Friday, February 22, 2013

BSNYC Friday Etcetera And So Forth

In yesterday's post I included the video for "Disrespectful" by BlocBoi Fame, which has been "blowing up" all over the "motherfucking Internet."  Here it is again, "and shit:"

If nothing else, this video made me realize that I am hopelessly out of touch with the youth, since when I was young we had respectful, socially aware rap songs like "Fuck tha Police" and "We Want Some Pussy."  Even before that, we used to breakdance in middle school, and I can assure you there is nothing sadder than watching a bunch of Jewish kids rolling around on the floor and grabbing their crotches.  Actually, it's a lot like watching a dog scratching his ass on a carpet.

Therefore, in an attempt to better understand today's popular culture I used the "motherfucking Internet" to help parse BlocBoi Fame's name, and I was surprised to learn the following:

A "boi" is (generally) the younger male who prefers older men, and is the "boi" in a "daddy and boi" dating, relationship, or sexual situation, where "boy" and "boi", respectively, are used to differentiate between someone who is underage, and someone who just identifies as the younger who wants or needs someone older. In this context, "boi" can be masculine or effeminate, or anywhere along that spectrum, and some males identify as a "boi" well beyond their 20s, and especially so long as they are involved with older men. Often, though not always, a "boi" prefers the submissive role.

That's not at all where I thought he (or that OutKast guy for that matter) was going with that name.  Actually, it's probably not where BlocBoi thought he was going with it either, and he probably wouldn't appreciate my pointing out this amusing coincidence.

By the way, I also learned from the "motherfucking Internet" that BlocBoi Fame may have totally "bitten" another rapper named "YngRobb," who's "Speedin On My Fixie" preceded BlocBoi Fame's own fixie-themed hip-hop effort by at least six months:

Hopefully YngRobb responds to the affront by challenging BlocBoi to a combination rap battle/trackstand competition, which they should hold in Portland, since it would be tremendously entertaining to see how quickly the entire population of that city flees when YngRobb and BlocBoi arrive with their respective entourages.  I'd especially love to see that morning's BikePortland post:

Presumably Portland has an air raid siren reserved for exactly this sort of situation.

Speaking of Portland, a reader tells me people there are upset because they're cutting down a tree to make a bike path:

Wow, deciding between saving a tree and building a bike lane?  That's like the Portland "Sophie's Choice."  If you ask me though the solution is obvious:

But what do I know?  I'm no arborist.

And now, I'm pleased to present you with a quiz.  As always, study the item, think, and click on your answer.  If you're right, great, and if you're wrong you'll see Chinese crash porn.

Thanks very much for reading, ride safe, and if you see any trees, ride through them.

--Wildcat Rock Machine

1) Buying this special 80th anniversary Campagnolo Super Record group makes you:

--An Italophile
--A gigantic Fred

2) To save on production costs, the Wall Street Journal made these two morons share the same crappy wig during shooting.



3) Washington State wants to implement a $25 bicycle tax in order to:

--Build more bike paths
--Install more bike racks
--Fund various pro-bicycle initiatives and safety programs throughout the state
--Make drivers feel better

(Countercultural comedy duo Cheech and Chong enjoy a comically oversized marijuana cigarette.)

4) California wants you to wait two weeks to drive your car after smoking the Wednesday Weed.


(The Portland smirk.)

5) Bikes make cities:

--Say the word "community" a lot
--All of the above

6) What is the "Backbrat?

--A rear-mounted child seat
--A combination light/rear fender that mounts to your saddle rails
--A fixed-gear trail-a-bike for children under 10
--A device for cooking tubular meats

(Tacoed wheel.)

7) Pro tip: In a pinch, you can use your "camel toe" as a truing stand.


***Special "This Kook Needs To Do A 'Collabo' With BlocBoi Fame"-Themed Bonus Video***


This kook needs to do a 'collabo' with BlocBoi Fame.


  1. I've got a bike
    You can ride it if you like
    It's got a basket
    A bell that rings
    And things to make it look good
    I'd give it to you if I could
    But I borrowed it

  2. Curses!
    Foiled again.
    Damn you captchas!

  3. Ass Monkeys... ATTACK!!!

  4. Almost a ten! Ha!

    Kisses MikeWeb!

  5. woo hoo! congrats mikeweb and RCT!

    [1920 sitsun]



  7. Dammit! Chain drop

  8. My money's on YngRobb since he's obviously a huge hockey fan (see: his cap), and everyone knows hockey fans know how to throw down. And shit.

