Wednesday, March 6, 2013

It's Wednesday And Come To This Thing Tonight!

Further to yesterday's post, a commenter commented the following commentary in the comments section:

Anonymous said...


I miss when you would blog about just riding your damn bike around Brooklyn and Manhattan, taking pictures of all the goofy sights and encounters you'd find along the way...

Can we do more of that, plz?

thxu :-*

March 5, 2013 at 3:34 PM

I can sympathize, because there's lots of stuff I miss too.  For example, I miss the days before CBGB got replaced by a clothing store for douchebags.  Then again, if CBGB were still open today I wouldn't go near the place anyway because I'm an old fuddy-duddy.  Come to think of it, that's also why I don't live in Brooklyn anymore, which is why Anonymous isn't seeing as many pictures of it.  Plus, when you're an aging blogger (or aging anything, really) it's very important to disavow things in which you once enthusiastically took part: tattoos, fixies, bike couriering, living in Brooklyn, taking pictures of it, etc.

Yes, it sucks that things change, but I'm happier now, and that's all that counts.

Still, that doesn't mean I don't still go to Brooklyn, and tonight I have to do just that.  Moreover, I have to go to the most offensive part--Williamsburg, epicenter of the New Douchery--because I'm the master of ceremonies for this thing that's happening at 8pm tonight at the Knitting Factory, which I thought was still in Manhattan because I'm an old fuddy-duddy:

I hope to see at least some of you there, and by way of enticement I managed to dig up some Knog Blinders, which I'll find a way to distribute during the proceedings:

And you're going to need them because there's a shitstorm a-comin' our way:

I can't wait to trek home to the real world in it tonight.

By the way, I was also intrigued by this headline on the same site:

I don't know who compiled this list, but if it was/were me number one would be the Williamsburg Bridge during rush hour.  If you've ever been stuck in the midst of a full-on Cat 6 run you know it's remarkably similar to the embassy-storming scene at the beginning of "Argo."

Anyway, please come tonight, and you can RSVP here.  Also, here's a video about another one of the builders:

Handcrafted presented by Jack Daniel's... by TheLMagazine

I don't mean to sound ignorant, but what are "Polish drops?"

There's a Polish joke in there somewhere, but since I'll be somewhat close to Greenpoint tonight I'm not going to make it because I don't feel like getting beaten up.

Speaking of taking pictures, I was IN MY CAR THAT I OWN (click here to see what David Byrne thinks of that) not too long ago when I spotted this vanity plate:

Which is amusing if you're the giggly sort, but not quite as amusing as this article (forwarded to me by the proprietor of World's Greatest Coffee Co-Op In The World Just Coffee):

Which features extensive quotes on the subject of celibacy from a man named "Father Wang:"

Father Stephen Wang, dean of studies at Allen Hall Seminary, says it is a sacrifice that many priests manage. "It's possible when people have an inner maturity and the faith and support structures are in place." For him it is no different to the challenge of a husband trying to be faithful to his wife.

Forget celibacy--I don't even have the "inner maturity" not to giggle about the name "Father Wang."

Oh, and no masturbating either:

There is no celibacy get-out in the form of masturbation, says Wang. "For every Christian, masturbation, sex before marriage and sex outside marriage are wrong and something you shouldn't be doing.

Just when I thought I knew every euphemism for "foffing off" I discover another one.  Next time someone excuses himself from the table for a "celibacy get-out" I'll know what he's talking about.

Meanwhile, in more Fredly news, a reader informs me that the new measure of bicycle quality is the "peel a banana at speed" test:

While many machines are billed as 'neutral', the Madone defines the term with intuitive manners that practically require just a thought to go where you want. Neither overly twitchy nor somnabulantly boring, the pitch-perfect geometry – 73-degree head tube angle, 976mm wheelbase, and 72mm bottom bracket drop on our 52cm sample – carves a wicked arc through sinuous high-speed descents, confidently switches lines mid-corner, and still nails the proverbial 'peel a banana at speed' test.

Given the Madone's pedigree this stability is hardly surprising, since Lance Armstrong's Discovery Channel team demanded rock-steady handling for those on-the-bike blood transfusions.  Particularly impressive is the fact that the bike requires "just a thought to go where you want," because I know I'm tired of shouting at my bike in order to make it change direction--to say nothing of its "somnabulantly boring" (he's missing an "m" in there by the way) character, though that could be a function of the handlebar-mounted loudspeaker that plays Garrison Keillor recordings as I ride.

