Monday, January 14, 2013

This Week's Going To Be Fantastic, I Can Feel It In My Scranus!

Some people may thrive on little virtual gold stars from Strava, but for me the best rides are the ones with a compelling narrative structure, and I went on one such ride this past weekend.  Indeed, the route could have been devised by Robert McKee himself.  First we crossed the Foggy Bridge Of Mystery:

Then we passed over the Mighty Falls Of Despair:

And finally we basked in the azure splendor of the Blue Beacon of Hope:

Owww!  Talk about sitting on the fence!  [Kindly click this link now.]  Of course, as always, feel free to leave your own intriguingly disgusting theories as to why that iron rod is wearing a prophylactic in the comments section.

Speaking of the comments section of this blog, you may have noticed that in recent weeks it has become rife with what tech geeks call "spam."  This saddens me.  In "real life" I believe we should all carefully consider what we say, but on the Internet I believe there should be as few steps as possible between having an inane thought and publishing it online.  That's why I've never moderated comments or required logins or anything like that.  Sure, some bloggers like to sit around plucking and preening their comment sections like Mario Cipollini tending to his pubic hair, but I prefer Internet interaction to be wild and woolly, and to reflect sort of a 1970s personal grooming (or lack thereof) sensibility.

Also, I'm lazy as fuck.

Nevertheless, it's gotten to the point that the sheer volume of spam has become onerous, so by way of doing something I've switched on this thingy that makes you type in characters to prove you're not a robot.  Hopefully it works and it isn't too tedious, and of course if you've got any better ideas I'd love to hear them, but I'm telling you right now they better be very easy to implement because I didn't become a bike blogger in order to work.

No, I became a bike blogger in order to get a free Scattante, which is why I should have quit years ago.

The other thing that sucks about spam is that it winds up on old posts too.  Sure, I could close the comments after a certain amount of time, but the fact is that people still weigh in with important insights months or even years after a post is published.  For example, I was manscaping the comments section for spam this morning when I noticed a comment from yesterday on a post about top tube pads from 2007:

Anonymous said...

Not sure anyone mentioned protecting your top tube against dings on parking meters & bike racks? Seems obvious.

JANUARY 14, 2013 AT 3:23 AM

Nothing more heartwarming than an earnestly condescending comment about a trend that's been over for at least four years now.

Anyway, this whole spamming saga (when you're a blogger with no real job dealing with spam actually qualifies as a "saga") has brought me to an important realization, which is this:

If you could remotely kill a spammer with the click of a mouse I wouldn't hesitate to do it.

However, if after clicking the mouse there was a pop-up that said, "Warning: Killing this spammer will also cause his entire family to starve to death.  Do you want to continue?," I would not.  Instead, I'd just call out, "Honey, I have Cheetos all over my fingers.  Can you just hit this enter key for me?"  That way, I didn't do it and she didn't know, and everybody's happy.  (At least everybody who matters.)

So basically, I have no problem with my actions resulting in awful things happening to people, just as long as there's a middleman.  That's why I buy gasoline and Apple products.

Meanwhile, remember how disc brakes were supposed to be the new awesome thing for cyclocross?  Well, it turns out they're not, at least when it's muddy:

Which isn't really a problem, since cyclocross races very rarely involve mud--just like professional road racing team presentations rarely involve bad taste:

In true Hollywood fashion, the team, which included home favourite Ted King, Damiano Caruso and neo-pro Guillame Boiwin, entered the fray from a hummer limo, making their way to the auditorium via a black carpet.

Was this a team presentation or a Long Island prom?  I'm amazed that in 2013 companies are still launching professional bike racing teams with such fanfare. If anything, I'd think they'd want to let the teams pass unnoticed, like a fart on an airplane.  Plus, between all the doping scandals and the fact that it was the same weekend as the Golden Globes it's hard to imagine that any media in Los Angeles would come out to see a bunch of European men in sickly green Lycra.  I'm even more amazed that Ivan Basso is still racing at all, and apparently even he was embarrassed to be there:

Either that or it gets very cold in Los Angeles.

I wonder if Basso is part of that "new era of transparency" all the teams are talking about these days.  You may recall that years back Basso was suspended not for doping but for "attempting to dope," and I'm not sure how it's possible to fail at doping when your own sister is a drug dealer:

(Ivan Basso's sister being transparent.)