  9. Nice work this week!

  10. Going by this proposed CA law, I may not have driven legally since I was pubescent.


    Jerry Reeds '77 Kenworth W900A aint the only Semi that is Classic around my living room.

  12. Aced da quiz!

    Liked the epic fred cat 6 smack down @1:55 in the Portland/Kona video.


  13. Who needs rain gear when you can just ride holding an umbrella. We do it in Seattle all the time. Babs, do they do it in Vancouver too?

  14. Intersection, 3:27. Needs more benny hill music in myife too

  15. Wow, my communist canukistan brain read BlocBoi as "wood block" (bloc bois). I must have learned something sleeping through all those French classes. Your definition is mildly more disturbing.

    rgedibr 2215 - btw, these capchas are really difficult to read. I'm beginning to suspect I'm a robot.

  16. The King of Park SlopeFebruary 22, 2013 at 1:42 PM

    Maybe he's a cell block boi.

  17. I don't think I use the "back" button as much on any other web site but this one...

  18. "butterface tutorial" more like it.

  19. Looks like a backbrat weekend for me!

  20. Worried about what IFebruary 22, 2013 at 1:47 PM

    Was that John Malkovich performing on the bicycle?

  21. Scratch that bike vacation in China idea.

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. And what's with all these bikey bicycle cycling videos anyway?


    214 viderice

  24. Backbrat absolutely should be "a fixed-gear trail-a-bike for children under 10." I have the freewheel kind, and the little woosie back there just coasts the whole way. Come on!

  25. Thanks Frills and R.W.

    All the weird 'aerial' shots in the Portland/ Kona video prooves one thing: the guv'mint's drones are everywhere.

  26. What, no mention of the $85 Rapha dusting cloth for the Giant Fred Kit? No Campagnolo shrine is complete without it.

  27. Shouldn't that Campagnolo box have a clear plastic cover? It would be alot easier to wipe down after, um, nevermind.

  28. Be a salmon in China -- get your due. Of course, non-salmons are pretty fucked, too.

    iesalert -- yes I is.

  29. I read that they are indeed doing a collabo with a Jorgen Leth-esque theme....Thugs and MaltLiquorcarriers....

  30. Oooooooh, so THAT's what camel toes are for....

  31. MikeWeb, that hockey comment really made me laugh out loud. Funny!

    Did you see the Avs put a hurt on our baby star the other night? I'm sure Olver will get a big thank you the next time they play.

    Oops, forgot this is a bike blog--yeah, McFly, the Classics!!! Tommeke! Woot!

  32. That's how it works frills. There's always a payback, it could be a year or two later, but it'll happen.


    'The Impossible 40'?

  33. Note to self, better to crash in China than Russia.

    Also - the invisible helments featured in the video appear to have functioned adequately.

  34. Um.... umbrellas? Yeah, sure. Everyone rides with them. Of course they do, because that is so practical. Why mine is right here... no, here... oh, where did I stick it?

  35. were those crashes from chinese shrine circus?

  36. and more wet coast news, everyone is yammering on about gentrifuckingcation

  37. Chinese drivers moronic, whereas Russian driving post-apocalypse darwinism. I need BSNYC ped's if I'm going to break into the top twenty, much less podium.

    asednanc 6663 captcha

    Acid Nancy 666, maybe I got my answer

  38. A Sunday In Hells to the Yizzeah...

  39. Frills and mikeweb,
    I don't follow hockey, but this here's a funny flick kinda about that same thing. I'm sure it, in some way, insults true hockey fans, but that wasn't my intention.

  40. Rode a few hundred k in China.It took at least half an hour to see that many fuckups.Awful drivers for sure.Not so great at walking,come to that.Nothing beats Western Australia for passion though.Angriest drivers I ever encountered...
    As for them rapper cats,better stay outta P'land.Last I was there they were all wringing their hands over the fact that PPD was racially profiling the "Brothers".OK,I'll say it.Oregon is kinda fucked up too...

  41. g,

    I finally got around to watching that one a month or 2 back. Not too bad, good for a few laughs and I didn't find it insulting.

  42. WOOOOT!! My girl Shirley Gnome is featured at the "I only go out dancing to get laid" event at the ANZA club tonight... you know where I'm going to be.

  43. hmmm, I'll have to put that on my Netflix queue.

  44. Hey, how am I driving, man?

  45. I think I released my quick release while watching the Ninja Foot Mechanic video.

  46. I aced the quiz today and I'll tell you how.
    Any place where a "newspaper" like the "NY Times" would include a "fact", simply substitute it with "cynicism".
    (Feel free to make actual "air-quotes" if you think it will "help".)

