there before.

  22. Who is that talkin' - Raj or Rerun? I always wondered...

  23. "Now we're friends and we wanna do what's best for each other, right?"


    "And you KNOW I'm a ho-nay muh fugga, right?"


    "Sooo, you gotta let me peg that ass then."


  24. Washing fresh santorum off your dong in a public restroom is one of the good things in life.

  25. Feel better! Seeing as Sunday was the day you got sick, you should blame it on DST.

  26. Whether you prefer female santorum or male santorum, it's all good poop and lube.

  27. C'mon ride the train its' a poo poo train......

  28. ...she's not puking... she's examining her santorum.

  29. just remember to replenish those valuable fluids!

  30. Well these comments have gone to shit in a hurry.

  31. The comments took an early turn.

  32. Too much Hamantaschen can have that effect.

  33. Ugh. Like the Family Guy "Syrup of Ipecac" episode. Get well Snob

  34. Sorry you're unwell, snobberdoodles. Thank you for eye candy. I clicked for a laugh, and o'course I encountered a couple of chuckles already... you guys rock.

    McFly - ++ lol!

  35. Bob Costas' infected eyeMarch 10, 2014 at 1:39 PM


  36. @McFly: I'm pretty sure that pink dildo sausage lock Snobby's been riding around on is the father.

  37. My dog wishes to point out that some folks drink out of the toilet.

    Get well soon.

  38. Food Truck borne illness captured on the Fly6 GIVES BALLS LOOSER CANCER

  39. I've been robbed!

  40. Time to share puking stories?

  41. Bobbing for turds, she is

  42. Leroy @1:43 for the win.

  43. Please! I don't want to know about Tilford today.

  44. When your babe goes down on you they always do that thing with the hair on first approach, then they let go of the hair and it goes back to where it was to begin with. I don t get it.


    I'm also amazed at how fast the comments section sent to anal sex today. I mean, it's inevitable, but usually not for a couple hundred comments during a WCRM absence.

    Appropriate for a Monday, though.

  46. Hey buddy, we don't pay you to take sick days! We don't pay you to write this blog either, so infinite sounds about right. You should feel better right in time for the rain to hit. Hint: take the bus.

  47. Experience Counts, Hire a VetMarch 10, 2014 at 3:04 PM

    Notice the wedding band on her finger, she obviously has experience in this position.

  48. Anon @ 2:50,

    Here's a Pro Tip...hold it for can actually get the "plunger action" going.

    Pro Tip #2: If your babe gives you the type of BJ where you can access the vajayjay do not I repeat DO NOT immediately start playin with it. Wait about 4 or 5 minutes then start and it will prolong your knob slob.

    Your Wellcum.

  49. The ring is on her right hand.

    Which is why she probably sucks like a demon.

  50. I said what what in the butt..

  51. Bummer, dude! Get Well soon.

    BTW, is it "ralph", "ralf",or "rapha"?

    Speaking of which, here are some Future Freds in the making.

  52. Snob - Based on the puking picture, it looks like you also had a sex change operation. FYI, your nausea could have been caused by the anesthesia.

    Nice tits, by the way.

    ypnati solidation

  53. I think I am the worlds worst, and possibly loudest puker. I always avoid it as long as possible because once I start I get involuntary muscle actions that keep the puke coming until I am hurling up acid.

    But on a slightly less annoying topic, the test ride on the cantilevered brakes revealed: (1) the cable splitter for the rear was loose, creating slack (it kept unwinding itself); (2) I think the set up is optimized for firm feel, less power; AND (3) the diagrams posted by Anon days ago are a bit confusing, but I take it I need to lower the straddle cable towards the tire, reducing the angle between the straddle cable and the dotted line between the brake pad contact area to the straddle cable hook up point; BUT (4) my bike didn't come with any imaginary dotted lines.

  54. Hey! What about anal sex? Don't forget about anal sex.

    Never really saw the point of it myself, when there's another, softer, cleaner, bigger, self-lubricating thing right next door, that she enjoys the heck out of.

