Monday, January 28, 2013

It's Not The Size Of The Commute, It's What You Do With It That Counts

(Who's the dorky time-traveling Fred who's a sex machine to all the chicks?  [Bret!]  You're damn right.)

Hi!  Welcome to [insert blog name here].  Today's post is pretend-sponsored by Miller's Honey, the world's first all-natural taintally-applied all-in-one energy food and chamois cream!  It's the perfect goop for that "epic" ride--and speaking of epic riding, this past Sunday, the New York Times explored the strange and expensive world of Long Distance Fred Commuting:

If you're excited by lengthy descriptions of Freds sensually donning hundreds of dollars of technical garments then read on:

Having sheathed his legs in NASA-worthy Capo bib shorts — woven from high-tech fibers that compress leg muscles to minimize fatigue — he pulled on a pair of winter cycling tights lined with fleece from the waist to the thighs. Next came over-the-calf Smartwool ski socks under Sidi Genius 5.5 shoes strategically packed with chemical toe warmers. To shield his torso, he wore a wool base layer under an Italian long-sleeve racing jersey, and a windproof vest reinforced in front to block freezing gusts and meshed in the back to vent excess heat. On his head, an Assos Fuguhelm racing cap with vents on top to minimize sweating, and a pair of Oakley Jawbones sunglasses. The final touch: a pair of $19 insulated work gloves, coated with beeswax to make them water resistant.

Fastening his helmet, Mr. Edstrom stepped outside and into early-morning indigo. In a minute he was rolling down the driveway of his snow-covered Cape-style house, his headlights aglow, on a 40-mile journey to his workplace, JPMorgan, at One Chase Manhattan Plaza, a trip he would make entirely on a Zanconato cyclocross bicycle.

That passage was an excerpt from the upcoming erotic novel, "Fifty Shades of Fred," which will be published by Rodale in Spring of this year.

Certainly a 30-mile commute can be a good way to squeeze in those winter base miles, though I'm not sure why you'd elect to do it on a folding bike:

The second query was from Scott Bernstein, an electrophysiologist and assistant professor at New York University School of Medicine, who commutes 30 miles on a collapsible bike from his home in Tarrytown to his office at NYU Langone Medical Center at First Avenue and 34th Street.

“As long as it’s at least 10 degrees, I ride,” Dr. Bernstein said.

I realize that boasting about your temperature threshold is an essential part of Long Distance Fred Commuting, but if I had to commute from Tarrytown to 34th Street and it was 10 degrees outside I'd collapse the shit out of that bike and ride the Metro North instead.  What does he do when it's actually warm outside?  How does he prove himself then?  Does he ride his folding bike while wearing nothing except a Terry bolero like some sort of Naked Matador of Smugness?

(Forwarded to me by a reader.)

Then again, he is a man of science, so he might just mean 10 degrees Celsius, in which case big freaking deal.

Speaking of thresholds, by now you've no doubt seen the "bicycle barometer:"

The bicycle barometer takes data about the weather, the status of the tube lines I use to get to work, and whether my local station is open or shut.

It then reduces all that data down to a single value and displays it on a dial with a bike sign at one end and a tube sign at the other.

Meanwhile, a similarly clever Portland bike commuter has created a "smugness assist" that actually pats you on the back as you ride, and you can see his invention here.  He's also working on a dynamo hub that powers a handlebar-mounted speaker which constantly reminds you of how special you are.  Expect the Kickstarter fundraising campaign soon.

Anyway, I enjoyed the Long Distance Fred Commuting article, and perhaps one day the New York Times will explore an even more ridiculous group of commuters--people who travel to work in Manhattan via car.


In other New York City-related news, a mass email I received from some guided tour company declares the Brooklyn Bridge to be the 8th most romantic spot in New York City:

If your idea of romance is having "Stay out of the bike lane!" shouted at you by an endless procession of self-important brownstone-dwelling bicycle commuters then by all means, grab the old ball and chain and shuffle on up there.  And if you're wondering what the number one most romantic spot in New York City is, it's apparently the whispering gallery at Grand Central:

As for the most popular romantic utterance in the whispering gallery, it's a tie between "Will you marry me?" and "I have a boner," though if you listen closely you might get to hear Toronto mayors Robs Fords opining about "Orientals:"

The afore-linked article was forwarded to me by a reader, and while I've enjoyed following Fords' exploits over the years I have to admit that I'm totally over them now that Gawker has picked up on them.  In this sense Robs Fords are the fixie bike of shitty mayors, so naturally I will now move on to the cyclocross bike of shitty mayors, whoever that might be.

