Thursday, July 25, 2013

Oopsie! Accidentally On Purpose

Despite all the hysteria that surrounded Citi Bike's debut, the system is in fact slotting neatly into the New York City transit infrastructure structure.  Indeed, just like the subway, half the time you marvel over its speed and convenience, and half the time you curse it for totally screwing you over.  I experienced the latter yesterday yet again when I emerged from the subway in Brooklyn only to find a dearth of bikes:

This guy took a drag off his cigarette and was like, "Tough shit:"

"No big deal," I thought.  There's another station right down the block.

Fortunately, there were bikes, but unfortunately the station didn't work, so I was unable to pluck any of its heavy, overripe, human-powered fruit.

Or, if you prefer:

"I pulled the lever on the machine but the Clark bar didn't come out!"

[Exclamation point!]

"Well, crap," I thought, "I guess I'll just have to go to the next next station."  So I did just that, and there was a bike waiting for me with my name on it (if my name were "Citi Bike," or else whatever's scribbled on that graffiti tag):

Sadly, that station didn't work either, so there I was, bikeless and adrift in stupid downtown Brooklyn and contemplating jumping this guy for his Citi Bike:

I'd have done it, too, if only I wasn't a complete and utter "woosie."  

Then I thought about flashing him my fake Park Slope Food Coop ID and telling him I needed to commandeer the bike for urgent smugness-related business:

But he must have seen the menacing look in my eye because he rode off like the wind.  (If the wind weighed fifty pounds, had only three speeds, and was plastered with corporate advertising.)

So in the end I had to walk, which I don't mind doing ordinarily, but which I do mind when I planned my whole trip around not doing it.  On the way back, however, not only did I have success with Citi Bike, but I also got to see the police pull over a driver instead of a cyclist:

Sometimes you're up, and sometimes your down.

Meanwhile, a number of people have informed me that the San Francisco cyclist who ran a red light and killed somebody has pleaded (or pled, or plud, sorry, I don't speak your "Legalese") guilty to manslaughter:

He won't go to jail, but he will have to perform a lot of community service:

Bucchere's plea deal, which does not include jail time, includes three years of probation and 1,000 hours of community service. He was scheduled to go to trial in October.

If nothing else, this is a lesson to beware of the Lucas Brunellian hero-in-your-own-mind mentality that can take over when you're riding in traffic and then compel you to write stupid stuff like this on the Internet after mortally wounding somebody:

"I was already way too committed to stop ... I couldn't see a line through the crowd and I couldn't stop so I laid down and just plowed through the crowded crosswalk in the least-populated place I could find," Bucchere wrote. "I hope he ends up OK."

Wow, what a putz.  Too committed to stop?  That sounds like the kind of excuse Carlos Danger would give for not pulling out in time.

On the other hand, it's hard to imagine a driver receiving a similar punishment, since in this country killing someone with your car is largely considered little more than an "Oopsie" unless huge amounts of alcohol are involved.  For example, I wonder what will happen to this driver when the police catch him?

(Via Leroy's dog)

The unidentified 18-year-old bicyclist was riding on Northern Boulevard around 1:50 a.m. this morning when a driver ran a red light and smashed into the bicyclist, who clung to the roof of the dark-colored car. The cyclist held on to the roof from where he was hit, on 54th street, until he was flung from the car when it turned on to 53rd Place. All the while on the roof, the bicyclist was trying to get the driver to stop their car.

"The guy was laid out on the roof, banging with his hand and yelling, 'Stop! Stop! Stop!' like panicking," a witness told the Daily News. "The guy went flying off the front of the car. He went rolling on the street."

Hopefully, justice will prevail, and the police will locate the driver so they can force the cyclist to reimburse him for the damage to his car.  

Really, a "hit-and-run accident?"  How can a hit-and-run be an accident?  How come I never read the phrase "attempted murder accident," "or drive-by shooting accident," or "robbery accident?"  Hopefully the driver does get caught and by some miracle actually goes to jail, where I wouldn't be all that heartbroken to learn he became the victim of a "rape accident" in the shower.