  55. Are you shittin' me, Snob?

    Sell a few fuckin' Buicks and you take two days off? It's not like your digging ditches here.

    Get better you fuckin' woosie.

  56. RF: My feelings on the topic exactly!

    RE: Anal Sex

  57. I suppose that leaves us to amuse (and enlighten ourselves)

    1) Is scranus always a noun? Is it ever an adjective? "Nick Danger looked coldly at the scranus surface of the door, before carefully lifting the large, obsidian door knocker?"

    2) The blog is called 'bikesnob nyc', but lately, he signs things as 'wildcat rock machine'...shoukld he rename the blog to avoid confusion? (or perhaps to increase confusion)...maybe the blog should be renamed with one of bab's pet names for him..snobberdoodle nyc?

    loesnom 1803

  58. That picture is photoshopped.
    Girls don't puke, or fart.
    They do get explosive diarrhea.

    Snob, how many times do I have to tell you about avoiding the pork tartar at Mr. Fong's House of Communist Chinese Sustenance? (And, it's not pork).




    It's typical that WCRM starts off the comments at one intellectual level, then we take it downhill faster than Rob Ford on a Cervelo.

  59. Never really saw the point of it myself, when there's another, softer, cleaner, bigger, self-lubricating thing right next door, that she enjoys the heck out of.

    Are you talking about your neighbour's Jessica Rabbit?

  60. Youz guyz ever do Accidental Anal when its missionary juicy and your both drunk and slips out and yiu go back in too low and she moans but goes with it andyou finish up and she is mad as fuck the next morning sittin in the Waffle House with a sore ass? Me neither. Jennifer.

  61. Women get sick. Men vomit

  62. What kind of schmendrick takes their sister out for pancakes after doing her in the ass? That's why they make breakfast burritos.

  63. Junk Bucket JenniferMarch 10, 2014 at 5:47 PM

    Hey jackass I was mad because I was reaching in my nightstand for my dildo about the time you lost your squirt. You passed out and I finished up solo. Then used it on you. You kept mumblin "Grampa you are crushin my cigarettes..... "

  64. I give her a ten for Style but have to withhold the Content score for the overhead shot.

    RE anal: ummm, things are supposed to come out of there, not go in. Just sayin.

  65. Somehow today's comments have given me a hankerin' for some cream pie. Coconut, Boston or chocolate? Decisions, decisions...

  66. Get well soon Mr Snob and enjoy some rest and TV.
    You probably caught something from one of your seventeen children. I picked up a virus from one of my (2 not 17) kids recently and the damn thing ended up lasting for 3 whole weeks!

  67. And the resident Canadian sexpert is strangely silent on today's principal topic.

  68. Not bad. Take a sick day and the comments roll in anyway. Of course, must of them involve puke and/or anal, but the clicks keep clicking...

  69. In through the out door

  70. I've had some technical difficulties this week, too, snobberdoodledooders. I wish I could say I speak geek, but I am only fluent in dork. All I tried to do was add little bits of HTML code to the page... sigh.

    Plus my cameras all automatically upload everything to two different cloud servers, only they now skip straight across my little C drive, so blogger can't access them.

    Sigh. Plus it's well past re-install o'clock.

    Still. You know I can't help but babble on, so here's a song to fill the gap

  71. You look classy with a pearl necklace on Babs. You don't see ladies of the Breastus Minora species wear them alot.

  72. I have those same Schwalbe tires.


  73. BSNYC caps, perfect for holding back your hair while puking.

  74. What's up Chuck?

  75. The infinity symbol in Snobby's sick note today is pretty impressive.

    I don't have an infinity key on my devices, buy I can copy and paste like above. I think I'll do it again;

    That was fun. Snobby must have a luxury executive keyboard. Unless he cuts and paste like I do;

    One thing I'd like to see in Snobby's blog some time is this;

    ∞ +1

    The most exotic key I can find is this;

    What on earth does it mean?

  76. I think that symbol is a dude trying for the butt and gettin rejected.

  77. Oscar Pistolorius has been vomitus as well it seems. I guess he knows that as far as the evidence looks he doesn't have a leg to stand on.