That's like failing to get groped at a Mario Cipollini training camp:

(Taking one for the team.)

Or like failing to get stoned while hanging out with Woody Harrelson--who, I was surprised to learn, is also a cyclist.  As it happens, I was watching an interview with him last night in which he mentioned he likes to ride his bike in New York City.  So I took to the Internet, where I discovered another older interview in which he tells an amusing antidote (that's stupid for "anecdote") to David Letterman about engaging in some Cat 6 racing antics and then crashing into a tree:

I was entertained until I actually saw Harrelson's bike, which retroactively ruined the story:

That's like replacing the car in "Bullitt" with a Hyundai.



  2. Damn those videos!

  3. I'd make podium if all I had to do was sit around and surf the web

  4. I too am lazy as fuck.

  5. Toppus tennus!

  6. More footage of Woody on a bike, from his weird 2004 documentary:

  7. The blue condom is so that if you fall on the fence, you won't be killed by an STD.

    Let's see if I'm a robot...

  8. Oops, got caught up in the new anti-spam procedures and lost the wheel of the commenter before me.

    Where the hell am I going to go now for info on where to but Dre Beats headphones for cheap?

    The new procedure looks like the ticket you get in the mail with the picture of your license plate if the traffic camera catches you speeding.

  9. The blue railing condom is for all of the poor suckers who DIDN'T wake up next to an infinitely bangable body this morning.


    If you can't ride your way to orgasm first thing Monday morning, then at least sitting on the fence just got a little more interesting....

  10. "suyoutu" yourself!

  11. I am not a robot. Seriously, if I'm going to be interrogated like this, I'm going to start selling stuff. Or not. Must really mess up the podium race and for that reason alone it's totally worth it. Third! Oh, WTF, 19th?

  12. To steal from Ron White:

    If I knew the difference between an antidote and an anecdote, little Timmy would still be alive today...

  13. Top 25! Rollin down the hill.

  14. I also hate the fuzzy letters in the nonsense words. My eyesight is feeble enough without having to decipher what appears to be a physician's handwriting in order to leave a meaningless comment on a bike blog.

  15. ...and ironically, it took three attempts at deciphering to post that last comment...

  16. Cipo Brand Ejaculation, accept no substituteJanuary 14, 2013 at 1:35 PM

    If you had removed the blue condom engraved to the post was "Cipo Was Here".

  17. Spam? I never eat the stuff without a prophylactic.


  18. Captchas are better than spam, but they both suck. Flense the spammer's entire family.

  19. smurf dick on a pungi stick

    farts on a plane. the movie is in production.

    and it is cold in LA - high 40s. that's like freezing.


  20. It really IS cold in LA right now! It was 33 degrees this morning, which is like -22 in New York.

  21. Oh, that Basso is a BEAUTIFUL..Wow. If you’re a hipster in New York, start getting the EPO out and throw it around the back yard with pops!...

  22. WTF.. I now have to prove I'm not a robot? But I am a robot (anatomically correct).


  23. It's really cold everywhere... our morning commute was a mess with black ice all over town -

    I fell within two blocks of home, and skidded for twenty feet, as if I were on an ice rink.

    And apparently, I AM a robot.

  24. @wishiwasmerckx Or is it ironic that thought you had pointed out an irony, but actually had not?

  25. I am not a robot. Nothing to say though.

    The weather and US/everywhere else conversions qualify as nothing, therefore:

    It was plus 13 here yesterday in Toronto which was, I don't know, maybe fifty something in your quaint system of measurement.

  26. the race has slowed to a crawl as the finish line is fuzzy.

    must reload page. 9942 equjoi

  27. Me likey. Fencing is my new hobby. I am going to smurf that fence until the wraught iron base is rusty.

  28. Well this is odd.

    My dog has been waving his paws and shouting "Danger Will Robinson" all morning.

    I wouldn't mind the cheesy impression, but he's been dropping little batteries on the carpet.

  29. Careful Babble that's what took out Cliff Burton.....

  30. I was flying back from San Francisco on the germ tube last week and the only movie option possible was Premium Rush.

    Thank God for Air Canada barf bags... I held it in until those memorable lines, "...take off dem brakes..dat shit is dangerous".

    Gotta love the premise that bike couriers are really geniuses making a moral lifestyle decision and they could be brain surgeons if they wanted to. In a few years, I expect my urologist to have a face tattoo of a Campy chainring.

