Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Tooling Around: Just So You Know, We're Coasting Now

(Via here.)

It's lonely being the only real city in the United States.

Who, after all, can New York City sit with at the great big cafeteria table that is this country?  To our south is Philadelphia, which is basically just a slightly more bustling Albany.  To our north is Boston, which I suppose is pretty cosmopolitan for a college town, but come on.  There's also Washington DC, which succeeded New York City as the capital of the United States because the government didn't want to compete with anything culturally interesting.  It was a wise move, because to this day Washington, DC is basically just the government and Dischord Records.

Moving farther afield, you have places like Toronto and Montreal, but Canada is little more than a socialist experiment, and the jury's still out on whether or not it will succeed.  Similarly, you have whatever "cities" are in the South and Texas, but those places are little more than right-wing theocratic experiments, and the jury's still out on whether or not they will succeed.  Chicago?  A creepy 80% New York.  Los Angeles?  A gigantic suburb propped up by the porn industry.  Seattle?  It was briefly relevant in the 1990s, but now it's just Portland's older brother--the one that was in a fraternity in college.  As for Portland, it's a town at best.  New York City has suburbs that are bigger cities than Portland.  In fact, if you put Portland in Westchester County, it would be the place where hipsters moved after they got priced out of Hastings.

Inevitably then, New York City must turn its sights eastward for kindred urban spirits, and it finally finds one in London.  Like New York City, London is a global capital.  Furthermore, London's history and culture is far richer than New York's.  That's why it's so profoundly disappointing to receive an email like this:


As your site focus on bicycles I thought this might be of your interest:
Here is a menswear lookbook video filmed in London to the "H&M for Brick Lane Bikes collection".
Please share online on your blog/ twitter / facebook etc.

Here's the video:

Firstly, if you're trying to promote something in your video, don't make people watch another ad first.  That's like successfully soliciting a free handjob and then adding, "Oh, by the way, before you begin, can I have a quarter?"  Secondly (and I realize I've touched on this before), you're London, one of the most important cities in the world!  How can you not know that nobody is riding the fixie bikes anymore?!?  It's over!  Finished!  Done!  I don't know what you've been up to, but the rest of us all got together, had a big meeting, and agreed that we're simply not doing this anymore:

This is a huge let-down.  I mean, seriously, the Trispoke/Aerospoke/Whatever in the front and the spoked wheel in the back?  That's the "tarck mullet," and it's about as au courant as a LiveStrong bracelet.  Even a Philadelphian would be embarrassed to ride a bike like that.  By the way, the hallmark of any "street" cycling clothing collection is plenty of pointless pockets:

I know when I'm riding I like it when my phone is banging on my thigh.  In fact, in my privileged position as a bike blogger, I've occasionally received some pieces of "casual" cycling wardrobe, and all of these items, whether they're great or not so great, have one thing in common: lots of stupid pockets in weird places.  For some reason, when you're walking or driving or taking the train you're allowed to use normal pockets in normal places, but as soon as you straddle a bicycle these designers think you're going to start secreting bric-a-brac all over your person like some kind of dandy drug mule.  Still, I guess extra pockets isn't a bad thing, since the worst case scenario is that you don't use them.  Maybe the same thing goes for a little throat dickey:

He's nonplussed because he's lost his throat dickey:

By the way, I realize the idea here is that you can wear the clothes on and off the bike, but do you really want to look like this when you're off the bike?

At least if you wear Lycra and you pop into the store most people get that you're in the middle of a ride, whereas this whole "half-assed athleticism" thing really just makes you look confused.  And again, I can't stress this enough, stop with the skidding!

I promise you, we're all coasting and using brakes again, and it's fantastic.  Plus, all the money you save on tires will keep you in tiny throat dickeys for years.  If you simply must waste tires, the method currently in vogue is to ride around the city with cyclocross knobbies that will never see dirt.

Meanwhile, last week I posted a video on "handlebar maintenance," and the same people have now made a video on proper chain tension: 

I hate to be the typical nit-picky bike dork, but they forgot the part where you lubricate the chain with your vagina.