  78. Right? But every girl loves pearls...

    Sigh. You see what I mean about being a mutard, though, don't you? I'm STILL waiting on the girls. This goes waaaaay beyond being a late bloomer. All of the other girls in my family got em big time, all 'cept for me, that is.

  79. Don't sweat it too bad. They are fun to play with and watch jiggle but 97% of the good stuff happens with the Assos Major. That's why it's called the draws alot of interest.

  80. oh babs...size doesn't matter...a dirty mind trumps big boobs any day

  81. Anal sex really gives me the shits

  82. ...and 100th!

  83. I hate, loath vomiting. I'll wish you better health s.t.a.t! I dig that you posted a stock photo of what appears to be a bulimic ( I'm not being sexist, males can also be bulimic) purging over the loo[why didn't the stock photographer lift the seat up?]! Someone please Photoshop it to have bile dripping from their hand/fingers! Bulimics are just failed anorexics... *** This is coming from a former anorexic{40KG}, I knew well enough to never vomit, it wrecks your metabolism & teeth,skin faster than a Fred at whoo-hoo speed!

    * You have to dig it all out before hand! [pun intended!] Then follow through with cleaning it out with water and gentle natural soap(e.g. 100% vegetable glycerin; Whole Foods Market sells their own brand 365 everyday value French Milled) Never use enemas, they ruin your PH balance in your rectum,you don't want to fuck that up! Plus enemas create a disruptions in your bowel movements, if they were healthy before- get ready for constipation or leaky bowels ! Enjoy anal!
    ** two hole herstory

  84. Mosquito bites never sag! I rather have AB cups through C cups nothing bigger! I have a smaller bosom compared to my glutæus maximus,I think bosoms are over rated! Though something that isn't over rated is XXL Cock! XXXL Cock is where it's at, though only Bunnkey's, no one else would otherwise do... two hole herstory

  85. A pearl necklace is the last thing Bunnkey gave me on the morning of October 13,2011 in PDX. Off with their volatile fixie as I rode to the MAX station via the bus. No more I love yous ... two hole herstory

  86. Standing up is the way to go, vanillas take it lying down.
    two hole herstory..

  87. When I was about 20 I got out of a bad relationship and went out with an older woman(29). We were in my Z-28 with the T-tops out drinkin the beers and smokin the Wed on the 1st date and she says..."I work, go to school, and have 2 kids. I don't have time for the drama so I will show you whats in store if you like me."

    She pulled out a sea-shell scrunchie and put her hair in a pont-tail and well.........

    I think I told her I loved her that same day.

  88. ps. She had very small titties and a NICE ass.

  89. Head? she said naivelyMarch 11, 2014 at 9:38 AM

    Assume the position!

  90. Anom @ 808 - I love stories that have a romantic element to them instead of the plain old "she gave me head".

  91. Male or Female - that is the questionMarch 11, 2014 at 9:44 AM

    Anon 7:42: Why do I have a feeling that post was not posted by a woman?

  92. 808 drum beats 4 ever forever and ever & ever off to 808...synth life sucks...
    C yah

  93. A vagina doesn't make a female just like a penis=male
    get on board with NON~gender
    Not just "gay males" enjoy anal/know the ropes of anal...

  94. WCRM - Three things:

    (1) look what happens when you don't fed the web

    (2) at, we require a doctor's note when there is an extended absence after a weekend


  95. I am not too sure you could even "provide favor" to a woman driving a Z-28. I am talkin' about doin' it right.

    You could probably nibble Vaginal Shoreline, though. At best.....

  96. I figured it out, Snob is watching the Oscar Pistorius trial on line.

  97. <a hr = ">Prom Night</a> will never be the same. Chloe said it's not supposed to go in there.

  98. He killed her good. Nice to see the murder of beautiful white models is receiving the attention it deserves in South Africa, a country with a long troubled history of... HEY WAIT A MINUTE

  99. Just looked at the Chicago forecast for tonight: "Winds NNE at 25 to 35 mph. Snow accumulating 3 to 5 inches."

    Maybe I'll just stay home tomorrow and watch McFly's "People vs. Winter" video a few more times.