    Oh, and bike couriers can afford Parlees. Pass the bag.

  31. It was plus 13 here yesterday in Toronto which was, I don't know, maybe fifty something in your quaint system of measurement.

    That's 3 1/32 Hogsheads, minus a rod and a quarter.

  32. these captchas are as fuzzy as a lopsided magic 8 ball icosahedral die !

    ateorun 2144

  33. Great, my dog saw Commie Canuck's comment and decided he needed a new schtick.

    Now he's asking me if my favorite movie is "I Row Butt."

    I have no idea what he means by that.

    Sometimes I wish he would stop chasing schticks.

  34. I was afraid that link after the condom was going to take me to that video of that woman who happily rides her bike with a dildo for a seat.

  35. When it cums to the male female writhe in the primordial ooze fest I much prefer female reCUMbent!

  36. @Babble, it is 33C down here just north of Rio, skid 36,750,000 more feet and you will be here!

  37. Mon-Fri 9 to 6...can't disprove I'm a robot.

  38. i'm not much into munching carpet, but basso's sister is like a Cat 1 super hottie i might make an exception for. or five times. however many she needs.

    my secret fuzzy code was: irelaliz 44.

  39. nice, croton-on-hudson. good riding up there.

  40. These capchas will bring a whole new dimension to the podium race.

    Is wearing reading glasses considered doping? How about those big magnifying glass visor things that make everything look 10x bigger?

  41. Hugh Jackman made a remark about having his bike wheels stolen outside his audition for Les Mis last night at the GGs.
    He also forgave the thief but that might be due to his experiences as Jean Valjean

  42. JimBoner... Gimme a minute, I'll be right there.


    If only the conditions weren't muddy, then those bikes would have better brakeen. Organizers should work more in tandem with Idus Try to stop the rampant failures of new design and subsequent job loss.

  44. ok, I give up: why IS that iron rod wearing a prophylactic in the comments section?

  45. My robot has cheetos on its fingers

  46. Breaks are for woosies.

  47. These are not the droids you're looking for.

  48. Spam-filtering BSYNC comments is exactly like dope testing at Gran Fondos!

  49. Cantilevers get clogged with mud. Discs apparently sometimes devour their pads in a single lap.

    Clearly, the next trend to start in 3 or so years will be the introduction of drum brakes to cyclocross racing.

  50. Doesn't mud get on the rims too? Why would that be any more of a problem for disc brakes than for rim brakes? If muddy or wet rims/discs are such a big problem, maybe they should all ride Dutch bikes with drum brakes. It would be hilarious watching someone try to run with a 100lb bike, like the start of the cycling portion of a triathlon.

    Also, the first part of my CAPTCHA here isn't even a word. It's a photo with a non-letter symbol in it. WTF?

  51. Apparently our robot overlords accept "4" as an answer to "what is the number in the photo with no numbers in it" question.

  52. Anon@3:02:

    Damnit! You stole my joke! Is this the commenting equivalent of losing a cat 6 race?

  53. snobby - considering that you've sired at the minimum 17 offspring, I'm wondering if you were more intrigued simply by the existence of this so-called "prophylactic" than you were in its rather precarious predicament. The color indicates that this is likely the once-sterile hospital-issue cover for a rectal probe - typically used in "alien abductions."

  54. The only thing I can think of is the soil was some sort of silt (i.e., grit that is finer than sand) that was perfectly formulated to eat away disk pads.

    I assume some bearded dude on a fixie won.

  55. W. Harrelson please report to Helment Crime Correctional Facility Poughkeepsie immediately to begin your period of incarceration.

  56. ...just to prove i'm not a robot, i'd like to point out that "...type the two words..." is grammatically incorrect...

    ...we are being asked to deal with a jummble of closely clustered computer generated letters preceeded or followed by a group of fuzzily foto-ed numbers...

    ...i felt that should be made clear...'that' being my point but obviously not the numbers n' letters...

    ..."2453 jamentw"...just sayin'...

  57. Billy the pads wear much quicker than rim-actuated because the friction point is MUCH closer to the axle and therefore requires much greater force, or sanding action in this case.

  58. Oh, that recumbabe is a BEAUTIFUL..Wow. If you’re a hipster in New York, start getting the recumbent out and throw it around the back yard with pops!...