Speaking of bicycle maintenance, Kickstarter inventors seem finally to be moving away from the bicycle light and instead focussing their creative energies on the multitool.  Here's one from London that's ideal for the fixie you ride because you live in London where that sort of thing is still done:

I like the versatility, but I love the fact that you can very easily lose everything:

Which could be why he's being totally trounced by the Fix It Sticks guy:


Who has raised like two and a half times more money than he asked for:

It just goes to show that it takes more than a killer video to fund a product.  Sure, the inventor easily reaches Fred "Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo!" speed:

Sure, he shows off his hairy legs:

And sure, he even manages to land a celebrity cameo:

But then he tells you that you need a Bike Crib while demonstrating that you absolutely don't need a Bike Crib at all:

Indeed, the only time you might need a bike crib is if you're not anywhere near your car, in which case you'd have to go back to the car to get the Bike Crib anyway, at which point you might as well just lean the bike on the car while you're there--unless he planned to outfit the Bike Crib with backpack straps so that you could wear it on your person at all times.  I'd love to see someone dressed in head-to-toe H&M cycling clothing arrive at a cafĂ©, slip a Bike Crib off his back, plop it on the sidewalk, mount his fixie to it, and then start working on it with the Nutter.  Then, his friend would show up and clap him on the back in greeting, causing him to lose all his Nutter bits down a storm drain, which he'd eventually retrieve by using a Strong Like Bull magnet on a string:

And to think there was actually a moment there when I was losing faith in America...


  1. smoke weed everyday

  2. Top Ten!
    Holy 3587 neggesti!!!

  3. Is Babble the Pope yet?

  4. "...secreting bric-a-brac all over your person like some kind of dandy drug mule"

    Gold Snobby, GOLD!

  5. Strava KOM. Chicago is the 110% Milwaukee.

  6. Strong like Bull, Smart like Fridge!

    Erm, I might secrete something, but it sure isn't bric a brac. Might help lube your chain, though...

    just sayin'


  7. I'm beginning to wonder if the Bitchy videos are really about bike maintenance at all.


  8. I only watched the bitchy video.

    1576 gencsai

  9. RTMS, I noticed you didn't dare throw San Francisco under your cities-inferior-to-NYC bus. Well played; you gotta know when to hold 'em and when to fold 'em.

  10. Yes, London, the more smug NYC. Never will understand why you need hundreds of dollars of apparel to bike to the the coffee shop, pocket tools with multiple bits suck as you lose just the ones you really need, and Bike Crib, c'mon man. Just one wheel slot? Why not a multibike setup since it is targeted for home use. Wish I had thought of it. Hope this satisfies the poster from yesterday who wanted more bike stuff. Good stuff WCRM.

  11. Please bottle and send the Babble Lube.

  12. Apart from give me a lazy lob on, what did the tutorial lady actually do there?

  13. A little throat dickey?

    That ought to put paid to McFly's decency pledge.

    I better cancel my double or nothing bet.

  14. Hey hey! Good thinking! I could be a millionaire this time next year.

  15. Forgot to mention the Bitchy Video. Nice, but not the hand job the first was. Meh.

  16. Comment Deleted,

    I love San Francisco, it's the only city in America where you get less for your housing dollar than New York, and you get shitty public transit to boot.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  17. I thought the last guy was going to lock his bike to that big tree. I was excited to see where in his orange coat he was hiding a 9 foot chain.

    Instead he proudly demonstrated that in addition to his integrated-brim helmet, he also has a dedicated off-the-bike cycling cap.

  18. RTMS, not to mention...

    aw, hell, I can't think of anything else bad about ess eff. You got all of it.

  19. Perhaps the bike crib could be stored in a superfluous pocket.

  20. Wildcat, SF might be the only city in the US where you get less for your housing dollar than in NYC, but it's not the only city in North America.

    Not to be outdone, Vancouver scores second only to Hong Kong as the least affordable city in the world in which to live.

    Good thing it's so pretty in this part of the failed socialist experiment. (The writing is on the wall.)