Of course, any fashion-conscious cyclist knows that cyclocross bikes are also passé.  Indeed, the real bike of the moment is the "fat bike," and here is one that was spotted recently by a reader in Michigan:

Carrying a snow bike on a convertible is like wearing one of those crazy Russian fur hats with a pair of flip flops.  In this case it seems like it would make more sense to use the bike to carry the car.

Lastly, there's apparently a group of people out there who are more dorky than cyclists, and they're called the "preppers:"

It's tempting to think that cyclists would make good preppers, since few modes of transportation are more efficient or less dependent on a functioning infrastructure than the bicycle.  However while this may be true of the bicycles, it is not true of cyclists, and any attempt at post-apocalyptic survival would be doomed by endless debates about appropriate post-nuclear tire pressure or whether disc brakes or rim brakes are better suited to loaded fleeing.

We are so screwed.


  1. Replies
    1. 1st non-doping commenter. In your face all you doping frauds!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Panda derived bamboo extract chamois cream for the discerning velo bib 40 mile each way commutee.

  3. TOP THING! stormqueen

  4. I hate to disagree with one of my gurus, but by definition, anyone commuting * 30 freaking miles on a daily basis* is not a Fred.

    If ever there were a justified use of high-tech clothing, this is a case.

    Fredism, at least in my book, requires unjustifiably expensive equipment or kit. If you actually use the fuck out of said equipment or kit, you are not a Fred.

    (Although using a folding bike for this is just plain stupid, and therefore, slightly Fredly.)

    1. Riding a bike that is expensive for expensive sake is what makes him a Fred

  5. You are very, very special.

    ribinedy 11669

    bring it!

  6. Comment deleted,

    It's not meant to be taken literally, it refers to any manufacturer of dairy products.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  7. Yes, I'm also surprised that a bicycle, especially a folding one, isn't on the survival list. Though I'm sure that's sort of covered if you have item #36 and use item #9 as a 'convincer'.

  8. Top twenty. Had to wait for the bridge to open.

  9. Oh, blessed are the *cheesemakers*! I get it now.

  10. Friday: that Dutch lady with the knockers - now that's my idea of a re-cum-babe :)

  11. Bender Bending RodríguezJanuary 28, 2013 at 1:10 PM

    Bite my shiny metal ass!

  12. I'd like to see internet seminars by people who commute 40 miles a day in the snow. We'll call it the Fred Talks.

  13. There can be no arguement. The 650b is the appropriate post-appocalypse wheelsizeway.

  14. More Robba quotes:

    Gridlock creates pollution. It keeps you away from your families.

    - Rob Ford Campaign Video, September 7, 2010

    Cyclists are a pain in the ass.

    - City council debate on Jarvis Street improvements, May 25, 2009.

    The purpose of marathons is to create revenue for charities.

    - Campaign Video, February 4th,2010

    I admit I’m not a smooth talker, a polished speaker. But a lot of people like that. As soon as you’re a smooth talker, something’s fishy.

    - Maclean’s, October 12,2010

    I’m a huge fan. Don [Cherry] is exactly what you see is what you get.

    -Toronto Star, December 7, 2010

    "What I compare bike lanes to is swimming with the sharks. Sooner or later, you're going to get bitten. And every year we have dozens of people that get hit by cars or trucks. Well, no wonder. Roads are built for buses, cars and trucks. Not for people on bikes. And my heart bleeds for them when I hear someone gets killed, but it's their own fault at the end of the day."

    "If you're not doing needles and you're not gay, you won't get AIDS, probably."

    "Do you want your little wife to go over to Iran and get raped and shot?"

    "I don't understand. No. 1, I don't understand a transgender, I don't understand, is it a guy dressed up like a girl or a girl dressed up like a guy? "

    Robba, figure it out before you hand over the money.

  15. cristobol de Santa CruzJanuary 28, 2013 at 1:20 PM

    The snow bike on a convertible is akin also to UGG boots and a Brazilian bikini. It can also be traced to the same logic as the famous mullet (a.k.a hockey cut, schlong etc.), business in front party in the back as well as the mesh jersey and crotchless panties. Looking to the future, it is the same idea as bringing your digital road maps via your kindle to a post apocalypse soiree.

  16. Riding imaginary bikes at a car show. The Ultimate Freds.

  17. John Allis, who is anything but a fred (US road champion in 1974, among many other wins), reputedly used to commute 40 miles each way to his job as a hospital administrator - and no doubt at a brisker pace than that Christian Edstrom guy! Allis was also known for always training in full cold-weather clothing (long-sleeved jersey, knickers, etc.), even in hot weather, so the cold-morning prep would have been no big deal for him.