More horrifying than any of this though is that cyclists in Berkeley are rolling through stop signs at a quiet intersection at moderate speeds:

Yes, after what was probably hours of staking out the intersection, the news crew managed to capture a series of completely non-thrilling utter non-near-misses like this one, in which which nobody narrowly avoided even the smallest amount of harm:

It seems to me that pretty much everyone in this video looks both ways before rolling through, and unlike the guy who was "way too committed to stop" they're all going slow enough to be able to bring their bicycles to a halt in about a foot and a half.

I'm not saying you should ride into an intersection like an idiot, but the only victim in this video was the stop sign, which is too metal and inanimate to give a fuck anyway.

Lastly, here's the latest attempt at redesigning the bicycle saddle by a person who can't come to terms with the fact that he should be riding a recumbent:


Note how hypnotically it undulates.  Not convinced this is the future of bicycle saddles?  Well, you'll be even less convinced after watching the video:


What is this "chaffing" they keep talking about?  Whatever it is, it can't be worse than getting your genitals caught between the saddle and the rails while it's rocking.


  1. Top Ten!

    Doping is paying off!!!!!

  2. Top 10 Cleveland yeah!

  3. Come back, bgw! All is forgiven (except for the thing with the two nuns and the tapir, but come back anyway!)

  4. I could have been a Weiner but that Namo seat had me hypnotized. $468? Still cheaper than a Selle Italia Superflow.

  5. Wishing rape on someone (even passively as you did in this post) isn't cool. Don't do it.

    1. Yeah snobby, next time PRAY that he gets the welcome wagon deep and at an unwelcome slant. Wishing is for wussies. Praying is for jihadists. And that is definitely not cool.

    2. Oh please. Do you actually read this blog, or just scan it for stuff to bother you?

  6. I used to own a Flite Evolution 2. CRABON shell with no padding and hollow titanium rails, 99 grams!!! I bought it from a dentist. I also bought spinergies from him...

    99gram crabon saddle EXPLODED after a week. :( It was not very comfortable either...

  7. If they can just get the nose of that saddle to wiggle Dorothy Rabinowitz will take up bike riding. It will be the first time she'd be "wet" since Truman was president.

  8. Oh Shit! I watched that news video with trepidation, since that guy was filming me as I rode through the utterly empty intersection without stopping and even waved at him as I passed by. I ride through that intersection on my daily commute. California St. is a designated Bike Boulevard. It's quiet and not heavy with vehicular traffic. Most people riding through the intersection use some sense and stop if there are cars and blow right on through if there are not. Many times there are not. Why this reporter chose such a mellow spot is beyond me. He could have gone two blocks over to University Avenue and filmed far more harrowing traffic action, or San Pablo Avenue, which is Crazy With Asshole Drivers.

    Thank Lob I didn't make the final edit. They probably couldn't block out the chirping crickets.

    Oh yeah, nice handlebar throw Anon 12:06pm. Firstie it is!

  9. Sorry, The Snob, but I must disagree with you. I think that saddle may have a future once the price drops. I'd like to try it.

  10. That Namo seat is creepy.

    Yesterday I rode by a bike-share station near a kids' day camp -- lots of kids were sitting on the bikes, ringing the bells and yelling at cyclists as we rode past. Pretty funny.

  11. Carlos Danger is hot on the trail of those cargo shortsnappers.

  12. I'm undecided on the New Fangled Seat Thingy.

    I would think that instead of feeling stable on something solid, it would feel all loosey-goosey under your bottom.

    Kinda reminds me of another kind of ride I like to do...

    I just, um, thought of something else I need to, um...

    I'll be right back.

  13. I particularly enjoyed the Ralph Melish-esque description of the breaking news od bicycle stop sign violators...

  14. If the saddle is a rockin, don't come a knockin.

  15. Was the cyclist who killed the old man on a brakeless fixie? Is that why he couldn't stop?

  16. The guy doing the report is a well known douchebag. he always wants to point out "bad behavior" in every segment, but he has no more material to work from. He has done "bikes not stopping" like 3 times already. He is so strained for material he makes it up as he goes along. Nevermind him, he is just a big windbag.

  17. So the options are inventing a swivel seat or finding the correct seat height for your scranus and this guy picked inventing a new seat?

    He should just invent an ergonomic vibrating seat. At least then there'd be more women in the peloton.