  21. I couldn't help but notice that enterprising young lady in the tutorial did not do anything to the wheel whilst it was off the bike that she could not have done equally as well with the wheel still mounted to the frame. (Ha,ha, I said "mounted").

    I also recommend against a quick-release skewer on a single speed rear wheel, as such a skewer tends to migrate under full load. 15 mm bolts work much better, and the spanner is not that much to add to your tool kit.

    I am beginning to suspect that removal of the wheel might not have been the point of the video after all...

    Snob, your readers are a generous group, and I would like to see us raise some money so that we can buy that poor girl some clothes that fit. She is obviously struggling financially, as she has outgrown the ones she owns now and is bereft of funds to purchase replacements.

  22. Yes, D.C. has Discord Records. Buuut, Brooklyn has the sweet, sweet soul/funk sounds of Daptone Records.

  23. Ditto on Recumbabe. Pedaling down Hastings on the Hudson, hawking H&M products, testing that chain tension, or maybe Bike Crib perhaps

  24. What's with the baseball caps and the bike maintenance videos?
    Well done, Snob.

    Dooth: it took me a few days but I finally got the Canned Heat reference.

  25. Eew, does somebody have a shamwow? My Nutter just nutted on my face!

  26. Esteemed Commenter DaddoOneFebruary 19, 2013 at 1:48 PM

    We Bostonions piss on you New Yorkers!
    Especially when it comes to team sports!

    That guy must be freaking kidding with that bike crib.

    How about, simpler, lighter, smaller and allows the rear wheel to spin?

    VLike this!

    Karpet Muncha 25

  27. WIWM, she's probably broke because she's not a very good bike mechanic.

  28. Wittgenstein was a beery swine who was just as shloshed as Schlegel.

  29. I kill with my cunt

  30. My cross tires aren't knobby, they're more, uh, groovy.

  31. That Bike Maintenance Video was very informative because boobs.

  32. Opinion on recent Snob tweet! Perhaps more cyclists would have "only" a concussion if they weren't getting killed outright by careless motorists. A styrofoam hat and a t shirt just isn't a match for much of anything else on the road. At least in football the gear is pretty much the same.

  33. Dude on the Ice Trike is a total cyberpunk.

  34. I take issue Wildcat. First of all Philadelphia was the capital prior to DC (after nyc). Also it's closer, both literally and figuratively, to NYC than Albany but with affordable housing (owning to that whole supply and demand thing). Also, didn't you and your 17 children emigrate out of NYC to the burbs/bronx/northern manhattan somewhere recently anyway? It's only a few more stops on the metro north to Irvington.

  35. Am I not getting the deep, heavy, symbolism every time the fixie douches slowwwly hang their helment on the handlebar? What is up with that?

    Bike Crib? A solid Meh rating.

  36. Public transit is better in SF than it is in the burbs, but it is still woefully inadequate.

    Slow Streetcars, one line for the subway, buses suck in general no matter what city.

    Expensive? The city is pro development, as long as the development includes massive biotech complexes and multimillion dollar studios and condos for rich.

  37. Hey Babs,

    I think the quote is:
    "Strong like bull, smart like tractor"

    Be sure to use your best Boris and Natasha voice.

  38. Boston is like that track star who splits his time between the drama/music/art table and the computer nerd table. NYC is the quarterback (and class president/homecoming king) who sits with all the football players yet is secretly dating one of the girls at the drama table. London is the closeted linebacker who wants to be a fashion designer.

  39. A sentence with handjob in it, then "I've touched on this before". Heh heh.

    I know it is so last Friday, but after extensive research into Russian dash cam footage, if this old fat sack of shit rides that scooter around in Russia I give him 6 months to live.


    Harry Leggs

  40. DB,

    I'm going up the country
    Babe, don't you wanna go?
    I'm going up the country
    Babe, don't you wanna go?
    I'm going to some place
    Where I've never been before

    Today's top of the pops...London Calling.