  100. How odd. I have some home movies titled "3 to 5 inches...A Love Story of Pony-tails, Pearl Necklaces and Slow Motion Scranus Massaging."

  101. I thought this was a comments section about a bike blog, but it's 95% comments about oral or anal sex????

  102. Mr. Fong's, and away go your troubles down the toilet (catchy jingle, no?)March 11, 2014 at 1:41 PM

    CC @ 426: "avoiding the pork tartar at Mr. Fong's House of Communist Chinese Sustenance? (And, it's not pork)."

    Has anyone reported Leroy's dog missing?

    Mr. Fong's, are franchise opportunities available?

    If one opened in Toronto, there would be no "Ka-Ching" in the cash register if Rob Ford found out about the place. That human vacuum cleaner would suck the buffet as empty as Snob's intestines are today.

  103. Steve Tilford likes riding in the wind. He is either a bad ass or retarded. Probably both.

  104. ugh, that's so weak.

  105. Mr. Fong's Frog, Fish, Pork or Beef, all from One CarcassMarch 11, 2014 at 2:20 PM

    CC: P. S. Mr. Fong's House of Communist Chinese… If franchise opps are available I'd want to change the name slightly to "Mr. Fong's House of Communist Chinese Army Rations".


  106. Bike or Sex said...
    I thought this was a comments section about a bike blog, but it's 95% comments about oral or anal sex????

    Yeah, it is a bit like the teacher is 15 minutes late (perhaps having non-missionary sex with a guidance counselor)....anybody want to pretend to talk bike?

    I'll start...Look pedals forever...spd's never

    speedplays are an entry drug to anal sex...easy-in-easy-out...don't get me started on the crank brothers...a suggestive name if I ever heard one

    voldrayv cruceni

  107. SPDs. Never tried anything else. But I'm not a roadie and I ride my road bike with my mtn bike shoes. :^O

  108. Kk... We had two weeks of rain forecast and I couldn't bear to watch my shiny wheels suffer any more winter wear, so I cracked and bought a set of Vento's with red nipples!

    That's the state of the bicycle today.

    Oh! And I took that bike down to Richmond on Sunday morning to embody oxymoronism as a complete novice on a Vet Fred ride. It was AWESOME!!!

  109. yeah, that's great.

  110. McFly,
    I was so mesmerized by the bus sliding down the hill I must have missed the scranus massage. I'll have to pay closer attention...

  111. Pedals? Zzzzzz.

    Santorum slurry? Let the comments roll.

  112. So I did the damned infernal Strava yesterday on a pretty popular 15ish mile loop and loaded it up for public scrutiny.
    I looked at the results......21.7 mph avg.
    I knew I was pushin' but dang. Then I saw it said my top speed was 53 mph. WTF?

    Of course I left it up.

    ps. i has one SPD pedal and one LOOK.

  113. I have never used clicky-clicky pedals and only briefly used toe clips, and that is because I'm not in a race or pretending to be in a race, and therefore the slight speed advantage thus obtained is most certainly not worth sacrificing easy stop/start (on short rides) or the integrity of my joints (on long rides) or the ability to walk properly (off the biek) or the extra cost, or the extra time/hassle of giving a shit about one more species of consumer product. In short they are dumb, for my purposes. So yep that's the end of that topic for me. Carry on. Oral or anal sex.

  114. nerdy mcnerdison goes with the time off-road version everywhere, for those long walks when catastrophic failure visits bike.

  115. Roille,
    You beat me to it. I tried SPDs, but they were a nuisance in the city and gave me hotfoot on long rides. With platforms I can wear normal shoes and put my feet where I like. Maybe I need some of those new crabon feet. I think I read that they give good support for either oral or anal sex.

  116. Red nipples to match your own! Photos, please? And while you're posting photos anyways, throw in one of the wheelset as well, ok?

    Captcha, what's the weather forecast? "Scattered nchvryb." Ok, thanks, I'll take the bus...