  18. Anonymous 12:25pm,

    Wishing things on people doesn't make them happen. In any case, sorry if you found my impotent wish too harsh for THE GUY WHO HIT SOMEBODY AND THEN DROVE AROUND WITH HIM ON THE ROOF BEFORE LEAVING HIM FOR DEAD.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  19. I love these game changing bike inventions that have virtually no scientific backing other than a poorly drawn diagram. I'm taking the under on whether they reach their fund raising goal.

  20. balls™

    This is a great solution for the people who bought into the idiotic integrated seatmast trend and don't want to cut their frames when they change saddles.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  21. balls tm:

    If someone invented the seat you just described, I'd have to quit my job.

  22. That saddle could be good for a few thousand quid. Maybe, just maybe, he can get froome dog to sleep with it on a volcano then the skybots will buy four.

    For me, that saddle is a fail. too many grams, not enough crabon. Besides, I've already cut my use-once seat mast to my swim coach, Angel "memo" Hernandez exact specifications.

    Memo has good supplements too.

  23. Oakland Rollie twirls his moustachio in your general direction! (Sportin' douchey facial hair back when Brooklyn was still too scary for twee wan waifs.)

    Hey speaking of saddles, whatever happened to the SaddleCo Flow? 'member that thing? Hi-tech mesh saddle for maximum scranal ventilation? Does anything ever make it out of Interbike and become a real fucking product? Yesterday it was so hot. **How hot was it?** It was so hot, my scranus was soaked with the sweet, sweet sweat of sweaty sweetness -- and so were my cotton shorts. It looked like I had goddamn pissed myself. Which I had, but that's beside the point.

  24. I should also mention, I had on some bikey shorts underneath and sweated right through that shit. O how much better it would be to be suspended scranally upon a taut ass-trampoline of high-tech fiber mesh.

  25. I get the part about the articulation to compensate for the natural rocking motion of the scranus while underway but the overall design does nothing for the fact that more than half the rider's body weight is supported by just a few square inches of wedgie seat. The tilt-o-wedge is not going to be anymore comfortable than a traditional bike seat.

    I agree Wilcat if you're that worried about it get a recumbent.

  26. In case you missed it, another innovation in saddles

  27. Dear NAMO people: Chafing rhymes with strafing, not laughing. Also, your seat will cause lower back injuries. Lame.

  28. too fucking metal!!!

  29. One of these and one of these is on it's way as fast as they can get here.

    I'll see you suckers later.

  30. Please shut the fuck up about New York's bike share program. Nobody gives a fuck. Go back to making fun of ugly fixies, pleeeease.

  31. Anon @ 1:34: please shut the fuck up about shutting the fuck up.

  32. Anonymous 1:34pm,

    Please shut the fuck up about what you want because I don't care about what you want and in fact it makes me happy you're not getting what you want so now that I think about it thanks for the comment.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  33. I too hope the teenager-on-my-roof-ah-wtf-I'll just-brake-sharply-see-there-he-goes guy gets bumraped in gaol and I don't care if that makes me a bad person. Hell, I'd do the job myself if that was my bag.

  34. RoadQueen, is it a chair with an Accessory Penis or is it a penis with an Accessory Chair? For just under 5 pounds you can also buy the sex toy cleaner, which I would think is a wise investment, unless you have some already, in which case save that English money for something else.

    Be wary of Commie Canuck trying to sell you Artisinal Mayo Penis Lube from one of Montreal's many fine "sexe" stores. it's probably just re-packaged Miracle Whip.

    The vibrating bike seat comes with FREE BATTERIES, so you have THAT going for you, which is nice...

    We promise not to ring your doorbell or phone you once these arrive, cuz' that wouldn't be nice. Enjoy your vroom-vroom time!

  35. Shit I just realized in wishing for a mesh seat I'm probably one step closer to joining the recumbent crowd. Or crown I mean.

  36. Yarpo:

    1. It is a chair penis accessory that I’m pretty sure I can use my ingenuity to convert to a saddle penis accessory. Where there’s a will, there’s a way.

    2. Commie Canuck is going to have a really hard sell to get me to purchase lube, no matter how artisanal. I have my own, but thanks for looking out for me, I know you’ve got my back.

    3. I’m getting a pallet of batteries from Lowes just to be on the safe side, as I’m sure the ½ charged freebies won’t last long.

    4. You can try to contact me, but once these come in and installation is complete, I doubt I’ll be able to respond to any attempts at communication, other than a strangled “aaaAAAAAAAHHHHhhhh….”