  41. Ima sell all my fiveteen bicygle soon. The reason you all asks?? I tell why: soon I will move to floating city off coast of SF, intl waters, no taxes. I will be the Hot Tub Inspector on board. Goodbye bicicle friends!


  42. The H&M video is just a minute-and-a-half of dudes buttoning their whatevers, putting on their whatnots and fiddling with their geegaws. In other words, all the boring little shit you have to do before and after the interesting part (the ride). Oh wait, my mistake: there's MUSIC with it, so it's AMAZING!

    Bike stand that goes anywhere you need it = kickstand. Tool kit = tool kit.

    Speaking of flats, the only thing flatter than "bitchy" chick's ass, is the tires of whatever ran over her face. Also you know maybe she could do her hair instead of just rolling straight out of bed and covering it with a trucker hat she bought on the way to the video shoot.

    Sorry, apparently I'm going to slag on each one viciously until they stop.

    rwaiee feenyay

  43. Dooth:
    I've got two free months left on the SiriusXM deal that comes when you get a car and I was listening to the 60's station when that came on. My Aha moment. (Not that Aha)
    BTW: SiriusXM kinda sucks, except it is kinda fun listening to traffic conditions in NYC, LA, and DC. Not so bad here in the woods.

  44. That dude on the recumbent with the dog does Ragbrai every year.
    On the uphills the dog jumps off the platform and runs alongside. Impressive the first time you see it. Afterwards, you just want to beat the shit out of the guy for some reason.

  45. No, that is not Bret, and you know it.

  46. Creepy 80%? Where did those guys take you after your Chicago BRA last year? Are the suppressed memories finally surfacing?

    Don't forget to support my Kickstarter for 100% organic stoneground wholewheat-paste sloganeering.

  47. Feel kinda sad today Lance. Do you ever feel sad? STILL LOVE YOU SUPER TONS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  48. I thought the saying was, "strong like bull and TWICE as smart?!?!

    Babble: i'll contribute to your Kickstarter to finance your "BabbleLube" start-up! I also volunteer to test the formula....

    Is it weednesday yet?
    Oh, and BabbleLubed weedpanties!

  49. Bitchy Tutorial and Brick Lane Bikes make for a natural collabo.

  50. But we don't care if the public transit is mostly lousy in SF, as we can ride our new cross bikes everywhere, in warm sunny weather - well, not today as it is raining.

  51. Perhaps that is an ironic bike crib.

  52. ...vancouver & san francisco are certainly two of the more picturesque cities that are cycling compatable...

    ...van's cycling infrastructure, at least the part babble has revealed, looks to be very good & sf & the greater bay area, while perhaps not ideal, are always making strides...('bart' or bay area rapid transit is experimenting with regularly allowing bikes on it's trains during the commute hours)...

    ...cycling north of the ggb (golden gate bridge), here in marin is one of the safer of the populated spots in the bay area & thus the whole country for bike riding with more accomodations always in the works...

    ...numerous bike friendly ferry systems abound as well, as in vancouver...

    ...we definitely have an edge on the weather although today's dampness & chill portends of snow on top of mt tamalpais...(no bikini's today)...

    ...bottom line...when you consider 'quality of life', education, living standards & other various factors, both cities & their surrounds look to be pretty damn deccent as regards a cycling lifestyle...

  53. I guess bike crib guy didn't raise any money because people have heard of Nashbar and realized you could buy something functionally similar and far less bulky for 1/3 the price - and it has wheels. Or at least you could back in the day when I was into buying junk.

  54. Babble-on Write in HQFebruary 19, 2013 at 4:40 PM

    I mailed in my absentee ballet voting for Babble to be Pope Babblelicious the 1st. Wasn't sure what her official voting name is, Babylon the 1st, etc? But the vision of the 80 year olds that run the place is probably so poor that it might not matter.

  55. ...nice, crosspalms...

    ...i actually noticed that on-line headline last night & meant to get back to check it out but i forgot...

    ...good read...

    ...this is one quirky city but a damn fine one at that...