  47. I see that YngRobb is filming his World Premier video in front of a Hawthorne, CA bench.
    I believe Hawthorne is where Brian Wilson grew up.
    Don't like the way evolution is going.

  48. The devil went down to Georgia, he was looking for a soul to steal.
    He was in a bind 'cos he was way behind and he was willin' to make a deal.
    When he came across this young man sawin' on a cypress and playin' it hot.
    And the devil jumped upon a hickory stump and said: "Boy let me tell you what:
    "I guess you didn't know it, but I'm a cycle player too.
    "And if you'd care to take a dare, I'll make a bet with you.
    "Now you play a pretty good cable, boy, but give the devil his due:
    "I bet a lotus of gold against your soul, 'cos I think I'm better than you."
    The boy said: "My name's Wolf and it might be a sin,
    "But I'll take your bet, your gonna regret, 'cos I'm the best that's ever been."

    Lone Wolf rosin up your bow and play your cycle hard.
    'Cos hells broke loose in Georgia and the devil deals the cards.
    And if you win you get this rhinestone lotus made of gold.
    But if you lose, the devil gets your soul.


  49. I had to replace my cables a week or so ago, and apparently missed a real opportunity by not having a violin bow around. I wonder if Universal Cycles has them under cable accessories.

  50. As for hockey, no worries g., it's really hard to insult true hockey fans. Those that are left have pretty thick skins by now.

  51. ...the webmikester for top of the podd...nice !!!...

    ...note to self...cycling &/or driving vacations in china are still a possibility...see your 'allstate agent' wanna be in good hands over there...

    ...nice to see andy dick is into bikes & music...think he may still be taking drugs though... ???...what ???...somebody say my middle name ???...

    Take the bus tomorrow.

  53. Is that really a double occurrence of salmonella in less than 5 seconds in the Portland video? Once at 1:54 (the Cat 6 overtake) and then again at 1:55 (the overhead shot).

    In both instances, there is a big arrow painted on the ground, pointing the opposite way.

  54. Nice shout-out to Big Boi.

    Now if you'll excuse me so I can get to stompin' in my Air Force Ones...

  55. Babs, shouldn't that be 'gentrifornication'?

    Trips off the tongue a little easier...

  56. Looks like the American government is joining in the lawsuit against Lance. Time for the tell-all book, I expect. He's going to have to pay the lawyers somehow...

  57. oooh, I like that - gentrifornication... that's good!

  58. Also, thanks for the shout-out to N.W.A. Miss you, Easy-E.

    And the debate continues over which of the rappin' Ices has had the best TV career, Cube, T or Vanilla.

  59. Thanks for making me feel really old. I remember lusting after the Campy 50th Anniversary grouppo.

  60. that bike babe's bike has the awful suicide brake levers of the cheap 70s 10 speed


  61. plus she isn;t italian like valentina

  62. She's a very kinky girl,
    The kind you won't take home to mother,
    And she will never let your spirits down,
    Once you get her off the street,
    Blow, Daddy!

    owslocat 4805

  63. Don't forget to put food on the Hoppers table.

  64. I thought Frank Zappa was the Sine Qua Non of "Bicycle Music"

  65. Linsey Pollak has watched The Triplets Of Belleville too many times.

  66. Love that clip, Fritz. Amazingly out there for early 60s TV.

    Hey, nice metalwork, btw.

  67. Thankyou Comment Deleted

    Should have some more interesting metalwork this week, to include one wrought iron rocking chair with woven leather seating

  68. Not one mention of scranus? Did I miss? Commentariat community must be getting cabin fever because of Storm Q.

  69. Not in the Bay Area we're not - just another warm and sunny day with the blossoms swaying gently in the breeze.

  70. Sirs -

    My dog wishes to register in the strongest terms possible that canines and their human companions most emphatically do not begin to resemble each other over time. Much less break dance similarly.

    Thank you.

    Of course, I had to respond by busting a sweet spin on the wall to wall shag while howling "yeahhhh boiiiiii."

    He hates that.

    Ride safe all.

  71. Babble @ 2:26 pm --

    That's what he said.

  72. Note to self: reset password, tell dog to get his own account. Apologize to Babs and that guy who used to be on "The Office."

  73. Lindsay Pollack's Mr. Curly:

  74. the meaning of blockboi's name should come as no surprise. living on the Down Low is not some made up thing - a lot of black dudes are boning one another on the DL - especially really tough rapper types. That time spent in jail makes a man appreciate certain things about a man that a woman can't provide.

    also accounts for the absurdly high rates of AIDS among young black men.

    its absolutely true.