  18. The Fredliness is there all right: it hasn't occurred to him to use oh, I don't know, a touring bike with panniers and mudguards.

  19. I am a loner dotie. A rebel:

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Chemical toe warmers?

    Get back with me when you pick up some Chemical brain warmers.

    Plus the test subjects name is Edstrom...which means he is of Nordic descent and probably comfortable freezing his ass off.

  22. I don't know, cycling 40 miles to work in the winter in NYC seems kind of bad ass to me? On the other hand waking up at 5:30AM to do so is questionable.

  23. Fastening his helmet, Mr. Edstrom stepped outside and into early-morning indigo. After breathing in the cold air and looking off into the distance, he said: screw this shit. From now on it's bed, bong and daytime TV.

  24. Don't knock the fatbike/snowbike until you've ridden one. I test rode one last summer as a joke, and ended up buying it ten minutes later. For me, I was reminded how much fun riding should be. Granted, it sucks on pavement, but it owns the trails. Lots of funny looks too. Oh, did I mention dog walkers, hikers and strollers? Yeah, they get the fuck out the way. Without being asked or ringing a stupid bell. And thats when Im cumming up behind.

  25. Oh wow it only took 33 comments before the Fatbike Defense Strategy reared its'........fathead.

  26. I think babble would look fine in Ugg boots and a brazillian bikini.

  27. Folding bike Fred rides the bike while still folded in the summer.

  28. Don't call me stupid. Ding.

  29. Jed: where was the fatbike "knocked"?

  30. Naked matador of smugness. Can I nominate the Nippolini model from Friday to try out for this role?

  31. Hey Snob,

    I liked your folding bike review in the latest Bicycling™ Magazine.


  32. I wonder if Mr. Prepper has ever gone camping...

  33. Dorky as it is, there's something hot about a bolero. How about the Brazilian bikini & bolero look?

  34. That guy's commute is 40 miles one way. 80-mile round trip: he is definitely not a Fred. Even if he dresses like one.

  35. That Old Gray Biddy is like a perennial shrub, ever yielding a bounty of unintentional hilarity. Trying their best to take the "sub" out of every subculture, and then those of us who a) know about it already, and b) therefore realize it's basically bullshit, do laaaaugh everso like the dickens. It's been a while since the last Portland blowjob though. I guess now that there's a satellite office right there in Brooklyn, they've got their own problems to deal with.

    PS I can't read the blurry-ass house numbers in these motherhumping captchaz. Are we "proving we're not robots" here, or are we proving we're fucking psychic?

  36. Maaaaaaan, work just keeps getting in the way of commenting!

    Cheers, Snob. I feel so much better now... I always thought it was all about the size, and my diddy little commute hardly measures up ...

    topafro 21054

  37. Preppers will definitely ride 650b.

  38. I've invented a similar device to that bicycle barometer. It amalgamates local weather reports with data from my primary physician and detailed records of my exercise regimen; it then factors in whatever payload I need to carry and asks a few pointed questions to assess my mental state.

    Invariably, it produces the readout: YOU SUCK!

  39. Fuck me: Fords are still mayors? WHAT DOES IT TAKE?

  40. Hey Comment deleted - neither of those guys in the Fred article do that trip every day. Both said they do it at least twice a week. Which in Fred talk means "exactly twice a week, sometimes once." So 40 miles, times 2 trips/day, times (let's just say) two round-trips/week, that's 160 miles/week. Convert that into non-woosie-riding-every-day miles, and that's 16 miles each way. NOT SO IMPRESSIVE. And yet it's actually still too goddamn far. Move closer to work. You're wasting your life commuting. Could people be more sensible please?

  41. In the winter up here in the Heartland, we just add another layer of Carhartt. If it's too cold or icy we take the day off and take the Ford F-150 to work.

  42. Rollie, I would posit that anyone doing a consistent 16 miles per day is also not-a-Fred.

    Also, let us not conflate "dork" with "Fred". There are many commuter dorks who have never given a single thought to whether glasses should go over helmet straps, yet they are not Freds, by virtue of their practical and constant use of the bicycle cycling machine.

  43. cristobol de Santa CruzJanuary 28, 2013 at 2:23 PM

    Rob Fords sporting Ugg boots, brazilian bikini, bolero and a rainbow boa, driving a Triumph TR-6 with a fat tyre folding recumbent on the back scrounging opium dens looking for a fix. I am NOT a robot!