  56. Meh...NYC City is for smug woosies. Come down to the Big Sleasy where coaster breaks are necessary because it's hard to track stand or skid stop on that patina-coated beater when you're trying not to spill the double dark n' stormy on your pants while smugly out-peddling the hipster douche-bags riding crabon fixies

  57. Hey! That's good! babbleliscious it is!

    Now all I need is a few more votes, a a bit of white smoke, and possession of the gold bike-mobile.

  58. BGW - that means that for once, we have an edge on you - it's sunny and gorgeous here today. Not to worry, though, it can't possibly last. That's what happens when you build a city in the middle of a rainforest.

  59. Everything I know about papal selection: it's the 79 year olds you have to work on, aparently 80 year olds aren't allowed to vote.

    1144 mestaged

  60. ...& yes, crosspalms...(were you to wonder)...

    ......never an intent to imitate but i owe a debt of gratitude to the long deceased but still beloved fixture as a san franciscan, herb caen of that same sf chronicle...

    ...so, so long before internet browsing, vast numbers of the local population turned to caen & his "...three dot journalism...", oft times even before reading the front page...

    ...as a member of sf 'society', you hadda find out if maybe you got a mention in his column for whatever antics you might have been up to the night before...

    ...& speaking of a quirky city, wrote caen - "...If I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven. He looks around and says, It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco..."...

    ...wonderfully typical...& with that kinda history & my having lived here so long, even the temporary fixation with hipsters doesn't much ruffle my scranus...

    ...proud to be just sayin'...

  61. ...lovely babbles...the mountain was lightly kissed in the early dawn with the slightest hint of snow...

    ...now, the looming clouds, still ponderous are rent between by sunshine, so we share the same bit of wonderous glory...

    ...& tomorrow ???...well, tomorrow portends of warmth & clear, blue sunny skies...

    ...an injustice would be committed were i not to celebrate it's beauty with a ride...

    ...smiley face thingy...

  62. ahhh Double Dark and Stormy that sounds good right about now

  63. ...fritz...you knew those sisters too, huh ???...

    ...ahhh, fond memories...especially if you got to 'double down'...those two had 'talent'...

  64. Yeah, London's a bit like that, really. Southern weirdos..... (ahem)

    The throat dickey thing is useful. My big warm motorbike suit has one, and it keeps the fleece tube neckwarmer-y thing in place. So it's useful when it's cold and you probably don't have to ride fixed up too many hills (much of London is comparatively flat).....perhaps an "epic" commute from Chiswick all the way to Hammersmith?

    hey nonny mouse

  65. BGW your version sounds like a Chocolaty adventure I would not turn down... but mine is the Rum version

  66. ...ooops, sorry, fritz...my bad...

    ...but then again, sounds like both versions just might go together well...

  67. Absolutely off topic but NBC Nightly News just featured Russian dash cam videos, some of same clips on Snob's link. Once again WCRM leads, dropping competition in cyberdust.

  68. BGW that is the Perfect Storm

  69. Here in the East Bay it just doesn't rain. Except today for a smidge. If you're not bike commuting there's something wrong 'cause that weather is damn perfect. I read the Canada snow bike blogs and dear lord...thankful.

  70. Ms. Babble On, are you a closet capitalist? "The writing is on the wall:" "Failed socialist experiment." That is a very interesting statement for your average Canadian.

  71. The King of Park SlopeFebruary 19, 2013 at 9:30 PM

    Chain tensioning isn't nearly as hot as handlebar maintenance.

  72. Yeah I gotta agree with the King. In the stem maintenance video at 00:38 when the "mechanic" greases the stem is the moment that does it for me.

  73. Hey nonny mouse
    I did an epic commute from Chiswick to Hammersmith once, but that was 50 years ago and I was on foot. Epic bike trip then was me and a friend trying to ride from Chiswick to Chessington zoo. Almost made it but got tired. Rode to Heathrow a couple of times for plane spotting though. At 12 everything is possible! And rode down the lawns at Richmond Park -- maybe cross is OK...

  74. You said "Dischord Records". I spent the next 8 hours listening to Ian Mackaye interviews on the internet. Thanks for flushing my whole day down the shitter.