  75. Russian crash porn is better. This Chinese stuff is lame.

  76. ...personally , upon careful observation, i find russian crash porn to have a dark cinema verite quality that reveals the true angst of the russian psyche' whereas this recent wave of chinese crash videos bear more of a slapstick or even a somewhat chaplinesque sense of comedy about them...

    ...just sayin'...

  77. Dear Leroy's Dog:
    Since the Snob brought it up first, I have a question on dog behavior. He does a dance he calls the "Butt Drag" on my artisanal, locally sourced wool, hand woven, Oriental rug. I say he is flipping me off. What's a hipster to do?

  78. Dear Mr. Anonymous 6:22 pm --

    I posed your question to my dog and he responded:

    "Excellent question. It's a common misperception that destructive canine behavior is a challenge to your alpha dog status. In fact, your four legged friend is merely adding to the value of your floor covering by distressing it in an organic and authentic manner. Think of it as the extra value inherent in a pair of pre-washed Levi's. It's just like that. But without the washing part.

    "As for what you should do, Cheetos are always an appropriate way to say 'thank you'. That and not raising a fuss when he and his buddies clean out the fridge and leave a few spills in the course of their weekly Poker Night.

    "Thank you for your inquiry."

    (I can't believe he got fired from his advice column gig at the WSJ.)

  79. Best night ever. Minnesota vs. Duluth hockey. Only thing better would be Colorado College vs Anybody.
    Think I'll watch Slapshot and Mystery, Alaska next.

  80. ...db...i've always sensed you had exceptional qualities & now i see they're being defined... to my ears...

  81. Leroy - I know, right?? NOW who can tell me how to bet when I don't make my straight on the river?

    OHOHOH! The boy has a friend who spent this week filming the latest Cheetos commercial. It involves a Cheetopult, which of course begs the question: How far can Cheetos fly? See? If he still had his advice column, yer dog could answer all of life's most important questions.

  82. Ouch.

    Plus he probably won't tell me to ride THROUGH the trees.

    rotwashi 3471

  83. ...non sequitur - non bicycle stuff...

    ...well...danica patrick handled herself nicely at the daytona 500 today despite all the crap the naysayers have tried to heap on her...

    ...last week, the woman took the pole position in prob'ly the most misogynist form of motorsport in the world, maintained her cool through hours of idiotic bullshit interviews, keep the focus needed to race at close to 200mph for 500 miles, basically stayed in the top 10 all day whilst staying out of trouble that took out a number of top names & although she ran the last few laps in 3rd position, she got shuffled back to 8th at the finish which may be attributed to a choice of drafting partner in the run for the line...

    ...bottom line...danica ran an awesome race in my book although i'd have loved to see her win, both for herself & to shut the pieholes of all the morons who aren't willing to give her the credit she deserves...

    ...chick is a racer...fact...

    ...back to your regularly scheduled programing...

  84. watched the Goon movie on Amazon video ...thanks for the tip it was worth the .99 cents

  85. Enquiring minds want to know:
    how many of you guys out there actually use the little trap door in the front of your underpants?

  86. Century Podio.


  87. Yo BGW John Force tweeted "I get that Danica Patrick is on the ploe at Daytona but it's not like she had the Baby Jesus"....If youz guyz can banter on Hawkey then i can get some NHRA stuff in here. Deal?

    Plus the women have been killin it.

    INFO SIDEBAR!! It's a known fact in the manufacturing industy that women make better production based TIG Welders.

    WOMEN!!!!!!! Not just for breakfast....

  88. ...ya, mcfly...but women, including john forces daughters, have been accepted & killin' it in drag racing since the days of shirley 'cha cha' muldowney back in the '70's...

    ...anyway, without trying to reiterate the whole history of women in motor racing, danica patrick, whilst setting a few records this week, looks posed for a long healthy career in nascar, which is as stated, misogynist as it gets...

  89. ...babble...only 0.00043% (approximately) of the male population who wear that type of underwear EVER use the little trapdoor...

    ...too much fumbling, too much wasted time, in or out...

  90. As suspected...I was trying to figure out why they were invented in the first place.

    I guess they would come in handy on a pair of long johns.

    McFly - just don't forget we make tasty treats any time of day.
    ladyhei 6701

  91. No Babble, if John was indeed long it would be that much more problematic.

  92. BGW, I agree with your comparison of the Roosian versus Chimenese crash porn videos. Very astute.

    Polka Dot Crazy Guy? Isn't he the new head of the Republican Party?

    Oh well, 8B ggyards.

  93. Oh Snobbbbby ooooooooh deeeeeeeeee oooooooooh....??

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