Anyway, while this bike may nail the proverbial "peel a banana at speed" test, I wonder how it does at the "celibacy get-out at speed" test.  They should turn it over to Mario Cipollini next, though when he's done Trek had better turn it over to the CDC for disinfecting.

Lastly, from another reader comes this moving video of late Venezuelan President Hugo "JRA" Chávez riding a bicycle:

Looks like it failed the "peel a banana at speed" test.


  1. Serial RetrogrouchMarch 6, 2013 at 10:34 AM

    nipples and elbows

  2. Serial RetrogrouchMarch 6, 2013 at 10:34 AM

    ...and balls.

  3. It's too early for this shit.

  4. yes!!! Podium

    177 peacen

  5. enough is hulled

  6. Early birdie!

    Snob, I RSVP-ed for the thingy tonight, but may or may not attend, weather permitting. I won't take the bus.

  7. And also, Snob, very tasteful laptop wallpaper.

  8. gonna go peel my banana now.....

  9. Rounding out the top ten.

  10. I was really hoping for some Yacht MILF and it was an actual RSVP. Weird.

    Now I have a displaced celibacy get-out.

  11. That bike review was really interestzzzzzz...

    I've never known how to pronounce the Blinder model of lights made by Knog. I assume it's the same way Australians say "blender", its presumed namesake.

    rejori 225

  12. Babble must be napping

  13. Fiegele? Somebody at DMV was asleep at the switch when they approved that one.

  14. Fiegele? Somebody at DMV was asleep at the switch when they approved that one.

  15. The seating position on a recumbent lends itself well to the "celibacy get-out at speed" test. Just ask recumbabe.

  16. Yawwwwwn... what time is it?

    Celibacy?? Did I hear someone mention the dirty word celibacy?

  17. Speaking of celibacy get-outs, who else is waiting with baited breath to hear whether Copenhagen's "Wednesday Saddle Wanker" has struck again:



    Fuck Celibacy.

    erm, and ufuranus 2315

  19. Machovez! That trek bmx obviously has a maximum rider weight of 28kg.

    igningz 2561

  20. What about the "peeling your shorts back to take a pee at speed" test? Hmm? Does it pass that one?

    I saw a handy little diagram the other day illustrating how guys can just peel and pee. The author claims you won't soil your clothes with his method, but there are no guarantees for the rest of the peloton, who may or may not be riding behind you.

    Celibacy is for aliens.

  21. And if Hugo had spent more time on a bike in his lifetime he would probably still be a thorn in the side of American foreign affairs today.

  22. not that I have an opinion on the subject or anything... :)

  23. Serial RetrogrouchMarch 6, 2013 at 11:36 AM

    shouldn't we just make priests of all our eunuchs?

    then let the priests roam the countryside for celibacy get-outs.

    just a suggestion for Pope Babble I

  24. Eunichs? Are there any of those left in the world? That is so sad.

    The priests in my Vatican City will counsel all couples to do it every day. They will encourage teens to masturbate instead of copulate, they will hand out condoms at the eucharist, and they will be active proponents of sex therapy.

    We'll set the world to rights before you know it.

  25. I don't get the licence plate?

  26. Perambulator(y) boring.

    Just kidding.

  27. Polish drops are the endgame of a successful boob-facial.

  28. Well, I'm in the top fifty and I read it.

  29. Fiegele is Yiddish for fag. Oy, you goyim.

  30. @ubercurmudgeon:

    B-A-T-E-D breath

    You are clearly NOT an ubercurmudgeon.

  31. Hey, you forgot the kitchen sink...that's the only thing missing from today's post.

    A priest walks into a bar and meets another priest, "hey, watcha'doin?"
    "Foffing Off!"
    "Get out!"

  32. As in M-A-S-T-U-R-B-A-T-E-D

  33. About the only thing that would've made today's post funnier is if the priest's name was Peter Wang.

  34. Go ahead Babble tell us how you REALLY feel about celibacy.


  35. Nebraska Bike Commuter (non DWI edition)March 6, 2013 at 12:35 PM



    (shouting at my bike to get it to change direction)

  36. That bike almost peeled Hugo's banana

  37. Nice podio conspiracy.
    I got yer Father Wang right here.
    Oh Babe. Oh Babe. Oh Babe.
    Have fun at the big show snobbers.