  117. Did I ever show you my broken pedal? snapped off when I stood on the pedals

    I wasn't going fast, so I found myself standing on the road instead

  118. New carbon feet? Fuggetaboutit!

  119. I thought this was a comments section about a bike blog, but it's 95% comments about oral or anal sex????

    That's actually much better than the whole internets, which is about 98% about oral or anal sex, ...the remaining 2% is Christian dating sites.

  120. i've held a chic's hair while she placed a call on the porcelain phone. she was talking to Ralph about a Buick.

    see? we can have a good time without BSNY posting every day.

  121. DFL! ummm, probably not.

  122. CC - You forgot the 0.000001% that is devoted to vidoes of your Mayor acting up

  123. On the pedals topic - I usually ride the clickity types - either SPD for commuting or Look for more Fredly rides. I have been experimenting with good old platforms recently, and I do like them better for the start stop of city traffic, especially in the sketchy conditions of late. Like a good Fred, I will probably get lured back into the clickity pedals once Spring finally sproings.


  124. i found a red nipple

    and remember, AYHLMPC

  125. On my commutation bike, I have hermaphrodite "peddles", which they can be used with out without clickers. That way I can fred out or ride to the gym in gym shoes.

    Someone please remind me what this has to do with anorectal sex or vomication.

  126. Flats on mtb and commuter.
    flats on the recumbent. (On my recumbent my feet stay on the pedals and don't want to slip off downward. I've heard that can be a problem on some bents.)

    I have egg beaters right now on the road biek but I've been thinking of swapping them out for some flats.

    Bike riding increases the libido.

  127. I have a nice set of Ultegra road pedals but I really don't like them. I like lots of float. Lots of years riding the mtb with eggbeaters I guess.

  128. Since I don't want to work I am going to start a list of topics SNOB should cover when he gets done tossing oats:

    1. The indignities of nose puke

    2. Bicycle maintenance tips from an uncertified semi-pro yard maintenance engineer

    3. Pedaling and the art of Art

    4. Best bike for commuting if your place of employment is a gravel quarry

    5. Kickstarters for kickstands

    6. Biblical meanings of gear ratios

    7. Repurposing used chamois as formal dinner napkins

    8. What to do with those leftover links from new chains

    9. The mechanics of writing about mechanics


    10. What does HTML really mean

  129. Speedplay.

    Oral? yes, please

    anal? No, thanks (see other, better options)

    And, I prefer pink nipples.

    Did I forget anything? What is plural for "scranus"?

  130. I ride LSD
    No pedals
    No cranks
    I turn the bottom bracket spindles
    With my toes

  131. Scranii.

    Clipless on Ti Baby. All the way. I'm still waiting for Jimmy Choo to make a proper shoe for me - with a cleat embedded.

    I rode without cleats for a lotta years, but it's like riding a horse. The pedal (or the stirrup) is always under the ball of your feet. It only gets just a teeeeeny bit complicated with platform heels...

  132. Looks on Fredcycles.

    Platforms w/ clips 'n straps on commutering machine.

  133. You forgot the 0.000001% that is devoted to vidoes of your Mayor acting up.

    That's bound to fall into the 98% about oral and anal sex at some point, remember, he has enough to eat at home.

  134. LOOK on my road bike. Missionary on my wife. SPD on my MTB. Oral on my Secretary (she loves pearl necklaces) Platforms on my commuter and almost exclusively doggystyle on my girlfriend with an open door policy on a top hole finale.

  135. balls™,

    Scranton, metric or imperial.


  136. anonymous at sound like Frederick the Great

    (I speak french to my court, italian to my mistress, german to my dogs)

  137. JLRB -

    I think HTML may stand for Hold The Meat Loaf, Here's To My Ladies, Hot Leaded Magpie Legs, Hellish Tuesday Mystery Lesson, or perhaps Hounding The Money Launderers. One thing I do know, HTML is not a sexually transmitted dizass.

    was eviesWh

    PS Somebody please hold my meat loaf.