    5. Just a thought, but do you think I could get a Kickstarter going to pay my bills while I um…experiment? I’m starting to think about a coast-to-coast trip and back via my bicycle and the longest fucking route I can find.



  37. The namo swivel seat is good try but my favorite wacky alternative saddle has still got to be the " spongy wonder". For the obvious reasons.

  38. I'll put up 20 bucks for RoadQueen's voyage of inner discovery.

  39. so ...

    that namo seat looks sooooooo much like male genitalsalia. why did they have to put a little "head" on it.

    and in the opening frame of that video...its like its about to give you a facial? that must be what its like to be on the other end of one of my much beloved facials.

    thridly - does it seem like europe has a complete surplus of engineers? every average euro-guy/gal can seemingly whip something up in autocad and build some cycling product in their spare time. not that that is a good thing.

    and what is up with that kids sweater? seriously. that is just so f'ing euro.

    lastly - Babble's, Road Queen - wouldn't that namo seat hinder your ability to "rub one out" while riding? seems like you'd need it to be stationary?

  40. Dang Rode Queen you would not have to quit your day job just because you purchased a vibrating bike seat cover. You could probably easily bring it into your work space (assuming you work at a desk) and slap that puppy in your roll around chair with a USB adapter and type and squirt the hours away in cubicle pubicle bliss.

  41. oh, and i think shower rape for attempted murder fits the crime quite well.

  42. Oh there is a WAY babygirl.

  43. P. Bateman,

    The lack of ability to crate friction is what struck me as well. That just won’t work for me, there’s more than one reason I enjoy riding my bike.

    That’s why I’m going the route of the Giant Dildo + Vibrating Seat Base. Tell me that sucker won’t make some friction.


  44. CREATE, not crate.

    Sorry, losing focus here...

  45. giant dildo? like big we talking here?

  46. McFly, I considered doing just that, however my roller chair has arms and I wouldn’t be able to straddle it to get maximum, um….effect.

    I may see if they’d allow me to bring a stationary bike in and work from that…although I have a feeling that my overall productivity is going to suffer horribly.

  47. P. Bateman, in the picture it looks like a monster. Being on the smaller spectrum myself, I may have to trim the stem to get the best fit, if ya know what I mean...

  48. i like how we've turned a "bike" blog into penthouse letters. or maybe garage apartment letters at least.

  49. People who come up with uhm... revolutionary ideas like the namo seat always have the crappiest bikes.

  50. Babble, where ARE you, girl? You're missing out on all the fun!

  51. That saddle totally looks like a Concorde about to land.

    nineteen seventynonofyourfuckingbusiness indeed.

    "nyxcum 37, eh?" sounds menacing.

  52. hey bikesnobnyc....please refrain from talking about major developments and events involving biking in nyc on your blog about bicycling in nyc...

  53. RoadQueen,

    You should totally buy the pallet of batteries. You are a smart shopper. Those so-called freebies are always crap and you would hate to have the device stop in mid-AAAAAaaahhh.

    Now that I think of it, if the toys are working as advertised, you either won't hear the doorbell/ringing phone or better yet, you WON'T CARE.

    Kickstarter Kampaign needs to be disguised by portraying your, "Inner Journey" along with something ecological/environmental, like calling attention to the plight of the Road-Crossing Death Turtles of Leroy-fame, filming it of course, duh, and seeking corporate sponsorship. Perform live poetry at hip cafes along the way while strumming a ukelele. Oh yeah, and pretend that no one has ever ridden a bike across the country before. You would be the first, ever.

    Remember to get a BOB trailer to haul The Chair and the pallet of batteries.

  54. The Mrigi has a Yoni six fingers deep. Her body is delicate, with girlish aspect, soft and tender. Her head is small and well-proportioned; her bosom stands up well; her stomach is thin and drawn in; her thighs and Mons Veneris are fleshy, and her build below the hips is solid, whilst her arms from the shoulder downwards are large and rounded. Her hair is thick and curly; her eyes are black as the dark lotus-flower; her nostrils are fine; her cheeks and cars are large; her hands, feet, and lower lip are ruddy, and her fingers are straight. Her voice is that of the Kokila bird, and her gait the rolling of the elephant. She eats moderately, but is much addicted to the pleasure of love; she is affectionate but jealous, and she is active in mind when not subdued by her passions. Her Kama-salila has the pleasant perfume of the lotus-flower.