  44. cristobol, please DO NOT use the words "Rob Fords sporting" together ever again!

  45. In Russia, snow bike carries car!!!
    - Jakov Smeernoff

  46. Where can I get a folding fat bike? Just thinking about one leaves me with a tumescent member.

  47. Try to get a 650B tube after the shit hits the fan. LOL. Wait, you were joking maybe? Right?

  48. ...holy shit !!!...i mean WOW...mikeweb wins the podium race & not one 'props'...

    ...amigo, i've got your back...feel like should toast you with a beer & it's just turning noon...

    ...but "...lost dolphin..." ???'s the ravens & the 49ers coming up...

  49. There's just so much wrong with the fat bike humping the little car picture. Maybe it's just trying to assert its dominance


  50. so does an eyetalian bikini wax include moustache removal?

  51. average people who bike 4 miles to work is not a story - crazy rich people who bike 30+ miles to work in spandex body suits IS a story (we need a picture of spandex-clad crazy person to ogle at and say "that guy is nuts"). props to nytimes for making it seem like you have to be completely insane to ride a bike.

  52. ..."...Robs Fords are the fixie bike of shitty mayors..."... 'that' made me laugh... my ol' hometown could choose to elect this fat blustering asshat defies common sensibilites ...

    ...foot in his mouth & head up his ass ALL at the same time & obviously he's still finds room to cram way too much food into his blubbery carcass... are one serious piece of work, robs fords...

  53. cristobol de Santa CruzJanuary 28, 2013 at 3:11 PM

    Comment Deleted,
    Robs Ford bearing, don, put on, clothed, have on, effect? Your right, never again. Please excuse the poor appropriation of colloquialisms, I am deeply contrite.

  54. Pro tip of the day - beeswax on your gloves! Hope it doesn't stick to my white bar tape.

  55. ...anon 3:36pm...mind your own beeswax...

  56. Prepper Freaks are just Hoarders with Guns.

  57. Maybe his name is Fred Edstrom, or maybe one of those one name people, Fredstrom.

    rtyurei 2 This is an eye test

  58. Just looked at the Zanconato web site. Handsome bikes, especially if you like the mark of Zorro, but pricy. The cross bike has a helpful bull's-eye decal on the underside of the top tube labeled "shoulder here." Couldn't see if the pedals say "feet here."

  59. I looked too. Out of my league I'm sure. It's one of those if you have to ask how much, you can't afford it kind of things. What would I know anyway, just a Fred from Bama myself.

    759 rantnai eye test

  60. Thanks for the props, bgw.

    Also, an explanation of the dolphin comment. Thought Snob might have had something to say about the poor guy...

  61. Fatbike by day, Miyata by night.

    You oughta try it.

    Sepheo 6601

  62. Mikeweb,

    Only that he shouldn't have been using Apple Maps.

    --Wildcat Rock Machine

  63. Let that be a gruesome lesson to us all.


  64. Time Magazine's Joel Stein on Lance:

    "I interviewed him at the 2000 Olympics, and my first thought was, Jerk...I don't know much about cancer, but I'm pretty sure he gave it to Sheryl Crow."

  65. I normally eschew all types of cycling buffoonery but those shoulder coolers are damn useful here in the deep south in the middle of summer, unless you like skin cancer. I take mine in a plain white, though.

  66. I got a dog
    But his name ain't Sal
    He rode 15 miles
    By the G'wanus Canal.

  67. ...sad story, mikeweb but, ya, i tend to agree with the experts...that poor guy knew his time was up or he wouldn't have been where he was...i'd think he was seeking shelter to await the inevitable but he just didn't have the energy to find a better spot...

  68. bgw, makes me think of Elvis, a little.

  69. Isn't donning all that nice cycling-specific stretchy clothing and topping it off with a pair of Cattle-Wranglin' Cowpoke Gloves a little bit like fencing with a Welding Helmeant on?

    He needs to check out what Serius has to offer.

  70. Hey, McFly, they carry XXL! Thanks, man. You don't know how long I've been looking...

  71. Doll-phin, e'rybody down.
    Doll-phin, poor thing is gonna drown.
    And you'll double guess your neighbor,
    You'll double guess your pal,
    If you've ever lost a dolphin in the G'wanus Canal.

    (Obvioulsy, it was a he. It wouldn't ask directions.)