  38. I'm the saddle wanker!

    Coming soon: Copenhagen Cycle Shit

  39. Dear Lance, your voicemail is full. If you don't call back by 4:00 P.M. EST today i'm going to be really hurt. I know your call history shows that i'm calling. Lance?

  40. Every sperm is sacred.
    Every sperm is great.
    If a sperm is wasted,
    God gets quite irate.

    Let the heathen spill theirs
    On the dusty ground.
    God shall make them pay for
    Each sperm that can't be found.

  41. Hugo Chavez cum Artie Johnson.

    Unclip Hugo! Unclip!

  42. Still trying to figure out how to evolve from unwanted celibacy to licentiousness.

  43. Well, you can always shake hands with mr happy, but if you're looking for a partner in crime, try Plenty of Fish.

  44. Mikael... heh heh.

    Allen... that is one seriously talented baby.

    anon... you know I'm always happy to babble on about anything.

    Celibacy is for dead people.

    1919 rspectx

  45. Tried plenty of fish, Babs (POF). It did work for a time.

  46. not only did the united states give me cancer, they also give me terrible capitalist / imperialist bicycle

  47. Thanks wiwm! Now what's goyim?

    And forget you Father Wang. Nobody knows my own sweet spot better than me & you know what?


  48. Frills, "goyim" means those who are not members of our tribe - the gentiles.

  49. ...and don't write back asking what "the gentiles" means!

  50. Gentiles, not genitals.

    And maybe ubercurmudgeon does have "baited" breath. A good flossing often takes care of the problem. Otherwise, see a peridontist.

  51. Mr. Bike Snob; Hammacher and Schlemmer has, for $200.00, a bicycle rear view camera. The picture in the cataloge shows it attached to a "Fred" bike. Hving it mounted next to your GPS would be awesome!

  52. Father Wang, dressed as a pirate walks into a bar with a steering wheel jammed in the fly of his coulots....

  53. Any of you bike nerds have any experience with velo orange threadless BB's?

    I am thinking about a used road bike, that has a stripped bb shell, and has been repaired with the above. Do those things creak leak a mofo, or do they work?

    This is the bike: lugged steel, 8 speed chorus, artisinal blah blah.

    I would fix the bar tape, bar and seat angle, obviously. Fatter black tires, prolly 28c conti gatorskins. Either a brown B17 or brown selle italia turbo. Not sure whether to go dandy randoneur, or Sean Kelly cobblestone slayer style. Deda brown tape, and Tom Anderson wood fenders.

  54. Scuze me while I go peel my banana at speed

  55. "Celibacy is for aliens."
    Tell that to the one that probed me.

  56. Two celibate priests walk into a bar and both slip on the same banana peel. One helps the other up and dusts him off. The other priest says, "hey, what do you think I am, a TRANSISTOR RADIO!!!!"

  57. Two celibate priests walk into a bar and both slip on the same banana peel. One helps the other up and dusts him off. The other priest says, "hey, what do you think I am, a TRANSISTOR RADIO!!!!"

  58. Two celibate priests walk into a bar and tell the same joke at exactly the same time...

  59. Test ride the Fuso. If the BB on that Fuso creaks, then it has huge problems.

    Selle Italia Turbo from the same generation would be appropriate for the Fuso. A Brooks was considered retro-weird then.

    Check for rust around the top-tube cable routing!!!!!

  60. counting something, not popes.

  61. Those sealed cartridge bearings do not last as long as you think they would. And are non-servicable.

    It's what they call marketing-genius.

  62. Knog Blinders...Bah

    My bike glows in the dark

  63. Awesome bike Fritz!

  64. Thanks Frilly
    It is a lot of fun
    at night riding the streets of Durham NC, Iv'e gotten thumbs up from the Police ,other bikers and would you believe it even car drivers during my night rides...

  65. Yo Fritz do planes not try to land on you?

  66. actually they think I am a UFO so they keep their distance

  67. I tig welded some aluminum together into a loop so I could wrap the light strip around it and give it better

    I bought the light strips here

  68. How did you wire them?

  69. I used dst connectors and 3s 11.1 2000mah lipos with a toggle switch and radio shack handy can find everything to make it at the link
    I provided for the lights..if you need any help let me know

  70. dustbunny of brand cheerleading and misinformationMarch 6, 2013 at 3:56 PM

    Almost 5 years ago you said you wouldn't be doing this forever. Um six years in the Blogospher IS forever. When are you dumping this sinking ship and starting up Shed Snob?