    The Vadava or Ashvini numbers nine fingers depth. Her body is delicate; her arms are thick from the shoulders downwards; her breasts and hips are broad and fleshy, and her umbilical region is high-raised, but without protuberant stomach. Her hands and feet are red like flowers, and well-proportioned. Her head slopes forwards and is covered with long and straight hair; her forehead is retreating; her neck is long and much bent; her throat, eyes, and mouth are broad, and her eyes are like the petals of the dark lotus. She has a graceful walk, and she loves sleep and good living. Though choleric and versatile, she is affectionate to her husband; she does not easily arrive at the venereal spasm, and her Kama-salila is perfumed like the lotus.

    The Karini has a Yoni twelve fingers in depth. Un clean in her person, she has large breasts; her nose, ears, and throat are long and thick; her cheeks are blown or expanded; her lips are long and bent outwards (bordes); her eyes are fierce and yellow-tinged; her face is broad; her hair is thick and somewhat blackish; her feet, hands, and arms are short and fat; and her teeth are large and sharp as a dog's. She is noisy when eating; her voice is hard and harsh; she is gluttonous in the extreme, and her joints crack with every movement. Of a wicked and utterly shameless disposition, she never hesitates to commit sin. Excited and disquieted by carnal desires, she is not easily satisfied, and requires congress unusually protracted. Her Kama-salila is very abundant, and it suggests the juice which flows from the elephant's temples.

  55. Yarpo, duly noted.

    You are one smart cookie, my friend.


  56. I can't believe no one's thought of this yet, but here it is:



  57. Great, now I'm wavering...too many choices!

  58. Wavering when you should be quivering. /not right!

  59. Road Queen & pbateman,
    And all this time I thought the women I passed on the bike path were smiling at ME. Live and learn.

  60. I just can't get behind that Namo saddle, butt...

  61. Well, having lived in Berkeley for four years while at Cal, I can say the stop sign story is a non-story for the simple reason that nobody in that place follows any traffic laws. Red light running in SF/Oakland/Berkeley is de rigeur, and I think you have to show proof of how to do it to pass your drivers exam.

  62. High cadence with electric motor like smoothness?


    laying the hammer down, "choppin' wood"?

  63. Anon @ 3:01:

    One word. Intervals.

  64. I just can't get behind that Namo saddle, butt...I wouldn't mind drafting behind an apple-bottomed lass on it.

  65. NAMO spelled backwards is O MAN. Coincidence? I would hold out for the GNIMMUC GNIKCUF M'I model.

  66. Call me a retrogrouch, but I think the battery-operated bike dildo would be better if it ran off a dynamo hub. It'd sure be good incentive for faster riding.

  67. Great day for a ride here in NYC.

  68. anon 2:26, good one.


    @2:05 they show a car rolling the fucking stop sign, as probably all the other cars, bikes and pedestrians do at this quiet intersection.

    Pretty idiotic stakeout..

  70. for those of you who still care or once cared about the TdF this is a great book and a steal at $23.

  71. Dear Mr. Anon 12:25 --

    Is it okay if we just hope that the hit and run driver has cause to grip the towel bar in the Riker's Island shower room while singing "I know I'll never love this way again"?

    Not asking for me.

    My dog wanted to know.

  72. You know who else was "too committed" to stop?
    That hit and run driver with the cyclist clinging to the car roof.

  73. I hope he gets murdered instead.


  75. Queenie, where do you get off, posting like this?

    Oh, pretty much everywhere, apparently. You go, girl.

    That's the way these

    equedern 483s


  76. Well this is awkward.

    Dear Mr. Wildcat Rock Machine --

    Yesterday, I skipped the first Citi Bike station you tried, also found that the second station you visited wasn't working, but apparently got the last bike in a working dock from the third station you visited.


    In an effort to make it up to you, I sent you a picture my dog took earlier this afternoon while riding a Citi Bike to the DMV.

    If it's any consolation, the DMV was turning folks away because its computers were down.

    I wonder if they use the same software as Citi Bike.

  77. "it can't be worse than getting your genitals caught between the saddle and the rails while it's rocking."