  59. I talk like Brent Musberger now. Like, all the time.

    spianim 5 -WTF.

  60. They think a computer can outsmart me, Dave... suck it bitches.

  61. I just typed in the symbols with my robotic nipples.

  62. Why a BLUE condom? Why? Was it sticky? Did you check?
    Is there a connection to Hairy Vagina Balls?
    Fuck it, I'm goin' ridin'.

  63. the basis for the old "...hundred monkeys theorem..." roughly states that "... if you left a hundred monkeys in front of a hundred typewriters for a hundred years eventually you’d manage to get a Shakespearean sonnet..."...

    ...going with that basic premise, i'm waiting for an interesting & logical, if not enlightening post at some point from the computer generated anti-spam procedural...

    "...4340 acliar..." - nah, not so much...

  64. ...because the friction point is MUCH closer to the axle and therefore requires much greater force, or sanding action in this case.

    That's what she said.

  65. I tried that monkeys thing at our primate facility with 250 monkeys over three years. All I got was the screenplay to Premium Rush.

    Stupid monkeys.

  66. The ironic thing is while Blogger checks for robotic comments, no one notices that Snob was out-sourced to a cubicle in Mumbai three weeks ago. his real name is Chavpreet Anapanthararaynamanan.



  68. Is wearing reading glasses considered doping? How about those big magnifying glass visor things that make everything look 10x bigger?

    The BSNYC Maillot Jaune.

  69. ..."...premium rush.,.."...two thumbs up...

    ...that's for commie canuks comment, not the movie...sheesh...

    ...'360 fternsr'...360 is a nice 'round' number, so, hmmm, i wonder if the rest is some sorta code ???...

  70. Three Laws of Robotics:
    1. A robot may not injure a human being or, through inaction, allow a human being to come to harm.
    2. A robot must obey orders given it by human beings except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
    3. A robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

  71. Cat6 Rapha Clad TridorkJanuary 14, 2013 at 4:04 PM

    The Brooks Pickwick ...

    What better apparatus in which to store one's douche' implements.

  72. Thank God you got rid of those spammers. Bastards have been making my life a living hell. So I'm here to say don't bother looking for my fucking web site, I don't have one. I run a goddamn store on a goddamn street, just off Main downtown. Do I got Louboutins and Blahniks? Fuck yeah. And Keds. And this trendy Ecco shit and some Italian brands you never heard of. So get off the computer and get your lazy ass down here and buy some fucking shoes.

  73. I'm not a robot. Living tissue over a metal endoskeleton. I'll be baaack.

  74. I may be square, but I'm not a robot.

  75. Dearest Mr. Shoe,
    What do you have that's SPD compatible?

  76. Mr. Shoe, that is the most eloquent thing I've read today. I couldn't agree more about the spammers and how they've hurt our businesses. Yes, I sell Mont Blancs, but I'll also steer you toward an Esterbrook, or Sheaffer, or Waterman, if that's your budget. Osmiroid is an affordable choice for those who like a distinctive hand. I too have no website, so please stop in. And if I see the guy from the headphone shop, I'll tell him about your comment.

  77. ...btw, babble on...sorry to hear you hit the ice this morning, amiga... wasn't a subconcious tribute to nhl hockey training camps opening yesterday & today, was it ???...

    ...whilst everyone else practiced in training facilities, the edmonton oilers pulled of a great promotional coup for their fans by holding their first practice back on an outside rink in just jerseys, jeans, skates, sticks & (wait for it) - toques...

    ...hate the business, love the game...

    ...just sayin', eh ???...

  78. Every fucking shoe I sell is compatible with platform pedals. Every one. You want to drill holes in it and put cleats in, knock yourself out.

    Pen World, thanks. I'm kind of a Bic guy, but I'll keep you in mind.

  79. Funny thing is, last night my lady friend called me a robot.

    I'm proving her wrong right now. She may or may not accept this as proof though.

    beep! - 2 lyishir - beep.

  80. Ivana Basso ...

    tighter than a snare drum head.

  81. babble, sorry about the spill.

    For winter riding, consider studded tires.

    Everyone else, feel free to commence with studded tire jokes.

    bgw, I second that sentiment. Drop. The. Puck.

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. Is it just an Urban Myth that if you don't get the captcha right after the third try the next thing that happens is Sarah Conner knocks on the door of your trailer? The reason I am asking is it took me four trys to get this comme...