  72. Who needs a pipeline for bitumen when you've got NY city's finest canals doing the duty?

  73. ...@ comment deleted...i hope you mean my robs fords comment 'cuz that dolphin was not wearing a cape & a rhinestone belt...

    ...just sayin'...

  74. ...whoops, touche', comment deleted...i just 'got it'...

    ...bathroom humor (again)...elvis on the throne...

  75. nope, though I do see a high probability of the Fords ending up in a similar ungraceful pose.

  76. ...perhaps without a few serious personal changes, deservedly so but hey, i'm not tryin' to play dog here..

  77. BGW - Somehow I took that (3:11 pm) to read "blueberry carcass." Mmmm... blueberry.

    ro-EE feen-YAY

  78. Jed @ 1;35: I think that you think that you are waaaaaaaay cooler than you actually are...

  79. Such is the tale of Fords
    He cares nothing for open doors

    Likewise, the dolphin perishes
    trapped in feces laden marshes

    Such is the curve of learning
    where a commuter's choice is smarting

    a folding bike and dolphin both
    poor choices in a toxic mirth

  80. A propos winter commuting, try this poem and see if you like it better:

    Spring has sprung,
    fall has fell,
    winter has come
    and it's colder than...usual.

  81. Snobbers is going overboard (in the canal with the Dauphiné?) dumping on the NY Times riders. Their out there doing it.

    They pass dogs,

    They pass Moby Dicks gridlocked in their GMC Yukon XL's,

    They pass cops sitting on stools in Dunkin Donuts,

    They pass sanitation dept vehicles (very dangerous as drivers get a free pass to kill cyclists),

    They pass the statue of Rob Fords, also dedicated to Herman Melville,

    They all end up in a heep when they see Babble on in a brazilian bikini.

  82. Give me your children so that I might nourish me own self and I will be thankful to you forever.

  83. I am almost positive that I've seen the debate about post-apocalyptic tire pressure on bikeforums.

  84. Mnlst Charles MansonJanuary 28, 2013 at 7:29 PM

    Hltr Skltr

  85. goANUS Canal PorpiseJanuary 28, 2013 at 7:32 PM


    All you haters can suck my blowhole

  86. Heres what I dont get; OK. This Fred spends big bucks on his stinky clothes and then wears work gloves. Whats with that?

  87. There was a story in the Anchorage Daly News a few years ago about a guy in Anchorage that was riding his bike to work on the bike trail and got mulled by a grizzly bear. After the mulling he got back on his bike and went to work... which was at a hospital, he was a doctor or something.

  88. you might like this minimalist home situation

    an interesting view about kickstarter

  89. should have been riding a fat bike bears hate fat bikes.

  90. ...ya, but was it a real 'bear' bear or just one a' those fat bearded gay bear guys ???...

    ...((( not that there's anything wrong with that )))...uhhh, the gay part...the 'mauling, well that part, not so much...

    ...'cuz i'm guessing the results would be different...

    ...just sayin'...

  91. CD,
    Best. Gloves. Evarrrrrr.

    That's got to be the COOLest wheelie bar I ever did see.

    And I live in Tennessee, so that's sayin' sumpin'.

  92. Anon 8:48:

    I once mulled some Christmas Wine, But I have never been mulled by a grizzly bear.

    I was once mistreated by a Kodiak Bear who took exception to the Cabernet Sauvignon I brought as a hostess gift to his little soiree. He stopped way short of a mauling. I was roughed up a little, but what are you gonna do?

    The lesson? Just because he shits in the woods, do not assume that he isn't aware that Two Buck Chuck is a shite wine.

  93. Detective Sgt. Douche'January 28, 2013 at 10:29 PM

    The gowANUS canal dolphin death is being treated as a suicide. He left a note. Something about a she sea bass from Park Slope being a total slut. Go figure.

  94. PS - The dolphin had fin tatts and a PBR tatt right below his blow hole.

  95. Fur hat and flip-flops usually means a sexy lady in a vodka ad!

    Detroit WHOOP WHOOP!

  96. Hey, maybe after Ray Lewis retires, he can start selling,


  97. A $150 Assos hat makes you a Fred (and I like Assos stuff) but please. Not to mention a crossbike with frames that start at $3K.

  98. ...wishiwasmerckx...true story - here in california (call it 'cali' & i hope a dog pees on your sidis) 'two buck chuck' ain't 2 bucks anymore...

    ...trader joe's has been selling the stuff (charles shaw - actually the bronco wine co.) @ $1.99for the last 10 years but it just upchucked the price to $2.49...'s sold 5 million cases of two buck chuck last year alone...