  71. Could you imagine Frilly's rump bump highlighted with a strips of LEDs? Coming in for a landing!

  72. whoops..I meant JST connectors

  73. Today is Day of the Dude, for all you Big Lebowski fans.

    White Russians await!

    Yummmmmmm. White. Russiannnnnnns.

    Father Wang...sounds like a porn star name...

  74. And in other Fredly news...

    Volvo has unveiled it's new, state of the art alert-and-brake cyclist detection system.

  75. Richard Sachs has been building bikes for five decades, has a waiting list years long, and he still doesn't think he's got framebuilding down.

    The framebuilder in the video would make Sachs puke.

  76. Babs

    I remember a couple years ago someone brought up some device for females on the go. It was on the bike touring list but I'm too lazy to go back and find it (besides you wouldn't respect me if I did). Given it was on a bike touring list perhaps it is not valid for a speed test though.

  77. And...Babble woke from her deep sleep to pontificate.

    I want to see the peel and pee diagram. I haven't tried that yet. Banana, yes; rainjacket peel off, easy; taking a piss, I stop first.

    I also didn't get the fiegele joke being a Euro-goy and all that. Thanks for the translation, guys.

  78. "Yes, it sucks that things change, but I'm happier now, and that's all that counts."

    Keep saying that to yourself and someday you may actually believe it. In the meantime I suggest booze.

  79. Fritz said.."if you need any help let me know"

    Yeah, could you just come do it for me. Ha ha! And while you're at it, I'd like one of those beautiful chairs too.

    You seem to be quite skillful with your hands. Very nice.

  80. Thanks Its all in the "hands"

  81. tv viewer: appreciate the feedback. The seller sent me more photos. I'm 99% the bb was stripped in early 90's and has been living in a closet for 20 years. How long have those threadless bb's even been available?

    I will look for rust, but am not too worried.

    I was leaning toward the Turbo. But then I think it's gonna be weird to have it more racy, but with fenders... fenders are mandatory on a commuter in the great northwet.

    I don't really give a crap about period authenticity. I mean, I do, to a degree, like it would be fucktarded with crabon rims, and in fact I am going to rob the carbon post and ti flite for a bike they are more appropriate on. I guess I am not married to an era, but rather a style of part.

    I have always wanted a brooks. GOD, why do I obsess over this crap, that NOONE else cares about. The mod

  82. Who would want to have sex with their partner on a daily basis when they have access to the internet?

  83. No one else cares about it? Ha! You're in the place where EVERYBODY cares about it. Get the Brooks. And as long as you're not making a reproduction, light it like Fritz's, that's one cool bike.....

  84. euro-
    google shewee for the girl tool, though I don't see how you could use it on a bike. I saved the peel and pee diagram on my laptop because it seemed like useful information to share... it's pretty much what you would expect from the title, but I will try to dig it up.

    The man figures that peeled lycra pressing on your bits would hamper the flow, but he hasn't tried it yet, so how can he possibly know?

  85. Vögelchen,

    I like these bikebuilders waxing on about how J.D. inspires them and shit


  86. ... wasn't suggesting you limit yourself to just Brooklyn and Manhattan; any of the outer or inner boroughs would suffice (hell, I'm from Queens)

    but it's a nice, real-life facet to yr blog - hope to see more of it ;-)

    - the Anonymous from yesterday

  87. suggesting, insisting, same difference...

    Yacht MILF.

  88. If Snob wrote about riding in his new home Boro of the Bronx, he'd rant and rave about the idiot gypsy cab drivers, not much else. The bike culture in the Bronx consists of food delivery guys and a couple of recreational cyclists.

  89. Ok, so I missed the past two days (I actually had to work at work, whodathunkit) and I thought I could just jump in to Weednesday, but the post starts with "Further to yesterday's post..." so oh ok I gotta read Twosday's post too. Except that one begins "Firstly, yesterday..." Aye caramba, if Moonday sez "Refer to Fryday's Prequel" I'm gonna cry/laugh my arse off. See y'all in a few hunnerd more comments.