  84. I was also worried about ramifications for the race for the podium, but it doesn't seemed to have slowed down the volume of nonsense here.
    Thank goodness.

  85. Still....can't...spell....

    Mr shoe - yes, but are every one of your platform shoess compatible with clipless pedals? Cause if not, then really you ought to have a conversation with Jimmy Choo.

    Yes, there are studded tires somewhere in the man's parts bins... I know he has a pair on his throw-away commuter.

    I like my studs between the sheets. There... it begins.

  86. ..."...Funny thing is, last night my lady friend called me a robot..."...


    ...signed: clongta 51...

  87. Hey Snob, who'd you steal those first 2 pics from? We all know by now your feeble flip-phone pic skillz. Has your many Brett TTRFFTPTD references gotten you a discount at istockphoto?

    I enjoyed Letterman's knee-jerk "Were you wearing a heelment?" question.

    I am not a robot, nor can I even do The Robot.

  88. BGW. Yes the Oilers had a "shinny" game at a local outdoor skating venue but I kind of lost that lovin feelin this morning when it was described on the radio as an "impromptu" game. Blatant display publicity mongering in my opinion.

  89. ..."...Still....can't...spell.........every one of your platform shoess..."...

    ...yep...second try...that musta been quite a tumble n' slide you took this morning , b...

  90. Nah, I just completely suck at spelling.

  91. ...@ boys on the hoods...ya, i know what 'cha mean but it was an 'attempt' by the local pros, ya ???...

    ...face it...the owners only allowed this to end now because they were so aware of the ill will created that if they waited 'til next season to come back, fans would leave a lotta empty seats all next year...

    ...this way, they lose out to some partially filled barns this year but they know, we, being hockey fans, pissed as we are, will be back in droves next year...

    ...i mean, fuck, dude, we're hockey fans, right ??? game in sports...

  92. Babble On,
    If the Choo fits, ...

  93. ...babble on, i tease, luv, i tease...

    ...i gotta check myself all the time 'cuz i use so many abbreviations & made up words, i hate to spell the real ones wrong...

  94. Esteemed Commenter DaddoOneJanuary 14, 2013 at 5:48 PM

    That's not Cheetos.

    icoloya (WTF? is that) 1137?

  95. Whilst riding in ny, Woody left the unused blue franger because is was far too large. He couldn't even get the creases out of it. He road away in emasculated disgust on his girly 'dale.

    Fucking anti-robot thing had me contemplating a Deckard moment.

  96. Dam it snobby! Riding all up in my back yard all the time now!

    Keep your head up, those hanging cables at each end can pop out of the mist if you are gapeing away!

    But seriously, if you are going to keep riding up here, I'm going to have to give you the grand tour!

    Fergie the Highwheeler

  97. i'll tell you what happened to the spammers...

    I happened to them that is what. I kicked their little asses.

    if you want to know where the fight went down, it was at mcdonalds. The north mcdonalds, right there on Federalsburg Street.

    1220 Usuppn. Usuppn? that actually sounds like something.

  98. Yes, I caught that you were jesting, thanks. I still suck at spelling.

    Fortunately, sucking isn't all bad.

  99. I most enjoyed the retro link to the free bike piece. Though I got tangentially lost. Links inside links make me, well, disoriented.

    I bow towards your spam efforts. But it is the distributors of virus that I could go all Tarantino on, even if they had families. We don't want those progeny moving on.

    See today's story from Kapersky on the network malware called Red October. (Just google it, damn it.)


  100. I heard about the Red October attacks... it's Flame on EPO.

  101. Hey Flammer, no matter how much attention you give your blowup doll, it will never be an early '80s Sean Young.

    tersya 4721

  102. Nebraska Bike Commuter (non DWI edition)January 14, 2013 at 7:55 PM

    Friggin' cold this morning, but last week's thaw took care of the street glaciers, so it's bike to work day again.

  103. Just tryin' this outJanuary 14, 2013 at 8:57 PM

    workemy 614

  104. outbue 909

  105. eeryingg 4128

  106. The King of Park SlopeJanuary 14, 2013 at 9:14 PM

    I am not a robot ... I am a human being!