  138. Toeclips


    Scranii, I would guess

    All nipples are great, the Mayor's would be cute

    If you're composed enough to hold your own hair back while vomiting, you're really a second rate vomiter

    How often has this blog witnessed someone taking the 200th position? Only 39 to go!

  139. I prefer pink, too, but da boyz at the shop insisted the carpets and drapes match.

    It would be sweeter to always ride those shiny gold wheels. I wish I'd never heard of such a thing as winter wear...

  140. I hate to interrupt the anal/oral sex debate and the relative merits of calling Ralph and Huey vs "Buick", but it was 78 Murican degrees today so I went for the full Fred after work. It's amazing how much winter gut one can hide under a jacket, but Jersey Don't Lie. Resume oral and anal as you prefer, individually, together, or as a group.

  141. quit messing with the countMarch 11, 2014 at 7:49 PM


  142. You cycle people are sicko's. The ass is for the attacking with violence and dry aggression not sweet love making.

  143. It was only 65 "or so in the inner suburbs of the Nation's Capital, but went totally Cat VI on an elderly lady on a Cervelo on the way home from work.

    Thirty something


  144. RE: Anal
    RE: Oral
    RE: Santorum
    RE: Pearl necklaces
    RE: Puke
    RE: Legless gun-obsessed alleged murderers
    RE: what kind of pedals you use

    Save for the last one, this bike blog comment section proves itself to be a bastion of clever commentary and wordplay. Seriously.

  145. what kind of pedals you use is the MacGuffin..a meaningless trope that runs through the narrative, about which we ostensibly speak until we digress to earthier subjects (much like bikesnobs daily post)

    that said, I agree with bama phred that there's no hiding in a early season rides in lycra are met by cries of 'Michelin Man' by my neighbors...but what really burns my ass is babs complaining about winter..the poor baby has to ride a lesser line of campy wheels to avoid salt damage to her golden's galling that some canuck (Frenchwoman of the north if you will) is riding 30+ miles anytime she has a few spare hours while down in the Hudson Valley (America's river) we're iced in.

    ogettend turres

  146. The Sharkfin Saddle serves as a gateway drug to getting pegged with a strap-on.

    Males, you may be getting an early Christmas present this year...

  147. Dancesonpedals: is this a fresh Macguffin, or an old familiar standby?

    Waiting for someone to use an Egg McMuffin Macguffin in a film.

  148. I said, "then that's no MacGuffin"

  149. elderly lady on a CerveloMarch 11, 2014 at 11:29 PM

    Yacht Curator - next time how about an on your port side you cat VI devil

  150. While Bunkey was still inside of me, he carried me off the bed to the floor so we could each stand up & he could ram his ten+XXL cock further up my rectum. We stayed in that stance for twenty minutes,when they pulled out & shot me a pearl necklace. We fucked in the early hours before my flight left & again after my cat-nap with the "I love you dream" to make me pine for him forever. I will remember the I love dream I had that early morning, the last times burns a void into my psyche.


  151. Bunky ripped off the condom before shooting the necklace. I never let him let alone anyone enter without it!!!

  152. The children had the years first Youth Triathlon Practice yesterday. I only saw one Inverted Christmas Fork in among 30 odd bikes. Not bad dad....not bad. There was an abnormal amount of the hot MILF moving around. As I sat on my tailgate a petite blonde with the biggest rack I have ever seen on a woman that small tries to glide by and say something funny/cool AND DROPS ALL OF HER KIDS STUFF INCLUDING THE $2000 BIKE. I got down and helped her gather it up.
    She said, "What do you see wrong with this picture?" I said, "I don't see nothin' wrong with it."

    I wish my preacher friend would have been out of ear-shot.

  153. An Open Letter to All the 30-50 Year Old Women in FB Land with Nice Bodies:

    If you could please include an album in your photo's titles Pics That Show My Curves when you send me a friend request it would really streamline my time.[Needs at least 15-20 images]

  154. Scraaaaaaanussses

  155. nervous titters.....

  156. Christy Brinkley is the Macguffin in the National Lampoon's Vacation movie.

    Billy Joel was quoted,"That's no Macguffin, that's my wife!"