  90. "Monday is Wednesday Minus Two" BaaaaHAHAHA!

  91. ...if you guys keep talking about peeing off the bike whilst still riding (face it - you're coasting at that point), i'll be forced to bring up the greg lemond tour de france 'diarrhea on the bike' story...

    ...the 'funny' (both 'ha-ha' & 'peculiar') connection is that the first time i tried the 'peeing whilst still on the bike' thingy was as a young man riding w/ bob lemond, a very young greg & a few friends from the reno/cynar wheelmen up on the sierraville training loop, in a galaxy long ago & far away..., about that tour de france.........

  92. ...oh, sorry...'s a pretty shitty story, so i won't tell it...

    ...i was just sayin'...

  93. don't listen to that pansy who says you need to get back to documenting your rides. YOU NEED TO GET BACK TO MAKING FUN OF GOOFY BIKE SETUPS. You have a gift, that is going unfulfilled.

    Kludgie > all bsnyc posts

  94. Snob needs to be true to himself (scranus) and write about what inspires him (scranus). And if that doesn't interest you, there's other stuff on the internet (scranus). And like whazzizface up there mentioned, it's been like 6 (scranus) years. Most bloggers would have gotten bored and given up by now (no scranus).

    Frankly, I would have stopped reading a while back (scranusless) except I find the recent addition of captchas stimulates my scranus, er, brain - they're like Lumosity, except free. Taint.

  95. Polish drops, then polish chain stays, then polish seat tube... etc.

  96. bgw - Slaying the Badger has what must be the definitive TMI ewww account of that story, and right at the beginning of the book too.

    Now that stuff you can't stop coming out, but I still think saddle pressure on the perineum would impede my pee flow rather, and it would probably end up all over my socks.

  97. Flyover Bike CommuterMarch 6, 2013 at 10:40 PM

    I stopped to take a leak along the trail this evening, and spotted a couple of porcupines browsing in the tree tops.

    I'd have never seen them if I were pissing into the wind.

  98. Didn't go to your event as I live in super snobby SF. Instead went to Banff Film Festival and thought you might--might--be entertained by this short video

  99. ...@ euro spondee...

    ...dammit, man...i hope you realize the seriousness of what you just did... piqued my interest enough in the lemond book "scranusing the badger" that i went on-line to order it & wouldn't ya know, there was my ol' pal geoff drake's book about the "7-eleven's" conquering the continent, so, of course, i hadda order both of 'em... fortunately, i have a certain amount of self control & i was able to stop @ two books or you'd be responsible for a financial meltdown 'cuz there were definitely 'others'...

    ...just sayin'...

  100. Hey, very informative blog post! Please continue this awesome work.

  101. Could you provide some more hard-hitting journalism from Canadian Sex Kitten/College Reporter Laura Herberger. I like to think she is having a little trouble making ends meet.

  102. GE, we bring better things to lightMarch 7, 2013 at 9:55 AM

    JB @ 357: "Could you imagine Frilly's rump bump highlighted with a strips of LEDs? Coming in for a landing!" Done in the shape of the Target Company's Logo.

  103. Nonplussed SquirrelMarch 7, 2013 at 10:00 AM

    Bring back the nonplussed squirrel.

  104. Anon 4:05--that was adorable!

  105. bgw - I haven't read the other book, but the Badger book is a great read, and it sounds like it will bring back some memories for you. Worth the outlay I say.

    I assume Snob will be nursing a hangover and won't be in early this morning

  106. Frilly, But he walked up the hill?

  107. It was super-cute, and yeah, it's odd that he should walk up the hill... Mayyyyyyybe it's cause the dog would be able to catch him on the way up...?

  108. What was Peter Frampton doing in the Hugo Chavez video!?

  109. My take is maybe he didn't want to tire the puppy out. I mean it is a little dog.

  110. No way man he is one of them there FreeRide/Downhill guys and as long as its pancake flat or downhill he is fine. But if there is even 1 degree of incline it's like you tied a boat anchor to them.

    But generally they are pretty cool. They got the weed.

  111. You gotta admit,that's a pretty rad bridge.I kinda don't see the point though,it's just a bunch of bushes on both sides.Couldn't you just enjoy the greenery on your side of the canyon and save everyone a bunch of trouble?

    Just sayin'

  112. DFL

    I just want to ride behind babble on

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