    The Namo Seat(tm) does not work for people with Nano genitals. Sorry. I will be working on that problem after my sex tourism holiday in the Caribbean.
    Now shake that ass!!|

  78. ANON 3:43, did you listen to the reporter's introduction. I think he said, basically, no one, including bicyclists, stops at stop signs in the Bay area. And what was interesting about this particular sign is that it is the only one in the area for bicyclists only. The reporter's, "People Behaving Badly" series of reports are excellent and available on Youtube.

  79. Leroy, so your dog drives an automobile, eh? Bad dog!

  80. Dooth, two wrongs do not make a right, but they make a good excuse. Thomas Szasz, The Second Sin (1973) "Social Relations" I suspect you knew this was coming.

  81. Pretty simple, snob.

    You couldn't find a blue douchebike because you wren't dressed right. Business casual is de rigeur for Citibike.

    You simply MUST sport a tailored shirt and neatly creased slacks, "full Goldman Sachs", or the bikes will hide from you!

  82. Dear Mr. ETF -

    We don't let my dog drive since that unfortunate "Hey, pretend you're riding your bike on the roof rack and I'll take a photo" incident.

    We were on our way to the DMV to get plates for a custom Humvee.

    It seems I misunderstood my dog's response to what he wanted for his birthday.

    I thought he said "a Hummer limo."

    Apparently, between "Hummer" and "limo", he also said "in a."

  83. Leroy, some of us, and our dogs, REALLY know how to live.

  84. WG, so right you are. But I suspect you're wrongly attributing the vigilante comments to a peaceful man.

  85. Better late than never, Babs. You missed the COCK BIKE fest.

  86. Snob,
    if you call Citibikes, and tell them at which station you are, they might be able to 'reboot' the station that is not working. It takes 5 minutes at the most.
    I did it in Montreal, and it worked, if I remember correctly.....

  87. I can't seem to post with an iPhone, so I missed out on the sex toy bicycle and workstation innuendo. After a look at the chair strap on, and a brief moment struggling with the concept of over- sharing, I feel so, so, ....... Inadequate. Unless of course it was doll house furniture. Thank you, I feel much better now.

  88. Snobby, the way you find empty and inoperable bike stations, it sounds more like Bike Where? than Bike Share. Seems like other times you have the bike but no space left to dock it. Maybe it would be better if bike scalpers hung around so you could always get one if you were willing the pay the premium. Maybe some gypsy bike vending could spring up. I guess Citibike is like a box of chocolates. Walk, Snobby, Walk!

    1 joinson? Sounds Weiner related

  89. Dooth, Ah peace, it is such a rare thing these days, with controversy everywhere, but easily attainable with a bike ride, except of course, in NYC.

  90. I'm a man's man and I resent the idea that my saddle might be sexually stimulating to my bottom.

  91. You! Guys! Talked! About! Sex! All! Day! And! All! I! Did! Was! Ride!

  92. I missed all the fun. But I smiled all day long... what a beautiful day for a bike ride... :D

  93. Dear Mr NYC,

    If you're worried about getting your balls caught by the rocking saddle, perhaps it's because they hang freakishly low.


    Animus De Scranus

    PS. Your site doesn't allow comments form iOS devices, which means it's shit. Not judging, just saying.

  94. Feeling much better today. Went on a bike riding date night last night.

    Turns out all I needed was a good ride - who knew?!

  95. Did you do intervals or was it just one long hard effort?

  96. Animus de scranus:
    Posting this from my iPhone.
    Just sayin

  97. McFly: Intervals. It's all about variety.

  98. Yes you can iPhone post. Now, back to scranus scrunching bike saddle accessory talk.

  99. Most of us Queenie, most of us.

  100. Carlos the Jackle (Brooklyn Address)July 26, 2013 at 2:24 PM

    Frederick's of Hollywood sells crotchless "riding shorts" that would work purrfectly with that saddle contraption.

  101. information is very useful, very useful for new cyclists who use the bike as a transportation option

  102. Bikers are allways complaining, but they are nothing more than a bunch of lazy patetic morons that cant drive and think they are geniuses, so can drive anywhere. I bet that the moron accidentaly runned over was the one tha jump the light. A drunk biker at 2 in the morning just wants to die. And that one from san francisco, why did not go to jail, IF HE IS NOTHING MORE THAN A COLD BLOOD MURDER????? Bikers are just punk kids with a lot of age, no money and IQ of less than 40....