  75. Southern Country BoyFebruary 20, 2013 at 6:24 AM

    Preacher man says it’s the end of time
    And the Mississippi River she’s a goin’ dry
    The interest is up and the Stock Markets down
    And you only get mugged
    If you go down town

    I live back in the woods, you see
    A woman and the kids, and the dogs and me
    I got a shotgun rifle and a 4-wheel drive
    And a country boy can survive
    Country folks can survive

    I can plow a field all day long
    I can catch catfish from dusk till dawn
    We make our own whiskey and our own smoke too
    Ain’t too many things these ole boys can’t do
    We grow good ole tomatoes and homemade wine
    And a country boy can survive
    Country folks can survive

    Because you can’t starve us out
    And you cant makes us run
    Cause one-of- ‘em old boys raisin ole shotgun
    We say grace and we say Ma’am
    If you ain’t into that we don’t give a damn

    We came from the West Virginia coalmines
    And the Rocky Mountains and the western skies
    And we can skin a buck; we can run a trout-line
    And a country boy can survive
    Country folks can survive

    I had a good friend in New York City
    He never called me by my name, just hillbilly
    My grandpa taught me how to live off the land
    And his taught him to be a businessman
    He used to send me pictures of the Broadway nights
    And I’d send him some homemade wine

    But he was killed by a man with a switchblade knife
    For 43 dollars my friend lost his life
    I'd love to spit some beechnut in that dudes eyes
    And shoot him with my old 45
    Cause a country boy can survive
    Country folks can survive

    Cause you can’t starve us out and you can’t make us run
    Cause one-of- ‘em old boys raisin ole shotgun
    And we say grace and we say Ma’am
    And if you ain’t into that we don’t give a damn

    We’re from North California and south Alabam
    And little towns all around this land
    We can skin a buck; and run a trout-line
    And a country boy can survive
    Country folks can survive
    A country boy can survive
    Country folks can survive

  76. Speaking of Dischord and bikes, Ian MacKaye and Amy Farina are playing at my bike shop on March 9th. Chew it.

  77. Hey buddy take it easy on the South. We'll ship your ass out to California like we did them Dixie Chicks.

    Especially that short porky one, Natalie...she just would not shut her damn pie hole.

  78. Who's dishing on the South? I must have missed it. All I saw was some HW Jr, and speaking from Tennessee's scranus, I approve. Anyway, moar Russian dashcam, less hipsters. We sent all of ours to NYC, at least those that didn't shortstop in Nashville.
    csrest 6312 eyetest

  79. I was talking about The Snob. Did you bother to read the post or did you jump straight to the comments?


  80. Anon@ 9:17 - I've never spent a single day in the closet, and it doesn't take much of a genius to figure out that we can't keep on the way we're going, does it?

  81. AAHHH! I did read the post, and quite frankly,the Snob is as welcome to his opinion of the South as I am to my opinion of NYC, and pretty much all major metros. As we here, lower than Tennessee's scranus, always say, Praise Lob we are not Mississippi.
    I'm a BAMAPHRED, too old and lazy to get a Google Id, just something else to remember. Enjoyed the comment btw. Natalie the Porcine Queen.

  82. "dedicated off-the-bike cycling cap"

    Thank you for noticing, bk jimmy, as that really bugged me too.

    I guess I've been doing it wrong, wearing my cap while I ride my bike.

  83. Hotel California by the Moog Cookbook was a good music bed for the Red Hatchet Wound tutorial, if too long.

  84. Northern Suburban BoyFebruary 20, 2013 at 1:36 PM

    @Southern Country Boy

    Whomever transcribed those lyrics oughta change "we can run a trout-line" to "we can run a trotline" because those actually exist.

  85. http://cdn.psfk.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/BikeBorg-cyberpunk-cycling-suit.4-468x351.png?0003d4

  86. Was reading this at lunchtime, with builders looking over my shoulder. They're sold on those FixItSticks, just what you need when you can't get a drill+hex driver into a tight space.