  99. 40 miles commute? Meh.
    As always in cycling we Belgians beat you to it:
    This guy rides 70 miles to work through the Flemish Ardennes, works as a fireman for 12h and then head back 70 miles.

  100. Bradley Cooper to play Lance Armstrong in a biopic?

    Only if Zack Galifinakis can play Dave Z.

  101. Say neo-Fred on the website.


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  111. long comment but ye read the article ??

  112. Obat Ambeien Aman Ibu Menyusui obat herbal juga sangat identik dengan harga yang lebih murah dan sangat terjangkau jika dibandingkan dengan pengobatan secara medis. Terlebih lagi sekarang banyak obat herbal yang dijual di apotek-apotek atau toko obat. , Tips Mengobati Penyakit Ambeien Wasir Tanpa Operasi Bagi penderita ambeien, mereka akan merasakan adanya ganjalan pada saat buang air besar dan berusaha mengejan sangat keras untuk mengeluarkan tinja sehingga bisa memperparah penyakit ambeien. Anus penderita ambeien juga biasanya akan terasa gatal, hal ini disebabkan virus yang menginfeksi tonjolan ambeien.
    Obat Ambeien Wasir Aman Buat Ibu Menyusui Meskipun terbuat dari abahn-bahan herbal atau alami, zat-zat baik yang terkandung di dalam bahan-bahan herbal tersebut telah dikombinasikan dengan bahan-bahan herbal lainnya agar khasiatnya semakin ampuh dan manjur. , Tips Mengobati Ambeien Wasir Akut Tanpa Operasi Gejala ambeien memang paling terasa ketika penderita sedang buang air besar, selain pendarahan dan terkadang benjolan di sekitar dubur, penderita ambeien juga akan merasakan gatal dan panas pada duburnya dan mereka sering merasa tidak nyaman pada saat buang air besar.
    Obat Wasir Aman Buat Ibu Menyusui Namun rendaman pada air hangat saja terkadang tidak cukup sehingga anda diharuskan untuk meminum obat. Agar ambeien tidak bertambah parah, sebaiknya anda memperbanyak makan makanan yang berserat sehingga memperlancar anda untuk buang air besar. , Tips Ampuh Mengobati Ambeien Wasir Tanpa Operasi Jika gejala ambeien memang sudah terasa, penderita ambeien haruslah segera mengobatinya agar ambeien tidak bertambah parah dan malah membahayakan. Saat ini sudah banyak obat ambeien yang beredar di pasaran dengan berbagai jenis dan merk. Namun tidak semua obat ambeien dapat dipercaya karena ada saja pihak yang tidak bertanggung jawab yang menjual obat ambeien yang tidak bagus.

  113. Pengobatan Kutil Kelamin Wanita Jika merasa mengalami gejala penyakit kelamin jengger ayam, lebih baik segera menghubungi ahli pengobatan penyakit kelamin Kunjungi website

    Obat Ambeien alami Untuk penderita penyakit ambeien eksternal menimbul kan beberapa masalah dan bisa sangat menyakitkan jika terkena trombosis. Sakit yang di rasakan bisa bertahan selama 2 sampai 3 hari, dan bengkak yang timbul cukup lama, bertahan selama seminggu. Selengkapnya

    Obat Wasir yang Manjur Penyebab wasir adalah mempunyai penyakit konstipasi. Serta juga ada ciri ciri penyakit wasir atau ambeien. Cara mencegah wasir ini bisa dengan melakukan kegiatan olahraga yang rutin dan teratur. Wasir ini bisa dialami oleh siapa saja, baik wanita maupun pria. Selengkapnya

    Keluar Nanah dari Kemaluan Pria Kencing nanah pada pria yang sudah bersarang di dalam prostat harus diperiksa dengan pengambilan getah prostatnya. Caranya dengan melakukan urut prostat, lalu getah yang keluar dari liang penis, dilakukan pembiakan kuman (kultur kuman). Dari situ akan ketahuan apa betul jenis kuman yang tumbuh jenis kuman kencing nanah (diplococcus) Selengkapnya

    Obat Sipilis Tradisional Sifilis adalah salah satu infeksi menular seksual (IMS). Penyebaran infeksi ini paling umum adalah melalui hubungan seksual dengan orang yang terinfeksi. Selengkapnya

    Mengatasi Kemaluan Bernanah _ Pada pria, gejala awal penyakit kencing nanah biasanya timbul dalam waktu 2-7 hari setelah terinfeksi. Selengkapnya