  107. Why does blogger believe that robots can't decipher their word art?

    The art says 1531 IsEnde

    Then it says "Type the two words:"
    There are two words in the above sample, "Is" and "End." I am certain if I typed those two words as per the instructions, I would not be able to post this comment. Therefore, I will type what the two groups of characters are instead.

    So am I a robot? Or am I a human who ignores the directions and does it the way I want to.

  108. Actually I'm an androidJanuary 14, 2013 at 9:58 PM

    I always wear a prophylactic in the comments section. Doesn't everyone?

  109. Today's podium finishers drug test results have just come in. To save embarrassing anyone I will only be announcing those who tested negative. No one tested negative today.

  110. Dave, are you still there Dave?

  111. Snob, we're all so faithful to your blog and your blog only, this whole capcha thing is a totally new thing to us that we've never seen before so you'll have to excuse our incredulity at this novel invention, in this, the year of our Lob, 2000. Wait, what? Capchas have been around for thirteen years? They're not this new thingy exclusive to the BSNYC blog? Well, at least some of the spammers will be blocked. This according to that online user generated encyclopaedia.

    In February 2008, it was reported that spammers had achieved a success rate of 30% to 35%, using a bot to respond to CAPTCHAs for Microsoft's Live Mail service[21] and a success rate of 20% against Google's Gmail CAPTCHA.[22] A Newcastle University research team has defeated the segmentation part of Microsoft's CAPTCHA with a 90% success rate, and reported that this could lead to a complete crack with a greater than 60% rate.

    2242 yilyiel (4th time's 1.33 charms?) I hate these things.

  112. ...interesting !!!...i remembered all the numbers that came up on captcha everytime i posted today & used them sequentially on the keypad at my bank...

    ...can you say " transfer..." ???...

    ...can you say "...lucked out..." ???...

    ...turns out, vito had a loaded savings account that emptied itself into the bgw checking account... me "...royal flush..."...

  113. This comment has been removed by the author.

  114. ...jeez, babble...ihope that wasn't a 'royal flush' toilet joke that you felt you had to delete...

    ...just sayin'...

    ...i got 'geasho 99' for my captcha...i was hoping for gretzky 99...damn...

  115. Dave's not here, man.

  116. I have to prove that I'm not a robot? Fuck... that's really deep.

    Oh, you don't mean philosophically, no worries, I've deposited a urine sample in my computer's disc tray, ready to be uploaded to your Blogger brand blogging station for analysis.

    Sorry. I know my comment is just more of the same. In fact, I estimate 87.534% unoriginal. I think it's time for some standby.

    I mean shut down.

    I mean sleep. Sleep is what my aching transistors need.

    By the way, I enjoyed the narrative structure of Robert McKee's Wikipedia page.


  118. Ce - +1

    Lob - nah, just fuck it.

    BGW - nah, the man went to post something about C3PO v Cipo, but instead of posting under his moniker it came up under mine, so he gave it up and went to bed.

    I happily and enthusiastically joined him.

    Woke this morning to find a nasty-assed bruise coming out on my hip after yesterdays slide down Maple St.

    You'd think after ALL these years, and ALL this practice, that I could figure out how to fall without hurting myself.

    Oh, and this is a good one -
    12 analoria

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. anyone recognise the Foggy Bridge Of Mystery and the Mighty Falls Of Despair? Looks like a good ride. I'll skip the Blue Beacon of Hope though. Thanks

  121. The Mighty Falls of Despair looks like Kensico Dam, Westchester County.

  122. Croton Dam, Croton Ny.
    I'd like to meet Basso's sister there.

  123. Croton Dam, actually. Glad to see BS is exploring the Aqueduct trail's many interesting features. For those who don't know, the OCA trail crosses through many back yards, sometimes within a few feet of homes, making it second only to the Highline in peeping Tom opportunities on public land. I await his report on the habits, tastes and manners of the many homeowners whose lives are laid bare.

  124. Dear Wildcat,
    I have done a vast amount of doping, but I have never been hooked on anything as hard core as you.I go through painful withdrawl at the end of every week, knowing it will be at least two days before I get my next bike snob fix.
    Sure, I can, and do read your old posts, but that is like smoking resin when you run out of the Wednesday weed.Yeah, it will get you by, but it's not nearly as satisfying as the real thing.
    It would be awesome if I had a couple nuggets of bike snob to get me through this long weekend.
    Could you help me out, I'm already jones'n.
    your faithful reader

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